/* WARNING: THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY 'generator.pl'. * Any changes you make to this file may be overwritten. */ /* OCaml bindings for libvirt. * (C) Copyright 2007-2008 Richard W.M. Jones, Red Hat Inc. * http://libvirt.org/ * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libvirt_c_prologue.c" #include "libvirt_c_oneoffs.c" #ifdef HAVE_WEAK_SYMBOLS #ifdef HAVE_VIRCONNECTGETHOSTNAME extern char *virConnectGetHostname (virConnectPtr conn) __attribute__((weak)); #endif #endif CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_connect_get_hostname (value connv) { CAMLparam1 (connv); #ifndef HAVE_VIRCONNECTGETHOSTNAME /* Symbol virConnectGetHostname not found at compile time. */ not_supported ("virConnectGetHostname"); /* Suppresses a compiler warning. */ (void) caml__frame; #else /* Check that the symbol virConnectGetHostname * is in runtime version of libvirt. */ WEAK_SYMBOL_CHECK (virConnectGetHostname); CAMLlocal1 (rv); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_val (connv); char *r; NONBLOCKING (r = virConnectGetHostname (conn)); CHECK_ERROR (!r, conn, "virConnectGetHostname"); rv = caml_copy_string (r); free (r); CAMLreturn (rv); #endif } #ifdef HAVE_WEAK_SYMBOLS #ifdef HAVE_VIRCONNECTGETURI extern char *virConnectGetURI (virConnectPtr conn) __attribute__((weak)); #endif #endif CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_connect_get_uri (value connv) { CAMLparam1 (connv); #ifndef HAVE_VIRCONNECTGETURI /* Symbol virConnectGetURI not found at compile time. */ not_supported ("virConnectGetURI"); /* Suppresses a compiler warning. */ (void) caml__frame; #else /* Check that the symbol virConnectGetURI * is in runtime version of libvirt. */ WEAK_SYMBOL_CHECK (virConnectGetURI); CAMLlocal1 (rv); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_val (connv); char *r; NONBLOCKING (r = virConnectGetURI (conn)); CHECK_ERROR (!r, conn, "virConnectGetURI"); rv = caml_copy_string (r); free (r); CAMLreturn (rv); #endif } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_connect_get_type (value connv) { CAMLparam1 (connv); CAMLlocal1 (rv); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_val (connv); const char *r; NONBLOCKING (r = virConnectGetType (conn)); CHECK_ERROR (!r, conn, "virConnectGetType"); rv = caml_copy_string (r); CAMLreturn (rv); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_connect_num_of_domains (value connv) { CAMLparam1 (connv); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_val (connv); int r; NONBLOCKING (r = virConnectNumOfDomains (conn)); CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, conn, "virConnectNumOfDomains"); CAMLreturn (Val_int (r)); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_connect_list_domains (value connv, value iv) { CAMLparam2 (connv, iv); CAMLlocal1 (rv); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_val (connv); int i = Int_val (iv); int ids[i], r; NONBLOCKING (r = virConnectListDomains (conn, ids, i)); CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, conn, "virConnectListDomains"); rv = caml_alloc (r, 0); for (i = 0; i < r; ++i) Store_field (rv, i, Val_int (ids[i])); CAMLreturn (rv); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_connect_num_of_defined_domains (value connv) { CAMLparam1 (connv); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_val (connv); int r; NONBLOCKING (r = virConnectNumOfDefinedDomains (conn)); CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, conn, "virConnectNumOfDefinedDomains"); CAMLreturn (Val_int (r)); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_connect_list_defined_domains (value connv, value iv) { CAMLparam2 (connv, iv); CAMLlocal2 (rv, strv); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_val (connv); int i = Int_val (iv); char *names[i]; int r; NONBLOCKING (r = virConnectListDefinedDomains (conn, names, i)); CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, conn, "virConnectListDefinedDomains"); rv = caml_alloc (r, 0); for (i = 0; i < r; ++i) { strv = caml_copy_string (names[i]); Store_field (rv, i, strv); free (names[i]); } CAMLreturn (rv); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_connect_num_of_networks (value connv) { CAMLparam1 (connv); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_val (connv); int r; NONBLOCKING (r = virConnectNumOfNetworks (conn)); CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, conn, "virConnectNumOfNetworks"); CAMLreturn (Val_int (r)); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_connect_list_networks (value connv, value iv) { CAMLparam2 (connv, iv); CAMLlocal2 (rv, strv); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_val (connv); int i = Int_val (iv); char *names[i]; int r; NONBLOCKING (r = virConnectListNetworks (conn, names, i)); CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, conn, "virConnectListNetworks"); rv = caml_alloc (r, 0); for (i = 0; i < r; ++i) { strv = caml_copy_string (names[i]); Store_field (rv, i, strv); free (names[i]); } CAMLreturn (rv); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_connect_num_of_defined_networks (value connv) { CAMLparam1 (connv); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_val (connv); int r; NONBLOCKING (r = virConnectNumOfDefinedNetworks (conn)); CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, conn, "virConnectNumOfDefinedNetworks"); CAMLreturn (Val_int (r)); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_connect_list_defined_networks (value connv, value iv) { CAMLparam2 (connv, iv); CAMLlocal2 (rv, strv); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_val (connv); int i = Int_val (iv); char *names[i]; int r; NONBLOCKING (r = virConnectListDefinedNetworks (conn, names, i)); CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, conn, "virConnectListDefinedNetworks"); rv = caml_alloc (r, 0); for (i = 0; i < r; ++i) { strv = caml_copy_string (names[i]); Store_field (rv, i, strv); free (names[i]); } CAMLreturn (rv); } #ifdef HAVE_WEAK_SYMBOLS #ifdef HAVE_VIRCONNECTNUMOFSTORAGEPOOLS extern int virConnectNumOfStoragePools (virConnectPtr conn) __attribute__((weak)); #endif #endif CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_connect_num_of_storage_pools (value connv) { CAMLparam1 (connv); #ifndef HAVE_VIRCONNECTNUMOFSTORAGEPOOLS /* Symbol virConnectNumOfStoragePools not found at compile time. */ not_supported ("virConnectNumOfStoragePools"); /* Suppresses a compiler warning. */ (void) caml__frame; #else /* Check that the symbol virConnectNumOfStoragePools * is in runtime version of libvirt. */ WEAK_SYMBOL_CHECK (virConnectNumOfStoragePools); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_val (connv); int r; NONBLOCKING (r = virConnectNumOfStoragePools (conn)); CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, conn, "virConnectNumOfStoragePools"); CAMLreturn (Val_int (r)); #endif } #ifdef HAVE_WEAK_SYMBOLS #ifdef HAVE_VIRCONNECTLISTSTORAGEPOOLS extern int virConnectListStoragePools (virConnectPtr conn, char **const names, int maxnames) __attribute__((weak)); #endif #endif CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_connect_list_storage_pools (value connv, value iv) { CAMLparam2 (connv, iv); #ifndef HAVE_VIRCONNECTLISTSTORAGEPOOLS /* Symbol virConnectListStoragePools not found at compile time. */ not_supported ("virConnectListStoragePools"); /* Suppresses a compiler warning. */ (void) caml__frame; #else /* Check that the symbol virConnectListStoragePools * is in runtime version of libvirt. */ WEAK_SYMBOL_CHECK (virConnectListStoragePools); CAMLlocal2 (rv, strv); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_val (connv); int i = Int_val (iv); char *names[i]; int r; NONBLOCKING (r = virConnectListStoragePools (conn, names, i)); CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, conn, "virConnectListStoragePools"); rv = caml_alloc (r, 0); for (i = 0; i < r; ++i) { strv = caml_copy_string (names[i]); Store_field (rv, i, strv); free (names[i]); } CAMLreturn (rv); #endif } #ifdef HAVE_WEAK_SYMBOLS #ifdef HAVE_VIRCONNECTNUMOFDEFINEDSTORAGEPOOLS extern int virConnectNumOfDefinedStoragePools (virConnectPtr conn) __attribute__((weak)); #endif #endif CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_connect_num_of_defined_storage_pools (value connv) { CAMLparam1 (connv); #ifndef HAVE_VIRCONNECTNUMOFDEFINEDSTORAGEPOOLS /* Symbol