(* rpmdepsize - visualize the size of RPM dependencies * (C) Copyright 2009 Red Hat Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * * Written by Richard W.M. Jones * Python script modified from a version by Seth Vidal. *) open Sexplib TYPE_CONV_PATH "." open ExtList open Unix open Printf (* This corresponds to the sexpr that we write out from the * Python code. OCaml will type-check it. *) type root_packages = nevra * packages and packages = pkg list and pkg = { nevra : nevra; name : string; epoch : int; version : string; release : string; arch : string; size : int64; (* installed size, excl. dirs *) deps : nevra list; } and nevra = string (* Name-[Epoch:]Version-Release.Arch *) with sexp (* Full dependency representation. This is actually a graph because * it contains dependency loops. The only difference from the pkg * structure is that we have resolved the nevra strings into direct * links, so we can quickly recurse over the tree. * * Parents/deps are mutable only because we want to modify these * lists when creating this graph in 'create_deps'. *) type deps = { pkg : pkg; (* the package *) mutable children : deps list; (* dependencies of this package (below) *) mutable parents : deps list; (* parents of this package (above) *) } (* Final tree representation, loops removed, and everything we want to * display stored in the nodes. *) type tree = Tree of pkg * int64 * int64 * GDraw.color * tree list (* Helpful modules, operators and functions. *) module StringMap = Map.Make (String) let (+^) = Int64.add let sum = List.fold_left (+^) 0L let spaces n = String.make n ' ' let failwithf = ksprintf failwith (* Debugging support (--debug on the command line). *) let debug_flag = ref false let debug format = (* ifprintf consumes the arguments, but produces no output *) (if !debug_flag then eprintf else ifprintf Pervasives.stderr) format (* Python has privileged access to the yum repodata, so we have to use * this Python snippet to pull the data that we need out. This is the * part of the program that takes ages to run, because Python is as * slow as a fat snake that's just eaten a huge lunch. We can't help * that. * * This function takes a string (package name) and returns a * root_packages type. *) let repoquery pkgstr = let py = " import yum import yum.misc import sys yb = yum.YumBase () basepkg = yb.pkgSack.returnPackages (patterns=[sys.argv[1]])[0] deps = dict ({basepkg:False}) # Recursively find all the dependencies. stable = False while not stable: stable = True for pkg in deps.keys(): if deps[pkg] == False: deps[pkg] = [] stable = False for r in pkg.requires: ps = yb.whatProvides (r[0], r[1], r[2]) best = yb._bestPackageFromList (ps.returnPackages ()) if best.name != pkg.name: deps[pkg].append (best) if not deps.has_key (best): deps[best] = False deps[pkg] = yum.misc.unique (deps[pkg]) # Get the data out of python as fast as possible so we can # use a serious language for analysis of the tree. print \"(%s (\" % basepkg for pkg in deps.keys(): print \"((nevra %s) (name %s) (epoch %s) (version %s) (release %s) (arch %s) (size %s)\" % (pkg, pkg.name, pkg.epoch, pkg.version, pkg.release, pkg.arch, pkg.installedsize) print \"(deps (\" for p in deps[pkg]: print \"%s \" % p, print \")))\" sys.stdout.write (\"))\") # suppress trailing newline" in (* Run the Python program and read in the generated sexpr. *) let cmd = sprintf "python -c %s %s" (Filename.quote py) (Filename.quote pkgstr) in let chan = open_process_in cmd in ignore (input_line chan); (* Drop "Loaded plugins" line. *) let root, pkgs = root_packages_of_sexp (Sexp.of_string (Std.input_all chan)) in (match close_process_in chan with | WEXITED 0 -> () | WEXITED i -> failwithf "python command exited with status %d" i | WSIGNALED i | WSTOPPED i -> failwithf "python command stopped with signal %d" i ); (root, pkgs) (* Create the dependency graph from the raw package data. Probably * contains loops so beware. * * Takes the list of packages (from Python code) and returns a * StringMap of nevra -> deps. *) let create_deps pkgs = let deps = List.map (fun pkg -> { pkg = pkg; children = []; parents = [] }) pkgs in let depsmap = List.fold_left ( fun map ({pkg = pkg} as deps) -> StringMap.add pkg.nevra deps map ) StringMap.empty deps in List.iter ( fun dep -> List.iter ( fun nevra -> let dep' = StringMap.find nevra depsmap in (* dep.pkg is parent of dep'.pkg *) dep.children <- dep' :: dep.children; dep'.parents <- dep :: dep'.parents ) dep.pkg.deps; ) deps; depsmap (* For each package, calculate the total installed size of the package, * which includes all subpackages pulled in. So it's what would be * installed if you did 'yum install foo'. * * Takes the list of packages and the dependency map (see 'create_deps') * and returns a StringMap of nevra -> total. *) let create_totals pkgs depsmap = let total pkg = let seen = ref StringMap.empty in let rec _total = function | { pkg = pkg } when StringMap.mem pkg.nevra !seen -> 0L | { pkg = pkg; children = children } -> seen := StringMap.add pkg.nevra true !seen; pkg.size +^ sum (List.map _total children) in _total (StringMap.find pkg.nevra depsmap) in let totalsmap = List.fold_left ( fun map pkg -> StringMap.add pkg.nevra (total pkg) map ) StringMap.empty pkgs in totalsmap (* Create the final display tree. Each node is sorted so that * children with the largest contribution come first (on the left). * We remove packages which are already installed by earlier * (leftward) packages. At each node we also store total size and * size of the additional packages. * * Takes the nevra of the root package, the depsmap (see 'create_deps') * and the totalsmap (see 'create_totals'), and returns the display * tree and the depth of the tree. *) let create_tree root depsmap totalsmap = let tree = let seen = StringMap.empty in let seen = StringMap.add root true seen in let seen = ref seen in let mark_seen { pkg = pkg } = seen := StringMap.add pkg.nevra true !seen in let not_seen { pkg = pkg } = not (StringMap.mem pkg.nevra !seen) in let rec build_tree = function | { pkg = pkg; children = children } -> (* Sort children by reverse total size. *) let cmp { pkg = p1 } { pkg = p2 } = let t1 = StringMap.find p1.nevra totalsmap in let t2 = StringMap.find p2.nevra totalsmap in compare t2 t1 in let children = List.sort ~cmp children in let children = List.filter not_seen children in List.iter mark_seen children; let children = List.map build_tree children in let total = StringMap.find pkg.nevra totalsmap in let increm = let rec sum_child_sizes = function | Tree (pkg, _, _, _, children) -> List.fold_left ( fun size child -> size +^ sum_child_sizes child ) pkg.size children in sum_child_sizes (Tree (pkg, 0L, 0L, `WHITE, children)) in Tree (pkg, total, increm, `WHITE, children) in build_tree (StringMap.find root depsmap) in (* Max depth of the tree. *) let depth = let rec depth = function | Tree (pkg, _, _, _, children) -> List.fold_left (fun d c -> max d (1 + depth c)) 1 children in depth tree in (* Allocate a colour to each node in the tree based on its parent. The * single top node is always light grey. The second level nodes are * primary colours. *) let tree = let Tree (pkg, total, increm, _, level2) = tree in let level2 = let pcols = [ `RGB (55000, 0, 0); `RGB (0, 55000, 0); `RGB (0, 0, 55000); `RGB (55000, 