1 (* Diskimage library for reading disk images.
2 (C) Copyright 2007-2008 Richard W.M. Jones, Red Hat Inc.
5 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 (at your option) any later version.
10 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17 Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
26 include Diskimage_utils
28 (* Use as the natural block size for disk images, but really we should
29 * use the 'blockdev -getbsz' command to find the real block size.
31 let disk_block_size = ~^512
33 (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
35 let partition_types = [
36 Diskimage_mbr.plugin_id,
37 ("MBR", Diskimage_mbr.probe);
40 let filesystem_types = [
41 Diskimage_ext2.plugin_id,
42 ("Linux ext2/3", Diskimage_ext2.probe);
43 Diskimage_linux_swap.plugin_id,
44 ("Linux swap", Diskimage_linux_swap.probe);
45 Diskimage_linux_swsuspend.plugin_id,
46 ("Linux s/w suspend", Diskimage_linux_swsuspend.probe);
50 Diskimage_lvm2.plugin_id,
51 ("Linux LVM2", Diskimage_lvm2.probe, Diskimage_lvm2.list);
54 let name_of_parts id =
55 let name, _ = List.assoc id partition_types in
57 let name_of_filesystem id =
58 let name, _ = List.assoc id filesystem_types in
61 let name, _, _ = List.assoc id lvm_types in
64 (* Probe a device for partitions. Returns [Some parts] or [None]. *)
65 let probe_for_partitions dev =
66 if !debug then eprintf "probing for partitions on %s ...\n%!" dev#name;
67 let rec loop = function
69 | (parts_plugin_id, (_, probe_fn)) :: rest ->
70 try Some (probe_fn dev)
71 with Not_found -> loop rest
73 let r = loop partition_types in
76 | None -> eprintf "no partitions found on %s\n%!" dev#name
77 | Some { parts_plugin_id = name; parts = parts } ->
78 eprintf "found %d %s partitions on %s\n"
79 (List.length parts) name dev#name
83 (* Probe a device for a filesystem. Returns [Some fs] or [None]. *)
84 let probe_for_filesystem dev =
85 if !debug then eprintf "probing for a filesystem on %s ...\n%!" dev#name;
86 let rec loop = function
88 | (fs_name, (_, probe_fn)) :: rest ->
89 try Some (probe_fn dev)
90 with Not_found -> loop rest
92 let r = loop filesystem_types in
95 | None -> eprintf "no filesystem found on %s\n%!" dev#name
97 eprintf "found a filesystem on %s:\n" dev#name;
98 eprintf "\t%s\n%!" fs.fs_plugin_id
102 (* Probe a device for a PV. Returns [Some lvm_name] or [None]. *)
103 let probe_for_pv dev =
104 if !debug then eprintf "probing if %s is a PV ...\n%!" dev#name;
105 let rec loop = function
107 | (lvm_name, (_, probe_fn, _)) :: rest ->
108 try Some (probe_fn lvm_name dev)
109 with Not_found -> loop rest
111 let r = loop lvm_types in
114 | None -> eprintf "no PV found on %s\n%!" dev#name
115 | Some { lvm_plugin_id = name } ->
116 eprintf "%s contains a %s PV\n%!" dev#name name
120 let list_lvs lvm_name devs =
121 let _, _, list_lvs_fn = List.assoc lvm_name lvm_types in
124 (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
125 (* Create machine description. *)
126 let open_machine name disks =
127 let disks = List.map (
129 let dev = new block_device path disk_block_size (* XXX *) in
130 { d_name = name; d_dev = dev; d_content = `Unknown }
132 { m_name = name; m_disks = disks; m_lv_filesystems = [] }
134 let close_machine { m_disks = m_disks } =
135 (* Only close the disks, assume all other devices are derived from them. *)
136 List.iter (fun { d_dev = d_dev } -> d_dev#close ()) m_disks
