2 * Copyright (C) 2013 Red Hat Inc.
4 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7 * (at your option) any later version.
9 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 * GNU General Public License for more details.
14 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
15 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
16 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
26 let (//) = Filename.concat
27 let quote = Filename.quote
29 type goal_result_t = Goal_OK | Goal_failed of string
30 exception Goal_result of goal_result_t
32 let goal_failed msg = raise (Goal_result (Goal_failed msg))
35 if v then raise (Goal_result Goal_OK)
36 let target_all vs = target (List.fold_left (&&) true vs)
37 let target_exists vs = target (List.fold_left (||) false vs)
40 type period_t = Seconds | Days | Months | Years
41 let seconds = (1, Seconds)
42 let sec = seconds and secs = seconds and second = seconds
43 let minutes = (60, Seconds)
44 let min = minutes and mins = minutes and minute = minutes
45 let hours = (3600, Seconds)
51 let months = (1, Months)
53 let years = (1, Years)
56 let periodic_jobs = ref []
58 (* Register a periodic job. *)
59 let every ?name i (j, t) f =
60 let period = i*j, t in (* 5 minutes -> ((5 * 60), Seconds) *)
61 periodic_jobs := (period, (name, f)) :: !periodic_jobs
63 (* [next_time t period] returns the earliest event of [period]
64 strictly after time [t].
66 Visualising periods as repeated events on a timeline, this
70 events: ---+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-----
74 Note that [period_t] events are not necessarily regular.
75 eg. The start of a month is not a fixed number of seconds
76 after the start of the previous month. 'Epoch' refers
77 to the Unix Epoch (ie. 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC).
79 If [period = i, Seconds i] then events are when
80 [t' mod i == 0] when t' is the number of seconds since
81 the Epoch. This returns the next t' > t.
83 If [period = i, Days] then events happen at
84 midnight UTC every [i] days since the Epoch.
85 This returns the next midnight > t.
87 If [period = i, Months] then events happen at
88 midnight UTC on the 1st day of the month every [i] months
89 since the Epoch. This returns midnight on the
90 1st day of the next month > t.
92 If [period = i, Years] then events happen at
93 midnight UTC on the 1st day of the year when
94 [(y - 1970) mod i == 0]. This returns midnight on the
95 1st day of the next year > t. *)
98 (* Round up 'a' to the next multiple of 'i'. *)
99 let round_up_float a i =
100 let r = mod_float a i in
101 if r = 0. then a +. i else a +. (i -. r)
104 if r = 0 then a + i else a + (i - r)
109 let i = float_of_int i in
115 (* Round 'tm' up to the first day of the next year. *)
116 let year = round_up tm.tm_year i in
117 let tm = { tm with tm_sec = 0; tm_min = 0; tm_hour = 0;
118 tm_mday = 1; tm_mon = 0; tm_year = year } in
122 let t = Date.from_unixfloat t in
123 let t0 = Date.make 1970 1 1 in
125 (* Number of whole days since Unix Epoch. *)
126 let nb_days = Date.Period.safe_nb_days (Date.sub t t0) in
128 let nb_days = round_up nb_days i in
129 let t' = Date.add t0 (Date.Period.day nb_days) in
133 (* Calculate number of whole months since Unix Epoch. *)
135 let months = 12 * (tm.tm_year - 70) + tm.tm_mon in
137 let months = round_up months i in
138 let t0 = Date.make 1970 1 1 in
139 let t' = Date.add t0 (Date.Period.month months) in
142 let file_exists = Sys.file_exists
144 let directory_exists path =
148 | Unix_error (ENOENT, _, _) -> None
149 | Unix_error (err, _, _) ->
150 let msg = sprintf "directory_exists: %s: %s" path (error_message err) in
153 | Some s -> s.st_kind = S_DIR
156 let file_newer_than f1 f2 =
160 | Unix_error (ENOENT, _, _) -> None
161 | Unix_error (err, _, _) ->
162 let msg = sprintf "file_newer_than: %s: %s" f (error_message err) in
165 let s1 = stat f1 and s2 = stat f2 in
171 let msg = sprintf "file_newer_than: %s: file does not exist" f2 in
174 s1.st_mtime >= s2.st_mtime
176 let more_recent objs srcs =
177 if not (List.for_all file_exists objs) then false
180 fun obj -> List.for_all (file_newer_than obj) srcs
185 (* http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12199059/how-to-check-if-an-url-exists-with-the-shell-and-probably-curl *)
187 sprintf "curl --output /dev/null --silent --head --fail %s" (quote url) in
188 match Sys.command cmd with
192 let msg = sprintf "curl error testing '%s': exit code %d, see curl(1)"
196 let file_contains_string filename str =
197 let cmd = sprintf "grep -q %s %s" (quote str) (quote filename) in
198 match Sys.command cmd with
202 let msg = sprintf "grep error testing for '%s' in '%s' (exit code %d)"
206 let url_contains_string url str =
207 let tmp = Filename.temp_file "goaljobsurl" "" in
209 sprintf "curl --output %s --silent --fail %s" (quote tmp) (quote url) in
210 (match Sys.command cmd with
213 let msg = sprintf "curl failed to download URL '%s'" url in
216 let msg = sprintf "curl error testing '%s': exit code %d, see curl(1)"
220 let r = file_contains_string tmp str in
224 (* Create a temporary directory. It is *not* deleted on exit. *)
226 let chan = open_in "/dev/urandom" in
227 let data = String.create 16 in
228 really_input chan data 0 (String.length data);
230 let data = Digest.to_hex (Digest.string data) in
231 let dir = Filename.temp_dir_name // sprintf "goaljobstmp%s" data in
235 (* Recursively remove directory. *)
237 let cmd = sprintf "rm -rf %s" (quote dir) in
238 ignore (Sys.command cmd)
240 let shell = ref "/bin/sh"
242 (* Used by sh, shout etc. Create a temporary directory and a
243 * 'script.sh' inside it containing the script to run. Returns the
244 * temporary directory and command to run.
