(* libguestfs * Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Red Hat Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *) (* Please read generator/README first. *) open Printf open Generator_types open Generator_utils open Generator_pr open Generator_docstrings open Generator_optgroups open Generator_actions open Generator_structs open Generator_c open Generator_events (* Generate ruby bindings. *) let rec generate_ruby_c () = generate_header CStyle LGPLv2plus; pr "\ #include #include #include #include #include \"guestfs.h\" #include \"extconf.h\" /* For Ruby < 1.9 */ #ifndef RARRAY_LEN #define RARRAY_LEN(r) (RARRAY((r))->len) #endif static VALUE m_guestfs; /* guestfs module */ static VALUE c_guestfs; /* guestfs_h handle */ static VALUE e_Error; /* used for all errors */ static void ruby_event_callback_wrapper (guestfs_h *g, void *data, uint64_t event, int event_handle, int flags, const char *buf, size_t buf_len, const uint64_t *array, size_t array_len); static VALUE ruby_event_callback_wrapper_wrapper (VALUE argv); static VALUE ruby_event_callback_handle_exception (VALUE not_used, VALUE exn); static VALUE **get_all_event_callbacks (guestfs_h *g, size_t *len_rtn); static void ruby_guestfs_free (void *gvp) { guestfs_h *g = gvp; if (g) { /* As in the OCaml binding, there is a nasty, difficult to * solve case here where the user deletes events in one of * the callbacks that we are about to invoke, resulting in * a double-free. XXX */ size_t len, i; VALUE **roots = get_all_event_callbacks (g, &len); /* Close the handle: this could invoke callbacks from the list * above, which is why we don't want to delete them before * closing the handle. */ guestfs_close (g); /* Now unregister the global roots. */ for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { rb_gc_unregister_address (roots[i]); free (roots[i]); } } } /* * call-seq: * Guestfs::Guestfs.new() -> Guestfs::Guestfs * * Call * +guestfs_create+[http://libguestfs.org/guestfs.3.html#guestfs_create] * to create a new libguestfs handle. The handle is represented in * Ruby as an instance of the Guestfs::Guestfs class. */ static VALUE ruby_guestfs_create (VALUE m) { guestfs_h *g; g = guestfs_create (); if (!g) rb_raise (e_Error, \"failed to create guestfs handle\"); /* Don't print error messages to stderr by default. */ guestfs_set_error_handler (g, NULL, NULL); /* Wrap it, and make sure the close function is called when the * handle goes away. */ return Data_Wrap_Struct (c_guestfs, NULL, ruby_guestfs_free, g); } /* * call-seq: * g.close() -> nil * * Call * +guestfs_close+[http://libguestfs.org/guestfs.3.html#guestfs_close] * to close the libguestfs handle. */ static VALUE ruby_guestfs_close (VALUE gv) { guestfs_h *g; Data_Get_Struct (gv, guestfs_h, g); ruby_guestfs_free (g); DATA_PTR (gv) = NULL; return Qnil; } /* * call-seq: * g.set_event_callback(cb, event_bitmask) -> event_handle * * Call * +guestfs_set_event_callback+[http://libguestfs.org/guestfs.3.html#guestfs_set_event_callback] * to register an event callback. This returns an event handle. */ static VALUE ruby_set_event_callback (VALUE gv, VALUE cbv, VALUE event_bitmaskv) { guestfs_h *g; uint64_t event_bitmask; int eh; VALUE *root; char key[64]; Data_Get_Struct (gv, guestfs_h, g); event_bitmask = NUM2ULL (event_bitmaskv); root = guestfs_safe_malloc (g, sizeof *root); *root = cbv; eh = guestfs_set_event_callback (g, ruby_event_callback_wrapper, event_bitmask, 