1 (* Bitmatch persistent patterns.
2 * Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat Inc., Richard W.M. Jones
4 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
6 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
7 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
14 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
15 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
16 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
27 type patt = Camlp4.PreCast.Syntax.Ast.patt
28 type expr = Camlp4.PreCast.Syntax.Ast.expr
29 type loc_t = Camlp4.PreCast.Syntax.Ast.Loc.t
31 (* Field. In bitmatch (patterns) the type is [patt field]. In
32 * BITSTRING (constructor) the type is [expr field].
35 field : 'a; (* field ('a is either patt or expr) *)
36 flen : expr; (* length in bits, may be non-const *)
37 endian : endian_expr; (* endianness *)
38 signed : bool; (* true if signed, false if unsigned *)
39 t : field_type; (* type *)
40 _loc : Loc.t; (* location in source code *)
41 printer : 'a -> string; (* turn the field into a string *)
43 and field_type = Int | String | Bitstring (* field type *)
45 | ConstantEndian of Bitmatch.endian (* a constant little/big/nativeendian *)
46 | EndianExpr of expr (* an endian expression *)
48 type pattern = patt field list
50 type constructor = expr field list
52 (* Work out if an expression is an integer constant.
54 * Returns [Some i] if so (where i is the integer value), else [None].
56 * Fairly simplistic algorithm: we can only detect simple constant
57 * expressions such as [k], [k+c], [k-c] etc.
59 let rec expr_is_constant = function
60 | <:expr< $int:i$ >> -> (* Literal integer constant. *)
61 Some (int_of_string i)
62 | <:expr< $a$ + $b$ >> -> (* Addition of constants. *)
63 (match expr_is_constant a, expr_is_constant b with
64 | Some a, Some b -> Some (a+b)
66 | <:expr< $a$ - $b$ >> -> (* Subtraction. *)
67 (match expr_is_constant a, expr_is_constant b with
68 | Some a, Some b -> Some (a-b)
70 | <:expr< $a$ * $b$ >> -> (* Multiplication. *)
71 (match expr_is_constant a, expr_is_constant b with
72 | Some a, Some b -> Some (a*b)
74 | <:expr< $a$ / $b$ >> -> (* Division. *)
75 (match expr_is_constant a, expr_is_constant b with
76 | Some a, Some b -> Some (a/b)
78 | <:expr< $a$ lsl $b$ >> -> (* Shift left. *)
79 (match expr_is_constant a, expr_is_constant b with
80 | Some a, Some b -> Some (a lsl b)
82 | <:expr< $a$ lsr $b$ >> -> (* Shift right. *)
83 (match expr_is_constant a, expr_is_constant b with
84 | Some a, Some b -> Some (a lsr b)
86 | _ -> None (* Anything else is not constant. *)
88 let string_of_field_type = function
91 | Bitstring -> "bitstring"
93 let patt_printer = function
94 | <:patt< $lid:id$ >> -> id
98 let expr_printer = function
99 | <:expr< $lid:id$ >> -> id
100 | <:expr< $int:i$ >> -> i
101 | _ -> "[expression]"
103 let string_of_field { field = field; flen = flen;
104 endian = endian; signed = signed; t = t;
108 match expr_is_constant flen with
109 | Some i -> string_of_int i
110 | None -> "[non-const-len]" in
113 | ConstantEndian endian -> Bitmatch.string_of_endian endian
114 | EndianExpr _ -> "endian [expr]" in
115 let signed = if signed then "signed" else "unsigned" in
116 let t = string_of_field_type t in
117 let loc_fname = Loc.file_name _loc in
118 let loc_line = Loc.start_line _loc in
119 let loc_char = Loc.start_off _loc - Loc.start_bol _loc in
121 sprintf "%s : %s : %s, %s, %s @ (%S, %d, %d)"
122 (printer field) flen t endian signed loc_fname loc_line loc_char
124 let string_of_pattern pattern =
125 "{ " ^ String.concat "; " (List.map string_of_field pattern) ^ " }"
127 let string_of_constructor constructor =
128 "{ " ^ String.concat "; " (List.map string_of_field constructor) ^ " }"
130 let pattern_to_channel chan patt = Marshal.to_channel chan patt []
131 let constructor_to_channel chan cons = Marshal.to_channel chan cons []
133 let pattern_to_string patt = Marshal.to_string patt []
134 let constructor_to_string cons = Marshal.to_string cons []
136 let pattern_to_buffer str ofs len patt =
137 Marshal.to_buffer str ofs len patt []
138 let constructor_to_buffer str ofs len cons =
139 Marshal.to_buffer str ofs len cons []
141 let pattern_from_channel = Marshal.from_channel
142 let constructor_from_channel = Marshal.from_channel
144 let pattern_from_string = Marshal.from_string
145 let constructor_from_string = Marshal.from_string
147 let create_pattern_field _loc =
149 field = <:patt< _ >>;
150 flen = <:expr< 32 >>;
151 endian = ConstantEndian Bitmatch.BigEndian;
155 printer = patt_printer;
158 let set_lident_patt field id =
159 let _loc = field._loc in
160 { field with field = <:patt< $lid:id$ >> }
161 let set_int_patt field i =
162 let _loc = field._loc in
163 { field with field = <:patt< $`int:i$ >> }
164 let set_string_patt field str =
165 let _loc = field._loc in
166 { field with field = <:patt< $str:str$ >> }
167 let set_unbound_patt field =
168 let _loc = field._loc in
169 { field with field = <:patt< _ >> }
170 let set_patt field patt = { field with field = patt }
171 let set_length_int field flen =
172 let _loc = field._loc in
173 { field with flen = <:expr< $`int:flen$ >> }
174 let set_length field flen = { field with flen = flen }
175 let set_endian field endian = { field with endian = ConstantEndian endian }
176 let set_endian_expr field expr = { field with endian = EndianExpr expr }
177 let set_signed field signed = { field with signed = signed }
178 let set_type_int field = { field with t = Int }
179 let set_type_string field = { field with t = String }
180 let set_type_bitstring field = { field with t = Bitstring }
181 let set_location field loc = { field with _loc = loc }
183 let create_constructor_field _loc =
185 field = <:expr< 0 >>;
186 flen = <:expr< 32 >>;
187 endian = ConstantEndian Bitmatch.BigEndian;
191 printer = expr_printer;
194 let set_lident_expr field id =
195 let _loc = field._loc in
196 { field with field = <:expr< $lid:id$ >> }
197 let set_int_expr field i =
198 let _loc = field._loc in
199 { field with field = <:expr< $`int:i$ >> }
200 let set_string_expr field str =
201 let _loc = field._loc in
202 { field with field = <:expr< $str:str$ >> }
203 let set_expr field expr =
204 let _loc = field._loc in
205 { field with field = expr }
207 let get_patt field = field.field
208 let get_expr field = field.field
209 let get_length field = field.flen
210 let get_endian field = field.endian
211 let get_signed field = field.signed
212 let get_type field = field.t
213 let get_location field = field._loc