1 Random contributions and things which don't fit in anywhere else
2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
4 centos5.3-libguestfs.spec
6 This used to be a centos5.3 specfile. Please use the specfile
8 http://cvs.fedoraproject.org/viewvc/rpms/libguestfs/EL-5/
11 A "dot" file (for graphviz) which describes the dependencies
12 between the many different components of the libguestfs
13 ecosystem. Good place to get started if you want to jump
18 An experimental, non-working attempt to use febootstrap
19 to install operating systems.
21 fedora-libguestfs.spec
23 This used to be a Fedora 10+ specfile. Please use the specfile
25 http://cvs.fedoraproject.org/viewvc/rpms/libguestfs/devel/
28 Run a Windows-compiled guestfsd under Wine. Read the
29 instructions at the top of this file carefully.