virConnectNumOfDefinedStoragePools not found at compile time. */ not_supported ("virConnectNumOfDefinedStoragePools"); /* Suppresses a compiler warning. */ (void) caml__frame; #else /* Check that the symbol virConnectNumOfDefinedStoragePools * is in runtime version of libvirt. */ WEAK_SYMBOL_CHECK (virConnectNumOfDefinedStoragePools); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_val (connv); int r; NONBLOCKING (r = virConnectNumOfDefinedStoragePools (conn)); CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, conn, "virConnectNumOfDefinedStoragePools"); CAMLreturn (Val_int (r)); #endif } #ifdef HAVE_WEAK_SYMBOLS #ifdef HAVE_VIRCONNECTLISTDEFINEDSTORAGEPOOLS extern int virConnectListDefinedStoragePools (virConnectPtr conn, char **const names, int maxnames) __attribute__((weak)); #endif #endif CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_connect_list_defined_storage_pools (value connv, value iv) { CAMLparam2 (connv, iv); #ifndef HAVE_VIRCONNECTLISTDEFINEDSTORAGEPOOLS /* Symbol virConnectListDefinedStoragePools not found at compile time. */ not_supported ("virConnectListDefinedStoragePools"); /* Suppresses a compiler warning. */ (void) caml__frame; #else /* Check that the symbol virConnectListDefinedStoragePools * is in runtime version of libvirt. */ WEAK_SYMBOL_CHECK (virConnectListDefinedStoragePools); CAMLlocal2 (rv, strv); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_val (connv); int i = Int_val (iv); char *names[i]; int r; NONBLOCKING (r = virConnectListDefinedStoragePools (conn, names, i)); CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, conn, "virConnectListDefinedStoragePools"); rv = caml_alloc (r, 0); for (i = 0; i < r; ++i) { strv = caml_copy_string (names[i]); Store_field (rv, i, strv); free (names[i]); } CAMLreturn (rv); #endif } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_connect_get_capabilities (value connv) { CAMLparam1 (connv); CAMLlocal1 (rv); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_val (connv); char *r; NONBLOCKING (r = virConnectGetCapabilities (conn)); CHECK_ERROR (!r, conn, "virConnectGetCapabilities"); rv = caml_copy_string (r); free (r); CAMLreturn (rv); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_name (value domv) { CAMLparam1 (domv); CAMLlocal1 (rv); virDomainPtr dom = Domain_val (domv); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_domv (domv); const char *r; NONBLOCKING (r = virDomainGetName (dom)); CHECK_ERROR (!r, conn, "virDomainGetName"); rv = caml_copy_string (r); CAMLreturn (rv); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_os_type (value domv) { CAMLparam1 (domv); CAMLlocal1 (rv); virDomainPtr dom = Domain_val (domv); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_domv (domv); char *r; NONBLOCKING (r = virDomainGetOSType (dom)); CHECK_ERROR (!r, conn, "virDomainGetOSType"); rv = caml_copy_string (r); free (r); CAMLreturn (rv); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_xml_desc (value domv) { CAMLparam1 (domv); CAMLlocal1 (rv); virDomainPtr dom = Domain_val (domv); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_domv (domv); char *r; NONBLOCKING (r = virDomainGetXMLDesc (dom, 0)); CHECK_ERROR (!r, conn, "virDomainGetXMLDesc"); rv = caml_copy_string (r); free (r); CAMLreturn (rv); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_domain_suspend (value domv) { CAMLparam1 (domv); virDomainPtr dom = Domain_val (domv); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_domv (domv); int r; NONBLOCKING (r = virDomainSuspend (dom)); CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, conn, "virDomainSuspend"); CAMLreturn (Val_unit); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_domain_resume (value domv) { CAMLparam1 (domv); virDomainPtr dom = Domain_val (domv); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_domv (domv); int r; NONBLOCKING (r = virDomainResume (dom)); CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, conn, "virDomainResume"); CAMLreturn (Val_unit); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_domain_shutdown (value domv) { CAMLparam1 (domv); virDomainPtr dom = Domain_val (domv); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_domv (domv); int