(* whenjobs daemon * Copyright (C) 2012 Red Hat Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. *) open Big_int open Unix open Printf let libdir = ref Libdir.libdir let jobsdir = (* Running the program as root is a mistake. It must be run as a * non-root user. *) let euid = geteuid () in if euid = 0 then ( eprintf "whenjobs: this program must not be run as root\n"; exit 1 ); (* $HOME must be defined and must exist and be a directory and must be * owned by the current user. *) let home = try getenv "HOME" with Not_found -> eprintf "whenjobs: $HOME environment variable must be defined\n"; exit 1 in let stat = try lstat home with Unix_error (err, fn, _) -> eprintf "whenjobs: %s: %s ($HOME): %s\n" fn home (error_message err); exit 1 in if stat.st_kind != S_DIR then ( eprintf "whenjobs: %s ($HOME): not a directory\n" home; exit 1 ); if stat.st_uid != euid then ( eprintf "whenjobs: %s ($HOME): not owned by the current user (uid %d)\n" home euid; exit 1 ); (* Make the $HOME/.whenjobs directory if it doesn't exist. *) let jobsdir = sprintf "%s/.whenjobs" home in (try mkdir jobsdir 0o700 with Unix_error _ -> ()); jobsdir let rec main () = (* Parse the command line arguments. *) let mode = ref None in let typ = ref "string" in let set_mode m () = mode := Some m in let display_version () = printf "%s %s\n" Config.package_name Config.package_version; exit 0 in let argspec = Arg.align [ "--daemon-start", Arg.Unit (set_mode `Daemon_start), " Start the daemon"; "--daemon-status", Arg.Unit (set_mode `Daemon_status), " Display the status of the daemon"; "--daemon-stop", Arg.Unit (set_mode `Daemon_stop), " Stop the daemon"; "--daemon-restart", Arg.Unit (set_mode `Daemon_restart), " Restart the daemon"; "-e", Arg.Unit (set_mode `Edit), " Edit and upload the script"; "--edit", Arg.Unit (set_mode `Edit), " Edit and upload the script"; "--get", Arg.Unit (set_mode `Get), " Display the variable"; "-l", Arg.Unit (set_mode `List), " List the script"; "--list", Arg.Unit (set_mode `List), " List the script"; "--lib", Arg.Set_string libdir, "dir Specify directory that contains pa_when.cmo"; "--set", Arg.Unit (set_mode `Set), " Set the variable"; "--type", Arg.Set_string typ, "bool|int|float|string|unit Set the variable type"; "--upload", Arg.Unit (set_mode `Upload), " Upload the script"; "--variables", Arg.Unit (set_mode `Variables), " Display all variables and values"; "-V", Arg.Unit display_version, " Display version number and exit"; "--version", Arg.Unit display_version, " Display version number and exit"; ] in let args = ref [] in let anon_fun str = args := str :: !args in let usage_msg = "\ Whenjobs is a powerful but simple cron replacement. Whenjobs copyright (C) 2012 Red Hat Inc. Editing the script: whenjobs -e | --edit whenjobs -l | --list Get and set variables: whenjobs --get variable whenjobs --set variable value Start and stop the per-user daemon: whenjobs --daemon-start | --daemon-stop | --daemon-status For documentation see the whenjobs(1) man page. Options: " in Arg.parse argspec anon_fun usage_msg; let mode = !mode in let args = List.rev !args in let typ = match !typ with | "bool"|"boolean" -> `Bool | "string" -> `String | "int" -> `Int | "float"|"double" -> `Float | "unit" -> `Unit | t -> eprintf "whenjobs: --type: unknown type (%s)\n" t; exit 1 in (* Depending on the selected mode, perform a different action. *) match mode with | None -> eprintf "whenjobs: no operation selected.\n"; suggest_help (); exit 1 | Some `Edit -> unused_error args "-e"; edit_file () | Some `List -> unused_error args "-l"; list_file () | Some `Upload -> unused_error args "--upload"; upload_file () | Some `Set -> if List.length args != 2 then ( eprintf "whenjobs --set variable value\n"; eprintf "If 'value' contains spaces, you may need to quote it.\n"; suggest_help (); exit 1 ); set_variable (List.hd args) (List.hd (List.tl args)) typ | Some `Get -> if List.length args != 1 then ( eprintf "whenjobs --get variable\n"; suggest_help (); exit 1 ); get_variable (List.hd args) | Some `Variables -> unused_error args "--variables"; list_variables () | Some `Daemon_start -> unused_error args "--daemon-start"; daemon_start () | Some `Daemon_stop -> unused_error args "--daemon-stop"; daemon_stop () | Some `Daemon_restart -> unused_error args "--daemon-restart"; daemon_restart () | Some `Daemon_status -> unused_error args "--daemon-status"; daemon_status () and edit_file () = (* If there is no initial file, create an empty one containing the * tutorial. *) let file = get_jobs_filename () in if not (Sys.file_exists file) then create_tutorial file; (* Is $EDITOR set? If not, use a default. *) let editor = try getenv "EDITOR" with Not_found -> "vi" in (* Get the (size, MD5) of the file to tell if it changed. *) let file_stamp () = try (lstat file).st_size, Digest.file file with Unix_error (err, fn, _) -> eprintf "whenjobs: %s: %s: %s\n" fn file (error_message err); exit 1 in let old_stamp = file_stamp () in let cmd = sprintf "%s %s" editor file in if Sys.command cmd != 0 then ( eprintf "whenjobs: error editing file (is $EDITOR set correctly?)