138 (* Main scanning function for filesystems. *)
139 let scan_machine ({ m_disks = m_disks } as machine) =
140 let m_disks = List.map (
141 fun ({ d_dev = dev } as disk) ->
142 let dev = (dev :> device) in
143 (* See if it is partitioned first. *)
144 let parts = probe_for_partitions dev in
147 { disk with d_content = `Partitions parts }
149 (* Not partitioned. Does it contain a filesystem? *)
150 let fs = probe_for_filesystem dev in
153 { disk with d_content = `Filesystem fs }
155 (* Not partitioned, no filesystem, is it a PV? *)
156 let pv = probe_for_pv dev in
159 { disk with d_content = `PhysicalVolume lvm_name }
161 disk (* Spare/unknown. *)
164 (* Now we have either detected partitions or a filesystem on each
165 * physical device (or perhaps neither). See what is on those
168 let m_disks = List.map (
170 | ({ d_dev = dev; d_content = `Partitions parts } as disk) ->
173 if p.part_status = Bootable || p.part_status = Nonbootable then (
174 let fs = probe_for_filesystem p.part_dev in
177 { p with part_content = `Filesystem fs }
180 let pv = probe_for_pv p.part_dev in
183 { p with part_content = `PhysicalVolume lvm_name }
185 p (* Spare/unknown. *)
188 let parts = { parts with parts = ps } in
189 { disk with d_content = `Partitions parts }
193 (* LVM filesystem detection
195 * Look for all disks/partitions which have been identified as PVs
196 * and pass those back to the respective LVM plugin for LV detection.
198 * (Note - a two-stage process because an LV can be spread over
199 * several PVs, so we have to detect all PVs belonging to a
202 * XXX To deal with RAID (ie. md devices) we will need to loop
203 * around here because RAID is like LVM except that they normally
204 * present as block devices which can be used by LVM.
206 (* First: LV detection.
207 * Find all physical volumes, can be disks or partitions.
209 let pvs_on_disks = List.filter_map (
212 d_content = `PhysicalVolume pv } -> Some (pv, (d_dev :> device))
215 let pvs_on_partitions = List.map (
217 | { d_content = `Partitions { parts = parts } } ->
220 | { part_dev = part_dev;
221 part_content = `PhysicalVolume pv } ->
227 let lvs = List.concat (pvs_on_disks :: pvs_on_partitions) in
229 (* Second: filesystem on LV detection.
230 * Group the LVs by plug-in type.
232 let cmp (a,_) (b,_) = compare a b in
233 let lvs = List.sort ~cmp lvs in
234 let lvs = group_by lvs in
237 List.map (fun (pv, devs) -> list_lvs pv.lvm_plugin_id devs) lvs in
238 let lvs = List.concat lvs in
240 (* lvs is a list of potential LV devices. Now run them through the
241 * probes to see if any contain filesystems.
245 fun ({ lv_dev = dev } as lv) ->
246 match probe_for_filesystem dev with
247 | Some fs -> Some (lv, fs)
253 m_lv_filesystems = filesystems }
255 (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
257 (* We describe the ownership of each part of the disk using a
258 * segment tree. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Segment_tree
260 * Note that each part can (and usually is) owned multiple times
261 * (eg. by a filesystem and by the partition that the filesystem
262 * lies inside). Also, the segment tree is effectively read-only.
263 * We build it up as a final step given the flat list of segments
264 * identified by the algorithm in 'iter_over_machine'.
267 (* General binary tree type. Data 'a is stored in the leaves and 'b
268 * is stored in the nodes.