r; NONBLOCKING (r = virDomainShutdown (dom)); CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, conn, "virDomainShutdown"); CAMLreturn (Val_unit); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_domain_reboot (value domv) { CAMLparam1 (domv); virDomainPtr dom = Domain_val (domv); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_domv (domv); int r; NONBLOCKING (r = virDomainReboot (dom, 0)); CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, conn, "virDomainReboot"); CAMLreturn (Val_unit); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_domain_undefine (value domv) { CAMLparam1 (domv); virDomainPtr dom = Domain_val (domv); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_domv (domv); int r; NONBLOCKING (r = virDomainUndefine (dom)); CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, conn, "virDomainUndefine"); CAMLreturn (Val_unit); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_domain_create (value domv) { CAMLparam1 (domv); virDomainPtr dom = Domain_val (domv); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_domv (domv); int r; NONBLOCKING (r = virDomainCreate (dom)); CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, conn, "virDomainCreate"); CAMLreturn (Val_unit); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_network_get_name (value netv) { CAMLparam1 (netv); CAMLlocal1 (rv); virNetworkPtr net = Network_val (netv); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_netv (netv); const char *r; NONBLOCKING (r = virNetworkGetName (net)); CHECK_ERROR (!r, conn, "virNetworkGetName"); rv = caml_copy_string (r); CAMLreturn (rv); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_network_get_xml_desc (value netv) { CAMLparam1 (netv); CAMLlocal1 (rv); virNetworkPtr net = Network_val (netv); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_netv (netv); char *r; NONBLOCKING (r = virNetworkGetXMLDesc (net, 0)); CHECK_ERROR (!r, conn, "virNetworkGetXMLDesc"); rv = caml_copy_string (r); free (r); CAMLreturn (rv); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_network_get_bridge_name (value netv) { CAMLparam1 (netv); CAMLlocal1 (rv); virNetworkPtr net = Network_val (netv); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_netv (netv); char *r; NONBLOCKING (r = virNetworkGetBridgeName (net)); CHECK_ERROR (!r, conn, "virNetworkGetBridgeName"); rv = caml_copy_string (r); free (r); CAMLreturn (rv); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_network_undefine (value netv) { CAMLparam1 (netv); virNetworkPtr net = Network_val (netv); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_netv (netv); int r; NONBLOCKING (r = virNetworkUndefine (net)); CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, conn, "virNetworkUndefine"); CAMLreturn (Val_unit); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_network_create (value netv) { CAMLparam1 (netv); virNetworkPtr net = Network_val (netv); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_netv (netv); int r; NONBLOCKING (r = virNetworkCreate (net)); CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, conn, "virNetworkCreate"); CAMLreturn (Val_unit); } #ifdef HAVE_WEAK_SYMBOLS #ifdef HAVE_VIRSTORAGEPOOLGETNAME extern const char *virStoragePoolGetName (virStoragePoolPtr pool) __attribute__((weak)); #endif #endif CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_get_name (value poolv) { CAMLparam1 (poolv); #ifndef HAVE_VIRSTORAGEPOOLGETNAME /* Symbol virStoragePoolGetName not found at compile time. */ not_supported ("virStoragePoolGetName"); /* Suppresses a compiler warning. */ (void) caml__frame; #else /* Check that the symbol virStoragePoolGetName * is in runtime version of libvirt. */ WEAK_SYMBOL_CHECK (virStoragePoolGetName); CAMLlocal1 (rv); virStoragePoolPtr pool = Pool_val (poolv); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_polv (poolv); const char *r; NONBLOCKING (r = virStoragePoolGetName (pool)); CHECK_ERROR (!r, conn, "virStoragePoolGetName"); rv = caml_copy_string (r); CAMLreturn (rv); #endif } #ifdef HAVE_WEAK_SYMBOLS #ifdef HAVE_VIRSTORAGEPOOLGETXMLDESC extern char *virStoragePoolGetXMLDesc (virStoragePoolPtr pool, int flags) __attribute__((weak)); #endif #endif CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_get_xml_desc (value poolv) { CAMLparam1 (poolv); #ifndef HAVE_VIRSTORAGEPOOLGETXMLDESC /* Symbol virStoragePoolGetXMLDesc not found at compile time. */ not_supported ("virStoragePoolGetXMLDesc"); /* Suppresses a compiler warning. */ (void) caml__frame; #else /* Check that the symbol virStoragePoolGetXMLDesc * is in runtime version of libvirt. */ WEAK_SYMBOL_CHECK (virStoragePoolGetXMLDesc); CAMLlocal1 (rv); virStoragePoolPtr pool = Pool_val (poolv); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_polv (poolv); char *r; NONBLOCKING (r = virStoragePoolGetXMLDesc (pool, 0)); CHECK_ERROR (!r, conn, "virStoragePoolGetXMLDesc"); rv = caml_copy_string (r); free (r); CAMLreturn (rv); #endif } #ifdef HAVE_WEAK_SYMBOLS #ifdef HAVE_VIRSTORAGEPOOLUNDEFINE extern char *virStoragePoolUndefine (virStoragePoolPtr pool) __attribute__((weak)); #endif #endif CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_undefine (value poolv) { CAMLparam1 (poolv); #ifndef HAVE_VIRSTORAGEPOOLUNDEFINE /* Symbol virStoragePoolUndefine not found at compile time. */ not_supported ("virStoragePoolUndefine"); /* Suppresses a compiler warning. */ (void) caml__frame; #else /* Check that the symbol virStoragePoolUndefine * is in runtime version of libvirt. */ WEAK_SYMBOL_CHECK (virStoragePoolUndefine); CAMLlocal1 (rv); virStoragePoolPtr pool = Pool_val (poolv); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_polv (poolv); char *r; NONBLOCKING (r = virStoragePoolUndefine (pool)); CHECK_ERROR (!r, conn, "virStoragePoolUndefine"); rv = caml_copy_string (r); free (r); CAMLreturn (rv); #endif } #ifdef HAVE_WEAK_SYMBOLS #ifdef HAVE_VIRSTORAGEPOOLCREATE extern char *virStoragePoolCreate (virStoragePoolPtr pool) __attribute__((weak)); #endif #endif CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_create (value poolv) { CAMLparam1 (poolv); #ifndef HAVE_VIRSTORAGEPOOLCREATE /* Symbol virStoragePoolCreate not found at compile time. */ not_supported ("virStoragePoolCreate"); /* Suppresses a compiler warning. */ (void) caml__frame; #else /* Check that the symbol virStoragePoolCreate * is in runtime version of libvirt. */ WEAK_SYMBOL_CHECK (virStoragePoolCreate); CAMLlocal1 (rv); virStoragePoolPtr pool = Pool_val (poolv); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_polv (poolv); char *r; NONBLOCKING (r = virStoragePoolCreate (pool)); CHECK_ERROR (!r, conn, "virStoragePoolCreate"); rv = caml_copy_string (r); free (r); CAMLreturn (rv); #endif } #ifdef HAVE_WEAK_SYMBOLS #ifdef HAVE_VIRSTORAGEPOOLSHUTDOWN extern char *virStoragePoolShutdown (virStoragePoolPtr pool) __attribute__((weak)); #endif #endif CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_shutdown (value poolv) { CAMLparam1 (poolv); #ifndef HAVE_VIRSTORAGEPOOLSHUTDOWN /* Symbol virStoragePoolShutdown not found at compile time. */ not_supported ("virStoragePoolShutdown"); /* Suppresses a compiler warning. */ (void) caml__frame; #else /* Check that the symbol virStoragePoolShutdown * is in runtime version of libvirt. */ WEAK_SYMBOL_CHECK (virStoragePoolShutdown); CAMLlocal1 (rv); virStoragePoolPtr pool = Pool_val (poolv); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_polv (poolv); char *r; NONBLOCKING (r = virStoragePoolShutdown (pool)); CHECK_ERROR (!r, conn, "virStoragePoolShutdown"); rv = caml_copy_string (r); free (r); CAMLreturn (rv); #endif } #ifdef HAVE_WEAK_SYMBOLS #ifdef HAVE_VIRSTORAGEPOOLREFRESH extern char *virStoragePoolRefresh (virStoragePoolPtr pool, int flags) __attribute__((weak)); #endif #endif CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_refresh (value poolv) { CAMLparam1 (poolv); #ifndef HAVE_VIRSTORAGEPOOLREFRESH /* Symbol virStoragePoolRefresh not found at compile time. */ not_supported ("virStoragePoolRefresh"); /* Suppresses a compiler warning. */ (void) caml__frame; #else /* Check that the symbol virStoragePoolRefresh * is in runtime version of libvirt. */ WEAK_SYMBOL_CHECK (virStoragePoolRefresh); CAMLlocal1 (rv); virStoragePoolPtr pool = Pool_val (poolv); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_polv (poolv); char *r; NONBLOCKING (r = virStoragePoolRefresh (pool, 0)); CHECK_ERROR (!r, conn, "virStoragePoolRefresh"); rv = caml_copy_string (r); free (r); CAMLreturn (rv); #endif } #ifdef HAVE_WEAK_SYMBOLS #ifdef HAVE_VIRSTORAGEVOLGETXMLDESC extern char *virStorageVolGetXMLDesc (virStoragePoolPtr pool, int flags) __attribute__((weak)); #endif #endif CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_storage_vol_get_xml_desc (value poolv) { CAMLparam1 (poolv); #ifndef HAVE_VIRSTORAGEVOLGETXMLDESC /* Symbol virStorageVolGetXMLDesc not found at compile time. */ not_supported ("virStorageVolGetXMLDesc"); /* Suppresses a compiler warning. */ (void) caml__frame; #else /* Check that the symbol virStorageVolGetXMLDesc * is in runtime version of libvirt. */ WEAK_SYMBOL_CHECK (virStorageVolGetXMLDesc); CAMLlocal1 (rv); virStoragePoolPtr pool = Pool_val (poolv); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_polv (poolv); char *r; NONBLOCKING (r = virStorageVolGetXMLDesc (pool, 0)); CHECK_ERROR (!r, conn, "virStorageVolGetXMLDesc"); rv = caml_copy_string (r); free (r); CAMLreturn (rv); #endif } #ifdef HAVE_WEAK_SYMBOLS #ifdef HAVE_VIRSTORAGEVOLGETPATH extern char *virStorageVolGetPath (virStoragePoolPtr pool) __attribute__((weak)); #endif #endif CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_storage_vol_get_path (value poolv) { CAMLparam1 (poolv); #ifndef HAVE_VIRSTORAGEVOLGETPATH /* Symbol virStorageVolGetPath not found at compile time. */ not_supported ("virStorageVolGetPath"); /* Suppresses a compiler warning. */ (void) caml__frame; #else /* Check that the symbol virStorageVolGetPath * is in runtime version of libvirt. */ WEAK_SYMBOL_CHECK (virStorageVolGetPath); CAMLlocal1 (rv); virStoragePoolPtr pool = Pool_val (poolv); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_polv (poolv); char *r; NONBLOCKING (r = virStorageVolGetPath (pool)); CHECK_ERROR (!r, conn, "virStorageVolGetPath"); rv = caml_copy_string (r); free (r); CAMLreturn (rv); #endif } #ifdef HAVE_WEAK_SYMBOLS #ifdef HAVE_VIRSTORAGEVOLGETKEY extern const char *virStorageVolGetKey (virStoragePoolPtr pool) __attribute__((weak)); #endif #endif CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_storage_vol_get_key (value poolv) { CAMLparam1 (poolv); #ifndef HAVE_VIRSTORAGEVOLGETKEY /* Symbol virStorageVolGetKey not found at compile time. */ not_supported ("virStorageVolGetKey"); /* Suppresses a compiler warning. */ (void) caml__frame; #else /* Check that the symbol virStorageVolGetKey * is in runtime version of libvirt. */ WEAK_SYMBOL_CHECK (virStorageVolGetKey); CAMLlocal1 (rv); virStoragePoolPtr pool = Pool_val (poolv); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_polv (poolv); const char *r; NONBLOCKING (r = virStorageVolGetKey (pool)); CHECK_ERROR (!r, conn, "virStorageVolGetKey"); rv = caml_copy_string (r); CAMLreturn (rv); #endif } #ifdef HAVE_WEAK_SYMBOLS #ifdef HAVE_VIRSTORAGEVOLGETNAME extern const char *virStorageVolGetName (virStoragePoolPtr pool) __attribute__((weak)); #endif #endif CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_storage_vol_get_name (value poolv) { CAMLparam1 (poolv); #ifndef HAVE_VIRSTORAGEVOLGETNAME /* Symbol virStorageVolGetName not found at compile time. */ not_supported ("virStorageVolGetName"); /* Suppresses a compiler warning. */ (void) caml__frame; #else /* Check that the symbol virStorageVolGetName * is in runtime version of libvirt. */ WEAK_SYMBOL_CHECK (virStorageVolGetName); CAMLlocal1 (rv); virStoragePoolPtr pool = Pool_val (poolv); virConnectPtr conn = Connect_polv (poolv); const char *r; NONBLOCKING (r = virStorageVolGetName (pool)); CHECK_ERROR (!r, conn, "virStorageVolGetName"); rv = caml_copy_string (r); CAMLreturn (rv); #endif } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_domain_create_job () { failwith ("ocaml_libvirt_domain_create_job is unimplemented"); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_domain_core_dump_job () { failwith ("ocaml_libvirt_domain_core_dump_job is unimplemented"); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_domain_restore_job () { failwith ("ocaml_libvirt_domain_restore_job is unimplemented"); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_domain_save_job () { failwith ("ocaml_libvirt_domain_save_job