(** Memory map. *) (* Memory info command for virtual domains. (C) Copyright 2008 Richard W.M. Jones, Red Hat Inc. http://libvirt.org/ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *) (** {2 Memory maps} Memory maps represent the virtual memory of a virtual machine. We are mostly interested in the kernel memory and kernel data structures. In Linux this stays at the same virtual memory address whichever task is actually running (eg. on i386 machines, the kernel is often found at virtual address 0xC0100000). Kernel memory is spread out over several ranges of addresses, with gaps of uninteresting or non-existant virtual addresses in between, and this structure captures that. A memory map is a range of 64 bit addresses from [0] to [2^64-1]. (Note that 64 bit addresses are used even for 32 bit virtual machines - just ignore everything above 0xFFFFFFFF). A memory map consists of zero or more {b mappings} of data. A mapping starts at some address and has some size, and the data for a mapping can come from some source such as a file or OCaml string. Use {!of_file}, {!of_string}, {!add_file}, {!add_string} to create a memory map from mappings. {3 Overlapping mappings and holes} If mappings overlap, then the mapping which was added later overrides/overwrites earlier mappings at any addresses which coincide. Where there is no mapping for a particular address, the memory map is said to have a hole. (Typically almost all of a memory map is holes). In general, the searching functions such as {!find} skip over holes, while the accessor functions such as {!get_bytes} raise an error if you try to read a hole, but read the individual function documentation. {3 Word size and endianness} Memory maps may (or may not) have an associated word size and endianness for the whole map. These are used when we look at integers and pointers in the memory. See {!get_endian}, {!set_endian}, {!get_wordsize} and {!set_wordsize}, and accessor functions such as {!get_int32} and {!follow_pointer}. {3 Efficiency} Mappings' data are stored in 1D Bigarrays. The advantages of using a Bigarray are: (a) hidden from the garbage collector, (b) easily accessible from C, (c) uses mmap(2) where possible. Some low level functions are written in C for speed. Mappings are stored in a segment tree for efficient access, but the segment tree has to be rebuilt from scratch each time you add a new mapping. It is not known if there is a more efficient way to incrementally update a segment tree. In any case, as long as you are mainly doing lookups / searches / getting bytes, this is very fast. *) (** {2 Types} *) type ('ws,'e,'hm) t (** Memory map. The ['ws], ['e] and ['hm] type parameters are phantom types designed to ensure you don't try illegal operations before initializing certain parts of the memory map. If you are not familiar with phantom types, you can just ignore them. See also {{:http://camltastic.blogspot.com/2008/05/phantom-types.html}this posting about the phantom types used in virt-mem}. The memory map structure is an example of a {{:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purely_functional}persistent data structure}. *) type addr = int64 (** Virtual memory addresses (even on 32 bit machines). *) (** {2 Create a memory map, add mappings} *) val create : unit -> ([`NoWordsize], [`NoEndian], [`NoMappings]) t (** Create a new, empty memory map. *) val of_file : Unix.file_descr -> addr -> ([`NoWordsize], [`NoEndian], [`HasMapping]) t (** Create a new memory map, mapping file [fd] at address [addr]. *) val add_file : ('ws, 'e, 'hm) t -> Unix.file_descr -> addr -> ('ws, 'e, [`HasMapping]) t (** Add file [fd] at address [addr] to an existing memory map. The new mapping can overwrite all or part of an existing mapping. *) val of_string : string -> addr -> ([`NoWordsize], [`NoEndian], [`HasMapping]) t (** Create a new memory map, mapping string at address [addr]. *) val add_string : ('ws, 'e, 'hm) t -> string -> addr -> ('ws, 'e, [`HasMapping]) t (** Add string at address [addr] to an existing memory map. The new mapping can overwrite all or part of an existing mapping. *) val set_wordsize : ([`NoWordsize], 'e, 'hm) t -> Virt_mem_utils.wordsize -> ([`Wordsize], 'e, 'hm) t (** Set the natural wordsize of the memory map. This is used for matching integers and pointers within the map and can be set only once. *) val set_endian : ('ws, [`NoEndian], 'hm) t -> Bitstring.endian -> ('ws, [`Endian], 'hm) t (** Set the natural endianness of the memory map. This is used for