(* int array with constant length *)
| TArray (basetype, (Some _ as len), _) when isIntegralType basetype ->
- let len = lenOfArray len in
+ let nr_elems = lenOfArray len in
let bitsoffset, totalwidth = bitsOffset ttype offset in
- let bitswidth = totalwidth / len (* of the element *) in
- (*if debug then (
- let name = String.concat "." (List.rev names) in
- Errormsg.log "%s: int array: %d, %d, len %d\n"
- name bitsoffset bitswidth len
- );*)
+ let bitswidth = totalwidth / nr_elems (* of the element *) in
let basetype = unrollType basetype in
let ikind =
match basetype with
| t ->
Errormsg.unimp "%a: unhandled type: %a" d_loc loc d_type t;
IInt in
- let field =
- pattern_field_of_int "" bitsoffset bitswidth ikind endian in
let fname = String.concat "_" (List.rev names) in
- let byteoffset = bitsoffset lsr 3 in
- let bytetotalwidth = totalwidth lsr 3 in
- printf "--> array %s: byteoffset=%d bytetotalwidth=%d len=%d\n"
- fname byteoffset bytetotalwidth len (* field *);
- [] (* XXX *)
+ (* If the base type is 8 bits then we always translate this to
+ * a string (whether the C type is signed or unsigned). There
+ * is no endianness in bytes so ignore that.
+ *)
+ if bitswidth = 8 then
+ [pattern_field_of_string fname bitsoffset nr_elems]
+ else (
+ (* XXX Realistically we don't handle arrays well at
+ * the moment. Perhaps we should give up and match
+ * this to a bitstring?
+ *)
+ let signed = isSigned ikind in
+ if debug then
+ eprintf "--> array %s: nr_elems=%d signed=%b\n"
+ fname nr_elems signed;
+ [] (* XXX *)
+ )
(* basic integer type *)
| TInt (ikind, _) ->
| TPtr _ ->
let bitsoffset, bitswidth = bitsOffset ttype offset in
let fname = String.concat "_" (List.rev names) in
- printf "--> pointer %s: bitsoffset=%d bitswidth=%d\n"
- fname bitsoffset bitswidth;
+ if debug then
+ eprintf "--> pointer %s: bitsoffset=%d bitswidth=%d\n"
+ fname bitsoffset bitswidth;
[] (* XXX *)
| t ->
+ and pattern_field_of_string fname bitsoffset nr_elems =
+ let _loc = camlp4_loc_of_cil_loc loc in
+ let field = P.create_pattern_field _loc in
+ let field = P.set_lident_patt field fname in
+ let field = P.set_type_string field in
+ let field = P.set_length_int field (nr_elems*8) in
+ let field = P.set_offset_int field bitsoffset in
+ field
(* Convert a CIL location into a camlp4 location. Grrr these
* should be compatible!