(* 'top'-like tool for libvirt domains. * $Id: virt_top.ml,v 1.5 2007/08/30 13:52:40 rjones Exp $ *) open Printf open ExtList open Curses module C = Libvirt.Connect module D = Libvirt.Domain module N = Libvirt.Network (* Hook for XML support (see virt_top_xml.ml). *) let parse_device_xml : (int -> [>`R] D.t -> string list * string list) ref = ref ( fun _ _ -> [], [] ) (* Hooks for CSV support (see virt_top_csv.ml). *) let csv_start : (string -> unit) ref = ref ( fun _ -> failwith "virt-top was compiled without support for CSV" ) let csv_write : (string list -> unit) ref = ref ( fun _ -> () ) (* Int64 operators for convenience. *) let (+^) = Int64.add let (-^) = Int64.sub let ( *^ ) = Int64.mul let (/^) = Int64.div type sort_order = | DomainID | DomainName | Processor | Memory | Time | NetRX | NetTX | BlockRdRq | BlockWrRq let all_sort_fields = [ DomainID; DomainName; Processor; Memory; Time; NetRX; NetTX; BlockRdRq; BlockWrRq ] let printable_sort_order = function | Processor -> "%CPU" | Memory -> "%MEM" | Time -> "TIME (CPU time)" | DomainID -> "Domain ID" | DomainName -> "Domain name" | NetRX -> "Net RX bytes" | NetTX -> "Net TX bytes" | BlockRdRq -> "Block read reqs" | BlockWrRq -> "Block write reqs" (* Current major display mode: TaskDisplay is the normal display. *) type display = TaskDisplay | PCPUDisplay | BlockDisplay | NetDisplay (* Settings. *) let quit = ref false let delay = ref 3000 (* milliseconds *) let historical_cpu_delay = ref 20 (* secs *) let iterations = ref (-1) let batch_mode = ref false let secure_mode = ref false let sort_order = ref Processor let display_mode = ref TaskDisplay let uri = ref None let debug_file = ref "" let csv_enabled = ref false (* Function to read command line arguments and go into curses mode. *) let start_up () = (* Read command line arguments. *) let rec set_delay newdelay = if newdelay <= 0. then failwith "-d: cannot set a negative delay"; delay := int_of_float (newdelay *. 1000.) and set_uri = function "" -> uri := None | u -> uri := Some u and set_sort = function | "cpu" | "processor" -> sort_order := Processor | "mem" | "memory" -> sort_order := Memory | "time" -> sort_order := Time | "id" -> sort_order := DomainID | "name" -> sort_order := DomainName | "netrx" -> sort_order := NetRX | "nettx" -> sort_order := NetTX | "blockrdrq" -> sort_order := BlockRdRq | "blockwrrq" -> sort_order := BlockWrRq | str -> failwith (str ^ ": sort order should be: cpu|mem|time|id|name|netrx|nettx|blockrdrq|blockwrrq") and set_pcpu_mode () = display_mode := PCPUDisplay and set_net_mode () = display_mode := NetDisplay and set_block_mode () = display_mode := BlockDisplay and set_csv filename = (!csv_start) filename; csv_enabled := true in let argspec = Arg.align [ "-1", Arg.Unit set_pcpu_mode, " Start by displaying pCPUs (default: tasks)"; "-2", Arg.Unit set_net_mode, " Start by displaying network interfaces"; "-3", Arg.Unit set_block_mode, " Start by displaying block devices"; "-b", Arg.Set batch_mode, " Batch mode"; "-c", Arg.String set_uri, "uri Connect to URI (default: Xen)"; "--connect", Arg.String set_uri, "uri Connect to URI (default: Xen)"; "--csv", Arg.String set_csv, "file Log statistics to CSV file"; "-d", Arg.Float set_delay, "delay Delay time interval (seconds)"; "--debug", Arg.Set_string debug_file, "file Send debug messages to file"; "--hist-cpu", Arg.Set_int historical_cpu_delay, "secs Historical CPU delay"; "-n", Arg.Set_int iterations, "iterations Number of iterations to run"; "-o", Arg.String set_sort, "sort Set sort order (cpu|mem|time|id|name)"; "-s", Arg.Set secure_mode, " Secure (\"kiosk\") mode"; ] in let anon_fun str = raise (Arg.Bad (str ^ ": unknown parameter")) in let usage_msg = "virt-top : a 'top'-like utility for virtualization SUMMARY virt-top [-options] OPTIONS" in Arg.parse argspec anon_fun usage_msg; (* Connect to the hypervisor before going into curses mode, since * this is the most likely thing to fail. *) let conn = let name = !uri in try C.connect_readonly ?name () with Libvirt.Virterror err -> prerr_endline (Libvirt.Virterror.to_string err); (* If non-root and no explicit connection URI, print a warning. *) if Unix.geteuid () <> 0 && name = None then ( print_endline "NB: If you want to monitor a local Xen hypervisor, you usually need to be root"; ); exit 1 in (* Get the node_info. This never changes, right? So we get it just once. *) let node_info = C.get_node_info conn in (* Hostname and libvirt library version also don't change. *) let hostname = try C.get_hostname conn with | Invalid_argument "virConnectGetHostname not supported" -> "unknown" in let libvirt_version = let v, _ = Libvirt.get_version () in v / 1_000_000, (v / 1_000) mod 1_000, v mod 1_000 in (* Open debug file if specified. * NB: Do this just before jumping into curses mode. *) (match !debug_file with | "" -> (* No debug file specified, send stderr to /dev/null. *) (try let fd = Unix.openfile "/dev/null" [Unix.O_WRONLY] 0o644 in Unix.dup2 fd Unix.stderr; Unix.close fd with Unix.Unix_error _ -> () ) | filename -> (* Send stderr to the named file. *) let fd = Unix.openfile filename [Unix.O_WRONLY;Unix.O_CREAT;Unix.O_TRUNC] 0o644 in