55000, 0); `RGB (0, 55000, 55000); ] in let rec colour_level2 cols = function | [] -> [] | Tree (pkg, total, increm, _, level3) :: level2 -> let col, cols = match cols with | [] -> List.hd pcols, List.tl pcols | col :: cols -> col, cols in let level3 = colour_level3 col (List.length level3) 0 level3 in Tree (pkg, total, increm, col, level3) :: colour_level2 cols level2 and colour_level3 col n i = function | [] -> [] | Tree (pkg, total, increm, _, leveln) :: level3 -> let col = scale_colour col n i in let leveln = colour_level3 col (List.length leveln) 0 leveln in Tree (pkg, total, increm, col, leveln) :: colour_level3 col n (i+1) level3 and scale_colour col n i = let r, g, b = match col with | `RGB (r, g, b) -> float r, float g, float b | _ -> assert false in let i = float i and n = float n in let scale = 0.8 +. i/.(5.*.n) in let r = r *. scale in let g = g *. scale in let b = b *. scale in `RGB (int_of_float r, int_of_float g, int_of_float b) in colour_level2 pcols level2 in Tree (pkg, total, increm, `RGB (55000, 55000, 55000), level2) in tree, depth (* Debugging functions. These only produce any output if debugging * was enabled on the command line. *) let debug_pkgs root pkgs = if !debug_flag then ( List.iter ( fun pkg -> eprintf "%s -> [%s]\n" pkg.nevra (String.concat ", " pkg.deps) ) pkgs; eprintf "root package is %s\n" root; eprintf "===\n%!" ) let debug_deps root depsmap = if !debug_flag then ( let seen = ref StringMap.empty in let rec display ?(indent=0) = function | { pkg = pkg; children = children; parents = parents } -> if StringMap.mem pkg.nevra !seen then eprintf "%s%s -> ...\n" (spaces indent) pkg.nevra else ( eprintf "%s%s ->\n%sparents:[%s]\n" (spaces indent) pkg.nevra (spaces (indent+2)) ( String.concat ", " (List.map (fun { pkg = pkg } -> pkg.nevra) parents) ); seen := StringMap.add pkg.nevra true !seen; List.iter (display ~indent:(indent+2)) children ) in display (StringMap.find root depsmap); eprintf "===\n%!" ) let debug_tree tree = if !debug_flag then ( let rec display ?(indent=0) = function | Tree (pkg, total, increm, _, children) -> eprintf "%s%s %Ld/%Ld/%Ld\n%!" (spaces indent) pkg.nevra pkg.size increm total; List.iter (display ~indent:(indent+2)) children in display tree; ) (* Useful display functions. *) let display_percent bytes top_total = 100. *. Int64.to_float bytes /. Int64.to_float top_total let display_size bytes = if bytes > 104_857L then sprintf "%.1f MB" (Int64.to_float bytes /. 1_048_576.) else if bytes > 102L then sprintf "%.1f KB" (Int64.to_float bytes /. 1_024.) else sprintf "%Ld" bytes (* Defer a function callback until Gtk rendering has been done. *) let defer ?(ms=10) f = ignore (GMain.Timeout.add ~ms ~callback:(fun () -> f (); false)) (* Open the toplevel window. The 'pkgstr' parameter is the optional * name of the package to open. If None then we open a blank window. *) let open_window pkgstr = (* Open the window. *) let base_title = "Fedora RPM dependency size viewer" in let window = GWindow.window ~width:800 ~height:600 ~title:base_title ~allow_shrink:true () in let vbox = GPack.vbox ~packing:window#add () in (* Menu bar. *) let menubar = GMenu.menu_bar ~packing:vbox#pack () in let factory = new GMenu.factory menubar in let accel_group = factory#accel_group in let package_menu = factory#add_submenu "_Package" in let help_menu = factory#add_submenu "_Help" in let factory = new GMenu.factory package_menu ~accel_group in let open_item = factory#add_item "_Open package ..." ~key:GdkKeysyms._O in let quit_item = factory#add_item "E_xit" ~key:GdkKeysyms._Q in let factory = new GMenu.factory help_menu ~accel_group in let about_item = factory#add_item "About" in (* Events for the menu bar. *) ignore (window#connect#destroy ~callback:GMain.quit); ignore (quit_item#connect#activate ~callback:GMain.quit); ignore (about_item#connect#activate ~callback:Rpmdepsize_about.callback); let da = GMisc.drawing_area ~packing:(vbox#pack ~expand:true ~fill:true) () in da#misc#realize (); let draw = new GDraw.drawable da#misc#window in window#set_geometry_hints ~min_size:(80,80) (da :> GObj.widget); (* Force a repaint of the drawing area. *) let drawing_area_repaint () = GtkBase.Widget.queue_draw da#as_widget in (* Pango contexts used to draw large and small text. *) let pango_large_context = da#misc#create_pango_context in pango_large_context#set_font_description (Pango.Font.from_string "Sans 12"); let pango_small_context = da#misc#create_pango_context in pango_small_context#set_font_description (Pango.Font.from_string "Sans 8"); (* This is the currently open package, or None if nothing has * opened by the user yet. *) let opened = ref None in (* If we are moused-over a particular package, then this is != None. *) let current = ref None in let set_current new_current = let old_current = !current in current := new_current; (* Because this structure contains loops, we can't use * structural comparisons like: = <> compare. *) let do_repaint = match old_current, new_current with | None, Some _ -> true | Some _, None -> true | Some { pkg = { nevra = n1 } }, Some { pkg = { nevra = n2 } } -> n1 <> n2 | _ -> false in if do_repaint then drawing_area_repaint () in (* Called from the "Open package" menu entry and other places. *) let open_package pkgstr = debug "open_package %s\n%!" pkgstr; (* XXX Can't be bothered to do this "properly" (ie with threads etc) * so just put a loading message in the middle of the drawing area. *) let width, height = draw#size in let txt = pango_large_context#create_layout in Pango.Layout.set_text txt (sprintf "Loading %s ..." pkgstr); let { Pango.width = txtwidth; Pango.height = txtheight } = Pango.Layout.get_pixel_extent txt in let x = (width - txtwidth) / 2 and y = (height - txtheight) / 2 in draw#set_foreground (`RGB (0, 0, 65535)); draw#rectangle ~x:(x-4) ~y:(y-2) ~width:(txtwidth+8) ~height:(txtheight+8) ~filled:true (); draw#put_layout ~x ~y ~fore:`WHITE txt; defer ( fun () -> let root, pkgs = repoquery pkgstr in debug_pkgs root pkgs; let depsmap = create_deps pkgs in debug_deps root depsmap; let totalsmap = create_totals pkgs depsmap in let tree, depth = create_tree root depsmap totalsmap in debug_tree tree; (* top_total is the total size in bytes of everything. Used for * relative display of percentages, widths, etc. *) let Tree (_, top_total, top_increm, _, _) = tree in assert (top_total = top_increm); opened := Some (root, pkgs, depsmap, totalsmap, tree, depth, top_total); set_current None; (* Update the window title. *) window#set_title (pkgstr ^ " - " ^ base_title); drawing_area_repaint () ) in (* If the user selected something on the command line (pkgstr != * None) then set up an idle event to populate 'opened' as soon as * the window gets drawn on the screen. *) (match pkgstr with | None -> () | Some pkgstr -> defer ~ms:50 (fun () -> open_package pkgstr) ); let callback _ = let dlg = GWindow.dialog ~parent:window ~modal:true ~position:`CENTER_ON_PARENT ~title:"Open package" () in dlg#add_button "Open package" `OPEN; dlg#add_button "Cancel" `CANCEL; let vbox = dlg#vbox in let hbox = GPack.hbox ~packing:vbox#pack () in ignore (GMisc.label ~text:"Package:" ~packing:hbox#pack ()); let entry = GEdit.entry ~width_chars:40 ~packing:(hbox#pack ~expand:true ~fill:true) () in ignore (GMisc.label ~text:"Enter a package name, wildcard