ocaml-libvirt ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Richard W.M. Jones, Red Hat Inc. http://libvirt.org/ocaml/ http://libvirt.org/ This is a complete set of OCaml bindings around libvirt, exposing all known functionality to OCaml programs. Requirements ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE NOTE: The list of requirements looks long but you DO NOT NEED all of these packages, so pay careful attention to what is required ('R') and what is optional ('O'). ALSO NOTE: Binaries are available for many platforms. You only need the packages below if you want to build from source. W h a t y o u w a n t t o b u i l d |Bindings, |Docs, |virt-top |virt-ctrl |Windows |examples, |manpages | | |version |mlvirsh | | | | --------------+----------+---------+---------+----------+--------- GNU make | R | R | R | R | R | | | | | gcc | R | | R | R | R | | | | | libvirt | R | | R | R | R | >= 0.2.1 | | | | | | | | | ocaml | R | | R | R | R | >= 3.08 | | | | | | | | | findlib | HR | R | HR | HR | n/a | | | | | MinGW + MSYS | | | | | R --------------+----------+---------+---------+----------+--------- ocamldoc | | R | | | O | | | | | perldoc | | O | | | --------------+----------+---------+---------+----------+--------- ocaml-curses | | | R | | | | | | | Extlib | | | R | | | | | | | xml-light | | | O | | | | | | | ocaml-calendar| | | O | | | | | | | ocaml CSV | | | O | | --------------+----------+---------+---------+----------+--------- GTK2 | | | | R | O | | | | | lablgtk2 | | | | R | O | | | | | ocaml-dbus | | | | O | --------------+----------+---------+---------+----------+--------- NSIS | | | | | O --------------+----------+---------+---------+----------+--------- R = required HR = highly recommended (use if possible) O = optional (just improves functionality, but not required) n/a = not available Where to get the packages: libvirt >= 0.2.1 from http://libvirt.org/ (get the latest version available) or packaged in Debian, Ubuntu and Fedora ocaml >= 3.08 from http://caml.inria.fr/ or packaged in Debian, Ubuntu and Fedora findlib from http://www.ocaml-programming.de/packages/ or packaged in Debian, Ubuntu and Fedora as 'ocaml-findlib' MinGW + MSYS from http://www.mingw.org/ (only needed for Windows) ocamldoc part of OCaml itself or part of the ocaml package in Debian, Ubuntu or packaged in Fedora as 'ocaml-ocamldoc' perldoc part of Perl or packaged in Debian, Ubuntu and Fedora ocaml-curses from http://www.nongnu.org/ocaml-tmk/ or packaged in Debian, Ubuntu as 'libcurses-ocaml-dev' or packaged in Fedora as 'ocaml-curses-devel' Extlib from http://ocaml-lib.sourceforge.net/ or packaged in Debian, Unbuntu as 'libextlib-ocaml-dev' or packaged in Fedora as 'ocaml-extlib-devel' xml-light from http://tech.motion-twin.com/doc/xml-light/ or packaged in Debian, Ubuntu as 'libxml-light-ocaml-dev' or packaged in Fedora as 'ocaml-xml-light-devel' ocaml CSV from http://merjis.com/developers/csv or packaged in Debian, Ubuntu as 'libcsv-ocaml-dev' or packaged in Fedora as 'ocaml-csv-devel' ocaml-calendar from http://www.lri.fr/~signoles/prog.en.html or packaged in Debian, Ubuntu as 'libcalendar-ocaml-dev' or packaged in Fedora as 'ocaml-calendar-devel' GTK2 from http://gtk.org/ or packaged in Debian, Ubuntu and Fedora lablgtk2 from http://wwwfun.kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp/soft/lsl/lablgtk.html or packaged in Debian, Ubuntu as 'liblablgtk2-ocaml-dev' or packaged in Fedora as 'ocaml-lablgtk-devel' ocaml-dbus from http://tab.snarc.org/projects/ocaml_dbus/ or packaged in Fedora 9 as 'ocaml-dbus-devel' (not yet available for Debian or Ubuntu AFAIK) NSIS from http://nsis.sf.net Building ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ./configure # Checks that you have all the required bits. make all # Builds the bytecode version of libs/programs. make opt # Builds the native code version of libs/programs. make install # Install in OCaml directory, and the binaries # in $prefix/bin. make doc # Build HTML documentation in html/ subdirectory. Then have a look at the programs 'mlvirsh.opt', 'virt-top.opt' and 'virt-ctrl.opt'. Note: If you want to run the programs without first installing, you may need to set your $LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable so it contains the build directory. eg: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=libvirt/ mlvirsh/mlvirsh.opt Windows ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I have built libvirt (the bindings), examples, mlvirsh and virt-ctrl on Windows using the MinGW port of OCaml. It's quite likely that it will also work under VC++, but I have not tested this. You should make sure that your $PATH (environment variable) contains the names of the directories containing all required DLLs, in particular you will require: libvirt-*.dll (from libvirt) libgnutls-*.dll (from GnuTLS) libgcrypt-*.dll libgpg-error-*.dll libtasn1-*.dll libxdr.dll (from libxdr) libxml2-*.dll (from libxml2) and, a multitude of DLLs from GTK if you want to run virt-ctrl You can use a tool such as Dependency Walker to find/check the locations of dependent libraries. To build the Windows installer, you will need NSIS. Then do: ./configure --with-nsis=/c/Progra~1/NSIS make all opt make wininstaller This should build a Windows binary installer called ocaml-libvirt-$VERSION.exe which includes the bindings, all required DLLs and all programs that can be built under Windows. mlvirsh ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 'mlvirsh' is an almost complete reimplementation of virsh, which is mostly command compatible (there are a very few commands missing, and some commands have a slightly different syntax, but broadly speaking they are equivalent programs except that one is written in C and the other in OCaml). At the time of writing: wc -c wc -l virsh 126,056 4,641 mlvirsh 19,427 598 % size 15% 13% virt-ctrl ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 'virt-ctrl' (originally called 'mlvirtmanager') is a reimplementation of virt-manager in OCaml. It is not feature-complete by any means, but does allow you to show the running domains and start and stop defined domains. The main functionality _missing_ is the ability to define new virtual machines, change the resources allocated to domains, or show the machine console. Programming ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For documentation on these bindings, read libvirt.mli and/or 'make doc' and browse the HTML documentation in the html/ subdirectory. For documentation on libvirt itself, see http://libvirt.org/html/ Subdirectories ---------------------------------------------------------------------- libvirt/ The OCaml bindings. examples/ Some example programs using the bindings. mlvirsh/ 'mlvirsh' command line tool. virt-ctrl/ 'virt-ctrl' graphical tool. virt-top/ 'virt-top' tool. virt-df/ 'virt-df' tool.