(* Memory info for virtual domains. (C) Copyright 2008 Richard W.M. Jones, Red Hat Inc. http://libvirt.org/ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *) (* This is a script which downloads kernels from Fedora and extracts the kernel layout information. The basic plan is as follows: (1) Use koji to list out all kernel builds, compare this to what we have already got (in the kernels/ database at the top level of the virt-mem source), and download any kernels we haven't seen already. (2) For each kernel, get the kernel-*debuginfo* RPMs (there will be several, one for each architecture, and one for each variant such as PAE). (3) For each debuginfo RPM, extract the 'vmlinux' (kernel image) from the RPM. This contains debugging symbols. (4) Run 'pahole -E' (from acme's dwarves library) to extract all the kernel structures. (5) Save the kernel name/version/architecture + the output of pahole in the kernels/ directory (the kernels database). *) open ExtList open ExtString open Printf let (//) = Filename.concat (* Wrappers around the XMLRPC calls. *) type build = { package_name : string; (* eg. "kernel" *) version : string; (* eg. "2.6.25" *) release : string; (* eg. "1.fc8" *) build_id : int; } let string_of_build { package_name = package_name; version = version; release = release; build_id = build_id } = sprintf "%d: %s %s %s" build_id package_name version release type rpm = { rpm_id : int; (* RPM ID (for downloading, etc.) *) rpm_build : build; rpm_name : string; (* eg. "kernel" *) rpm_version : string; (* eg. "2.6.25" *) rpm_release : string; (* eg. "1.fc8" *) rpm_size : int; (* size in bytes of the RPM. *) rpm_arch : string; (* architecture *) } let string_of_rpm { rpm_id = id; rpm_build = { build_id = build_id }; rpm_name = name; rpm_version = version; rpm_release = release; rpm_size = size; rpm_arch = arch } = sprintf "%d: (build %d) %s %s %s (%d bytes) %s" id build_id name version release size arch let get_string_from_struct name items = match List.assoc name items with | `String str -> str | _ -> invalid_arg (name ^ ": expected string type") let get_int_from_struct name items = match List.assoc name items with | `Int i -> i | _ -> invalid_arg (name ^ ": expected int type") let koji_list_builds rpc ~prefix = let builds = rpc#call "listBuilds" [ `Struct [ (* __starstar is some wierd Python thing which is needed for * Python optional arguments to work. *) "__starstar", `Int 1; "prefix", `String prefix; ] ] in match builds with | `Array builds -> List.map ( function | `Struct items -> (try let package_name = get_string_from_struct "package_name" items in let version = get_string_from_struct "version" items in let release = get_string_from_struct "release" items in let build_id = get_int_from_struct "build_id" items in { package_name = package_name; version = version; release = release; build_id = build_id } with | Not_found -> prerr_endline "missing element in build structure from koji listBuilds() calls"; exit 1 | Invalid_argument err -> prerr_endline err; exit 1 ) | t -> prerr_endline "unexpected type from koji listBuilds() call"; prerr_endline (XmlRpc.dump t); exit 1 ) builds | t -> prerr_endline "unexpected type from koji listBuilds() call:"; prerr_endline (XmlRpc.dump t); exit 1 let koji_list_build_rpms rpc ({ build_id = build_id } as build) = let rpms = rpc#call "listBuildRPMs" [ `Int build_id ] in match rpms with | `Array rpms -> List.map ( function | `Struct items -> (try let name = get_string_from_struct "name" items in let version = get_string_from_struct "version" items in let release = get_string_from_struct "release" items in let build_id' = get_int_from_struct "build_id" items in let id = get_int_from_struct "id" items in let size = get_int_from_struct "size" items in let arch = get_string_from_struct "arch" items in assert (build_id = build_id'); { rpm_name = name; rpm_version = version; rpm_release = release; rpm_build = build; rpm_id = id; rpm_size = size; rpm_arch = arch } with | Not_found -> prerr_endline "missing element in build structure from koji listBuildRPMs() calls"; exit 1 | Invalid_argument err -> prerr_endline err; exit 1 ) | t -> prerr_endline "unexpected type from koji listBuildRPMs() call"; prerr_endline (XmlRpc.dump t); exit 1 ) rpms | t -> prerr_endline "unexpected type from koji listBuildRPMs() call:"; prerr_endline (XmlRpc.dump t); exit 1 (* This gets the RPM download URL for an RPM. I can't see a way to * get this using the Koji API, but the URLs are fairly predictable * anyway. *) let koji_rpm_download_url { rpm_build = { package_name = build_name }; rpm_name = rpm_name; rpm_version = version; rpm_release = release; rpm_arch = arch } = let filename = sprintf "%s-%s-%s.