0, root); if (eh == -1) { free (root); rb_raise (e_Error, \"%%s\", guestfs_last_error (g)); } rb_gc_register_address (root); snprintf (key, sizeof key, \"_ruby_event_%%d\", eh); guestfs_set_private (g, key, root); return INT2NUM (eh); } /* * call-seq: * g.delete_event_callback(event_handle) -> nil * * Call * +guestfs_delete_event_callback+[http://libguestfs.org/guestfs.3.html#guestfs_delete_event_callback] * to delete an event callback. */ static VALUE ruby_delete_event_callback (VALUE gv, VALUE event_handlev) { guestfs_h *g; char key[64]; int eh = NUM2INT (event_handlev); VALUE *root; Data_Get_Struct (gv, guestfs_h, g); snprintf (key, sizeof key, \"_ruby_event_%%d\", eh); root = guestfs_get_private (g, key); if (root) { rb_gc_unregister_address (root); free (root); guestfs_set_private (g, key, NULL); guestfs_delete_event_callback (g, eh); } return Qnil; } static void ruby_event_callback_wrapper (guestfs_h *g, void *data, uint64_t event, int event_handle, int flags, const char *buf, size_t buf_len, const uint64_t *array, size_t array_len) { size_t i; VALUE eventv, event_handlev, bufv, arrayv, argv; eventv = ULL2NUM (event); event_handlev = INT2NUM (event_handle); bufv = rb_str_new (buf, buf_len); arrayv = rb_ary_new2 (array_len); for (i = 0; i < array_len; ++i) rb_ary_push (arrayv, ULL2NUM (array[i])); /* Wrap up the arguments in an array which will be unpacked * and passed as multiple arguments. This is a crap limitation * of rb_rescue. * http://blade.nagaokaut.ac.jp/cgi-bin/scat.rb/~poffice/mail/ruby-talk/65698 */ argv = rb_ary_new2 (5); rb_ary_store (argv, 0, * (VALUE *) data /* function */); rb_ary_store (argv, 1, eventv); rb_ary_store (argv, 2, event_handlev); rb_ary_store (argv, 3, bufv); rb_ary_store (argv, 4, arrayv); rb_rescue (ruby_event_callback_wrapper_wrapper, argv, ruby_event_callback_handle_exception, Qnil); } static VALUE ruby_event_callback_wrapper_wrapper (VALUE argv) { VALUE fn, eventv, event_handlev, bufv, arrayv; fn = rb_ary_entry (argv, 0); eventv = rb_ary_entry (argv, 1); event_handlev = rb_ary_entry (argv, 2); bufv = rb_ary_entry (argv, 3); arrayv = rb_ary_entry (argv, 4); rb_funcall (fn, rb_intern (\"call\"), 4, eventv, event_handlev, bufv, arrayv); return Qnil; } static VALUE ruby_event_callback_handle_exception (VALUE not_used, VALUE exn) { /* Callbacks aren't supposed to throw exceptions. The best we * can do is to print the error. */ fprintf (stderr, \"libguestfs: exception in callback: %%s\", StringValueCStr (exn)); return Qnil; } static VALUE ** get_all_event_callbacks (guestfs_h *g, size_t *len_rtn) { VALUE **r; size_t i; const char *key; VALUE *root; /* Count the length of the array that will be needed. */ *len_rtn = 0; root = guestfs_first_private (g, &key); while (root != NULL) { if (strncmp (key, \"_ruby_event_\", strlen (\"_ruby_event_\")) == 0) (*len_rtn)++; root = guestfs_next_private (g, &key); } /* Copy them into the return array. */ r = guestfs_safe_malloc (g, sizeof (VALUE *) * (*len_rtn)); i = 0; root = guestfs_first_private (g, &key); while (root != NULL) { if (strncmp (key, \"_ruby_event_\", strlen (\"_ruby_event_\")) == 0) { r[i] = root; i++; } root = guestfs_next_private (g, &key); } return r; } /* * call-seq: * g.user_cancel() -> nil * * Call * +guestfs_user_cancel+[http://libguestfs.org/guestfs.3.html#guestfs_user_cancel] * to cancel the current transfer. This is safe to call from Ruby * signal handlers and threads. */ static VALUE