1 (* Goalfile dependency DAG
2 * Copyright (C) 2020 Richard W.M. Jones
3 * Copyright (C) 2020 Red Hat Inc.
5 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 * (at your option) any later version.
10 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 * GNU General Public License for more details.
15 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
16 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
17 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
25 | Goal of Ast.env * Ast.loc * string * Ast.expr list *
26 Ast.goal * Ast.expr list * string
27 | Exists of Ast.env * Ast.loc * Ast.pattern * string
29 let string_of_node = function
30 | Goal (_, _, _, _, _, _, debug_goal) -> debug_goal
31 | Exists (_, _, _, debug_tactic) -> debug_tactic
33 let compare_nodes n1 n2 =
35 | Goal _, Exists _ -> -1
36 | Exists _, Goal _ -> 1
37 | Exists (_, _, p1, _), Exists (_, _, p2, _) -> compare p1 p2
38 | Goal (_, _, n1, a1, _, _, _), Goal (_, _, n2, a2, _, _, _) ->
39 compare (n1, a1) (n2, a2)
44 let compare = compare_nodes
52 (* Edges are stored as an adjacency list, which is a map from
53 * a parent node to a list of child nodes. Note that as the
54 * graph does not need to be connected, there may be nodes
55 * in the list above which don't appear in this map.
57 edges : node list G.t;
60 type t = dag * node list
61 (* The final type is a DAG and a topologically sorted list of nodes. *)
63 (* Creates a new DAG. *)
64 let rec new_dag () = { nodes = []; edges = G.empty }
66 (* This will create a new node, unless the node already exists.
67 * If the optional parent parameter is given then it also creates
68 * an edge from parent to the new (or existing) node.
70 and add_node { nodes; edges } ?parent data =
72 try List.find (fun n -> compare_nodes n data = 0) nodes, nodes
73 with Not_found -> data, data :: nodes in
78 let children = try G.find parent edges with Not_found -> [] in
79 if List.mem node children then edges
80 else G.add parent (node :: children) edges in
81 node, { nodes; edges }
83 (* This is Khan's algorithm. *)
84 and topological_sort dag =
85 let incoming_map = incoming_map dag in
87 (* Set of all nodes with no incoming edge. *)
88 let q = List.filter (fun node -> not (G.mem node incoming_map)) dag.nodes in
90 let rec loop dag acc im = function
93 let acc = node :: acc in
94 let children = try G.find node dag.edges with Not_found -> [] in
97 fun (dag, q, im) child ->
98 (* There's an arrow from node to child. *)
101 List.filter (fun n -> compare_nodes n node <> 0) dag.nodes;
102 edges = remove_edge dag.edges node child } in
103 let im = remove_edge im child node in
104 let q = if not (G.mem child im) then child :: q else q in
106 ) (dag, q, im) children in
109 let dag, acc = loop dag [] incoming_map q in
111 if not (G.is_empty dag.edges) then
112 (* XXX More debugging to help out users! I believe the remaining
113 * edges should demonstrate the cycle.
115 failwithf "dependency graph contains cycles";
117 (* This builds the topological list in reverse order, but that's
118 * fine because that is the running order.
122 (* The dag structure has an adjacency list, which is a list of outgoing
123 * edges from each node. But for a topological sort what we actually
124 * need is another list of incoming edges, so construct that first.
126 * Note this never returns a mapping node -> [].
128 and incoming_map { edges } =
129 let im = ref G.empty in
131 fun parent children ->
134 (* There is an arrow from parent -> c. *)
135 let xs = try G.find c !im with Not_found -> [] in
136 im := G.add c (parent :: xs) !im
141 (* Remove edge from parent to child returning a new edges map.
142 * Preserves the invariant that there is never a mapping node -> [].
