#!/usr/bin/perl -wT # xavierbot : an OCaml interpreter IRC bot. # By Richard W.M. Jones . # This code is in the Public Domain. # $Id: xavierbot.pl.in,v 1.3 2007/06/28 23:18:28 rjones Exp $ use strict; use POE qw(Component::IRC Wheel::Run); #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Start of configuration. my $nick = "xavierbot"; my $ircname = "Xavierbot"; # Printable name. my $server = "chat.freenode.net"; #my $server = "devserv.devel.redhat.com"; my $port = 6667; my $channel = "#ocaml"; # End of configuration. #---------------------------------------------------------------------- $ENV{PATH} = "/usr/bin:/bin"; POE::Session->create ( package_states => [ main => [ qw(_default _start irc_001 irc_public got_stdout) ], ], ); POE::Kernel->run (); exit 0; sub _start { my ($kernel, $heap) = @_[KERNEL,HEAP]; my $irc = POE::Component::IRC->spawn ( nick => $nick, ircname => $ircname, server => $server, port => $port, ) or die "POE::Component::IRC->spawn failed: $!"; my $ocaml = POE::Wheel::Run->new ( Program => "@WRAPPER@", StdoutEvent => "got_stdout", StderrEvent => "got_stdout", ) or die "POE::Wheel::Run->new @WRAPPER@ failed: $!"; $heap->{irc} = $irc; $heap->{ocaml} = $ocaml; my $irc_session = $heap->{irc}->session_id (); $kernel->post ($irc_session => register => "all"); $kernel->post ($irc_session => connect => { }); undef; } sub irc_001 { my ($kernel, $sender) = @_[KERNEL,SENDER]; my $poco_object = $sender->get_heap (); print "Connected to ", $poco_object->server_name (), "\n"; $kernel->post ($sender => join => $channel); undef; } sub irc_public { my ($kernel, $sender, $who, $where, $what, $heap) = @_[KERNEL,SENDER,ARG0,ARG1,ARG2,HEAP]; my $nick = (split /!/, $who)[0]; my $channel = $where->[0]; print "got: $what\n"; if (my ($stmt) = $what =~ /^\s*([^#].*;;)\s*$/) { $heap->{ocaml}->put ("$stmt\n"); } elsif ($what =~ /$nick.*restart/) { print STDOUT "got instruction to restart ...\n" } undef; } sub _default { my ($event, $args) = @_[ARG0 .. $#_]; my @output = ("$event: "); foreach my $arg (@$args) { if (ref ($arg) eq "ARRAY") { push @output, "[" . join (" ,", @$arg) . "]"; } else { push @output, "'$arg'"; } } print STDOUT join " ", @output, "\n"; return 0; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Bot wrote something. sub got_stdout { my ($kernel,$heap, $input, $wheel_id) = @_[KERNEL,HEAP,ARG0,ARG1]; print "Child said: $input\n"; $kernel->post ($heap->{irc} => privmsg => $channel => "$input"); }