(* 'top'-like tool for libvirt domains. (C) Copyright 2007-2017 Richard W.M. Jones, Red Hat Inc. http://libvirt.org/ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *) module C = Libvirt.Connect module D = Libvirt.Domain open Printf open ExtList open Utils open Types (* Hook for XML support (see [opt_xml.ml]). *) let parse_device_xml : (int -> [>`R] D.t -> string list * string list) ref = ref ( fun _ _ -> [], [] ) (* Intermediate "domain + stats" structure that we use to collect * everything we know about a domain within the collect function. *) type rd_domain = Inactive | Active of rd_active and rd_active = { rd_domid : int; (* Domain ID. *) rd_dom : [`R] D.t; (* Domain object. *) rd_info : D.info; (* Domain CPU info now. *) rd_block_stats : (string * D.block_stats) list; (* Domain block stats now. *) rd_interface_stats : (string * D.interface_stats) list; (* Domain net stats now. *) rd_prev_info : D.info option; (* Domain CPU info previously. *) rd_prev_block_stats : (string * D.block_stats) list; (* Domain block stats prev. *) rd_prev_interface_stats : (string * D.interface_stats) list; (* Domain interface stats prev. *) (* The following are since the last slice, or 0 if cannot be calculated: *) rd_cpu_time : float; (* CPU time used in nanoseconds. *) rd_percent_cpu : float; (* CPU time as percent of total. *) rd_mem_bytes : int64; (* Memory usage in bytes *) rd_mem_percent: int64; (* Memory usage as percent of total *) (* The following are since the last slice, or None if cannot be calc'd: *) rd_block_rd_reqs : int64 option; (* Number of block device read rqs. *) rd_block_wr_reqs : int64 option; (* Number of block device write rqs. *) rd_block_rd_bytes : int64 option; (* Number of bytes block device read *) rd_block_wr_bytes : int64 option; (* Number of bytes block device write *) (* _info fields includes the number considering --block_in_bytes option *) rd_block_rd_info : int64 option; (* Block device read info for user *) rd_block_wr_info : int64 option; (* Block device read info for user *) rd_net_rx_bytes : int64 option; (* Number of bytes received. *) rd_net_tx_bytes : int64 option; (* Number of bytes transmitted. *) } type stats = { rd_doms : (string * rd_domain) list; (* List of domains. *) rd_time : float; rd_printable_time : string; rd_nr_pcpus : int; rd_total_cpu : float; rd_total_cpu_per_pcpu : float; rd_totals : (int * int * int * int * int * int * int * int * int * float * int64 * int64); } type pcpu_stats = { rd_pcpu_doms : (int * string * int * Libvirt.Domain.vcpu_info array * int64 array array * int64 array array * string * int) list; rd_pcpu_pcpus : int64 array array array; rd_pcpu_pcpus_cpu_time : float array } (* We cache the list of block devices and interfaces for each domain * here, so we don't need to reparse the XML each time. *) let devices = Hashtbl.create 13 (* Function to get the list of block devices, network interfaces for * a particular domain. Get it from the devices cache, and if not * there then parse the domain XML. *) let get_devices id dom = try Hashtbl.find devices id with Not_found -> let blkdevs, netifs = (!parse_device_xml) id dom in Hashtbl.replace devices id (blkdevs, netifs); blkdevs, netifs (* We save the state of domains across redraws here, which allows us * to deduce %CPU usage from the running total. *) let last_info = Hashtbl.create 13 let last_time = ref (Unix.gettimeofday ()) (* Save pcpu_usages structures across redraws too (only for pCPU