144 and remove_edge edges parent child =
146 let children = G.find parent edges in
148 List.filter (fun n -> compare_nodes n child <> 0) children in
149 if children = [] then
150 G.remove parent edges
152 G.add parent children edges
156 and debug_dag { nodes; edges } =
158 List.iter (fun node -> eprintf " %s\n" (string_of_node node)) nodes;
161 fun parent children ->
162 eprintf " %s ->" (string_of_node parent);
163 List.iter (fun c -> eprintf " %s" (string_of_node c)) children;
167 let rec create env roots =
168 let dag = new_dag () in
169 let dag = add_targets dag env roots in
170 if Cmdline.debug_flag () then debug_dag dag;
171 (* Make actually breaks cycles, but I'm not convinced that this
172 * is a good idea, so this function will fail if any cycle is
173 * found. We may wish to revisit this decision in future.
175 let sorted = topological_sort dag in
176 if Cmdline.debug_flag () then
177 eprintf "dependency order:\n %s\n"
178 (String.concat " <- " (List.map string_of_node sorted));
181 and add_targets dag ?parent env roots =
182 List.fold_left (fun dag root -> add_target dag ?parent env root) dag roots
184 and add_target dag ?parent env = function
185 | Ast.EGoalDefn _ | Ast.EFuncDefn _ | Ast.ETacticDefn _ -> assert false
187 (* Call a goal or function. *)
188 | Ast.ECall (loc, name, args) ->
189 let expr = Ast.getvar env loc name in
191 | Ast.EGoalDefn (_, goal) ->
192 add_goal dag ?parent env loc name args goal []
193 | Ast.EFuncDefn (_, func) ->
194 let expr = Eval.call_function env loc name args func in
195 add_target dag ?parent env expr
197 failwithf "%a: tried to call ā%sā which is not a goal or a function"
198 Ast.string_loc loc name
202 | Ast.ETacticCtor (loc, name, args) ->
203 (* All parameters of tactics must be simple constant expressions
204 * (strings, in future booleans, numbers, etc).
206 let args = List.map (Eval.to_constant env) args in
207 add_tactic dag ?parent env loc name args
209 (* If this is a goal then it's the same as calling goal(). If not
210 * then look up the variable and substitute it.
212 | Ast.EVar (loc, name) ->
213 let expr = Ast.getvar env loc name in
215 | Ast.EGoalDefn (loc, ([], _, _, _)) ->
216 add_target dag ?parent env (Ast.ECall (loc, name, []))
218 failwithf "%a: cannot call %s() since this goal has parameters"
219 Ast.string_loc loc name
221 add_target dag ?parent env expr
224 (* Lists are inlined when found as a target. *)
225 | Ast.EList (loc, exprs) ->
226 add_targets dag ?parent env exprs
228 (* A string (with or without substitutions) implies *file(filename). *)
229 | Ast.ESubsts (loc, str) ->
230 let str = Eval.substitute env loc str in
231 add_tactic dag ?parent env loc "*file" [Ast.CString str]
233 | Ast.EConstant (loc, c) ->
234 add_tactic dag ?parent env loc "*file" [c]
236 (* Add a goal by name. *)
237 and add_goal dag ?parent env loc name args
238 ((params, patterns, deps, code) as goal)
240 (* This is used to print the goal in debug and error messages only. *)
242 sprintf "%s (%s)" name
243 (String.concat ", " (List.map (Ast.string_expr ()) args)) in
244 Cmdline.debug "%a: adding goal %s" Ast.string_loc loc debug_goal;
246 (* This is the point where we evaluate the goal arguments. We must
247 * do this before creating the new environment, because variables
248 * appearing in goal arguments don't refer to goal parameters.
250 let args = List.map (Eval.evaluate_goal_arg env) args in
252 (* Create a new environment which maps the parameter names to
257 try List.combine params args
258 with Invalid_argument _ ->
259 failwithf "%a: calling goal %s with wrong number of arguments, expecting %d args but got %d args"
260 Ast.string_loc loc debug_goal
261 (List.length params) (List.length args) in
262 List.fold_left (fun env (k, v) -> Ast.Env.add k v env) env params in
264 (* Create the node. *)
266 add_node dag ?parent (Goal (env, loc, name, args, goal,
267 extra_deps, debug_goal)) in
269 (* Add all dependencies. *)
270 add_targets dag ~parent:node env (deps @ extra_deps)
272 (* Find the goal which matches the given tactic and add it.