matching integers and pointers within the map and can be set only once. *) val get_wordsize : ([`Wordsize], 'e, 'hm) t -> Virt_mem_utils.wordsize (** Return the wordsize previously set for this memory map. *) val get_endian : ('ws, [`Endian], 'hm) t -> Bitstring.endian (** Return the endianness previously set for this memory map. *) (** {2 Searching} *) val find : ('ws, 'e, [`HasMapping]) t -> ?start:addr -> string -> addr option (** Find string in a memory map and return its address (if found) or [None] (if not found). You can pass an optional starting address. If no start address is given, we begin searching at the beginning of the first mapping. Any holes in the memory map are skipped automatically. Note that this doesn't find strings which straddle the boundary of two adjacent or overlapping mappings. Note that because the string being matched is an OCaml string it may contain NULs (zero bytes) and those are matched properly. *) val find_align : ([`Wordsize], 'e, [`HasMapping]) t -> ?start:addr -> string -> addr option (** Same as {!find}, but the string must be aligned to the word size of the memory map. *) val find_all : ('ws, 'e, [`HasMapping]) t -> ?start:addr -> string -> addr list (** Same as {!find}, but returns all occurrences of a string in a memory map. *) val find_all_align : ([`Wordsize], 'e, [`HasMapping]) t -> ?start:addr -> string -> addr list (** Same as {!find_all}, but the strings must be aligned to the word size. *) val find_pointer : ([`Wordsize], [`Endian], [`HasMapping]) t -> ?start:addr -> addr -> addr option (** Find a pointer (address) in the memory map. The pointer must be aligned to a word. *) val find_pointer_all : ([`Wordsize], [`Endian], [`HasMapping]) t -> ?start:addr -> addr -> addr list (** Find all occurrences of a pointer in the memory map. *) (** {2 Get bytes and ranges of bytes} *) val get_byte : ('ws, 'e, [`HasMapping]) t -> addr -> int (** Return the byte at the given address. This will raise [Invalid_argument "get_byte"] if the address is a hole (not mapped). *) val get_bytes : ('ws, 'e, [`HasMapping]) t -> addr -> int -> string (** Return the sequence of bytes starting at the given address. This will raise [Invalid_argument "get_bytes"] if the address range contains holes. *) val get_int32 : ('ws, [`Endian], [`HasMapping]) t -> addr -> int32 (** Return the 32-bit int at [addr]. *) val get_int64 : ('ws, [`Endian], [`HasMapping]) t -> addr -> int64 (** Return the 64-bit int at [addr]. *) val get_C_int : ([`Wordsize], [`Endian], [`HasMapping]) t -> addr -> int32 (** Return the C 32-bit int at [addr]. *) val get_C_long : ([`Wordsize], [`Endian], [`HasMapping]) t -> addr -> int64 (** Return the C 32 or 64-bit long at [addr]. *) val get_string : ('ws, 'e, [`HasMapping]) t -> addr -> string (** Return the sequence of bytes starting at [addr] up to (but not including) the first ASCII NUL character. In other words, this returns a C-style string. This may raise [Invalid_argument "get_string"] if we reach a hole (unmapped address) before finding the end of the string. See also {!get_bytes}, {!is_string} and {!is_C_identifier}. *) val is_string : ('ws, 'e, [`HasMapping]) t -> addr -> bool (** Return true or false if the address contains an ASCII NUL-terminated string. *) val is_C_identifier : ('ws, 'e, [`HasMapping]) t -> addr -> bool (** Return true or false if the address contains a NUL-terminated C identifier. *) val is_mapped : ('ws, 'e, [`HasMapping]) t -> addr -> bool (** Return true if the single address [addr] is mapped. *) val follow_pointer : ([`Wordsize], [`Endian], [`HasMapping]) t -> addr -> addr (** Follow (dereference) the pointer at [addr] and return the address pointed to. *) val succ_long : ([`Wordsize], 'e, [`HasMapping]) t -> addr -> addr (** Add wordsize bytes to [addr] and return it. *) val pred_long : ([`Wordsize], 'e, [`HasMapping]) t -> addr -> addr (** Subtract wordsize bytes from [addr] and return it. *) val align : ([`Wordsize], 'e, [`HasMapping]) t -> addr -> addr (** Align the [addr] to the next wordsize boundary. If it already aligned, this just returns [addr]. *) (** {2 Save and load memory maps} *) (*val to_channel : ('ws, 'e, [`HasMapping]) t -> out_channel -> unit*) (** Write the memory map and data to the given output channel in a reasonably efficient and stable binary format. *) (*val from_channel : in_channel -> ('?, '?, [`HasMapping]) t*) (** Read a previously saved memory map. If the input channel does not contain a memory map, this raises [Invalid_argument]. *)