display). *) let last_pcpu_usages = Hashtbl.create 13 let clear_pcpu_display_data () = Hashtbl.clear last_pcpu_usages let collect (conn, _, _, _, _, node_info, _, _) block_in_bytes = (* Number of physical CPUs (some may be disabled). *) let nr_pcpus = C.maxcpus_of_node_info node_info in (* Get the current time. *) let time = Unix.gettimeofday () in let tm = Unix.localtime time in let printable_time = sprintf "%02d:%02d:%02d" tm.Unix.tm_hour tm.Unix.tm_min tm.Unix.tm_sec in (* What's the total CPU time elapsed since we were last called? (ns) *) let total_cpu_per_pcpu = 1_000_000_000. *. (time -. !last_time) in (* Avoid division by zero. *) let total_cpu_per_pcpu = if total_cpu_per_pcpu <= 0. then 1. else total_cpu_per_pcpu in let total_cpu = float node_info.C.cpus *. total_cpu_per_pcpu in (* Get the domains. Match up with their last_info (if any). *) let doms = (* Active domains. *) let n = C.num_of_domains conn in let ids = if n > 0 then Array.to_list (C.list_domains conn n) else [] in let doms = List.filter_map ( fun id -> try let dom = D.lookup_by_id conn id in let name = D.get_name dom in let blkdevs, netifs = get_devices id dom in (* Get current CPU, block and network stats. *) let info = D.get_info dom in let block_stats = try List.map (fun dev -> dev, D.block_stats dom dev) blkdevs with | Libvirt.Not_supported "virDomainBlockStats" | Libvirt.Virterror _ -> [] in let interface_stats = try List.map (fun dev -> dev, D.interface_stats dom dev) netifs with | Libvirt.Not_supported "virDomainInterfaceStats" | Libvirt.Virterror _ -> [] in let prev_info, prev_block_stats, prev_interface_stats = try let prev_info, prev_block_stats, prev_interface_stats = Hashtbl.find last_info id in Some prev_info, prev_block_stats, prev_interface_stats with Not_found -> None, [], [] in Some (name, Active { rd_domid = id; rd_dom = dom; rd_info = info; rd_block_stats = block_stats; rd_interface_stats = interface_stats; rd_prev_info = prev_info; rd_prev_block_stats = prev_block_stats; rd_prev_interface_stats = prev_interface_stats; rd_cpu_time = 0.; rd_percent_cpu = 0.; rd_mem_bytes = 0L; rd_mem_percent = 0L; rd_block_rd_reqs = None; rd_block_wr_reqs = None; rd_block_rd_bytes = None; rd_block_wr_bytes = None; rd_block_rd_info = None; rd_block_wr_info = None; rd_net_rx_bytes = None; rd_net_tx_bytes = None; }) with Libvirt.Virterror _ -> None (* ignore transient error *) ) ids in (* Inactive domains. *) let doms_inactive = try let n = C.num_of_defined_domains conn in let names = if n > 0 then Array.to_list (C.list_defined_domains conn n) else [] in List.map (fun name -> name, Inactive) names with (* Ignore transient errors, in particular errors from * num_of_defined_domains if it cannot contact xend. *) | Libvirt.Virterror _ -> [] in doms @ doms_inactive in (* Calculate the CPU time (ns) and %CPU used by each domain. *) let doms = List.map ( function (* We have previous CPU info from which to calculate it? *) | name, Active ({ rd_prev_info = Some prev_info } as rd) -> let cpu_time = Int64.to_float (rd.rd_info.D.cpu_time -^ prev_info.D.cpu_time) in let percent_cpu = 100. *. cpu_time /. total_cpu in let mem_usage = rd.rd_info.D.memory in let mem_percent = 100L *^ rd.rd_info.D.memory /^ node_info.C.memory in let rd = { rd with rd_cpu_time = cpu_time; rd_percent_cpu = percent_cpu; rd_mem_bytes = mem_usage; rd_mem_percent = mem_percent} in name, Active rd (* For all other domains we can't calculate it, so leave as 0 *) | rd -> rd ) doms in (* Calculate the number of block device read/write requests across * all block devices attached to a domain. *) let doms = List.map ( function (* Do we have stats from the previous slice? *) | name, Active ({ rd_prev_block_stats = ((_::_) as prev_block_stats) } as rd) -> let block_stats = rd.rd_block_stats in (* stats now *) (* Add all the devices together. Throw away device names. *) let prev_block_stats = sum_block_stats (List.map snd prev_block_stats) in let block_stats = sum_block_stats (List.map snd block_stats) in (* Calculate increase in read & write requests. *) let read_reqs = block_stats.D.rd_req -^ prev_block_stats.D.rd_req in let write_reqs = block_stats.D.wr_req -^ prev_block_stats.D.wr_req in let read_bytes = block_stats.D.rd_bytes -^ prev_block_stats.D.rd_bytes in let write_bytes = block_stats.D.wr_bytes -^ prev_block_stats.D.wr_bytes in let rd = { rd with rd_block_rd_reqs = Some read_reqs; rd_block_wr_reqs = Some write_reqs; rd_block_rd_bytes = Some read_bytes; rd_block_wr_bytes = Some write_bytes; } in let rd = { rd with rd_block_rd_info = if block_in_bytes then rd.rd_block_rd_bytes else rd.rd_block_rd_reqs; rd_block_wr_info = if block_in_bytes then rd.rd_block_wr_bytes else rd.rd_block_wr_reqs; } in name, Active rd (* For all other domains we can't calculate it, so leave as None. *) | rd -> rd ) doms in (* Calculate the same as above for network interfaces across * all network interfaces attached to a domain. *) let doms = List.map ( function (* Do we have stats from the previous slice? *) | name, Active ({ rd_prev_interface_stats = ((_::_) as prev_interface_stats) } as rd) -> let interface_stats = rd.rd_interface_stats in (* stats now *) (* Add all the devices together. Throw away device names. *) let prev_interface_stats = sum_interface_stats (List.map snd prev_interface_stats) in let interface_stats = sum_interface_stats (List.map snd interface_stats) in (* Calculate increase in rx & tx bytes. *) let rx_bytes = interface_stats.D.rx_bytes -^ prev_interface_stats.D.rx_bytes in let tx_bytes = interface_stats.D.tx_bytes -^ prev_interface_stats.D.tx_bytes in let rd = { rd with rd_net_rx_bytes = Some rx_bytes; rd_net_tx_bytes = Some tx_bytes } in name, Active rd (* For all other domains we can't calculate it, so leave as None. *) | rd -> rd ) doms in (* Calculate totals. *) let totals = List.fold_left ( fun (count, running, blocked, paused, shutdown, shutoff, crashed, active, inactive, total_cpu_time, total_memory, total_domU_memory) -> function | (name, Active rd) -> let test state orig = if rd.rd_info.D.state = state then orig+1 else orig in let running = test D.InfoRunning running in let blocked = test D.InfoBlocked blocked in let paused = test D.InfoPaused paused in let shutdown = test D.InfoShutdown shutdown in let shutoff = test D.InfoShutoff shutoff in let crashed = test D.InfoCrashed crashed in let total_cpu_time = total_cpu_time +. rd.rd_cpu_time in let total_memory = total_memory +^ rd.rd_info.D.memory in let total_domU_memory = total_domU_memory +^ if rd.rd_domid > 0 then rd.rd_info.D.memory else 0L in (count+1, running, blocked, paused, shutdown, shutoff, crashed, active+1, inactive, total_cpu_time, total_memory, total_domU_memory) | (name, Inactive) -> (* inactive domain *) (count+1, running, blocked, paused, shutdown, shutoff, crashed, active, inactive+1, total_cpu_time, total_memory, total_domU_memory) ) (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0.,0L,0L) doms