273 * cargs is a list of parameters (all constants).
275 and add_tactic dag ?parent env loc tactic cargs =
276 (* This is used to print the tactic in debug and error messages only. *)
279 (Ast.ETacticCtor (loc, tactic,
280 List.map (fun c -> Ast.EConstant (loc, c)) cargs)) in
281 Cmdline.debug "%a: adding tactic %s" Ast.string_loc loc debug_tactic;
283 (* Find all goals in the environment. Returns a list of (name, goal). *)
285 let env = Ast.Env.bindings env in
288 | name, Ast.EGoalDefn (loc, goal) -> Some (name, goal)
291 (* Find all patterns. Returns a list of (pattern, name, goal). *)
292 let patterns : (Ast.pattern * Ast.id * Ast.goal) list =
294 (List.map (fun (name, ((_, patterns, _, _) as goal)) ->
295 List.map (fun pattern -> (pattern, name, goal)) patterns) goals) in
297 (* Find any patterns (ie. tactics) which match the one we
298 * are searching for. This returns a binding for the goal args,
299 * so we end up with a list of (pattern, name, goal, args).
301 let patterns : (Ast.pattern * Ast.id * Ast.goal * Ast.expr list) list =
303 fun (pattern, name, ((params, _, _, _) as goal)) ->
304 match matching_pattern env loc tactic cargs pattern params with
306 | Some args -> Some (pattern, name, goal, args)
311 (* There's no matching goal, but we don't need one if
312 * the tactic doesn't need to be rebuilt. So create a
313 * special Exists node which will be used to run the tactic
314 * to see if the target needs to be rebuilt, and only fail
315 * if it does need a rebuild.
317 let targs = List.map (function Ast.CString s -> [Ast.SString s]) cargs in
318 let p = Ast.PTactic (loc, tactic, targs) in
319 let _, dag = add_node dag ?parent (Exists (env, loc, p, debug_tactic)) in
322 | [_, name, goal, args] ->
323 (* Single goal matches. *)
324 add_goal dag ?parent env loc name args goal []
327 (* Two or more goals match. Only one must have a CODE section,
328 * and we combine the dependencies into a "supergoal".
330 let with_code, without_code =
332 fun (_, _, (_, _, _, code), _) -> code <> None
335 let (_, name, goal, args), extra_deps =
340 List.map (fun (_, _, (_, _, deps, _), _) -> deps) without_code
345 (* This is OK, it means we'll rebuild all dependencies
346 * but there is no code to run. Pick the first goal
347 * without code and the dependencies from the other goals.
349 let g = List.hd without_code in
352 List.map (fun (_, _, (_, _, deps, _), _) -> deps)
353 (List.tl without_code)
358 failwithf "%a: multiple goals found which match tactic %s, but more than one of these goals have {code} sections which is not allowed"
359 Ast.string_loc loc debug_tactic in
361 add_goal dag ?parent env loc name args goal extra_deps
363 (* Test if pattern matches *tactic(cargs). If it does
364 * then we return Some args where args is the arguments that must
365 * be passed to the matching goal. The params parameter is
366 * the names of the parameters of that goal.
368 and matching_pattern env loc tactic cargs pattern params =
370 | Ast.PTactic (loc, ttactic, targs)
371 when tactic <> ttactic ||
372 List.length cargs <> List.length targs ->
373 None (* Can't possibly match if tactic name or #args is different. *)
374 | Ast.PTactic (loc, ttactic, targs) ->
375 (* Do the args match with a possible params binding? *)
376 try Some (matching_params env loc params targs cargs)
377 with Not_found -> None
379 (* Return a possible binding. For example the goal is:
380 * goal compile (name) = "%name.o": "%name.c" {}
381 * which means that params = ["name"] and targs = ["%name.o"].
383 * If we are called with cargs = ["file1.o"], we would
386 * On non-matching this raises Not_found.
388 and matching_params env loc params targs cargs =
389 (* This is going to record the resulting binding. *)
390 let res = ref Ast.Env.empty in
391 List.iter2 (matching_param env loc params res) targs cargs;
393 (* Rearrange the result into goal parameter order. Also this
394 * checks that every parameter got a binding.
