New API: case-sensitive-path to return case sensitive path on NTFS 3g fs
This function handles an annoyance/peculiarity of the Linux
NTFS 3g driver, which is that it exports NTFS filesystems with
names case sensitive, even though under Windows they would be
case insensitive.
This causes problems because the location of (eg.) c:\windows
might appear as /windows or /WINDOWS (etc) depending on the
inconsequential details of how it was originally created.
Example of this problem on a real Windows guest:
><fs> file /windows/system32/config/system.log
libguestfs: error: file: access: /windows/system32/config/system.log: No such file or directory
><fs> case-sensitive-path /windows/system32/config/system.log
><fs> file /WINDOWS/system32/config/system.LOG
MS Windows registry file, NT/2000 or above