or path." ~packing:vbox#pack ()); dlg#show (); match dlg#run () with | `CANCEL | `DELETE_EVENT -> dlg#destroy () | `OPEN -> let pkgstr = entry#text in dlg#destroy (); if pkgstr <> "" then defer (fun () -> open_package pkgstr) in ignore (open_item#connect#activate ~callback); (* Need to enable these mouse events so we can do tooltips. *) GtkBase.Widget.add_events da#as_widget [`ENTER_NOTIFY; `LEAVE_NOTIFY; `POINTER_MOTION]; let tooltips = ref None in (* To track tooltips, the 'repaint' function records the location of * each box (ie. package) in the drawing area in this private data * structure, and the 'motion' function looks them up in order to * display the right tooltip over each box. *) let add_locn, reset_locns, get_locn = let rows = ref [||] in let rowheight = ref 0. in let reset_locns rowheight' depth = (* This data structure sucks because we just do a linear search * over each row when looking up the 'x'. Should use some sort * of self-balancing tree instead. XXX *) rows := Array.init depth (fun _ -> ref []); rowheight := rowheight' and add_locn x yi width thing = let row = (!rows).(yi) in row := ((x, x +. width), thing) :: !row and get_locn x y = let yi = int_of_float (y /. !rowheight) in if yi >= 0 && yi < Array.length !rows then ( let row = !((!rows).(yi)) in try Some (snd (List.find (fun ((xlow, xhi), thing) -> xlow <= x && x < xhi) row)) with Not_found -> None ) else None in add_locn, reset_locns, get_locn in let rec real_repaint root pkgs depsmap totalsmap tree depth top_total = (* Get the canvas size and fill the background with white. *) let width, height = draw#size in draw#set_background `WHITE; draw#set_foreground `WHITE; draw#rectangle ~x:0 ~y:0 ~width ~height ~filled:true (); (* Calculate the scales so we can fit everything into the window. *) let rowheight = float height /. float depth in let scale = float width /. Int64.to_float top_total in reset_locns rowheight depth; (* Now draw the tree. *) let rec draw_tree x yi = function | Tree (pkg, total, increm, colour, children) -> (* Draw pkg at (x, y). *) let y = float yi *. rowheight in let width = scale *. Int64.to_float increm in let pkgsizewidth = scale *. Int64.to_float pkg.size in draw_pkg x yi y width pkgsizewidth rowheight colour pkg total increm; (* Draw the children of pkg at (i, y + rowheight), where * i starts as x and increments for each child. *) let yi = yi + 1 in let rec loop x = function | [] -> () | child :: children -> draw_tree x yi child; let Tree (_, _, increm, _, _) = child in let childwidth = scale *. Int64.to_float increm in loop (x +. childwidth) children in loop x children (* Draw a single package. *) and draw_pkg x yi y width pkgsizewidth height colour pkg total increm = add_locn x yi width (colour, pkg, total, increm); let x = int_of_float x in let y = int_of_float y in let width = int_of_float width in let pkgsizewidth = int_of_float pkgsizewidth in let height = int_of_float height in if width > 8 then ( draw_pkg_outline x y width pkgsizewidth height colour pkg; draw_pkg_label x y width height colour pkg total increm ) else if width >= 4 then draw_pkg_narrow x y width height colour pkg (* else XXX This doesn't work. We need to coalesce small packages in the tree. draw_pkg_narrow x y 1 height colour *) and draw_pkg_outline x y width pkgsizewidth height colour pkg = let body_colour = choose_colour colour pkg in draw#set_foreground body_colour; draw#rectangle ~x:(x+2) ~y:(y+2) ~width:(width-4) ~height:(height-4) ~filled:true (); if pkgsizewidth > 2 then ( draw#set_foreground (darken body_colour); draw#rectangle ~x:(x+2) ~y:(y+2) ~width:(pkgsizewidth-2) ~height:(height-4) ~filled:true (); draw#set_foreground (choose_contrasting_colour body_colour); draw#set_line_attributes ~style:`ON_OFF_DASH (); draw#line (x+pkgsizewidth) (y+2) (x+pkgsizewidth) (y+height-2); draw#set_line_attributes ~style:`SOLID () ); draw#set_foreground `BLACK; draw#rectangle ~x:(x+2) ~y:(y+2) ~width:(width-4) ~height:(height-4) ~filled:false () and draw_pkg_label x y width height colour pkg total increm = (* How to write text in a drawing area, in case it's not * obvious, which it certainly is not: * http://www.math.nagoya-u.ac.jp/~garrigue/soft/olabl/lablgtk-list/120.txt *) (* txt1 is the same as the tooltip. *) let txt1 = lazy ( let txt = pango_large_context#create_layout in Pango.Layout.set_text txt ( sprintf "%s Package: %.1f%% %s (%Ld bytes) Incremental: %.1f%% %s (%Ld bytes) Total: %.1f%% %s (%Ld bytes)" pkg.nevra (display_percent pkg.size top_total) (display_size pkg.size) pkg.size (display_percent increm top_total) (display_size increm) increm (display_percent total top_total) (display_size total) total ); txt ) and txt2 = lazy ( let txt = pango_small_context#create_layout in Pango.Layout.set_text txt ( sprintf "%s Package: %.1f%% %s (%Ld bytes) Incremental: %.1f%% %s (%Ld bytes) Total: %.1f%% %s (%Ld bytes)" pkg.nevra (display_percent pkg.size top_total) (display_size pkg.size) pkg.size (display_percent increm top_total) (display_size increm) increm (display_percent total top_total) (display_size total) total ); txt ) and txt3 = lazy ( let txt = pango_small_context#create_layout in Pango.Layout.set_text txt ( sprintf "%s Pkg: %.1f%% %s (%Ld bytes) Incr: %.1f%% %s (%Ld bytes) Tot: %.1f%% %s (%Ld bytes)" pkg.name (display_percent pkg.size top_total) (display_size pkg.size) pkg.size (display_percent increm top_total) (display_size increm) increm (display_percent total top_total) (display_size total) total ); txt ) and txt4 = lazy ( let txt = pango_small_context#create_layout in Pango.Layout.set_text txt ( sprintf "%s Pkg: %.1f%% %s Incr: %.1f%% %s Tot: %.1f%% %s" pkg.name (display_percent pkg.size top_total) (display_size pkg.size) (display_percent increm top_total) (display_size increm) (display_percent total top_total) (display_size total) ); txt ) and txt5 = lazy ( let txt = pango_small_context#create_layout in Pango.Layout.set_text txt ( sprintf "%s\nPkg: %.1f%%\nIncr: %.1f%%\nTot: %.1f%%" pkg.name (display_percent pkg.size top_total) (display_percent increm top_total) (display_percent total top_total) ); txt ) and txt6 = lazy ( let txt = pango_small_context#create_layout in Pango.Layout.set_text txt ( sprintf "%s Pkg: %.1f%% %s Incr: %.1f%% %s Tot: %.1f%% %s" pkg.name (display_percent pkg.size top_total) (display_size pkg.size) (display_percent increm top_total) (display_size increm) (display_percent total top_total) (display_size total) ); txt ) and txt7 = lazy ( let txt = pango_small_context#create_layout in Pango.Layout.set_text txt ( sprintf "%s %.1f%% %.1f%% %.1f%%" pkg.name (display_percent pkg.size top_total) (display_percent increm top_total) (display_percent total top_total) ); txt ) and txt8 = lazy ( let txt = pango_small_context#create_layout in Pango.Layout.set_text txt ( sprintf "%s" pkg.name ); txt ) in let txts = [ txt1; txt2; txt3; txt4; txt5; txt6; txt7; txt8 ] in let fore = choose_contrasting_colour colour in let rec loop = function | [] -> () | txt :: txts -> let txt = Lazy.force txt in let { Pango.width = txtwidth; Pango.height = txtheight } = Pango.Layout.get_pixel_extent txt in (* Now with added fudge-factor. *) if width >= txtwidth + 8 && height >= txtheight + 8 then draw#put_layout ~x:(x+4) ~y:(y+4) ~fore txt else loop txts in loop txts and draw_pkg_narrow x y width height