270 type ('a,'b) binary_tree =
272 | Node of ('a,'b) binary_tree * 'b * ('a,'b) binary_tree
274 (* This prints out the binary tree in graphviz dot format. *)
275 let print_binary_tree leaf_printer node_printer tree =
276 (* Assign a unique, fixed label to each node. *)
279 let hash = Hashtbl.create 13 in
281 try Hashtbl.find hash node
283 let i = incr i; !i in
284 let label = "n" ^ string_of_int i in
285 Hashtbl.add hash node label;
288 (* Recursively generate the graphviz file. *)
289 let rec print = function
290 | (Leaf a as leaf) ->
291 eprintf " %s [shape=box, label=\"%s\"];\n"
292 (label leaf) (leaf_printer a)
293 | (Node (left,b,right) as node) ->
294 eprintf " %s [label=\"%s\"];\n"
295 (label node) (node_printer b);
296 eprintf " %s -> %s [tailport=sw];\n" (label node) (label left);
297 eprintf " %s -> %s [tailport=se];\n" (label node) (label right);
301 eprintf "/* Use 'dot -Tpng foo.dot > foo.png' to convert to a png file. */\n";
302 eprintf "digraph G {\n";
306 (* A segment describes the owner of a range of disk addresses. *)
308 int63 * int63 * (* disk offset, size of segment *)
309 [ `Filesystem of filesystem
310 | `Partitions of partitions
311 | `PhysicalVolume of pv ] * (* owner *)
312 int63 (* owner offset *)
314 type interval = int63 * int63 (* start point, end point (bytes) *)
316 (* The special segment tree structure that we construct in create_ownership. *)
318 (interval * segment list, interval * segment list) binary_tree
321 (device * (* block_device (disk) *)
322 segment_tree) list (* segment tree for this disk *)
324 (* List of owned segments before we build the segment tree. *)
325 type ownership_list =
326 (device * (* block_device (disk) *)
329 (* Ownership tables. *)
330 let create_ownership machine =
331 (* Iterate over all the things which can claim ownership of a
332 * disk block (filesystems, partitions, PVs).
334 let rec iter_over_machine
335 ({m_disks = disks; m_lv_filesystems = lv_filesystems} as machine) =
337 (* No segments to begin with. *)
338 let ownership = [] in
340 (* Iterate over disks. *)
345 | { d_content = (`Filesystem fs as owner) } ->
346 iter_over_filesystem machine ownership fs owner
347 | { d_content = (`Partitions parts as owner) } ->
348 iter_over_partitions machine ownership parts owner
349 | { d_content = (`PhysicalVolume pv as owner) } ->
350 iter_over_pv machine ownership pv owner
351 | { d_content = `Unknown } -> ownership
354 (* Iterate over LV filesystems. *)
357 fun ownership (lv, fs) ->
358 let owner = `Filesystem fs in
359 iter_over_filesystem machine ownership fs owner
360 ) ownership lv_filesystems in
364 (* Iterate over the blocks in a single filesystem. *)
365 and iter_over_filesystem machine ownership {fs_dev = dev} owner =
366 iter_over_device machine ownership dev owner
368 (* Iterate over the blocks in a set of partitions, then
369 * iterate over the contents of the partitions.
371 and iter_over_partitions machine ownership
372 {parts = parts; parts_dev = parts_dev} owner =
373 let ownership = iter_over_device machine ownership parts_dev owner in
379 | { part_content = (`Filesystem fs as owner) } ->
380 iter_over_filesystem machine ownership fs owner
381 | { part_content = (`PhysicalVolume pv as owner) } ->
382 iter_over_pv machine ownership pv owner
383 | { part_content = `Unknown } -> ownership
388 (* Iterate over the blocks in a PV. *)
389 and iter_over_pv machine ownership {pv_dev = dev} owner =
390 iter_over_device machine ownership dev owner
392 (* Iterate over the blocks in a device, assigning ownership to 'owner'
394 * In reality (1): There can be several owners for each block, so we
395 * incrementally add ownership to the ownership_list (which eventually
396 * will be turned into a segment tree).
397 * In reality (2): Iterating over blocks would take ages and result
398 * in a very inefficient ownership representation. Instead we look
399 * at minimum contiguous extents.