%s.rpm" rpm_name version release arch in let uri = sprintf "http://koji.fedoraproject.org/packages/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s" build_name version release arch filename in uri, filename (* Main program. *) let main outputdir = let rpc = new XmlRpc.client "http://koji.fedoraproject.org/kojihub" in (* Grab the list of kernel builds from Koji. *) printf "Downloading list of kernel builds from Koji ...\n%!"; let builds = koji_list_builds rpc ~prefix:"kernel" in (* Only care about "kernel" and "kernel-xen" builds. *) let builds = List.filter ( fun { package_name = name } -> name = "kernel" || name = "kernel-xen" ) builds in let nr_builds = List.length builds in printf "%d kernel builds found on Koji.\n%!" nr_builds; List.iteri ( fun i build -> printf "Build %d/%d: %s\n" (i+1) nr_builds (string_of_build build); (* List the RPMs in the build. *) let rpms = koji_list_build_rpms rpc build in (* Only care about debuginfo builds, and not debuginfo-common. *) let contains_string substr name = try ignore (String.find name substr); true with Invalid_string -> false in let contains_debuginfo = contains_string "debuginfo" in let contains_common = contains_string "common" in let rpms = List.filter ( fun { rpm_name = name } -> contains_debuginfo name && not (contains_common name) ) rpms in List.iter ( fun rpm -> let uri, filename = koji_rpm_download_url rpm in let infofile = outputdir // filename ^ ".info" in let infoexists = try ignore (Unix.access infofile [Unix.F_OK]); true with Unix.Unix_error _ -> false in if infoexists then printf "Skipping %s\n%!" (string_of_rpm rpm) else ( printf "%s\n%!" (string_of_rpm rpm); let run cmd = let r = Sys.command cmd in if r <> 0 then failwith (sprintf "%s: command exited with code %d" cmd r) in (* Function to clean up the RPM & the temporary subdirectory * (usr/, used for unpacking the RPM). *) let cleanup () = (try Unix.unlink filename with _ -> ()); ignore (Sys.command "rm -rf usr/") in cleanup (); try Std.finally cleanup ( fun () -> (* Download the RPM. * * Could use ocurl here (the OCaml CURL library) but * using CURL as a library is generally more trouble * than it's worth. So shell out to 'wget' instead. *) printf "Downloading RPM ...\n%!"; run (sprintf "wget --quiet %s" (Filename.quote uri)); printf "Finished downloading RPM.\n%!"; (* Unpack vmlinux binary from the RPM. *) run (sprintf "rpm2cpio %s | cpio -id --quiet '*/vmlinux'" (Filename.quote filename)); run (sprintf "find usr/ -name vmlinux -print0 | xargs -0 pahole -E > %s.data" (Filename.quote outputdir // Filename.quote filename)); let chan = open_out infofile in fprintf chan "Source: fedora-koji\n"; fprintf chan "Distribution: Fedora\n"; fprintf chan "RPM_id: %d\n" rpm.rpm_id; fprintf chan "RPM_build_id: %d\n" rpm.rpm_build.build_id; fprintf chan "Name: %s\n" rpm.rpm_name; fprintf chan "Version: %s\n" rpm.rpm_version; fprintf chan "Release: %s\n" rpm.rpm_release; fprintf chan "Architecture: %s\n" rpm.rpm_arch; fprintf chan "RPM_size: %d\n" rpm.rpm_size; fprintf chan "\n"; close_out chan; run (sprintf "rpm -qip %s >> %s" (Filename.quote filename) (Filename.quote infofile)); ) () with Failure msg -> eprintf "%s\n%!" msg (* but continue to next RPM ... *) ) ) rpms ) builds let () = Random.self_init (); (* Create a temporary work directory, chdir into there to run the * main program, then ensure that the temporary directory is cleaned * up when we exit. *) let olddir = Unix.getcwd () in let tmpdir = sprintf "%s/tmp%d%Ld" Filename.temp_dir_name (Unix.getpid ()) (Random.int64 Int64.max_int) in Unix.mkdir tmpdir 0o700; Sys.chdir tmpdir; let cleanup () = Sys.chdir olddir; ignore (Sys.command (sprintf "rm -rf %s" (Filename.quote tmpdir))) in Std.finally cleanup (fun () -> main olddir) ()