colour pkg = draw#set_foreground (choose_colour colour pkg); draw#rectangle ~x:(x+2) ~y:(y+2) ~width:(width-4) ~height:(height-4) ~filled:true () and choose_contrasting_colour = function | `RGB (r, g, b) -> if r + g + b > 98304 then `BLACK else `WHITE | _ -> `WHITE and choose_colour colour pkg = match !current with | None -> colour | Some current -> let nevra = pkg.nevra in let is_parent = List.exists (fun { pkg = { nevra = n } } -> n = nevra) current.parents in let is_child = List.exists (fun { pkg = { nevra = n } } -> n = nevra) current.children in if is_parent && is_child then `RGB (63000, 63000, 0) (* yellow *) else if is_parent then `RGB (0, 63000, 63000) (* cyan *) else if is_child then `RGB (0, 63000, 0) (* green *) else colour and darken = function | `RGB (r, g, b) -> `RGB (r * 9 / 10, g * 9 / 10, b * 9 / 10) | _ -> `WHITE in draw_tree 0. 0 tree and repaint _ = (match !opened with | None -> () | Some (root, pkgs, depsmap, totalsmap, tree, depth, top_total) -> real_repaint root pkgs depsmap totalsmap tree depth top_total ); (* Return false because this is a Gtk event handler. *) false in ignore (da#event#connect#expose ~callback:repaint); let rec real_motion root pkgs depsmap totalsmap tree depth top_total ev = let x, y = GdkEvent.Motion.x ev, GdkEvent.Motion.y ev in let kill_tooltip () = (match !tooltips with | None -> () | Some (tt : GData.tooltips) -> tt#set_tip ~text:"" (da :> GObj.widget); tt#disable () ); tooltips := None in (match get_locn x y with | None -> set_current None; kill_tooltip () | Some (colour, pkg, total, increm) -> (* Update 'current' which points to the currently moused package. *) let dep = StringMap.find pkg.nevra depsmap in set_current (Some dep); let deps_of_string deps = String.concat "\n " (List.sort (List.map (fun d -> d.pkg.nevra) deps)) in (* The only way to make the tooltip follow the mouse is to * kill the whole tooltips object and recreate it each time ... *) kill_tooltip (); let tt = GData.tooltips ~delay:100 () in (* Tooltip text is the same as txt1 + extra. *) let text = sprintf "%s Package: %.1f%% %s (%Ld bytes) Incremental: %.1f%% %s (%Ld bytes) Total: %.1f%% %s (%Ld bytes)" pkg.nevra (display_percent pkg.size top_total) (display_size pkg.size) pkg.size (display_percent increm top_total) (display_size increm) increm (display_percent total top_total) (display_size total) total in let text = if dep.parents = [] then text else text ^ sprintf " Required by (blue): %s" (deps_of_string dep.parents) in let text = if dep.children = [] then text else text ^ sprintf " Requires (green): %s" (deps_of_string dep.children) in tt#set_tip ~text (da :> GObj.widget); tt#enable (); tooltips := Some tt ) and motion ev = (match !opened with | None -> () | Some (root, pkgs, depsmap, totalsmap, tree, depth, top_total) -> real_motion root pkgs depsmap totalsmap tree depth top_total ev ); (* Return false because this is a Gtk event handler. *) false in ignore (da#event#connect#motion_notify ~callback:motion); window#add_accel_group accel_group; window#show (); GMain.main () (* Main program. *) let () = (* Parse the command line arguments. *) let anon_args = ref [] in let argspec = Arg.align [ "--debug", Arg.Set debug_flag, " " ^ "Enable debugging messages on stderr"; ] in let anon_fun str = anon_args := str :: !anon_args in let usage_msg = "rpmdepsize [package] : visualize the size of RPM dependencies" in Arg.parse argspec anon_fun usage_msg; (* Should be at most one anonymous argument. *) let pkgstr = match !anon_args with | [] -> None | [p] -> Some p | _ -> eprintf "rpmdepsize: too many command line arguments"; exit 1 in (* Open the main window. *) open_window pkgstr