246 let create_script script =
247 let dir = tmpdir () in
248 let script_file = dir // "script.sh" in
249 let chan = open_out script_file in
250 fprintf chan "#!%s\n" !shell;
251 fprintf chan "set -e\n"; (* so that job exits on error *)
252 fprintf chan "set -x\n"; (* echo commands (must be last) *)
254 output_string chan script;
256 chmod script_file 0o700;
257 let cmd = sprintf "cd %s && exec %s" (quote dir) (quote script_file) in
262 let dir, cmd = create_script script in
263 let r = Sys.command cmd in
266 let msg = sprintf "external command failed with code %d" r in
272 let do_shlines script =
273 let dir, cmd = create_script script in
274 let chan = open_process_in cmd in
275 let lines = ref [] in
277 let line = input_line chan in
278 lines := line :: !lines;
281 (try loop () with End_of_file -> ());
282 let r = close_process_in chan in
285 | WEXITED 0 -> List.rev !lines
287 let msg = sprintf "external command failed with code %d" i in
290 let msg = sprintf "external command was killed by signal %d" i in
293 let msg = sprintf "external command was stopped by signal %d" i in
295 let shlines fs = ksprintf do_shlines fs
297 let do_shout script =
298 let lines = do_shlines script in
299 String.concat "\n" lines
300 let shout fs = ksprintf do_shout fs
303 val replace_substring : string -> string -> string -> string
306 let change_file_extension ext filename =
308 try String.rindex filename '.'
309 with Not_found -> String.length filename in
310 String.sub filename 0 i ^ "." ^ ext
313 val filter_file_extension : string -> string list -> string
316 (* Persistent memory is stored in $HOME/.goaljobs-memory. We have to
317 * lock this file each time we read or write because multiple concurrent
318 * jobs may access it at the same time.
320 * XXX Replace this with a more efficient and less fragile implementation.
323 type ('a, 'b) alternative = Either of 'a | Or of 'b
324 let with_memory_locked ?(write = false) f =
325 let filename = getenv "HOME" // ".goaljobs-memory" in
326 let fd = openfile filename [O_RDWR; O_CREAT] 0o644 in
327 lockf fd (if write then F_LOCK else F_RLOCK) 0;
328 (* If the file is newly created with zero size, write an
331 if (fstat fd).st_size = 0 then (
332 let empty : (string, string) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 13 in
333 let chan = out_channel_of_descr fd in
334 output_value chan empty;
335 Pervasives.flush chan;
336 ignore (lseek fd 0 SEEK_SET)
339 (* Run the function. *)
340 let r = try Either (f fd) with exn -> Or (exn) in
344 | Or exn -> raise exn
346 let memory_exists key =
349 let chan = in_channel_of_descr fd in
350 let memory : (string, string) Hashtbl.t = input_value chan in
351 Hashtbl.mem memory key
357 let chan = in_channel_of_descr fd in
358 let memory : (string, string) Hashtbl.t = input_value chan in
359 try Some (Hashtbl.find memory key) with Not_found -> None
362 let memory_set key value =
363 with_memory_locked ~write:true (
365 let chan = in_channel_of_descr fd in
366 let memory : (string, string) Hashtbl.t = input_value chan in
367 Hashtbl.replace memory key value;
368 let chan = out_channel_of_descr fd in
370 output_value chan memory;
371 Pervasives.flush chan;
374 let memory_delete key =
375 with_memory_locked ~write:true (
377 let chan = in_channel_of_descr fd in
378 let memory : (string, string) Hashtbl.t = input_value chan in
379 Hashtbl.remove memory key;
380 let chan = out_channel_of_descr fd in
382 output_value chan memory;
383 Pervasives.flush chan;
386 let published_goals = ref []
387 let publish name fn = published_goals := (name, fn) :: !published_goals
389 try Some (List.assoc name !published_goals) with Not_found -> None
391 let goal_file_exists filename =
392 if not (file_exists filename) then (
393 let msg = sprintf "file '%s' required but not found" filename in
396 let goal_directory_exists path =
397 if not (directory_exists path) then (
398 let msg = sprintf "directory '%s' required but not found" path in
401 let goal_file_newer_than f1 f2 =
