(** Wrapper around Perl [Date::Format] class. * * Copyright (C) 2003 Merjis Ltd. * * $Id: pl_Date_Format.ml,v 1.1 2003-11-19 16:28:23 rich Exp $ *) open Perl let _ = eval "use Date::Format qw()" let language lang = call_class_method_void "Date::Format" "language" [sv_of_string lang] (* This is just provided for your convenience so you can pass the resulting * list of SVs directly to the second argument of {!Pl_Date_Format.strftime}. *) let localtime () = call_array ~fn:"localtime" [] let time2str ?zone templ time = let args = [sv_of_string templ; sv_of_float time] @ match zone with None -> [] | Some zone -> [sv_of_string zone] in string_of_sv (call ~fn:"Date::Format::time2str" args) let strftime ?zone templ time = let args = (sv_of_string templ :: time) @ match zone with None -> [] | Some zone -> [sv_of_string zone] in string_of_sv (call ~fn:"Date::Format::strftime" args) let ctime ?zone time = let args = [sv_of_float time] @ match zone with None -> [] | Some zone -> [sv_of_string zone] in string_of_sv (call ~fn:"Date::Format::ctime" args) let asctime ?zone time = let args = [sv_of_float time] @ match zone with None -> [] | Some zone -> [sv_of_string zone] in string_of_sv (call ~fn:"Date::Format::asctime" args)