Unix.dup2 fd Unix.stderr; Unix.close fd ); (* Curses voodoo (see ncurses(3)). *) let stdscr = initscr (); cbreak (); noecho (); nonl (); let stdscr = stdscr () in intrflush stdscr false; keypad stdscr true; stdscr in (* This tuple of static information is called 'state' in other parts * of this program, and is passed to other functions such as redraw and * main_loop. See virt_top_main.ml. It's not really "state" though. *) conn, stdscr, node_info, hostname, libvirt_version (* Show a percentage in 4 chars. *) let show_percent percent = if percent <= 0. then " 0.0" else if percent <= 9.9 then sprintf " %1.1f" percent else if percent <= 99.9 then sprintf "%2.1f" percent else "100 " (* Show an int64 option in 4 chars. *) let rec show_int64_option = function | None -> " " | Some n -> show_int64 n (* Show an int64 in 4 chars. *) and show_int64 = function | n when n < 0L -> "-!!!" | n when n <= 9999L -> sprintf "%4Ld" n | n when n /^ 1024L <= 999L -> sprintf "%3LdK" (n /^ 1024L) | n when n /^ 1_048_576L <= 999L -> sprintf "%3LdM" (n /^ 1_048_576L) | n when n /^ 1_073_741_824L <= 999L -> sprintf "%3LdG" (n /^ 1_073_741_824L) | _ -> ">!!!" (* Format the total time (may be large!) in 9 chars. *) let show_time ns = let secs_in_ns = 1_000_000_000L in let mins_in_ns = 60_000_000_000L in let hours_in_ns = 3_600_000_000_000L in let hours = ns /^ hours_in_ns in let ns = ns -^ (hours *^ hours_in_ns) in let mins = ns /^ mins_in_ns in let ns = ns -^ (mins *^ mins_in_ns) in let secs = ns /^ secs_in_ns in let ns = ns -^ (secs *^ secs_in_ns) in let pennies = ns /^ 10_000_000L in if hours < 12L then sprintf "%3Ld:%02Ld.%02Ld" (hours *^ 60L +^ mins) secs pennies else if hours <= 999L then sprintf "%3Ld:%02Ld:%02Ld" hours mins secs else ( let days = hours /^ 24L in let hours = hours -^ (days *^ 24L) in sprintf "%3Ldd%02Ld:%02Ld" days hours mins ) (* Show a domain state (the 'S' column). *) let show_state = function | D.InfoNoState -> '?' | D.InfoRunning -> 'R' | D.InfoBlocked -> 'S' | D.InfoPaused -> 'P' | D.InfoShutdown -> 'D' | D.InfoShutoff -> 'O' | D.InfoCrashed -> 'X' (* Sum Domain.block_stats structures together. Missing fields * get forced to 0. Empty list returns all 0. *) let zero_block_stats = { D.rd_req = 0L; rd_bytes = 0L; wr_req = 0L; wr_bytes = 0L; errs = 0L } let add_block_stats bs1 bs2 = let add f1 f2 = if f1 >= 0L && f2 >= 0L then f1 +^ f2 else 0L in { D.rd_req = add bs1.D.rd_req bs2.D.rd_req; rd_bytes = add bs1.D.rd_bytes bs2.D.rd_bytes; wr_req = add bs1.D.wr_req bs2.D.wr_req; wr_bytes = add bs1.D.wr_bytes bs2.D.wr_bytes; errs = add bs1.D.errs bs2.D.errs } let sum_block_stats = List.fold_left add_block_stats zero_block_stats (* Get the difference between two block_stats structures. Missing data * forces the difference to -1. *) let diff_block_stats curr prev = let sub f1 f2 = if f1 >= 0L && f2 >= 0L then f1 -^ f2 else -1L in { D.rd_req = sub curr.D.rd_req prev.D.rd_req; rd_bytes = sub curr.D.rd_bytes prev.D.rd_bytes; wr_req = sub curr.D.wr_req prev.D.wr_req; wr_bytes = sub curr.D.wr_bytes prev.D.wr_bytes; errs = sub curr.D.errs prev.D.errs } (* Sum Domain.interface_stats structures together. Missing fields * get forced to 0. Empty list returns all 0. *) let zero_interface_stats = { D.rx_bytes = 0L; rx_packets = 0L; rx_errs = 0L; rx_drop = 0L; tx_bytes = 0L; tx_packets = 0L; tx_errs = 0L; tx_drop = 0L } let add_interface_stats is1 is2 = let add f1 f2 = if f1 >= 0L && f2 >= 0L then f1 +^ f2 else 0L in { D.rx_bytes = add is1.D.rx_bytes is2.D.rx_bytes; rx_packets = add is1.D.rx_packets is2.D.rx_packets; rx_errs = add is1.D.rx_errs is2.D.rx_errs; rx_drop = add is1.D.rx_drop is2.D.rx_drop; tx_bytes = add is1.D.tx_bytes is2.D.tx_bytes; tx_packets = add is1.D.tx_packets is2.D.tx_packets; tx_errs = add is1.D.tx_errs is2.D.tx_errs; tx_drop = add is1.D.tx_drop is2.D.tx_drop } let sum_interface_stats = List.fold_left add_interface_stats zero_interface_stats (* Get the difference between two interface_stats structures. * Missing data forces the difference to -1. *) let diff_interface_stats curr prev = let sub f1 f2 = if f1 >= 0L && f2 >= 0L then f1 -^ f2 else -1L in { D.rx_bytes = sub curr.D.rx_bytes prev.D.rx_bytes; rx_packets = sub curr.D.rx_packets prev.D.rx_packets; rx_errs = sub curr.D.rx_errs prev.D.rx_errs; rx_drop = sub curr.D.rx_drop prev.D.rx_drop; tx_bytes = sub curr.D.tx_bytes prev.D.tx_bytes; tx_packets = sub curr.D.tx_packets prev.D.tx_packets; tx_errs = sub curr.D.tx_errs prev.D.tx_errs; tx_drop = sub curr.D.tx_drop prev.D.tx_drop } (* Update the display and sleep for given number of seconds. *) let sleep n = refresh (); Unix.sleep n (* The curses getstr/getnstr functions are just weird. * This helper function also enables echo temporarily. *) let get_string maxlen = echo (); let str = String.create maxlen in let ok = getstr str in (* Safe because binding calls getnstr. *) noecho (); if not ok then "" else ( (* Chop at first '\0'. *) try let i = String.index str '\000' in String.sub str 0 i with Not_found -> str (* it is full maxlen bytes *) ) (* Pad a string to the full width with spaces. If too long, truncate. *) let pad width str = let n = String.length str in if n = width