(* Create shared dictionary. *) open Printf open Unix let argv = Array.to_list Sys.argv let wordsfile, datafile, baseaddr = match argv with | [_; wordsfile; datafile; baseaddr] -> let baseaddr = Nativeint.of_string baseaddr in wordsfile, datafile, baseaddr | _ -> failwith (sprintf "usage: %s wordsfile datafile baseaddr" Sys.executable_name) let md = let fd = openfile datafile [O_RDWR; O_TRUNC; O_CREAT] 0o644 in Ancient.attach fd baseaddr (* Tree used to store the words. This is stupid and inefficient * but it is here to demonstrate the 'Ancient' module, not good use * of trees. *) let arraysize = 256 (* one element for each character *) type t = Not_Found | Exists of t array | Not_Exists of t array;; let tree : t array = Array.make arraysize Not_Found let add_to_tree word = let len = String.length word in if len > 0 then ( let tree = ref tree in for i = 0 to len-2; do let c = word.[i] in let c = Char.code c in match (!tree).(c) with | Not_Found -> (* Allocate more tree. *) let tree' = Array.make arraysize Not_Found in (!tree).(c) <- Not_Exists tree'; tree := tree' | Exists tree' | Not_Exists tree' -> tree := tree' done; (* Final character. *) let c = word.[len-1] in let c = Char.code c in match (!tree).(c) with | Not_Found -> (!tree).(c) <- Exists (Array.make arraysize Not_Found) | Exists _ -> () (* same word added twice *) | Not_Exists tree' -> (!tree).(c) <- Exists tree' ) let () = (* Read in the words and put them in the tree. *) let chan = open_in wordsfile in let count = ref 0 in let rec loop () = let word = input_line chan in add_to_tree word; incr count; loop () in (try loop () with End_of_file -> ()); close_in chan; printf "Added %d words to the tree.\n" !count; printf "Sharing tree in data file ...\n%!"; ignore (Ancient.share md 0 tree); (* Perform a full GC and compact, which is a good way to see * if we've trashed the OCaml heap in some way. *) Array.fill tree 0 arraysize Not_Found; printf "Garbage collecting ...\n%!"; Gc.compact (); printf "Detaching file and finishing.\n%!"; Ancient.detach md