Source files ------------ We build all the tools into a single virt-mem executable, in order to share the most runtime. Almost all the code between individual tools is shared anyway. lib/ - The common core of all the tools. Library, kernel symbols, command line handling, memory images, etc. lib/ contains most of the important 'glue' code. uname/ dmesg/ etc. - The code specific to each tool. This is usually rather small because the code in lib/ does the hard work. mem/ - This brings everything together and links it into a single executable. Other than that purpose, there is almost nothing in this directory. kernels/ - The database of known kernels and the layout of their structures. extract/ - Tools to extract the structure layout data from kernels. Various subdirectories here correspond to the different Linux distributions and methods of getting at their kernels. General structure of lib/ ------------------------------------ We start with a bare kernel memory image ('Virt_mem_types.image0') which gets successively enhanced with extra data along the way: Parse command line arguments, work out what virtual machines to process, load kernel images | | (passes a 'Virt_mem_types.image0') V Find kernel symbols | | (enhanced into a 'Virt_mem_types.image1') V Find kernel version (uname) | | (enhanced into a 'Virt_mem_types.image2') V Call tool's "run" function. Tools can register other callbacks which get called at earlier stages. How it works ------------ (1) Getting the kernel image This is pretty easy (on QEMU/KVM anyway): There is a QEMU monitor command which reads out memory from the guest, and this is made available through the virDomainMemoryPeek call in libvirt. Kernel images are generally located at small number of known addresses (eg. 0xC010_0000 on x86). (2) Getting the kernel symbols. The Linux kernel contains two tables of kernel symbols - the usual kernel symbols used for exporting symbols to loadable modules, and 'kallsyms' which is used for error reporting. (Of course, specific Linux kernels may be compiled without one or other of these tables). The functions in modules lib/ and lib/ deal with searching kernel memory for these two tables. (3) Getting the kernel version. The kernel has the kernel version information compiled in at a known symbol address, so once we have the kernel symbols it is relatively straightforward to get the kernel version. See lib/ (4) Process table / memory / network info etc. Note that we have the kernel symbols and the kernel version (and that information is pretty reliable). If we take the process table as an example, then it consists of a linked list of 'struct task_struct', starting at the symbol 'init_task' (which corresponds to the "hidden" PID 0 / swapper task), and linked through a double-linked list in the 'tasks' member of this structure. We have the location of 'init_task', but struct task_struct varies greatly depending on: word size, kernel version, CONFIG_* settings, and vendor/additional patches. The problem is to work out the "shape" of task_struct, and we do this in two different ways: (Method 1) Precompiled task_struct. We can easily and reliably determine the Linux kernel version (see virt-uname). In theory we could compile a list of known kernel versions, check out their sources beforehand, and find the absolute layout of the task_struct (eg. using CIL). This method would only work for known kernel versions, but has the advantage that all fields in the task_struct would be known. (Method 2) Fuzzy matched task_struct. The task_struct has a certain internal structure which is stable even over many kernel revisions. For example, groups of pointers always occur together. We search through init_task looking for these characteristic features and where a pointer is found to another task_struct we search that (recursively) on the assumption that those contain the same features at the same location. This works well for pointers, but not so well for finding other fields (eg. uids, process name, etc). We can defray the cost of searches by caching the results between runs. Currently we use Method 1, deriving the database of known kernels from gdb debugging information generated by Linux distributions when they build their kernels, and processing that with 'pahole' (from dwarves library). We have experimented with Method 2. Currently work on it is postponed to a research project for a keen student at some point in the near future. There are some early implementations of method 2 if you look back over the version control history. The database of known kernels is stored in kernels/ subdirectory. The functions to build the database by extracting debug information from Linux distributions is stored in extract/ subdirectory.