then str else if n > width then String.sub str 0 width else (* if n < width then *) str ^ String.make (width-n) ' ' (* Line numbers. *) let top_lineno = 0 let summary_lineno = 1 (* this takes 2 lines *) let message_lineno = 3 let header_lineno = 4 let domains_lineno = 5 (* Print in the "message area". *) let clear_msg () = move message_lineno 0; clrtoeol () let print_msg str = clear_msg (); mvaddstr message_lineno 0 str; () (* Write CSV header row. *) let write_csv_header () = (!csv_write) [ "Hostname"; "Time"; "Arch"; "Physical CPUs"; "Count"; "Running"; "Blocked"; "Paused"; "Shutdown"; "Shutoff"; "Crashed"; "Active"; "Inactive"; "%CPU"; "Total memory KB"; "Total guest memory KB"; "Total CPU time ns" ] (* Intermediate "domain + stats" structure that we use to collect * everything we know about a domain within the redraw function. *) type rd_domain = Inactive | Active of rd_active and rd_active = { rd_domid : int; (* Domain ID. *) rd_dom : [`R] D.t; (* Domain object. *) rd_info : D.info; (* Domain CPU info now. *) rd_block_stats : (string * D.block_stats) list; (* Domain block stats now. *) rd_interface_stats : (string * D.interface_stats) list; (* Domain net stats now. *) rd_prev_info : D.info option; (* Domain CPU info previously. *) rd_prev_block_stats : (string * D.block_stats) list; (* Domain block stats prev. *) rd_prev_interface_stats : (string * D.interface_stats) list; (* Domain interface stats prev. *) (* The following are since the last slice, or 0 if cannot be calculated: *) rd_cpu_time : float; (* CPU time used in nanoseconds. *) rd_percent_cpu : float; (* CPU time as percent of total. *) (* The following are since the last slice, or None if cannot be calc'd: *) rd_block_rd_reqs : int64 option; (* Number of block device read rqs. *) rd_block_wr_reqs : int64 option; (* Number of block device write rqs. *) rd_net_rx_bytes : int64 option; (* Number of bytes received. *) rd_net_tx_bytes : int64 option; (* Number of bytes transmitted. *) } (* Redraw the display. *) let redraw, clear_pcpu_display_data = (* We cache the list of block devices and interfaces for each domain * here, so we don't need to reparse the XML each time. *) let devices = Hashtbl.create 13 in (* Function to get the list of block devices, network interfaces for * a particular domain. Get it from the devices cache, and if not * there then parse the domain XML. *) let get_devices id dom = try Hashtbl.find devices id with Not_found -> let blkdevs, netifs = (!parse_device_xml) id dom in Hashtbl.replace devices id (blkdevs, netifs); blkdevs, netifs in (* We save the state of domains across redraws here, which allows us * to deduce %CPU usage from the running total. *) let last_info = Hashtbl.create 13 in let last_time = ref (Unix.gettimeofday ()) in (* Save vcpuinfo structures across redraws too (only for pCPU display). *) let last_vcpu_info = Hashtbl.create 13 in (* Keep a historical list of %CPU usages. *) let historical_cpu = ref [] in let historical_cpu_last_time = ref (Unix.gettimeofday ()) in let redraw (conn, stdscr, node_info, hostname, _) = clear (); (* Get the screen/window size. *) let lines, cols = get_size () in (* Number of physical CPUs (some may be disabled). *) let nr_pcpus = C.maxcpus_of_node_info node_info in (* Get the current time. *) let time = Unix.gettimeofday () in let tm = Unix.localtime time in let printable_time = sprintf "%02d:%02d:%02d" tm.Unix.tm_hour tm.Unix.tm_min tm.Unix.tm_sec in mvaddstr top_lineno 0 ("virt-top " ^ printable_time ^ " - "); (* What's the total CPU time elapsed since we were last called? (ns) *) let total_cpu_per_pcpu = 1_000_000_000. *. (time -. !last_time) in (* Avoid division by zero. *) let total_cpu_per_pcpu = if total_cpu_per_pcpu <= 0. then 1. else total_cpu_per_pcpu in let total_cpu = float node_info.C.cpus *. total_cpu_per_pcpu in (* Basic node_info. *) addstr (sprintf "%s %d/%dCPU %dMHz %LdMB " node_info.C.model node_info.C.cpus nr_pcpus node_info.C.mhz (node_info.C.memory /^ 1024L)); (* Save the cursor position for when we come to draw the * historical CPU times (down in this function). *) let historical_cursor = getyx stdscr in (* Get the domains. Match up with their last_info (if any). *) let doms = (* Active domains. *) let n = C.num_of_domains conn in let ids = Array.to_list (C.list_domains conn n) in let doms = List.filter_map ( fun id -> try let dom = D.lookup_by_id conn id in let name = D.get_name dom in let blkdevs, netifs = get_devices id dom in (* Get current CPU, block and network stats. *) let info = D.get_info dom in let block_stats = try List.map (fun dev -> dev, D.block_stats dom dev) blkdevs with | Invalid_argument "virDomainBlockStats not supported" | Libvirt.Virterror _ -> [] in let interface_stats = try List.map (fun dev -> dev, D.interface_stats dom dev) netifs with | Invalid_argument "virDomainInterfaceStats not supported" | Libvirt.Virterror _ -> [] in let prev_info, prev_block_stats, prev_interface_stats = try let prev_info, prev_block_stats, prev_interface_stats = Hashtbl.find last_info id in Some prev_info, prev_block_stats, prev_interface_stats with Not_found -> None, [], [] in Some (name, Active { rd_domid = id; rd_dom = dom; rd_info = info; rd_block_stats = block_stats; rd_interface_stats = interface_stats; rd_prev_info = prev_info; rd_prev_block_stats = prev_block_stats; rd_prev_interface_stats = prev_interface_stats; rd_cpu_time = 0.; rd_percent_cpu = 0.; rd_block_rd_reqs = None; rd_block_wr_reqs = None; rd_net_rx_bytes = None; rd_net_tx_bytes = None; }) with Libvirt.Virterror _ -> None (* ignore transient error *) ) ids in (* Inactive domains. *) let n = C.num_of_defined_domains conn in let names = Array.to_list (C.list_defined_domains conn n) in let doms_inactive = List.map (fun name -> name, Inactive) names in doms @ doms_inactive in (* Calculate the CPU time (ns) and %CPU used by each domain. *) let doms = List.map ( function (* We have previous CPU info from which to calculate it? *) | name, Active ({ rd_prev_info = Some prev_info } as rd) -> let cpu_time = Int64.to_float (rd.rd_info.D.cpu_time -^ prev_info.D.cpu_time) in let percent_cpu = 100. *. cpu_time /. total_cpu in let rd = { rd with rd_cpu_time = cpu_time; rd_percent_cpu = percent_cpu } in name, Active rd (* For all other domains we can't calculate it, so leave as 0 *) | rd -> rd ) doms in (* Calculate the number of block device read/write requests across * all block devices attached to a domain. *) let doms = List.map ( function (* Do we have stats from the previous slice? *) | name, Active ({ rd_prev_block_stats = ((_::_) as prev_block_stats) } as rd) -> let block_stats = rd.rd_block_stats in (* stats now *) (* Add all the devices together. Throw away device names. *) let prev_block_stats = sum_block_stats (List.map snd prev_block_stats) in let block_stats = sum_block_stats (List.map snd block_stats) in (* Calculate increase in read & write requests. *) let read_reqs = block_stats.D.rd_req -^ prev_block_stats.D.rd_req in let write_reqs = block_stats.D.wr_req -^ prev_block_stats.D.wr_req in let rd = { rd with rd_block_rd_reqs = Some read_reqs; rd_block_wr_reqs = Some write_reqs } in name, Active rd (* For all other domains we can't calculate it, so leave as None. *) | rd -> rd ) doms in (* Calculate the same as above for network interfaces across * all network interfaces attached to a domain. *) let doms = List.map ( function (* Do we have stats from the previous slice? *) | name, Active ({ rd_prev_interface_stats = ((_::_) as prev_interface_stats) } as rd) -> let interface_stats = rd.rd_interface_stats in (* stats now *) (* Add all the devices together. Throw away device names. *) let prev_interface_stats = sum_interface_stats (List.map snd prev_interface_stats) in let interface_stats = sum_interface_stats (List.map snd interface_stats) in (* Calculate increase in rx & tx bytes. *) let rx_bytes = interface_stats.D.rx_bytes -^ prev_interface_stats.D.rx_bytes in let tx_bytes = interface_stats.D.tx_bytes -^ prev_interface_stats.D.tx_bytes in let rd = { rd with rd_net_rx_bytes = Some rx_bytes; rd_net_tx_bytes = Some tx_bytes } in name, Active rd (* For all other domains we can't calculate it, so leave as None. *) | rd -> rd ) doms in (match !display_mode with | TaskDisplay -> (*---------- Showing domains ----------*) (* Sort domains on current sort_order. *) let doms = let cmp = match !sort_order with | DomainName -> (fun _ -> 0) (* fallthrough to default name compare *) | Processor -> (function | Active rd1, Active rd2 -> compare rd2.rd_percent_cpu rd1.rd_percent_cpu | Active _, Inactive -> -1 | Inactive, Active _ -> 1 | Inactive, Inactive -> 0) | Memory -> (function | Active { rd_info = info1 }, Active { rd_info = info2 } -> compare info2.D.memory info1.D.memory | Active _, Inactive -> -1 | Inactive, Active _ -> 1 | Inactive, Inactive -> 0) | Time -> (function | Active { rd_info = info1 }, Active { rd_info = info2 } -> compare info2.D.cpu_time info1.D.cpu_time | Active _, Inactive -> -1 | Inactive, Active _ -> 1 | Inactive, Inactive -> 0) | DomainID -> (function | Active { rd_domid = id1 }, Active { rd_domid = id2 } -> compare id1 id2 | Active _, Inactive -> -1 | Inactive, Active _ -> 1 | Inactive, Inactive -> 0) | NetRX -> (function | Active { rd_net_rx_bytes = r1 }, Active { rd_net_rx_bytes = r2 } -> compare r2 r1 | Active _, Inactive -> -1 | Inactive, Active _ -> 1 | Inactive, Inactive -> 0) | NetTX -> (function | Active { rd_net_tx_bytes = r1 }, Active { rd_net_tx_bytes = r2 } -> compare r2 r1 | Active _, Inactive -> -1 | Inactive, Active _ -> 1 | Inactive, Inactive -> 0) | BlockRdRq -> (function | Active { rd_block_rd_reqs = r1 }, Active { rd_block_rd_reqs = r2 } -> compare r2 r1 | Active _, Inactive -> -1 | Inactive, Active _ -> 1 | Inactive, Inactive -> 0) | BlockWrRq -> (function | Active { rd_block_wr_reqs = r1 }, Active { rd_block_wr_reqs = r2 } -> compare r2 r1 | Active _, Inactive -> -1 | Inactive, Active _ -> 1 | Inactive, Inactive -> 0) in let cmp (name1, dom1) (name2, dom2) = let r = cmp (dom1, dom2) in if r <> 0 then r else compare name1 name2 in List.sort ~cmp doms in (* Print domains. *) attron A.reverse; mvaddstr header_lineno 0 (pad cols " ID S RDRQ WRRQ RXBY TXBY %CPU %MEM TIME NAME"); attroff A.reverse; let rec loop lineno = function | [] -> () | (name, Active rd) :: doms -> if lineno < lines then ( let state = show_state rd.rd_info.D.state in let rd_req = show_int64_option rd.rd_block_rd_reqs in let wr_req = show_int64_option rd.rd_block_wr_reqs in let rx_bytes = show_int64_option rd.rd_net_rx_bytes in let tx_bytes = show_int64_option rd.rd_net_tx_bytes in let percent_cpu = show_percent rd.rd_percent_cpu in let percent_mem = 100L *^ rd.rd_info.D.memory /^ node_info.C.memory in let percent_mem = Int64.to_float percent_mem in let percent_mem = show_percent percent_mem in let time = show_time rd.rd_info.D.cpu_time in let line = sprintf "%5d %c %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s" rd.rd_domid state rd_req wr_req rx_bytes tx_bytes percent_cpu percent_mem time name in let line = pad cols line in mvaddstr lineno 0 line; loop (lineno+1) doms ) | (name, Inactive) :: doms -> (* inactive domain *) if lineno < lines then ( let line = sprintf " - (%s)" name in let line = pad cols line in mvaddstr lineno 0 line; loop (lineno+1) doms ) in loop domains_lineno doms | PCPUDisplay -> (*---------- Showing physical CPUs ----------*) (* Get the VCPU info and VCPU->PCPU mappings for active domains. * Also cull some data we don't care about. *) let doms = List.filter_map ( function | (name, Active rd) -> (try let domid = rd.rd_domid in let maplen = C.cpumaplen nr_pcpus in let maxinfo = rd.rd_info.D.nr_virt_cpu in let nr_vcpus, vcpu_infos, cpumaps = D.get_vcpus rd.rd_dom maxinfo maplen in (* Got previous vcpu_infos for this domain? *) let prev_vcpu_infos = try Some (Hashtbl.find last_vcpu_info domid) with Not_found -> None in (* Update last_vcpu_info. *) Hashtbl.replace last_vcpu_info domid vcpu_infos; (match prev_vcpu_infos with | Some prev_vcpu_infos when Array.length prev_vcpu_infos = Array.length vcpu_infos -> Some (domid, name, nr_vcpus, vcpu_infos, prev_vcpu_infos, cpumaps, maplen) | _ -> None (* ignore missing / unequal length prev_vcpu_infos *) ); with Libvirt.Virterror _ -> None(* ignore transient libvirt errs *) ) | (_, Inactive) -> None (* ignore inactive doms *) ) doms in let nr_doms = List.length doms in (* Rearrange the data into a matrix. Major axis (down) is * pCPUs. Minor axis (right) is domains. At each node we store: * cpu_time (on this pCPU only, nanosecs), * average? (if set, then cpu_time is an average because the * vCPU is pinned to more than one pCPU) * running? (if set, we were instantaneously running on this pCPU) *) let empty_node = (0L, false, false) in let pcpus = Array.make_matrix nr_pcpus nr_doms empty_node in List.iteri ( fun di (domid, name, nr_vcpus, vcpu_infos, prev_vcpu_infos, cpumaps, maplen) -> (* Which pCPUs can this dom run on? *) for v = 0 to nr_vcpus-1 do let pcpu = vcpu_infos.(v).D.cpu in (* instantaneous pCPU *) let nr_poss_pcpus = ref 0 in (* how many pcpus can it run on? *) for p = 0 to nr_pcpus-1 do (* vcpu v can reside on pcpu p *) if C.cpu_usable cpumaps maplen v p then incr nr_poss_pcpus done; let nr_poss_pcpus = Int64.of_int !nr_poss_pcpus in for p = 0 to nr_pcpus-1 do (* vcpu v can reside on pcpu p *) if C.cpu_usable cpumaps maplen v p then let vcpu_time_on_pcpu = vcpu_infos.(v).D.vcpu_time -^ prev_vcpu_infos.(v).D.vcpu_time in let vcpu_time_on_pcpu = vcpu_time_on_pcpu /^ nr_poss_pcpus in pcpus.(p).(di) <- (vcpu_time_on_pcpu, nr_poss_pcpus > 1L, p = pcpu) done done ) doms; (* Sum the CPU time used by each pCPU, for the %CPU column. *) let pcpus_cpu_time = Array.map ( fun row -> let cpu_time = ref 0L in for di = 0 to Array.length row-1 do let t, _, _ = row.(di) in cpu_time := !cpu_time +^ t done; Int64.to_float !cpu_time ) pcpus in (* Display the pCPUs. *) let dom_names = String.concat "" ( List.map ( fun (_, name, _, _, _, _, _) -> let len = String.length name in let width = max (len+1) 7 in pad width name ) doms ) in attron A.reverse; mvaddstr header_lineno 0 (pad cols ("PHYCPU %CPU " ^ dom_names)); attroff A.reverse; Array.iteri ( fun p row -> mvaddstr (p+domains_lineno) 0 (sprintf "%4d " p); let cpu_time = pcpus_cpu_time.(p) in (* ns used on this CPU *) let percent_cpu = 100. *. cpu_time /. total_cpu_per_pcpu in addstr (show_percent percent_cpu); addch 32; List.iteri ( fun di (domid, name, _, _, _, _, _) -> let t, is_average, is_running = pcpus.(p).(di) in let len = String.length name in let width = max (len+1) 7 in let str = if t <= 0L then "" else ( let t = Int64.to_float t in let percent = 100. *. t /. total_cpu_per_pcpu in sprintf "%s%c%c " (show_percent percent) (if is_average then '=' else ' ') (if is_running then '#' else ' ') ) in addstr (pad width str); () ) doms ) pcpus; | NetDisplay -> (*---------- Showing network interfaces ----------*) (* Only care about active domains. *) let doms = List.filter_map ( function | (name, Active rd) -> Some (name, rd) | (_, Inactive) -> None ) doms in (* For each domain we have a list of network interfaces seen * this slice, and seen in the previous slice, which we now * match up to get a list of (domain, interface) for which * we have current & previous knowledge. (And ignore the rest). *) let devs = List.map ( fun (name, rd) -> List.filter_map ( fun (dev, stats) -> try (* Have prev slice stats for this device? *) let prev_stats = List.assoc dev