2 * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Red Hat Inc.
4 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7 * (at your option) any later version.
9 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 * GNU General Public License for more details.
14 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
19 (* Please read generator/README first. *)
26 open Generator_docstrings
27 open Generator_optgroups
28 open Generator_actions
29 open Generator_structs
31 let rec generate_haskell_hs () =
32 generate_header HaskellStyle LGPLv2plus;
34 (* XXX We only know how to generate partial FFI for Haskell
35 * at the moment. Please help out!
37 let can_generate style =
39 | _, _, (_::_) -> false (* no optional args yet *)
42 | RInt64 _, _, [] -> true
44 | RConstString _, _, []
45 | RConstOptString _, _, []
47 | RStringList _, _, []
49 | RStructList _, _, []
51 | RBufferOut _, _, [] -> false in
54 {-# INCLUDE <guestfs.h> #-}
55 {-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
60 (* List out the names of the actions we want to export. *)
62 fun (name, style, _, _, _, _, _) ->
63 if can_generate style then pr ",\n %s" name
69 -- Unfortunately some symbols duplicate ones already present
70 -- in Prelude. We don't know which, so we hard-code a list
72 import Prelude hiding (truncate)
76 import Foreign.C.Types
78 import Control.Exception
81 data GuestfsS = GuestfsS -- represents the opaque C struct
82 type GuestfsP = Ptr GuestfsS -- guestfs_h *
83 type GuestfsH = ForeignPtr GuestfsS -- guestfs_h * with attached finalizer
85 -- XXX define properly later XXX
89 data IntBool = IntBool
91 data StatVFS = StatVFS
92 data Hashtable = Hashtable
94 foreign import ccall unsafe \"guestfs_create\" c_create
96 foreign import ccall unsafe \"&guestfs_close\" c_close
97 :: FunPtr (GuestfsP -> IO ())
98 foreign import ccall unsafe \"guestfs_set_error_handler\" c_set_error_handler
99 :: GuestfsP -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO ()
101 create :: IO GuestfsH
104 c_set_error_handler p nullPtr nullPtr
105 h <- newForeignPtr c_close p
108 foreign import ccall unsafe \"guestfs_last_error\" c_last_error
109 :: GuestfsP -> IO CString
111 -- last_error :: GuestfsH -> IO (Maybe String)
113 -- str <- withForeignPtr h (\\p -> c_last_error p)
114 -- maybePeek peekCString str
116 last_error :: GuestfsH -> IO (String)
118 str <- withForeignPtr h (\\p -> c_last_error p)
120 then return \"no error\"
125 (* Generate wrappers for each foreign function. *)
127 fun (name, (ret, args, optargs as style), _, _, _, _, _) ->
128 if can_generate style then (
129 pr "foreign import ccall unsafe \"guestfs_%s\" c_%s\n" name name;
131 generate_haskell_prototype ~handle:"GuestfsP" style;
135 generate_haskell_prototype ~handle:"GuestfsH" ~hs:true style;
137 pr "%s %s = do\n" name
138 (String.concat " " ("h" :: List.map name_of_argt args));
140 (* Convert pointer arguments using with* functions. *)
145 | Pathname n | Device n | Dev_or_Path n | String n | Key n ->
146 pr "withCString %s $ \\%s -> " n n
148 pr "withCStringLen %s $ \\(%s, %s_size) -> " n n n
149 | OptString n -> pr "maybeWith withCString %s $ \\%s -> " n n
150 | StringList n | DeviceList n -> pr "withMany withCString %s $ \\%s -> withArray0 nullPtr %s $ \\%s -> " n n n n
151 | Bool _ | Int _ | Int64 _ | Pointer _ -> ()
153 (* Convert integer arguments. *)
157 | Bool n -> sprintf "(fromBool %s)" n
158 | Int n -> sprintf "(fromIntegral %s)" n
159 | Int64 n | Pointer (_, n) -> sprintf "(fromIntegral %s)" n
160 | FileIn n | FileOut n
161 | Pathname n | Device n | Dev_or_Path n
162 | String n | OptString n
163 | StringList n | DeviceList n
165 | BufferIn n -> sprintf "%s (fromIntegral %s_size)" n n
167 pr "withForeignPtr h (\\p -> c_%s %s)\n" name
168 (String.concat " " ("p" :: args));
170 | RErr | RInt _ | RInt64 _ | RBool _ ->
171 pr " if (r == -1)\n";
173 pr " err <- last_error h\n";
175 | RConstString _ | RConstOptString _ | RString _
176 | RStringList _ | RStruct _
177 | RStructList _ | RHashtable _ | RBufferOut _ ->
178 pr " if (r == nullPtr)\n";
180 pr " err <- last_error h\n";
185 pr " else return ()\n"
187 pr " else return (fromIntegral r)\n"
189 pr " else return (fromIntegral r)\n"
191 pr " else return (toBool r)\n"
200 pr " else return ()\n" (* XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX *)
206 and generate_haskell_prototype ~handle ?(hs = false) (ret, args, optargs) =
208 let string = if hs then "String" else "CString" in
209 let int = if hs then "Int" else "CInt" in
210 let bool = if hs then "Bool" else "CInt" in
211 let int64 = if hs then "Integer" else "Int64" in
215 | Pathname _ | Device _ | Dev_or_Path _ | String _ | Key _ ->
218 if hs then pr "String"
219 else pr "CString -> CInt"
220 | OptString _ -> if hs then pr "Maybe String" else pr "CString"
221 | StringList _ | DeviceList _ -> if hs then pr "[String]" else pr "Ptr CString"
222 | Bool _ -> pr "%s" bool
223 | Int _ -> pr "%s" int
224 | Int64 _ -> pr "%s" int
225 | Pointer _ -> pr "%s" int
226 | FileIn _ -> pr "%s" string
227 | FileOut _ -> pr "%s" string
233 | RErr -> if not hs then pr "CInt"
234 | RInt _ -> pr "%s" int
235 | RInt64 _ -> pr "%s" int64
236 | RBool _ -> pr "%s" bool
237 | RConstString _ -> pr "%s" string
238 | RConstOptString _ -> pr "Maybe %s" string
239 | RString _ -> pr "%s" string
240 | RStringList _ -> pr "[%s]" string
241 | RStruct (_, typ) ->
242 let name = java_name_of_struct typ in
244 | RStructList (_, typ) ->
245 let name = java_name_of_struct typ in
247 | RHashtable _ -> pr "Hashtable"
248 | RBufferOut _ -> pr "%s" string