(** Mark objects as 'ancient' so they are taken out of the OCaml heap. * $Id: ancient.mli,v 1.6 2006-10-09 12:18:05 rich Exp $ *) type 'a ancient val mark : 'a -> 'a ancient (** [mark obj] copies [obj] and all objects referenced * by [obj] out of the OCaml heap. It returns the proxy * for [obj]. * * The copy of [obj] accessed through the proxy MUST NOT be mutated. * * If [obj] represents a large object, then it is a good * idea to call {!Gc.compact} after marking to recover the * OCaml heap memory. *) val follow : 'a ancient -> 'a (** Follow proxy link to out of heap object. * * @raise [Invalid_argument "deleted"] if the object has been deleted. *) val delete : 'a ancient -> unit (** [delete obj] deletes ancient object [obj]. * * @raise [Invalid_argument "deleted"] if the object has been deleted. * * Forgetting to delete an ancient object results in a memory leak. *) val is_ancient : 'a -> bool (** [is_ancient ptr] returns true if [ptr] is an object on the ancient * heap. *) (** {6 Shared memory mappings} *) type md (** Memory descriptor handle. *) val attach : Unix.file_descr -> nativeint -> md (** [attach fd baseaddr] attaches to a new or existing file * which may contain shared objects. * * Initially [fd] should be a read/writable, zero-length file * (for example you could create this using {!Unix.openfile} and * passing the flags [O_RDWR], [O_TRUNC], [O_CREAT]). * One or more objects can then be shared in this file * using {!Unix.share}. * * For new files, [baseaddr] specifies the virtual address to * map the file. Specifying [Nativeint.zero] ([0n]) here lets [mmap(2)] * choose this, but on some platforms (notably Linux/AMD64) * [mmap] chooses very unwisely, tending to map the memory * just before [libc] with hardly any headroom to grow. If * you encounter this sort of problem (usually a segfault or * illegal instruction inside libc), then look at [/proc/PID/maps] * and choose a more suitable address. * * If the file was created previously, then the [baseaddr] is * ignored. The underlying [mmalloc] library will map the * file in at the same place as before. *) val detach : md -> unit (** [detach md] detaches from an existing file, and closes it. *) val share : md -> int -> 'a -> 'a ancient (** [share md key obj] does the same as {!Ancient.mark} except * that instead of copying the object into local memory, it * writes it into memory which is backed by the attached file. * * Shared mappings created this way may be shared between * other OCaml processes which can access the underlying * file. See {!Ancient.attach}, {!Ancient.detach}. * * More than one object can be stored in a file. They are * indexed using integers in the range [0..max_key] (the limit * is hard-coded in [mmalloc/mmprivate.h]). The [key] parameter * controls which object is written/overwritten by [share]. * If you do not wish to use this feature, just pass [0] * as the key. * * Do not call {!Ancient.delete} on a mapping created like this. * Instead, call {!Ancient.detach} and, if necessary, delete the * underlying file. * * Caution when sharing files/objects between processes: * The underlying [mmalloc] library does not do any sort of * locking, so all calls to [share] must ensure that they have * exclusive access to the underlying file while in progress. * (Other processes should not even call {!Ancient.get} while * this is happening, but it seems safe to be just reading an * ancient object from the file). *) val get : md -> int -> 'a ancient (** [get md key] returns the object indexed by [key] in the * attached file. * * The key is in the range [0..max_key] (the limit is hard-coded in * [mmalloc/mmprivate.h]). If you do not wish to use this feature, * just pass [0] as the key when sharing / getting. * * You need to annotate the returned object with the correct * type. As with the Marshal module, there is no type checking, * and setting the wrong type will likely cause a segfault * or undefined behaviour. Note that the returned object has * type [sometype ancient], not just [sometype]. * * @raises [Not_found] if no object is associated with the key. *) val max_key : int