rd.rd_prev_interface_stats in Some (dev, name, rd, stats, prev_stats) with Not_found -> None ) rd.rd_interface_stats ) doms in (* Finally we have a list of: * device name, domain name, rd_* stuff, curr stats, prev stats. *) let devs : (string * string * rd_active * D.interface_stats * D.interface_stats) list = List.flatten devs in (* Difference curr slice & prev slice. *) let devs = List.map ( fun (dev, name, rd, curr, prev) -> dev, name, rd, diff_interface_stats curr prev ) devs in (* Sort by current sort order, but map some of the standard * sort orders into ones which makes sense here. *) let devs = let cmp = match !sort_order with | DomainName -> (fun _ -> 0) (* fallthrough to default name compare *) | DomainID -> (fun (_, { rd_domid = id1 }, _, { rd_domid = id2 }) -> compare id1 id2) | Processor | Memory | Time | BlockRdRq | BlockWrRq (* fallthrough to RXBY comparison. *) | NetRX -> (fun ({ D.rx_bytes = b1 }, _, { D.rx_bytes = b2 }, _) -> compare b2 b1) | NetTX -> (fun ({ D.tx_bytes = b1 }, _, { D.tx_bytes = b2 }, _) -> compare b2 b1) in let cmp (dev1, name1, rd1, stats1) (dev2, name2, rd2, stats2) = let r = cmp (stats1, rd1, stats2, rd2) in if r <> 0 then r else compare (dev1, name1) (dev2, name2) in List.sort ~cmp devs in (* Print the header for network devices. *) attron A.reverse; mvaddstr header_lineno 0 (pad cols " ID S RXBY TXBY RXPK TXPK DOMAIN INTERFACE"); attroff A.reverse; (* Print domains and devices. *) let rec loop lineno = function | [] -> () | (dev, name, rd, stats) :: devs -> if lineno < lines then ( let state = show_state rd.rd_info.D.state in let rx_bytes = if stats.D.rx_bytes >= 0L then show_int64 stats.D.rx_bytes else " " in let tx_bytes = if stats.D.tx_bytes >= 0L then show_int64 stats.D.tx_bytes else " " in let rx_packets = if stats.D.rx_packets >= 0L then show_int64 stats.D.rx_packets else " " in let tx_packets = if stats.D.tx_packets >= 0L then show_int64 stats.D.tx_packets else " " in let line = sprintf "%5d %c %s %s %s %s %-12s %s" rd.rd_domid state rx_bytes tx_bytes rx_packets tx_packets (pad 12 name) dev in let line = pad cols line in mvaddstr lineno 0 line; loop (lineno+1) devs ) in loop domains_lineno devs | BlockDisplay -> (*---------- Showing block devices ----------*) (* Only care about active domains. *) let doms = List.filter_map ( function | (name, Active rd) -> Some (name, rd) | (_, Inactive) -> None ) doms in (* For each domain we have a list of block devices seen * this slice, and seen in the previous slice, which we now * match up to get a list of (domain, device) for which * we have current & previous knowledge. (And ignore the rest). *) let devs = List.map ( fun (name, rd) -> List.filter_map ( fun (dev, stats) -> try (* Have prev slice stats for this device? *) let prev_stats = List.assoc dev rd.rd_prev_block_stats in Some (dev, name, rd, stats, prev_stats) with Not_found -> None ) rd.rd_block_stats ) doms in (* Finally we have a list of: * device name, domain name, rd_* stuff, curr stats, prev stats. *) let devs : (string * string * rd_active * D.block_stats * D.block_stats) list = List.flatten devs in (* Difference curr slice & prev slice. *) let devs = List.map ( fun (dev, name, rd, curr, prev) -> dev, name, rd, diff_block_stats curr prev ) devs in (* Sort by current sort order, but map some of the standard * sort orders into ones which makes sense here. *) let devs = let cmp = match !sort_order with | DomainName -> (fun _ -> 0) (* fallthrough to default name compare *) | DomainID -> (fun (_, { rd_domid = id1 }, _, { rd_domid = id2 }) -> compare id1 id2) | Processor | Memory | Time | NetRX | NetTX (* fallthrough to RDRQ comparison. *) | BlockRdRq -> (fun ({ D.rd_req = b1 }, _, { D.rd_req = b2 }, _) -> compare b2 b1) | BlockWrRq -> (fun ({ D.wr_req = b1 }, _, { D.wr_req = b2 }, _) -> compare b2 b1) in let cmp (dev1, name1, rd1, stats1) (dev2, name2, rd2, stats2) = let r = cmp (stats1, rd1, stats2, rd2) in if r <> 0 then r else compare (dev1, name1) (dev2, name2) in List.sort ~cmp devs in (* Print the header for block devices. *) attron A.reverse; mvaddstr header_lineno 0 (pad cols " ID S RDBY WRBY RDRQ WRRQ DOMAIN DEVICE"); attroff A.reverse; (* Print domains and devices. *) let rec loop lineno = function | [] -> () | (dev, name, rd, stats) :: devs -> if lineno < lines then ( let state = show_state rd.rd_info.D.state in let rd_bytes = if stats.D.rd_bytes >= 0L then show_int64 stats.D.rd_bytes else " " in let wr_bytes = if stats.D.wr_bytes >= 0L then show_int64 stats.D.wr_bytes else " " in let rd_req = if stats.D.rd_req >= 0L then show_int64 stats.D.rd_req else " " in let wr_req = if stats.D.wr_req >= 0L then show_int64 stats.D.wr_req else " " in let line = sprintf "%5d %c %s %s %s %s %-12s %s" rd.rd_domid state rd_bytes wr_bytes rd_req wr_req (pad 12 name) dev in let line = pad cols line in mvaddstr lineno 0 line; loop (lineno+1) devs ) in loop domains_lineno devs ); (* Calculate and print totals. *) let () = let totals = List.fold_left ( fun (count, running, blocked, paused, shutdown, shutoff, crashed, active, inactive, total_cpu_time, total_memory, total_domU_memory) -> function | (name, Active rd) -> let test state orig = if rd.rd_info.D.state = state then orig+1 else orig in let running = test D.InfoRunning running in let blocked = test D.InfoBlocked blocked in let paused = test D.InfoPaused paused in let shutdown = test D.InfoShutdown shutdown in let shutoff = test D.InfoShutoff shutoff in let crashed = test D.InfoCrashed crashed in let total_cpu_time = total_cpu_time +. rd.rd_cpu_time in let total_memory = total_memory +^ rd.rd_info.D.memory in let total_domU_memory = total_domU_memory +^ if rd.rd_domid > 0 then rd.rd_info.D.memory else 0L in (count+1, running, blocked, paused, shutdown, shutoff, crashed, active+1, inactive, total_cpu_time, total_memory, total_domU_memory) | (name, Inactive) -> (* inactive domain *) (count+1, running, blocked, paused, shutdown, shutoff, crashed, active, inactive+1, total_cpu_time, total_memory, total_domU_memory) ) (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0.,0L,0L) doms in let (count, running, blocked, paused, shutdown, shutoff, crashed, active, inactive, total_cpu_time, total_memory, total_domU_memory) = totals in mvaddstr summary_lineno 0 (sprintf "%d domains, %d active, %d running, %d sleeping, %d paused, %d inactive D:%d O:%d X:%d" count active running blocked paused inactive shutdown shutoff crashed); (* Total %CPU used, and memory summary. *) let percent_cpu = 100. *. total_cpu_time /. total_cpu in mvaddstr (summary_lineno+1) 0 (sprintf "CPU: %2.1f%% Mem: %Ld MB (%Ld MB by guests)" percent_cpu (total_memory /^ 1024L) (total_domU_memory /^ 1024L)); (* Time to grab another historical %CPU for the list? *) if time >= !historical_cpu_last_time +. float !historical_cpu_delay then ( historical_cpu := percent_cpu :: List.take 10 !historical_cpu; historical_cpu_last_time := time ); (* Display historical CPU time. *) let () = let x, y = historical_cursor in (* Yes, it's a bug in ocaml-curses *) let maxwidth = cols - x in let line = String.concat " " (List.map (sprintf "%2.1f%%") !historical_cpu) in let line = pad maxwidth line in mvaddstr y x line; () in (* Write summary data to CSV file. See also write_csv_header (). *) if !csv_enabled then ( (!csv_write) [ hostname; printable_time; node_info.C.model; string_of_int nr_pcpus; string_of_int count; string_of_int running; string_of_int blocked; string_of_int paused; string_of_int shutdown; string_of_int shutoff; string_of_int crashed; string_of_int active; string_of_int inactive; sprintf "%2.1f" percent_cpu; Int64.to_string total_memory; Int64.to_string total_domU_memory; Int64.to_string (Int64.of_float total_cpu_time) ] ); () in (* Update last_info, last_time. *) last_time := time; Hashtbl.clear last_info; List.iter ( function | (_, Active rd) -> let info = rd.rd_info, rd.rd_block_stats, rd.rd_interface_stats in Hashtbl.add last_info rd.rd_domid info | _ -> () ) doms; move message_lineno 0 (* Park cursor in message area, as with top. *) in let clear_pcpu_display_data () = (* Clear out vcpu_info used by PCPUDisplay * display_mode when we switch back to TaskDisplay mode. *) Hashtbl.clear last_vcpu_info in redraw, clear_pcpu_display_data (* Main loop. *) let rec main_loop state = if !csv_enabled then write_csv_header (); while not !quit do redraw state; refresh (); (* Clear up unused virDomainPtr objects. *) Gc.compact (); if not !batch_mode then get_key_press state else (* Batch mode - just sleep, ignore keys. *) Unix.sleep (!delay / 1000); (* Max iterations? *) if !iterations >= 0 then ( decr iterations; if !iterations = 0 then quit := true ); done and get_key_press state = (* Read the next key, waiting up to !delay milliseconds. *) timeout !delay; let k = getch () in timeout (-1); (* Reset to blocking mode. *) if k >= 0 && k <> 32 (* ' ' *) && k <> 12 (* ^L *) && k <> Key.resize then ( if k = Char.code 'q' then quit := true else if k = Char.code 'h' then show_help state else if k = Char.code 's' || k = Char.code 'd' then change_delay () else if k = Char.code 'M' then sort_order := Memory else if k = Char.code 'P' then sort_order := Processor else if k = Char.code 'T' then sort_order := Time else if k = Char.code 'N' then sort_order := DomainID else if k = Char.code 'F' then change_sort_order () else if k = Char.code '0' then set_tasks_display () else if k = Char.code '1' then toggle_pcpu_display () else if k = Char.code '2' then toggle_net_display () else if k = Char.code '3' then toggle_block_display () else unknown_command k ) and change_delay () = print_msg (sprintf "Change delay from %.1f to: " (float !delay /. 1000.)); let str = get_string 16 in (* Try to parse the number. *) let error = try let newdelay = float_of_string str in if newdelay <= 0. then ( print_msg "Delay must be > 0"; true ) else ( delay := int_of_float (newdelay *. 