in (* Update last_time, last_info. *) last_time := time; Hashtbl.clear last_info; List.iter ( function | (_, Active rd) -> let info = rd.rd_info, rd.rd_block_stats, rd.rd_interface_stats in Hashtbl.add last_info rd.rd_domid info | _ -> () ) doms; { rd_doms = doms; rd_time = time; rd_printable_time = printable_time; rd_nr_pcpus = nr_pcpus; rd_total_cpu = total_cpu; rd_total_cpu_per_pcpu = total_cpu_per_pcpu; rd_totals = totals } (* Collect some extra information in PCPUDisplay display_mode. *) let collect_pcpu { rd_doms = doms; rd_nr_pcpus = nr_pcpus } = (* Get the VCPU info and VCPU->PCPU mappings for active domains. * Also cull some data we don't care about. *) let doms = List.filter_map ( function | (name, Active rd) -> (try let domid = rd.rd_domid in let maplen = C.cpumaplen nr_pcpus in let cpu_stats = D.get_cpu_stats rd.rd_dom in (* Note the terminology is confusing. * * In libvirt, cpu_time is the total time (hypervisor + * vCPU). vcpu_time is the time only taken by the vCPU, * excluding time taken inside the hypervisor. * * For each pCPU, libvirt may return either "cpu_time" * or "vcpu_time" or neither or both. This function * returns an array pair [|cpu_time, vcpu_time|]; * if either is missing it is returned as 0. *) let find_cpu_usages params = let rec find_uint64_field name = function | (n, D.TypedFieldUInt64 usage) :: _ when n = name -> usage | _ :: params -> find_uint64_field name params | [] -> 0L in [| find_uint64_field "cpu_time" params; find_uint64_field "vcpu_time" params |] in let pcpu_usages = Array.map find_cpu_usages cpu_stats in let maxinfo = rd.rd_info.D.nr_virt_cpu in let nr_vcpus, vcpu_infos, cpumaps = D.get_vcpus rd.rd_dom maxinfo maplen in (* Got previous pcpu_usages for this domain? *) let prev_pcpu_usages = try Some (Hashtbl.find last_pcpu_usages domid) with Not_found -> None in (* Update last_pcpu_usages. *) Hashtbl.replace last_pcpu_usages domid pcpu_usages; (match prev_pcpu_usages with | Some prev_pcpu_usages when Array.length prev_pcpu_usages = Array.length pcpu_usages -> Some (domid, name, nr_vcpus, vcpu_infos, pcpu_usages, prev_pcpu_usages, cpumaps, maplen) | _ -> None (* ignore missing / unequal length prev_vcpu_infos *) ); with Libvirt.Virterror _ -> None (* ignore transient libvirt errors *) ) | (_, Inactive) -> None (* ignore inactive doms *) ) doms in let nr_doms = List.length doms in (* Rearrange the data into a matrix. Major axis (down) is * pCPUs. Minor axis (right) is domains. At each node we store: * cpu_time hypervisor + domain (on this pCPU only, nanosecs), * vcpu_time domain only (on this pCPU only, nanosecs). *) let make_3d_array dimx dimy dimz e = Array.init dimx (fun _ -> Array.make_matrix dimy dimz e) in let pcpus = make_3d_array nr_pcpus nr_doms 2 0L in List.iteri ( fun di (domid, name, nr_vcpus, vcpu_infos, pcpu_usages, prev_pcpu_usages, cpumaps, maplen) -> (* Which pCPUs can this dom run on? *) for p = 0 to Array.length pcpu_usages - 1 do pcpus.(p).(di).(0) <- pcpu_usages.(p).(0) -^ prev_pcpu_usages.(p).(0); pcpus.(p).(di).(1) <- pcpu_usages.(p).(1) -^ prev_pcpu_usages.(p).(1) done ) doms; (* Sum the total CPU time used by each pCPU, for the %CPU column. *) let pcpus_cpu_time = Array.map ( fun row -> let cpu_time = ref 0L in for di = 0 to Array.length row-1 do let t = row.(di).(0) in cpu_time := !cpu_time +^ t done; Int64.to_float !cpu_time ) pcpus in { rd_pcpu_doms = doms; rd_pcpu_pcpus = pcpus; rd_pcpu_pcpus_cpu_time = pcpus_cpu_time }