402 if not (file_newer_than f1 f2) then (
403 let msg = sprintf "file %s is required to be newer than %s" f1 f2 in
406 let goal_more_recent objs srcs =
407 if not (more_recent objs srcs) then (
408 let msg = sprintf "object(s) %s are required to be newer than source(s) %s"
409 (String.concat " " objs) (String.concat " " srcs) in
412 let goal_url_exists url =
413 if not (url_exists url) then (
414 let msg = sprintf "url_exists: URL '%s' required but does not exist" url in
417 let goal_file_contains_string filename str =
418 if not (file_contains_string filename str) then (
419 let msg = sprintf "file_contains_string: file '%s' is required to contain string '%s'" filename str in
422 let goal_url_contains_string url str =
423 if not (url_contains_string url str) then (
424 let msg = sprintf "url_contains_string: URL '%s' is required to contain string '%s'" url str in
427 let goal_memory_exists k =
428 if not (memory_exists k) then (
429 let msg = sprintf "memory_exists: key '%s' required but does not exist" k in
436 | Goal_result (Goal_failed msg) ->
437 prerr_endline ("error: " ^ msg);
440 prerr_endline (Printexc.to_string exn);
443 (* Run the program. *)
445 let prog = Sys.executable_name in
446 let prog = Filename.basename prog in
448 (* Save the current working directory when the program started. *)
449 putenv "builddir" (getcwd ());
453 let display_version () =
454 printf "%s %s\n" package_name package_version;
459 let names = !published_goals in
460 let names = List.map fst names in
461 let names = List.sort compare names in
462 List.iter print_endline names;
466 let argspec = Arg.align [
467 "--goals", Arg.Unit list_goals, " List all goals";
468 "-l", Arg.Unit list_goals, " List all goals";
469 "-V", Arg.Unit display_version, " Display version number and exit";
470 "--version", Arg.Unit display_version, " Display version number and exit";
472 let anon_fun str = args := str :: !args in
473 let usage_msg = sprintf "\
474 %s: a script generated by goaljobs
476 List all goals: %s -l
477 Run a single goal like this: %s <name-of-goal> [<goal-args ...>]
479 For more information see the goaljobs(1) man page.
484 Arg.parse argspec anon_fun usage_msg;
486 let args = List.rev !args in
488 (* Was a goal named on the command line? *)
491 (match get_goal name with
493 exit (if guard fn args then 0 else 1)
495 eprintf "error: no goal called '%s' was found.\n" name;
496 eprintf "Use %s -l to list all published goals in this script.\n" name;
500 (* If periodic jobs exist, fall through. *)
501 if !periodic_jobs = [] then (
502 (* Does a published 'all' goal exist? *)
503 match get_goal "all" with
505 exit (if guard fn [] then 0 else 1)
507 (* No published 'all' goal. *)
508 eprintf "error: no goal called 'all' was found.\n";
513 assert (!periodic_jobs <> []);
515 (* Run the periodic jobs. Note these run forever, or until killed. *)
517 (* Find the next job to run. *)
519 let jobs = List.map (
520 fun (period, (_, _ as name_f)) ->
521 next_time now period, name_f
523 let jobs = List.sort (fun (t1,_) (t2,_) -> compare t1 t2) jobs in
525 (* Find all jobs that have the same next time.
526 * XXX When we can handle parallel jobs we can do better here,
527 * but until them run all the ones which have the same time
530 let next_t = int_of_float (fst (List.hd jobs)) in
531 let jobs = List.filter (fun (t, _) -> int_of_float t = next_t) jobs in
533 (* Run next job(s) after waiting for the appropriate amount of time. *)
534 let seconds = next_t - int_of_float now in
535 eprintf "next job will run in %s\n%!" (printable_seconds seconds);
539 fun (_, (name, f)) ->
540 eprintf "running job: %s\n%!"
541 (match name with Some name -> name | None -> "[unnamed]");
546 and printable_seconds s =
547 if s < 60 then sprintf "%d seconds" s
548 else if s < 6000 then sprintf "%d minutes, %d seconds" (s/60) (s mod 60)
549 else if s < 86400 then sprintf "%d hours, %d minutes" (s/3600) (s/60)
550 else sprintf "about %d days" (s/86400)