(* libguestfs generated file * WARNING: THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY 'src/generator.ml'. * ANY CHANGES YOU MAKE TO THIS FILE WILL BE LOST. * * Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *) (** For API documentation you should refer to the C API in the guestfs(3) manual page. The OCaml API uses almost exactly the same calls. *) type t (** A [guestfs_h] handle. *) exception Error of string (** This exception is raised when there is an error. *) val create : unit -> t val close : t -> unit (** Handles are closed by the garbage collector when they become unreferenced, but callers can also call this in order to provide predictable cleanup. *) val launch : t -> unit val wait_ready : t -> unit val kill_subprocess : t -> unit val add_drive : t -> string -> unit val add_cdrom : t -> string -> unit val config : t -> string -> string option -> unit val set_path : t -> string option -> unit val get_path : t -> string val set_autosync : t -> bool -> unit val get_autosync : t -> bool val set_verbose : t -> bool -> unit val get_verbose : t -> bool type lvm_pv = { pv_name : string; pv_uuid : string; pv_fmt : string; pv_size : int64; dev_size : int64; pv_free : int64; pv_used : int64; pv_attr : string; pv_pe_count : int64; pv_pe_alloc_count : int64; pv_tags : string; pe_start : int64; pv_mda_count : int64; pv_mda_free : int64; } type lvm_vg = { vg_name : string; vg_uuid : string; vg_fmt : string; vg_attr : string; vg_size : int64; vg_free : int64; vg_sysid : string; vg_extent_size : int64; vg_extent_count : int64; vg_free_count : int64; max_lv : int64; max_pv : int64; pv_count : int64; lv_count : int64; snap_count : int64; vg_seqno : int64; vg_tags : string; vg_mda_count : int64; vg_mda_free : int64; } type lvm_lv = { lv_name : string; lv_uuid : string; lv_attr : string; lv_major : int64; lv_minor : int64; lv_kernel_major : int64; lv_kernel_minor : int64; lv_size : int64; seg_count : int64; origin : string; snap_percent : float option; copy_percent : float option; move_pv : string; lv_tags : string; mirror_log : string; modules : string; } val cat : t -> string -> string (** list the contents of a file *) val list_devices : t -> string list (** list the block devices *) val list_partitions : t -> string list (** list the partitions *) val ll : t -> string -> string (** list the files in a directory (long format) *) val ls : t -> string -> string list (** list the files in a directory *) val lvs : t -> string list (** list the LVM logical volumes (LVs) *) val lvs_full : t -> lvm_lv list (** list the LVM logical volumes (LVs) *) val mount : t -> string -> string -> unit (** mount a guest disk at a position in the filesystem *) val pvs : t -> string list (** list the LVM physical volumes (PVs) *) val pvs_full : t -> lvm_pv list (** list the LVM physical volumes (PVs) *) val sync : t -> unit (** sync disks, writes are flushed through to the disk image *) val touch : t -> string -> unit (** update file timestamps or create a new file *) val vgs : t -> string list (** list the LVM volume groups (VGs) *) val vgs_full : t -> lvm_vg list (** list the LVM volume groups (VGs) *)