ocaml-libvirt ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Richard W.M. Jones, Red Hat Inc. http://libvirt.org/ocaml/ http://libvirt.org/ This is a complete set of OCaml bindings around libvirt, exposing all known functionality to OCaml programs. Requirements ---------------------------------------------------------------------- To build the bindings, examples, and mlvirsh (required): GNU make, gcc libvirt >= 0.2.1 (from http://libvirt.org/, get the latest version if you can) ocaml >= 3.08 (from http://caml.inria.fr/) Optional, but highly recommended: findlib (from http://www.ocaml-programming.de/packages/) To build the OCaml interface documentation (optional): ocamldoc (part of OCaml itself) To build virt-top (optional): ocaml-curses (from http://www.nongnu.org/ocaml-tmk/) Extlib (from http://ocaml-lib.sourceforge.net/) xml-light (from http://tech.motion-twin.com/doc/xml-light/) ocaml CSV library (from http://merjis.com/developers/csv) ocaml-calendar (http://www.lri.fr/~signoles/prog.en.html) [Only ocaml-curses and Extlib are required for building virt-top. The other packages are not required, but you will get reduced functionality]. To build virt-ctrl (optional): GTK2 (from http://gtk.org/) lablgtk2 (from http://wwwfun.kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp/soft/lsl/lablgtk.html) To build the manpages (optional): perldoc (part of Perl) To build a Windows installer (optional): NSIS (http://nsis.sf.net) OCaml packages are available for Fedora 7 and above (ocaml, ocaml-findlib, ocaml-findlib-devel, ocaml-ocamldoc, ocaml-extlib, ocaml-extlib-devel, ocaml-lablgtk, ocaml-lablgtk-devel, ocaml-curses, ocaml-xml-light, ocaml-csv). http://www.annexia.org/tmp/ocaml/ http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/OCaml Debian/Ubuntu have all the packages you require. Building ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ./configure # Checks that you have all the required bits. make all # Builds the bytecode version of libs/programs. make opt # Builds the native code version of libs/programs. make install # Install in OCaml directory, and the binaries # in $prefix/bin. make doc # Build HTML documentation in html/ subdirectory. Then have a look at the programs 'mlvirsh.opt' and 'virt-ctrl.opt'. Note: If you want to run the programs without first installing, you may need to set your $LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable so it contains the build directory. eg: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=libvirt/ mlvirsh/mlvirsh.opt Windows ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I have built libvirt (the bindings), examples, mlvirsh and virt-ctrl on Windows using the MinGW port of OCaml. It's quite likely that it will also work under VC++, but I have not tested this. You should make sure that your $PATH (environment variable) contains the names of the directories containing all required DLLs, in particular you will require: libvirt-*.dll (from libvirt) libgnutls-*.dll (from GnuTLS) libgcrypt-*.dll libgpg-error-*.dll libtasn1-*.dll libxdr.dll (from libxdr) libxml2-*.dll (from libxml2) and, a multitude of DLLs from GTK if you want to run virt-ctrl You can use a tool such as Dependency Walker to find/check the locations of dependent libraries. To build the Windows installer, you will need NSIS. Then do: ./configure --with-nsis=/c/Progra~1/NSIS make all opt make wininstaller This should build a Windows binary installer called ocaml-libvirt-$VERSION.exe which includes the bindings, all required DLLs and all programs that can be built under Windows. mlvirsh ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 'mlvirsh' is an almost complete reimplementation of virsh, which is mostly command compatible (there are a very few commands missing, and some commands have a slightly different syntax, but broadly speaking they are equivalent programs except that one is written in C and the other in OCaml). At the time of writing: wc -c wc -l virsh 126,056 4,641 mlvirsh 19,427 598 % size 15% 13% virt-ctrl ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 'virt-ctrl' (originally called 'mlvirtmanager') is a reimplementation of virt-manager in OCaml. It is not feature-complete by any means, but does allow you to show the running domains and start and stop defined domains. The main functionality _missing_ is the ability to define new virtual machines, change the resources allocated to domains, or show the machine console. Programming ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For documentation on these bindings, read libvirt.mli and/or 'make doc' and browse the HTML documentation in the html/ subdirectory. For documentation on libvirt itself, see http://libvirt.org/html/ Subdirectories ---------------------------------------------------------------------- libvirt/ The OCaml bindings. examples/ Some example programs using the bindings. mlvirsh/ 'mlvirsh' command line tool. virt-ctrl/ 'virt-ctrl' graphical tool. virt-top/ 'virt-top' tool. virt-df/ 'virt-df' tool.