(* virt-resize * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Red Hat Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. *) open Printf module G = Guestfs let ( +^ ) = Int64.add let ( -^ ) = Int64.sub let ( *^ ) = Int64.mul let ( /^ ) = Int64.div let ( &^ ) = Int64.logand let ( ~^ ) = Int64.lognot let output_spaces chan n = for i = 0 to n-1 do output_char chan ' ' done let wrap ?(chan = stdout) ?(hanging = 0) str = let rec _wrap col str = let n = String.length str in let i = try String.index str ' ' with Not_found -> n in let col = if col+i >= 72 then ( output_char chan '\n'; output_spaces chan hanging; i+hanging+1 ) else col+i+1 in output_string chan (String.sub str 0 i); if i < n then ( output_char chan ' '; _wrap col (String.sub str (i+1) (n-(i+1))) ) in _wrap 0 str let error fs = let display str = wrap ~chan:stderr ("virt-resize: error: " ^ str); prerr_newline (); prerr_newline (); wrap ~chan:stderr "If reporting bugs, run virt-resize with the '-d' option and include the complete output."; prerr_newline (); exit 1 in ksprintf display fs (* The reverse of device name translation, see * BLOCK DEVICE NAMING in guestfs(3). *) let canonicalize dev = if String.length dev >= 8 && dev.[0] = '/' && dev.[1] = 'd' && dev.[2] = 'e' && dev.[3] = 'v' && dev.[4] = '/' && (dev.[5] = 'h' || dev.[5] = 'v') && dev.[6] = 'd' then ( let dev = String.copy dev in dev.[5] <- 's'; dev ) else dev let feature_available (g : Guestfs.guestfs) names = try g#available names; true with G.Error _ -> false (* Parse the size field from --resize and --resize-force options. *) let parse_size = let const_re = Pcre.regexp "^([.\\d]+)([bKMG])$" and plus_const_re = Pcre.regexp "^\\+([.\\d]+)([bKMG])$" and minus_const_re = Pcre.regexp "^-([.\\d]+)([bKMG])$" and percent_re = Pcre.regexp "^([.\\d]+)%$" and plus_percent_re = Pcre.regexp "^\\+([.\\d]+)%$" and minus_percent_re = Pcre.regexp "^-([.\\d]+)%$" in fun oldsize field -> let subs = ref None in let matches rex = try subs := Some (Pcre.exec ~rex field); true with Not_found -> false in let sub i = match !subs with None -> assert false | Some subs -> Pcre.get_substring subs i in let size_scaled f = function | "b" -> Int64.of_float f | "K" -> Int64.of_float (f *. 1024.) | "M" -> Int64.of_float (f *. 1024. *. 1024.) | "G" -> Int64.of_float (f *. 1024. *. 1024. *. 1024.) | _ -> assert false in if matches const_re then ( size_scaled (float_of_string (sub 1)) (sub 2) ) else if matches plus_const_re then ( let incr = size_scaled (float_of_string (sub 1)) (sub 2) in oldsize +^ incr ) else if matches minus_const_re then ( let incr = size_scaled (float_of_string (sub 1)) (sub 2) in oldsize -^ incr ) else if matches percent_re then ( let percent = Int64.of_float (10. *. float_of_string (sub 1)) in oldsize *^ percent /^ 1000L ) else if matches plus_percent_re then ( let percent = Int64.of_float (10. *. float_of_string (sub 1)) in oldsize +^ oldsize *^ percent /^ 1000L ) else if matches minus_percent_re then ( let percent = Int64.of_float (10. *. float_of_string (sub 1)) in oldsize -^ oldsize *^ percent /^ 1000L ) else error "virt-resize: %s: cannot parse size field" field let human_size i = let sign, i = if i < 0L then "-", Int64.neg i else "", i in if i < 1024L then sprintf "%s%Ld" sign i else ( let f = Int64.to_float i /. 1024. in let i = i /^ 1024L in if i < 1024L then sprintf "%s%.1fK" sign f else ( let f = Int64.to_float i /. 1024. in let i = i /^ 1024L in if i < 1024L then sprintf "%s%.1fM" sign f else ( let f = Int64.to_float i /. 1024. in (*let i = i /^ 1024L in*) sprintf "%s%.1fG" sign f ) ) )