401 and iter_over_device { m_disks = disks } ownership dev owner =
402 let size = dev#size in
403 let disks = List.map (fun {d_dev = dev} -> (dev :> device)) disks in
405 let rec loop ownership offset =
406 if offset < size then (
407 let devs, extent = get_next_extent disks dev offset in
409 eprintf "warning: no device found under %s\n"
410 (string_of_owner owner);
413 fun ownership (disk, disk_offset) ->
414 let elem = disk, (disk_offset, extent, owner, offset) in
417 loop ownership (offset +^ extent)
423 (* Return the length of the next contiguous region in the device starting
424 * at the given byte offset. Also return the underlying block device(s)
427 and get_next_extent disks (dev : device) offset =
428 let this_extent = dev#contiguous offset in
430 (* If this disk is a block_device (a member of the 'disks' list)
431 * then we've hit the bottom layer of devices, so just return it.
433 if List.memq dev disks then
434 [dev, offset], this_extent
436 let blocksize = dev#blocksize in
437 let block = offset /^ blocksize in
438 let offset_in_block = offset -^ block *^ blocksize in
440 (* Map from this block to the devices one layer down. *)
441 let devs = dev#map_block block in
443 (* Get the real device offsets, adding the offset from start of block. *)
446 (fun (dev, dev_offset) -> dev, dev_offset +^ offset_in_block)
451 (fun (dev, dev_offset) ->
452 get_next_extent disks dev dev_offset)
455 (* Work out the minimum contiguous extent from this offset. *)
457 let extents = List.map snd devs in
458 let devs = List.concat (List.map fst devs) in
459 let extent = List.fold_left min this_extent extents in
465 and string_of_owner = function
466 | `Filesystem {fs_plugin_id = fs_plugin_id; fs_dev = fs_dev} ->
467 sprintf "%s(%s)" fs_dev#name fs_plugin_id
468 | `PhysicalVolume { pv_uuid = pv_uuid } ->
470 | `Partitions { parts_plugin_id = parts_plugin_id } ->
474 (* Build the list of segments. *)
475 let ownership : ownership_list = iter_over_machine machine in
477 (* Group the segments together by disk. *)
479 let ownership = List.sort ownership in
480 group_by ownership in
482 (* If debugging, print the segments that we found. *)
485 fun (disk, segments) ->
486 eprintf "ownership segment list of %s %s:\n" machine.m_name disk#name;
488 fun (disk_offset, size, owner, owner_offset) ->
489 let blocksize = disk#blocksize in
490 let disk_offset_in_blocks, disk_offset_in_block =
491 disk_offset /^ blocksize, disk_offset %^ blocksize in
492 let size_in_blocks, size_in_block =
493 size /^ blocksize, size %^ blocksize in
495 eprintf " %s[%s:%s] %s[%s:%s] %s@%s\n"
496 (Int63.to_string disk_offset)
497 (Int63.to_string disk_offset_in_blocks)
498 (Int63.to_string disk_offset_in_block)
499 (Int63.to_string size)
500 (Int63.to_string size_in_blocks)
501 (Int63.to_string size_in_block)
502 (string_of_owner owner)
503 (Int63.to_string owner_offset)
508 (* Build the segment tree from the ownership list (of segments).