398 (* Allow the Not_found exception to escape if no binding for this param. *)
399 fun param -> Ast.Env.find param res
402 (* If targ = "%name.o" and carg = "file.o" then this would set
403 * name => "file" in !res. If they don't match, raises Not_found.
405 and matching_param env loc params res targ carg =
407 | Ast.CString carg ->
408 (* Substitute any non parameters in targ from the environment. *)
412 | Ast.SString _ as s -> s
414 if not (List.mem name params) then (
416 let expr = Ast.getvar env loc name in
417 match Eval.to_constant env expr with
418 | Ast.CString s -> Ast.SString s
419 with Failure _ -> raise Not_found
425 (* Do the actual pattern matching. Any remaining SVar elements
426 * must refer to goal parameters.
428 let carg = ref carg in
429 let rec loop = function
431 (* End of targ, we must have matched all of carg. *)
432 if !carg <> "" then raise Not_found
433 | Ast.SString s :: rest ->
434 (* Does this match the first part of !carg? *)
435 let clen = String.length !carg in
436 let slen = String.length s in
437 if slen > clen || s <> String.sub !carg 0 slen then
439 (* Yes, so continue after the matching prefix. *)
440 carg := String.sub !carg slen (clen-slen);
442 | Ast.SVar name :: Ast.SString s :: rest ->
443 (* This is a goal parameter. Find s later in !carg. *)
444 let i = string_find !carg s in
445 if i = -1 then raise Not_found;
446 (* Set the binding in !res. *)
447 let r = Ast.EConstant (Ast.noloc,
448 Ast.CString (String.sub !carg 0 i)) in
449 res := Ast.Env.add name r !res;
450 (* Continue after the match. *)
451 let skip = i + String.length s in
452 carg := String.sub !carg skip (String.length !carg - skip);
454 | Ast.SVar name :: [] ->
455 (* Matches the whole remainder of the string. *)
456 let r = Ast.EConstant (Ast.noloc, Ast.CString !carg) in
457 res := Ast.Env.add name r !res
458 | Ast.SVar x :: Ast.SVar y :: _ ->
459 (* TODO! We cannot match a target like "%x%y". *)
465 Ast.env -> Ast.loc -> string -> Ast.expr list -> Ast.goal ->
466 Ast.expr list -> string -> unit
468 type exists_runner = Ast.env -> Ast.loc -> Ast.pattern -> string -> unit
472 goal_runner : goal_runner;
473 exists_runner : exists_runner;
475 (* Topologically sorted in build order. When nodes start running
476 * we take them off this list.
478 mutable sorted_nodes : node list;
480 (* List of nodes which completed successfully. Actually for fast
481 * access we store a map node -> true.
483 mutable complete : bool G.t;
486 let new_state (dag, sorted_nodes) goal_runner exists_runner =
487 { dag; goal_runner; exists_runner; sorted_nodes; complete = G.empty }
489 (* Called by [Jobs] when a node completes successfully. We mark
492 let retire_job state node =
493 state.complete <- G.add node true state.complete
495 let rec next_job state =
496 (* Find the earliest node in the list which has all its
499 let rec loop acc = function
501 if state.sorted_nodes = [] then Jobs.Complete else Jobs.Not_ready
503 if node_is_ready_to_run state node then (
504 state.sorted_nodes <- List.rev acc @ nodes;
506 | Goal (env, loc, name, args, goal, extra_deps, debug_goal) ->
507 Jobs.Job (node, fun () ->
508 state.goal_runner env loc name args goal
509 extra_deps debug_goal)
510 | Exists (env, loc, p, debug_tactic) ->
511 Jobs.Job (node, fun () ->
512 state.exists_runner env loc p debug_tactic)
515 loop (node :: acc) nodes
517 loop [] state.sorted_nodes
519 and node_is_ready_to_run { dag; complete } node =
520 let parents = try G.find node dag.edges with Not_found -> [] in
521 List.for_all (fun p -> G.mem p complete) parents
523 let string_of_job = string_of_node