\n"; exit 1 ); let new_stamp = file_stamp () in if old_stamp <> new_stamp then upload_file () and list_file () = let file = get_jobs_filename () in if not (Sys.file_exists file) then ( eprintf "whenjobs: there is no jobs file, use 'whenjobs -e' to create one\n"; exit 1 ); let chan = open_in file in let rec loop () = printf "%s\n" (input_line chan); loop () in (try loop () with End_of_file -> ()); close_in chan and upload_file () = (* Recompile the jobs file. *) let file = get_jobs_filename () in let cmo_file = sprintf "%s/jobs.cmo" jobsdir in let cmd = sprintf "ocamlfind ocamlc -I +camlp4 -I %s -package unix,camlp4.lib -pp 'camlp4o %s/pa_when.cmo' -c %s -o %s" !libdir !libdir file cmo_file in if Sys.command cmd <> 0 then ( eprintf "whenjobs: could not compile jobs script, see earlier error messages\n"; eprintf "compile command was:\n%s\n" cmd; exit 1 ); (* Test-load the jobs file to ensure it makes sense. *) Whenfile.init Whenstate.empty; (try Dynlink.loadfile cmo_file with Dynlink.Error err -> eprintf "whenjobs: %s\n" (Dynlink.error_message err); (* Since it failed, unlink it. *) (try unlink cmo_file with Unix_error _ -> ()); exit 1 ); (* OK now let's tell the daemon to reload it. *) let client = start_client () in (match Whenproto_clnt.When.V1.reload_file client () with | `ok -> () | `error msg -> eprintf "whenjobs: reload: %s\n" msg; suggest_check_server_logs (); exit 1 ); stop_client client and set_variable name value typ = let value = match typ with | `Bool -> (match value with | "true"|"t"|"yes"|"y"|"on"|"1" -> `bool_t true | "false"|"f"|"no"|"n"|"off"|"0" -> `bool_t false | _ -> eprintf "whenjobs: variable does not have a boolean value\n"; exit 1 ) | `String -> `string_t value | `Int -> (try ignore (big_int_of_string value) with Failure _ -> eprintf "whenjobs: variable is not an integer\n"; exit 1 ); `int_t value (* the string is what we pass over the wire *) | `Float -> (try `float_t (float_of_string value) with Failure _ -> eprintf "whenjobs: variable is not a floating point number\n"; exit 1 ) | `Unit -> if value <> "" then ( eprintf "whenjobs: unit variables must be empty strings\n"; exit 1 ); `unit_t in let client = start_client () in (match Whenproto_clnt.When.V1.set_variable client (name, value) with | `ok -> () | `error msg -> eprintf "whenjobs: set: %s\n" msg; suggest_check_server_logs (); exit 1 ); stop_client client and get_variable name = let client = start_client () in let value = Whenproto_clnt.When.V1.get_variable client name in print_endline (string_of_variable value); stop_client client and list_variables () = let client = start_client () in let names = Whenproto_clnt.When.V1.get_variable_names client () in Array.iter ( fun name -> let value = Whenproto_clnt.When.V1.get_variable client name in printf "%s=%s\n" name (string_of_variable value) ) names; stop_client client and daemon_start () = assert false and daemon_stop () = let client = start_client () in (match Whenproto_clnt.When.V1.exit_daemon client () with | `ok -> () | `error msg -> eprintf "whenjobs: daemon-stop: %s\n" msg; suggest_check_server_logs (); exit 1 ); stop_client client and daemon_restart () = assert false and daemon_status () = assert false and unused_error args op = if args <> [] then ( eprintf "whenjobs %s: unused parameters on the command line.\n" op; suggest_help (); exit 1 ) and suggest_help () = eprintf "Use 'whenjobs --help' for a summary of options or read whenjobs(1) man page.\n" and suggest_check_server_logs () = eprintf "Look at the server logs (/var/log/cron or /var/log/syslog usually) for\n"; eprintf "further information on why this daemon operation failed.\n" and get_jobs_filename () = sprintf "%s/jobs.ml" jobsdir and create_tutorial file = let chan = open_out file in output_string chan Tutorial.tutorial; close_out chan and start_client () = let addr = sprintf "%s/socket" jobsdir in let client = try Whenproto_clnt.When.V1.create_client (Rpc_client.Unix addr) Rpc.Tcp (* not TCP, this is the same as SOCK_STREAM *) with | Unix_error ((ECONNREFUSED|ENOENT), _, _) -> eprintf "whenjobs: error: the daemon ('whenjobsd') is not running\n"; eprintf "Use 'whenjobs --daemon-start' to start the daemon.\n"; exit 1 | Unix_error (err, fn, _) -> eprintf "whenjobs: %s: %s: %s\n" fn addr (error_message err); exit 1 in client and stop_client client = Rpc_client.shut_down client and string_of_variable = function | `unit_t -> "" | `bool_t b -> string_of_bool b | `string_t s -> s | `int_t i -> i (* passed on the wire as a string *) | `float_t f -> string_of_float f let () = try main () with (* Pretty print some of the exceptions that main can throw. *) | Rpc.Rpc_server err -> eprintf "whenjobs: rpc error: %s\n" (Rpc.string_of_server_error err); suggest_check_server_logs (); exit 1 | Failure msg -> eprintf "whenjobs: error: %s\n" msg; exit 1 | Invalid_argument msg -> eprintf "whenjobs: invalid argument: %s\n" msg; exit 1 | exn -> eprintf "whenjobs: error: %s\n" (Printexc.to_string exn); exit 1