509 * For an explanation of this process see:
510 * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Segment_tree
514 fun (disk, segments) ->
515 (* Construct the list of distinct endpoints. *)
518 (fun (start, size, _, _) -> [start; start +^ size])
520 let eps = sort_uniq (List.concat eps) in
522 (* Construct the elementary intervals. *)
524 let elints, lastpoint =
526 fun (elints, prevpoint) point ->
527 ((point, point) :: (prevpoint, point) :: elints), point
528 ) ([], Int63.min_int) eps in
529 let elints = (lastpoint, Int63.max_int) :: elints in
533 eprintf "elementary intervals for %s (%d in total):\n"
534 disk#name (List.length elints);
536 fun (startpoint, endpoint) ->
538 (Int63.to_string startpoint) (Int63.to_string endpoint)
542 (* Construct the binary tree of elementary intervals. *)
544 (* Each elementary interval becomes a leaf. *)
545 let elints = List.map (fun elint -> Leaf elint) elints in
546 (* Recursively build this into a binary tree. *)
547 let rec make_layer = function
550 (* Turn pairs of leaves at the bottom level into nodes. *)
551 | (Leaf _ as a) :: (Leaf _ as b) :: xs ->
552 let xs = make_layer xs in
553 Node (a, (), b) :: xs
554 (* Turn pairs of nodes at higher levels into nodes. *)
555 | (Node _ as left) :: ((Node _|Leaf _) as right) :: xs ->
556 let xs = make_layer xs in
557 Node (left, (), right) :: xs
558 | Leaf _ :: _ -> assert false (* never happens??? (I think) *)
560 let rec loop = function
563 | xs -> loop (make_layer xs)
568 let leaf_printer (startpoint, endpoint) =
570 (Int63.to_string startpoint) (Int63.to_string endpoint)
572 let node_printer () = "" in
573 print_binary_tree leaf_printer node_printer tree
576 (* Insert the segments into the tree one by one. *)
578 (* For each node/leaf in the tree, add its interval and an
579 * empty list which will be used to store the segments.
581 let rec interval_tree = function
582 | Leaf elint -> Leaf (elint, [])
583 | Node (left, (), right) ->
584 let left = interval_tree left in
585 let right = interval_tree right in
586 let (leftstart, _) = interval_of_node left in
587 let (_, rightend) = interval_of_node right in
588 let interval = leftstart, rightend in
589 Node (left, (interval, []), right)
590 and interval_of_node = function
591 | Leaf (elint, _) -> elint
592 | Node (_, (interval, _), _) -> interval
595 let tree = interval_tree tree in
596 (* This should always be true: *)
597 assert (interval_of_node tree = (Int63.min_int, Int63.max_int));
599 (* "Contained in" operator.
600 * 'a <-< b' iff 'a' is a subinterval of 'b'.
602 * |<----------- b ----------->|
604 let (<-<) (a1, a2) (b1, b2) = b1 <= a1 && a2 <= b2 in
606 (* "Intersects" operator.
607 * 'a /\ b' iff intervals 'a' and 'b' overlap, eg:
609 * |<----------- b ----------->|
611 let ( /\ ) (a1, a2) (b1, b2) = a2 > b1 || b2 > a1 in
613 let rec insert_segment tree segment =
614 let start, size, owner, owner_offset = segment in
615 let seginterval = start, start +^ size in
616 eprintf "inserting (%s,%s) ...\n"
617 (Int63.to_string (fst seginterval))
618 (Int63.to_string (snd seginterval));
620 (* Test if we should insert into this leaf or node: *)
621 | Leaf (interval, segs) when interval <-< seginterval ->
622 Leaf (interval, segment :: segs)
623 | Node (left, (interval, segs), right)
624 when interval <-< seginterval ->
625 Node (left, (interval, segment :: segs), right)
627 | (Leaf _) as leaf -> leaf
629 (* Else, should we insert into left or right subtrees? *)
630 | Node (left, i, right) ->
632 if seginterval /\ interval_of_node left then
633 insert_segment left segment
637 if seginterval /\ interval_of_node right then
638 insert_segment right segment
641 Node (left, i, right)
643 let tree = List.fold_left insert_segment tree segments in
647 let printer ((sp, ep), segments) =
648 sprintf "[%s-%s] " (Int63.to_string sp) (Int63.to_string ep) ^
650 (List.map (fun (_, _, owner,_) -> string_of_owner owner)
653 print_binary_tree printer printer tree
658 (* Return the ownership structure. *)