1000.); false ) with Failure "float_of_string" -> print_msg "Not a valid number"; true in sleep (if error then 2 else 1) and change_sort_order () = clear (); let lines, cols = get_size () in mvaddstr top_lineno 0 "Set sort order for main display"; mvaddstr summary_lineno 0 "Type key or use up and down cursor keys."; attron A.reverse; mvaddstr header_lineno 0 (pad cols "KEY Sort field"); attroff A.reverse; let accelerator_key = function | Memory -> "(key: M)" | Processor -> "(key: P)" | Time -> "(key: T)" | DomainID -> "(key: N)" | _ -> (* all others have to be changed from here *) "" in let rec key_of_int = function | i when i < 10 -> Char.chr (i + Char.code '0') | i when i < 20 -> Char.chr (i + Char.code 'a') | _ -> assert false and int_of_key = function | k when k >= 0x30 && k <= 0x39 (* '0' - '9' *) -> k - 0x30 | k when k >= 0x61 && k <= 0x7a (* 'a' - 'j' *) -> k - 0x61 + 10 | k when k >= 0x41 && k <= 0x6a (* 'A' - 'J' *) -> k - 0x41 + 10 | _ -> -1 in (* Display possible sort fields. *) let selected_index = ref 0 in List.iteri ( fun i ord -> let selected = !sort_order = ord in if selected then selected_index := i; mvaddstr (domains_lineno+i) 0 (sprintf " %c %s %s %s" (key_of_int i) (if selected then "*" else " ") (printable_sort_order ord) (accelerator_key ord)) ) all_sort_fields; move message_lineno 0; refresh (); let k = getch () in if k >= 0 && k <> 32 && k <> Char.code 'q' && k <> 13 then ( let new_order, loop = (* Redraw the display. *) if k = 12 (* ^L *) then None, true (* Make the UP and DOWN arrow keys do something useful. *) else if k = Key.up then ( if !selected_index > 0 then Some (List.nth all_sort_fields (!selected_index-1)), true else None, true ) else if k = Key.down then ( if !selected_index < List.length all_sort_fields - 1 then Some (List.nth all_sort_fields (!selected_index+1)), true else None, true ) (* Also understand the regular accelerator keys. *) else if k = Char.code 'M' then Some Memory, false else if k = Char.code 'P' then Some Processor, false else if k = Char.code 'T' then Some Time, false else if k = Char.code 'N' then Some DomainID, false else ( (* It's one of the KEYs. *) let i = int_of_key k in if i >= 0 && i < List.length all_sort_fields then Some (List.nth all_sort_fields i), false else None, true ) in (match new_order with | None -> () | Some new_order -> sort_order := new_order; print_msg (sprintf "Sort order changed to: %s" (printable_sort_order new_order)); if not loop then sleep 1 ); if loop then change_sort_order () ) (* Note: We need to clear_pcpu_display_data every time * we _leave_ PCPUDisplay mode. *) and set_tasks_display () = (* key 0 *) if !display_mode = PCPUDisplay then clear_pcpu_display_data (); display_mode := TaskDisplay and toggle_pcpu_display () = (* key 1 *) display_mode := match !display_mode with | TaskDisplay | NetDisplay | BlockDisplay -> PCPUDisplay | PCPUDisplay -> clear_pcpu_display_data (); TaskDisplay and toggle_net_display () = (* key 2 *) display_mode := match !display_mode with | PCPUDisplay -> clear_pcpu_display_data (); NetDisplay | TaskDisplay | BlockDisplay -> NetDisplay | NetDisplay -> TaskDisplay and toggle_block_display () = (* key 3 *) display_mode := match !display_mode with | PCPUDisplay -> clear_pcpu_display_data (); BlockDisplay | TaskDisplay | NetDisplay -> BlockDisplay | BlockDisplay -> TaskDisplay and show_help (_, _, _, hostname, (libvirt_major, libvirt_minor, libvirt_release)) = clear (); (* Get the screen/window size. *) let lines, cols = get_size () in (* Banner at the top of the screen. *) let banner = sprintf "virt-top %s (libvirt %d.%d.%d) by Red Hat" Libvirt_version.version libvirt_major libvirt_minor libvirt_release in let banner = pad cols banner in attron A.reverse; mvaddstr 0 0 banner; attroff A.reverse; (* Status. *) mvaddstr 1 0 (sprintf "Delay: %.1f secs; Batch: %s; Secure: %s; Sort: %s" (float !delay /. 1000.) (if !batch_mode then "On" else "Off") (if !secure_mode then "On" else "Off") (printable_sort_order !sort_order)); mvaddstr 2 0 (sprintf "Connect: %s; Hostname: %s" (match !uri with None -> "default" | Some s -> s) hostname); (* Misc keys on left. *) let banner = pad 38 "MAIN KEYS" in attron A.reverse; mvaddstr header_lineno 1 banner; attroff A.reverse; let get_lineno = let lineno = ref domains_lineno in fun () -> let i = !lineno in incr lineno; i in let key keys description = let lineno = get_lineno () in move lineno 1; attron A.bold; addstr keys; attroff A.bold; move lineno 10; addstr description; () in key "space ^L" "Update display"; key "q" "Quit"; key "d s" "Set update interval"; key "h" "Help"; (* Sort order. *) ignore (get_lineno ()); let banner = pad 38 "SORTING" in attron A.reverse; mvaddstr (get_lineno ()) 1 banner; attroff A.reverse; key "P" "Sort by %CPU"; key "M" "Sort by %MEM"; key "T" "Sort by TIME"; key "N" "Sort by ID"; key "F" "Select sort field"; (* Display modes on right. *) let banner = pad 39 "DISPLAY MODES" in attron A.reverse; mvaddstr header_lineno 40 banner; attroff A.reverse; let get_lineno = let lineno = ref domains_lineno in fun () -> let i = !lineno in incr lineno; i in let key keys description = let lineno = get_lineno () in move lineno 40; attron A.bold; addstr keys; attroff A.bold; move lineno 49; addstr description; () in key "0" "Domains display"; key "1" "Toggle physical CPUs"; key "2" "Toggle network interfaces"; key "3" "Toggle block devices"; (* Update screen and wait for key press. *) mvaddstr (lines-1) 0 "More help in virt-top(1) man page. Press any key to return."; refresh (); ignore (getch ()) and unknown_command k = print_msg "Unknown command - try 'h' for help"; sleep 1