(* 'top'-like tool for libvirt domains. (C) Copyright 2007-2009 Richard W.M. Jones, Red Hat Inc. http://libvirt.org/ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. This file contains utility functions. *) open Printf open Opt_gettext.Gettext module C = Libvirt.Connect module D = Libvirt.Domain module N = Libvirt.Network let (//) = Filename.concat (* Int64 operators for convenience. *) let (+^) = Int64.add let (-^) = Int64.sub let ( *^ ) = Int64.mul let (/^) = Int64.div (* failwithf is a printf-like version of failwith. *) let failwithf fs = ksprintf failwith fs (* Input a whole file as a list of lines. *) let input_all_lines chan = let lines = ref [] in (try while true; do lines := input_line chan :: !lines done with End_of_file -> ()); List.rev !lines (* Trim whitespace from the beginning and end of strings. *) let isspace c = c = ' ' (* || c = '\f' *) || c = '\n' || c = '\r' || c = '\t' (* || c = '\v' *) let triml ?(test = isspace) str = let i = ref 0 in let n = ref (String.length str) in while !n > 0 && test str.[!i]; do decr n; incr i done; if !i = 0 then str else String.sub str !i !n let trimr ?(test = isspace) str = let n = ref (String.length str) in while !n > 0 && test str.[!n-1]; do decr n done; if !n = String.length str then str else String.sub str 0 !n let trim ?(test = isspace) str = trimr (triml str) (* Read a configuration file as a list of (key, value) pairs. * If the config file is missing this returns an empty list. *) let blanks_and_comments = Str.regexp "^[ \t]*\\(#.*\\)?$" let read_config_file filename = let lines = try let chan = open_in filename in let lines = input_all_lines chan in close_in chan; lines with Sys_error _ -> [] in (* Ignore errors opening file. *) (* Line numbers. *) let lines = let i = ref 0 in List.map (fun line -> (incr i; !i), line) lines in (* Remove blank lines and comment lines. *) let lines = List.filter (fun (lineno, line) -> not (Str.string_match blanks_and_comments line 0)) lines in (* Convert to key, value pairs. *) List.map ( fun (lineno, line) -> let key, value = ExtString.String.split line " " in lineno, trim key, trim value ) lines (* Pad a string to the full width with spaces. If too long, truncate. *) let pad width str = if width <= 0 then "" else ( let n = String.length str in if n = width then str else if n > width then String.sub str 0 width else (* if n < width then *) str ^ String.make (width-n) ' ' ) module Show = struct (* Show a percentage in 4 chars. *) let percent percent = if percent <= 0. then " 0.0" else if percent <= 9.9 then sprintf " %1.1f" percent else if percent <= 99.9 then sprintf "%2.1f" percent else "100 " (* Show an int64 option in 4 chars. *) let rec int64_option = function | None -> " " | Some n -> int64 n (* Show an int64 in 4 chars. *) and int64 = function | n when n < 0L -> "-!!!" | n when n <= 9999L -> sprintf "%4Ld" n | n when n /^ 1024L <= 999L -> sprintf "%3LdK" (n /^ 1024L) | n when n /^ 1_048_576L <= 999L -> sprintf "%3LdM" (n /^ 1_048_576L) | n when n /^ 1_073_741_824L <= 999L -> sprintf "%3LdG" (n /^ 1_073_741_824L) | _ -> ">!!!" (* Format the total time (may be large!) in 9 chars. *) let time ns = let secs_in_ns = 1_000_000_000L in let mins_in_ns = 60_000_000_000L in let hours_in_ns = 3_600_000_000_000L in let hours = ns /^ hours_in_ns in let ns = ns -^ (hours *^ hours_in_ns) in let mins = ns /^ mins_in_ns in let ns = ns -^ (mins *^ mins_in_ns) in let secs = ns /^ secs_in_ns in let ns = ns -^ (secs *^ secs_in_ns) in let pennies = ns /^ 10_000_000L in if hours < 12L then sprintf "%3Ld:%02Ld.%02Ld" (hours *^ 60L +^ mins) secs pennies else if hours <= 999L then sprintf "%3Ld:%02Ld:%02Ld" hours mins secs else ( let days = hours /^ 24L in let hours = hours -^ (days *^ 24L) in sprintf "%3Ldd%02Ld:%02Ld" days hours mins ) end (* Sum Domain.block_stats structures together. Missing fields * get forced to 0. Empty list returns all 0. *) let zero_block_stats = { D.rd_req = 0L; rd_bytes = 0L; wr_req = 0L; wr_bytes = 0L; errs = 0L } let add_block_stats bs1 bs2 = let add f1 f2 = if f1 >= 0L && f2 >= 0L then f1 +^ f2 else 0L in { D.rd_req = add bs1.D.rd_req bs2.D.rd_req; rd_bytes = add bs1.D.rd_bytes bs2.D.rd_bytes; wr_req = add bs1.D.wr_req bs2.D.wr_req; wr_bytes = add bs1.D.wr_bytes bs2.D.wr_bytes; errs = add bs1.D.errs bs2.D.errs } let sum_block_stats = List.fold_left add_block_stats zero_block_stats (* Get the difference between two block_stats structures. Missing data * forces the difference to -1. *) let diff_block_stats curr prev = let sub f1 f2 = if f1 >= 0L && f2 >= 0L then f1 -^ f2 else -1L in { D.rd_req = sub curr.D.rd_req prev.D.rd_req; rd_bytes = sub curr.D.rd_bytes prev.D.rd_bytes; wr_req = sub curr.D.wr_req prev.D.wr_req; wr_bytes = sub curr.D.wr_bytes prev.D.wr_bytes; errs = sub curr.D.errs prev.D.errs } (* Sum Domain.interface_stats structures together. Missing fields * get forced to 0. Empty list returns all 0. *) let zero_interface_stats = { D.rx_bytes = 0L; rx_packets = 0L; rx_errs = 0L; rx_drop = 0L; tx_bytes = 0L; tx_packets = 0L; tx_errs = 0L; tx_drop = 0L } let add_interface_stats is1 is2 = let add f1 f2 = if f1 >= 0L && f2 >= 0L then f1 +^ f2 else 0L in { D.rx_bytes = add is1.D.rx_bytes is2.D.rx_bytes; rx_packets = add is1.D.rx_packets is2.D.rx_packets; rx_errs = add is1.D.rx_errs is2.D.rx_errs; rx_drop = add is1.D.rx_drop is2.D.rx_drop; tx_bytes = add is1.D.tx_bytes is2.D.tx_bytes; tx_packets = add is1.D.tx_packets is2.D.tx_packets; tx_errs = add is1.D.tx_errs is2.D.tx_errs; tx_drop = add is1.D.tx_drop is2.D.tx_drop } let sum_interface_stats = List.fold_left add_interface_stats zero_interface_stats (* Get the difference between two interface_stats structures. * Missing data forces the difference to -1. *) let diff_interface_stats curr prev = let sub f1 f2 = if f1 >= 0L && f2 >= 0L then f1 -^ f2 else -1L in { D.rx_bytes = sub curr.D.rx_bytes prev.D.rx_bytes; rx_packets = sub curr.D.rx_packets prev.D.rx_packets; rx_errs = sub curr.D.rx_errs prev.D.rx_errs; rx_drop = sub curr.D.rx_drop prev.D.rx_drop; tx_bytes = sub curr.D.tx_bytes prev.D.tx_bytes; tx_packets = sub curr.D.tx_packets prev.D.tx_packets; tx_errs = sub curr.D.tx_errs prev.D.tx_errs; tx_drop = sub curr.D.tx_drop prev.D.tx_drop }