is unimplemented"); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_connect_create_linux_job () { failwith ("ocaml_libvirt_connect_create_linux_job is unimplemented"); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_network_create_job () { failwith ("ocaml_libvirt_network_create_job is unimplemented"); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_network_create_xml_job () { failwith ("ocaml_libvirt_network_create_xml_job is unimplemented"); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_set_autostart () { failwith ("ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_set_autostart is unimplemented"); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_get_autostart () { failwith ("ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_get_autostart is unimplemented"); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_get_info () { failwith ("ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_get_info is unimplemented"); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_get_uuid_string () { failwith ("ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_get_uuid_string is unimplemented"); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_get_uuid () { failwith ("ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_get_uuid is unimplemented"); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_free () { failwith ("ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_free is unimplemented"); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_destroy () { failwith ("ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_destroy is unimplemented"); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_define_xml () { failwith ("ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_define_xml is unimplemented"); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_create_xml () { failwith ("ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_create_xml is unimplemented"); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_lookup_by_uuid_string () { failwith ("ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_lookup_by_uuid_string is unimplemented"); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_lookup_by_uuid () { failwith ("ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_lookup_by_uuid is unimplemented"); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_lookup_by_name () { failwith ("ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_lookup_by_name is unimplemented"); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_storage_vol_free () { failwith ("ocaml_libvirt_storage_vol_free is unimplemented"); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_storage_vol_destroy () { failwith ("ocaml_libvirt_storage_vol_destroy is unimplemented"); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_storage_vol_create_xml () { failwith ("ocaml_libvirt_storage_vol_create_xml is unimplemented"); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_storage_vol_get_info () { failwith ("ocaml_libvirt_storage_vol_get_info is unimplemented"); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_pool_of_volume () { failwith ("ocaml_libvirt_pool_of_volume is unimplemented"); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_storage_vol_lookup_by_path () { failwith ("ocaml_libvirt_storage_vol_lookup_by_path is unimplemented"); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_storage_vol_lookup_by_key () { failwith ("ocaml_libvirt_storage_vol_lookup_by_key is unimplemented"); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_storage_vol_lookup_by_name () { failwith ("ocaml_libvirt_storage_vol_lookup_by_name is unimplemented"); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_job_cancel () { failwith ("ocaml_libvirt_job_cancel is unimplemented"); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_job_get_network () { failwith ("ocaml_libvirt_job_get_network is unimplemented"); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_job_get_domain () { failwith ("ocaml_libvirt_job_get_domain is unimplemented"); } CAMLprim value ocaml_libvirt_job_get_info () { failwith ("ocaml_libvirt_job_get_info is unimplemented"); } #include "libvirt_c_epilogue.c" /* EOF */