ruby_user_cancel (VALUE gv) { guestfs_h *g; Data_Get_Struct (gv, guestfs_h, g); if (g) guestfs_user_cancel (g); return Qnil; } "; List.iter ( fun (name, (ret, args, optargs as style), _, flags, _, shortdesc, longdesc) -> (* Generate rdoc. *) if not (List.mem NotInDocs flags); then ( let doc = replace_str longdesc "C [] then doc ^ "\n\nOptional arguments are supplied in the final hash parameter, which is a hash of the argument name to its value. Pass an empty {} for no optional arguments." else doc in let doc = if List.mem ProtocolLimitWarning flags then doc ^ "\n\n" ^ protocol_limit_warning else doc in let doc = if List.mem DangerWillRobinson flags then doc ^ "\n\n" ^ danger_will_robinson else doc in let doc = match deprecation_notice flags with | None -> doc | Some txt -> doc ^ "\n\n" ^ txt in let doc = pod2text ~width:60 name doc in let doc = String.concat "\n * " doc in let doc = trim doc in let args = List.map name_of_argt args in let args = if optargs <> [] then args @ ["{optargs...}"] else args in let args = String.concat ", " args in let ret = match ret with | RErr -> "nil" | RBool _ -> "[True|False]" | RInt _ -> "fixnum" | RInt64 _ -> "fixnum" | RConstString _ -> "string" | RConstOptString _ -> "string" | RString _ -> "string" | RBufferOut _ -> "string" | RStruct _ | RHashtable _ -> "hash" | RStringList _ | RStructList _ -> "list" in pr "\ /* * call-seq: * g.%s(%s) -> %s * * %s * * %s * * (For the C API documentation for this function, see * +guestfs_%s+[http://libguestfs.org/guestfs.3.html#guestfs_%s]). */ " name args ret shortdesc doc name name ); (* Generate the function. *) pr "static VALUE\n"; pr "ruby_guestfs_%s (VALUE gv" name; List.iter (fun arg -> pr ", VALUE %sv" (name_of_argt arg)) args; (* XXX This makes the hash mandatory, meaning that you have * to specify {} for no arguments. We could make it so this * can be omitted. However that is a load of hassle because * you have to completely change the way that arguments are * passed in. See: * http://www.redhat.com/archives/libvir-list/2008-April/msg00004.html *) if optargs <> [] then pr ", VALUE optargsv"; pr ")\n"; pr "{\n"; pr " guestfs_h *g;\n"; pr " Data_Get_Struct (gv, guestfs_h, g);\n"; pr " if (!g)\n"; pr " rb_raise (rb_eArgError, \"%%s: used handle after closing it\", \"%s\");\n" name; pr "\n"; List.iter ( function | Pathname n | Device n | Dev_or_Path n | String n | Key n | FileIn n | FileOut n -> pr " const char *%s = StringValueCStr (%sv);\n" n n; | BufferIn n -> pr " Check_Type (%sv, T_STRING);\n" n; pr " const char *%s = RSTRING (%sv)->ptr;\n" n n; pr " if (!%s)\n" n; pr " rb_raise (rb_eTypeError, \"expected string for parameter %%s of %%s\",\n"; pr " \"%s\", \"%s\");\n" n name; pr " size_t %s_size = RSTRING (%sv)->len;\n" n n | OptString n -> pr " const char *%s = !NIL_P (%sv) ? StringValueCStr (%sv) : NULL;\n" n n n | StringList n | DeviceList n -> pr " char **%s;\n" n; pr " Check_Type (%sv, T_ARRAY);\n" n; pr " {\n"; pr " size_t i, len;\n"; pr " len = RARRAY_LEN (%sv);\n" n; pr " %s = ALLOC_N (char *, len+1);\n" n; pr " for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {\n"; pr " VALUE v = rb_ary_entry (%sv, i);\n" n; pr " %s[i] = StringValueCStr (v);\n" n; pr " }\n"; pr " %s[len] = NULL;\n" n; pr " }\n"; | Bool n -> pr " int %s = RTEST (%sv);\n" n n | Int n -> pr " int %s = NUM2INT (%sv);\n" n n | Int64 n -> pr " long long %s = NUM2LL (%sv);\n" n n | Pointer (t, n) -> pr " %s %s = (%s) (intptr_t) NUM2LL (%sv);\n" t n t n ) args; pr "\n"; (* Optional arguments are passed in a final hash parameter. *) if optargs <> [] then ( let uc_name = String.uppercase name in pr " Check_Type (optargsv, T_HASH);\n"; pr " struct guestfs_%s_argv optargs_s = { .bitmask = 0 };\n" name; pr " struct guestfs_%s_argv *optargs = &optargs_s;\n" name; pr " VALUE v;\n"; List.iter ( fun argt -> let n = name_of_argt argt in let uc_n = String.uppercase n in pr " v = rb_hash_lookup (optargsv, ID2SYM (rb_intern (\"%s\")));\n" n; pr " if (v != Qnil) {\n"; (match argt with | Bool n -> pr " optargs_s.%s = RTEST (v);\n" n; | Int n -> pr " optargs_s.%s = NUM2INT (v);\n" n; | Int64 n -> pr " optargs_s.%s = NUM2LL (v);\n" n; | String _ -> pr " optargs_s.%s = StringValueCStr (v);\n" n | _ -> assert false ); pr " optargs_s.bitmask |= GUESTFS_%s_%s_BITMASK;\n" uc_name uc_n; pr " }\n"; ) optargs; pr "\n"; ); (match ret with | RErr | RInt _ | RBool _ -> pr " int r;\n" | RInt64 _ -> pr " int64_t r;\n" | RConstString _ | RConstOptString _ -> pr " const char *r;\n" | RString _ -> pr " char *r;\n" | RStringList _ | RHashtable _ -> pr " char **r;\n" | RStruct (_, typ) -> pr " struct guestfs_%s *r;\n" typ | RStructList (_, typ) -> pr " struct guestfs_%s_list *r;\n" typ | RBufferOut _ -> pr " char *r;\n"; pr " size_t size;\n" ); pr "\n"; if optargs = [] then pr " r = guestfs_%s " name else pr " r = guestfs_%s_argv " name; generate_c_call_args ~handle:"g" style; pr ";\n"; List.iter ( function | Pathname _ | Device _ | Dev_or_Path _ | String _ | Key _ | FileIn _ | FileOut _ | OptString _ | Bool _ | Int _ | Int64 _ | BufferIn _ | Pointer _ -> () | StringList n | DeviceList n -> pr " free (%s);\n" n ) args; (match errcode_of_ret ret with | `CannotReturnError -> () | `ErrorIsMinusOne -> pr " if (r == -1)\n"; pr " rb_raise (e_Error, \"%%s\", guestfs_last_error (g));\n" | `ErrorIsNULL -> pr " if (r == NULL)\n"; pr " rb_raise (e_Error, \"%%s\", guestfs_last_error (g));\n" ); pr "\n"; (match ret with | RErr -> pr " return Qnil;\n" | RInt _ | RBool _ -> pr " return INT2NUM (r);\n" | RInt64 _ -> pr " return ULL2NUM (r);\n" | RConstString _ -> pr " return rb_str_new2 (r);\n"; | RConstOptString _ -> pr " if (r)\n"; pr " return rb_str_new2 (r);\n"; pr " else\n"; pr " return Qnil;\n"; | RString _ -> pr " VALUE rv = rb_str_new2 (r);\n"; pr " free (r);\n"; pr " return rv;\n"; | RStringList _ -> pr " size_t i, len = 0;\n"; pr " for (i = 0; r[i] != NULL; ++i) len++;\n"; pr " VALUE rv = rb_ary_new2 (len);\n"; pr " for (i = 0; r[i] != NULL; ++i) {\n"; pr " rb_ary_push (rv, rb_str_new2 (r[i]));\n"; pr " free (r[i]);\n"; pr " }\n"; pr " free (r);\n"; pr " return rv;\n" | RStruct (_, typ) -> let cols = cols_of_struct typ in generate_ruby_struct_code typ cols | RStructList (_, typ) -> let cols = cols_of_struct typ in generate_ruby_struct_list_code typ cols | RHashtable _ -> pr " VALUE rv = rb_hash_new ();\n"; pr " size_t i;\n"; pr " for (i = 0; r[i] != NULL; i+=2) {\n"; pr " rb_hash_aset (rv, rb_str_new2 (r[i]), rb_str_new2 (r[i+1]));\n"; pr " free (r[i]);\n"; pr " free (r[i+1]);\n"; pr " }\n"; pr " free (r);\n"; pr " return rv;\n" | RBufferOut _ -> pr " VALUE rv = rb_str_new (r, size);\n"; pr " free (r);\n"; pr " return rv;\n"; ); pr "}\n"; pr "\n" ) all_functions; pr "\ /* Initialize the module. */ void Init__guestfs () { m_guestfs = rb_define_module (\"Guestfs\"); c_guestfs = rb_define_class_under (m_guestfs, \"Guestfs\", rb_cObject); e_Error = rb_define_class_under (m_guestfs, \"Error\", rb_eStandardError); #ifdef HAVE_RB_DEFINE_ALLOC_FUNC rb_define_alloc_func (c_guestfs, ruby_guestfs_create); #endif rb_define_module_function (m_guestfs, \"create\", ruby_guestfs_create, 0); rb_define_method (c_guestfs, \"close\", ruby_guestfs_close, 0); rb_define_method (c_guestfs, \"set_event_callback\", ruby_set_event_callback, 2); rb_define_method (c_guestfs, \"delete_event_callback\", ruby_delete_event_callback, 1); rb_define_method (c_guestfs, \"user_cancel\", ruby_user_cancel, 0); "; (* Constants. *) List.iter ( fun (name, bitmask) -> pr " rb_define_const (m_guestfs, \"EVENT_%s\",\n" (String.uppercase name); pr " ULL2NUM (UINT64_C (0x%x)));\n" bitmask; ) events; pr "\n"; (* Methods. *) List.iter ( fun (name, (_, args, optargs), _, _, _, _, _) -> let nr_args = List.length args + if optargs <> [] then 1 else 0 in pr " rb_define_method (c_guestfs, \"%s\",\n" name; pr " ruby_guestfs_%s, %d);\n" name nr_args ) all_functions; pr "}\n" (* Ruby code to return a struct. *) and generate_ruby_struct_code typ cols = pr " VALUE rv = rb_hash_new ();\n"; List.iter ( function | name, FString -> pr " rb_hash_aset (rv, rb_str_new2 (\"%s\"), rb_str_new2 (r->%s));\n" name name | name, FBuffer -> pr " rb_hash_aset (rv, rb_str_new2 (\"%s\"), rb_str_new (r->%s, r->%s_len));\n" name name name | name, FUUID -> pr " rb_hash_aset (rv, rb_str_new2 (\"%s\"), rb_str_new (r->%s, 32));\n" name name | name, (FBytes|FUInt64) -> pr " rb_hash_aset (rv, rb_str_new2 (\"%s\"), ULL2NUM (r->%s));\n" name name | name, FInt64 -> pr " rb_hash_aset (rv, rb_str_new2 (\"%s\"), LL2NUM (r->%s));\n" name name | name, FUInt32 -> pr " rb_hash_aset (rv, rb_str_new2 (\"%s\"), UINT2NUM (r->%s));\n" name name | name, FInt32 -> pr " rb_hash_aset (rv, rb_str_new2 (\"%s\"), INT2NUM (r->%s));\n" name name | name, FOptPercent -> pr " rb_hash_aset (rv, rb_str_new2 (\"%s\"), rb_dbl2big (r->%s));\n" name name | name, FChar -> (* XXX wrong? *) pr " rb_hash_aset (rv, rb_str_new2 (\"%s\"), ULL2NUM (r->%s));\n" name name ) cols; pr " guestfs_free_%s (r);\n" typ; pr " return rv;\n" (* Ruby code to return a struct list. *) and generate_ruby_struct_list_code typ cols = pr " VALUE rv = rb_ary_new2 (r->len);\n"; pr " size_t i;\n"; pr " for (i = 0; i < r->len; ++i) {\n"; pr " VALUE hv = rb_hash_new ();\n"; List.iter ( function | name, FString -> pr " rb_hash_aset (hv, rb_str_new2 (\"%s\"), rb_str_new2 (r->val[i].%s));\n" name name | name, FBuffer -> pr " rb_hash_aset (hv, rb_str_new2 (\"%s\"), rb_str_new (r->val[i].%s, r->val[i].%s_len));\n" name name name | name, FUUID -> pr " rb_hash_aset (hv, rb_str_new2 (\"%s\"), rb_str_new (r->val[i].%s, 32));\n" name name | name, (FBytes|FUInt64) -> pr " rb_hash_aset (hv, rb_str_new2 (\"%s\"), ULL2NUM (r->val[i].%s));\n" name name | name, FInt64 -> pr " rb_hash_aset (hv, rb_str_new2 (\"%s\"), LL2NUM (r->val[i].%s));\n" name name | name, FUInt32 -> pr " rb_hash_aset (hv, rb_str_new2 (\"%s\"), UINT2NUM (r->val[i].%s));\n" name name | name, FInt32 -> pr " rb_hash_aset (hv, rb_str_new2 (\"%s\"), INT2NUM (r->val[i].%s));\n" name name | name, FOptPercent -> pr " rb_hash_aset (hv, rb_str_new2 (\"%s\"), rb_dbl2big (r->val[i].%s));\n" name name | name, FChar -> (* XXX wrong? *) pr " rb_hash_aset (hv, rb_str_new2 (\"%s\"), ULL2NUM (r->val[i].%s));\n" name name ) cols; pr " rb_ary_push (rv, hv);\n"; pr " }\n"; pr " guestfs_free_%s_list (r);\n" typ; pr " return rv;\n"