Writing in Wiki

See our [[Scary monsters]] See our Scary monsters You can also link to email addresses using [[mailto:address]].
See our [[Scary monsters|big cats]] See our big cats
[[http://news.bbc.co.uk/]] http://news.bbc.co.uk/
[[http://news.bbc.co.uk/|BBC News]] BBC News
Bullets, subheadings, preformatted
Minutes of last week:
* Introductions
* Cup of tea
Minutes of last week:
  • Introductions
  • Cup of tea
Use # for numbered bullets.
= Subheading
== Subsubheading



 A space before each line
 lets you format the
 text     however    you
A space before each line
lets you format the
text     however    you
Text formatting
Did you <em>really</em> mean you drink only H<sub>2</sub>O? Did you really mean you drink only H2O? <strong> <em> <code> <sup> <sub>
<nowiki>Turns <em>off all wiki</nowiki> Turns <em>off all wiki