(* libguestfs * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Red Hat Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *) (* Please read generator/README first. *) open Printf open Generator_types open Generator_utils open Generator_pr open Generator_docstrings open Generator_optgroups open Generator_actions open Generator_structs open Generator_c (* Generate the OCaml bindings interface. *) let rec generate_ocaml_mli () = generate_header OCamlStyle LGPLv2plus; pr "\ (** For API documentation you should refer to the C API in the guestfs(3) manual page. The OCaml API uses almost exactly the same calls. *) type t (** A [guestfs_h] handle. *) exception Error of string (** This exception is raised when there is an error. *) exception Handle_closed of string (** This exception is raised if you use a {!Guestfs.t} handle after calling {!close} on it. The string is the name of the function. *) val create : unit -> t (** Create a {!Guestfs.t} handle. *) val close : t -> unit (** Close the {!Guestfs.t} handle and free up all resources used by it immediately. Handles are closed by the garbage collector when they become unreferenced, but callers can call this in order to provide predictable cleanup. *) type progress_cb = int -> int -> int64 -> int64 -> unit val set_progress_callback : t -> progress_cb -> unit (** [set_progress_callback g f] sets [f] as the progress callback function. For some long-running functions, [f] will be called repeatedly during the function with progress updates. The callback is [f proc_nr serial position total]. See the description of [guestfs_set_progress_callback] in guestfs(3) for the meaning of these four numbers. Note that if the closure captures a reference to the handle, this reference will prevent the handle from being automatically closed by the garbage collector. There are three ways to avoid this: be careful not to capture the handle in the closure, or use a weak reference, or call {!Guestfs.clear_progress_callback} to remove the reference. *) val clear_progress_callback : t -> unit (** [clear_progress_callback g] removes any progress callback function associated with the handle. See {!Guestfs.set_progress_callback}. *) "; generate_ocaml_structure_decls (); (* The actions. *) List.iter ( fun (name, style, _, _, _, shortdesc, _) -> generate_ocaml_prototype name style; pr "(** %s *)\n" shortdesc; pr "\n" ) all_functions_sorted; pr "\ (** {2 Object-oriented API} This is an alternate way of calling the API using an object-oriented style, so you can use [g#add_drive filename] instead of [Guestfs.add_drive g filename]. Apart from the different style, it offers exactly the same functionality. Calling [new guestfs ()] creates both the object and the handle. Note that methods that take no parameters (except the implicit handle) get an extra unit [()] parameter. This is so you can create a closure from the method easily. For example [g#get_verbose ()] calls the method, whereas [g#get_verbose] is a function. *) class guestfs : unit -> object method close : unit -> unit method set_progress_callback : progress_cb -> unit method clear_progress_callback : unit -> unit "; List.iter ( function | name, ((_, []) as style), _, _, _, _, _ -> pr " method %s : unit -> " name; generate_ocaml_function_type style; pr "\n" | name, style, _, _, _, _, _ -> pr " method %s : " name; generate_ocaml_function_type style; pr "\n" ) all_functions_sorted; pr "end\n" (* Generate the OCaml bindings implementation. *) and generate_ocaml_ml () = generate_header OCamlStyle LGPLv2plus; pr "\ type t exception Error of string exception Handle_closed of string external create : unit -> t = \"ocaml_guestfs_create\" external close : t -> unit = \"ocaml_guestfs_close\" type progress_cb = int -> int -> int64 -> int64 -> unit external set_progress_callback : t -> progress_cb -> unit = \"ocaml_guestfs_set_progress_callback\" external clear_progress_callback : t -> unit = \"ocaml_guestfs_clear_progress_callback\" (* Give the exceptions names, so they can be raised from the C code. *) let () = Callback.register_exception \"ocaml_guestfs_error\" (Error \"\"); Callback.register_exception \"ocaml_guestfs_closed\" (Handle_closed \"\") "; generate_ocaml_structure_decls (); (* The actions. *) List.iter ( fun (name, style, _, _, _, shortdesc, _) -> generate_ocaml_prototype ~is_external:true name style; ) all_functions_sorted; (* OO API. *) pr " class guestfs () = let g = create () in object method close () = close g method set_progress_callback = set_progress_callback g method clear_progress_callback () = clear_progress_callback g "; List.iter ( function | name, (_, []), _, _, _, _, _ -> (* no params? add explicit unit *) pr " method %s () = %s g\n" name name | name, _, _, _, _, _, _ -> pr " method %s = %s g\n" name name ) all_functions_sorted; pr " end\n" (* Generate the OCaml bindings C implementation. *) and generate_ocaml_c () = generate_header CStyle LGPLv2plus; pr "\ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include \"guestfs.h\" #include \"guestfs_c.h\" /* Copy a hashtable of string pairs into an assoc-list. We return * the list in reverse order, but hashtables aren't supposed to be * ordered anyway. */ static CAMLprim value copy_table (char * const * argv) { CAMLparam0 (); CAMLlocal5 (rv, pairv, kv, vv, cons); size_t i; rv = Val_int (0); for (i = 0; argv[i] != NULL; i += 2) { kv = caml_copy_string (argv[i]); vv = caml_copy_string (argv[i+1]); pairv = caml_alloc (2, 0); Store_field (pairv, 0, kv); Store_field (pairv, 1, vv); cons = caml_alloc (2, 0); Store_field (cons, 1, rv); rv = cons; Store_field (cons, 0, pairv); } CAMLreturn (rv); } "; (* Struct copy functions. *) let emit_ocaml_copy_list_function typ = pr "static CAMLprim value\n"; pr "copy_%s_list (const struct guestfs_%s_list *%ss)\n" typ typ typ; pr "{\n"; pr " CAMLparam0 ();\n"; pr " CAMLlocal2 (rv, v);\n"; pr " unsigned int i;\n"; pr "\n"; pr " if (%ss->len == 0)\n" typ; pr " CAMLreturn (Atom (0));\n"; pr " else {\n"; pr " rv = caml_alloc (%ss->len, 0);\n" typ; pr " for (i = 0; i < %ss->len; ++i) {\n" typ; pr " v = copy_%s (&%ss->val[i]);\n" typ typ; pr " caml_modify (&Field (rv, i), v);\n"; pr " }\n"; pr " CAMLreturn (rv);\n"; pr " }\n"; pr "}\n"; pr "\n"; in List.iter ( fun (typ, cols) -> let has_optpercent_col = List.exists (function (_, FOptPercent) -> true | _ -> false) cols in pr "static CAMLprim value\n"; pr "copy_%s (const struct guestfs_%s *%s)\n" typ typ typ; pr "{\n"; pr " CAMLparam0 ();\n"; if has_optpercent_col then pr " CAMLlocal3 (rv, v, v2);\n" else pr " CAMLlocal2 (rv, v);\n"; pr "\n"; pr " rv = caml_alloc (%d, 0);\n" (List.length cols); iteri ( fun i col -> (match col with | name, FString -> pr " v = caml_copy_string (%s->%s);\n" typ name | name, FBuffer -> pr " v = caml_alloc_string (%s->%s_len);\n" typ name; pr " memcpy (String_val (v), %s->%s, %s->%s_len);\n" typ name typ name | name, FUUID -> pr " v = caml_alloc_string (32);\n"; pr " memcpy (String_val (v), %s->%s, 32);\n" typ name | name, (FBytes|FInt64|FUInt64) -> pr " v = caml_copy_int64 (%s->%s);\n" typ name | name, (FInt32|FUInt32) -> pr " v = caml_copy_int32 (%s->%s);\n" typ name | name, FOptPercent -> pr " if (%s->%s >= 0) { /* Some %s */\n" typ name name; pr " v2 = caml_copy_double (%s->%s);\n" typ name; pr " v = caml_alloc (1, 0);\n"; pr " Store_field (v, 0, v2);\n"; pr " } else /* None */\n"; pr " v = Val_int (0);\n"; | name, FChar -> pr " v = Val_int (%s->%s);\n" typ name ); pr " Store_field (rv, %d, v);\n" i ) cols; pr " CAMLreturn (rv);\n"; pr "}\n"; pr "\n"; ) structs; (* Emit a copy_TYPE_list function definition only if that function is used. *) List.iter ( function | typ, (RStructListOnly | RStructAndList) -> (* generate the function for typ *) emit_ocaml_copy_list_function typ | typ, _ -> () (* empty *) ) (rstructs_used_by all_functions); (* The wrappers. *) List.iter ( fun (name, style, _, _, _, _, _) -> pr "/* Automatically generated wrapper for function\n"; pr " * "; generate_ocaml_prototype name style; pr " */\n"; pr "\n"; let params = "gv" :: List.map (fun arg -> name_of_argt arg ^ "v") (snd style) in let needs_extra_vs = match fst style with RConstOptString _ -> true | _ -> false in pr "/* Emit prototype to appease gcc's -Wmissing-prototypes. */\n"; pr "CAMLprim value ocaml_guestfs_%s (value %s" name (List.hd params); List.iter (pr ", value %s") (List.tl params); pr ");\n"; pr "\n"; pr "CAMLprim value\n"; pr "ocaml_guestfs_%s (value %s" name (List.hd params); List.iter (pr ", value %s") (List.tl params); pr ")\n"; pr "{\n"; (match params with | [p1; p2; p3; p4; p5] -> pr " CAMLparam5 (%s);\n" (String.concat ", " params) | p1 :: p2 :: p3 :: p4 :: p5 :: rest -> pr " CAMLparam5 (%s);\n" (String.concat ", " [p1; p2; p3; p4; p5]); pr " CAMLxparam%d (%s);\n" (List.length rest) (String.concat ", " rest) | ps -> pr " CAMLparam%d (%s);\n" (List.length ps) (String.concat ", " ps) ); if not needs_extra_vs then pr " CAMLlocal1 (rv);\n" else pr " CAMLlocal3 (rv, v, v2);\n"; pr "\n"; pr " guestfs_h *g = Guestfs_val (gv);\n"; pr " if (g == NULL)\n"; pr " ocaml_guestfs_raise_closed (\"%s\");\n" name; pr "\n"; List.iter ( function | Pathname n | Device n | Dev_or_Path n | String n | FileIn n | FileOut n | Key n -> (* Copy strings in case the GC moves them: RHBZ#604691 *) pr " char *%s = guestfs_safe_strdup (g, String_val (%sv));\n" n n | OptString n -> pr " char *%s =\n" n; pr " %sv != Val_int (0) ?" n; pr " guestfs_safe_strdup (g, String_val (Field (%sv, 0))) : NULL;\n" n | BufferIn n -> pr " size_t %s_size = caml_string_length (%sv);\n" n n; pr " char *%s = guestfs_safe_memdup (g, String_val (%sv), %s_size);\n" n n n | StringList n | DeviceList n -> pr " char **%s = ocaml_guestfs_strings_val (g, %sv);\n" n n | Bool n -> pr " int %s = Bool_val (%sv);\n" n n | Int n -> pr " int %s = Int_val (%sv);\n" n n | Int64 n -> pr " int64_t %s = Int64_val (%sv);\n" n n ) (snd style); let error_code = match fst style with | RErr -> pr " int r;\n"; "-1" | RInt _ -> pr " int r;\n"; "-1" | RInt64 _ -> pr " int64_t r;\n"; "-1" | RBool _ -> pr " int r;\n"; "-1" | RConstString _ | RConstOptString _ -> pr " const char *r;\n"; "NULL" | RString _ -> pr " char *r;\n"; "NULL" | RStringList _ -> pr " size_t i;\n"; pr " char **r;\n"; "NULL" | RStruct (_, typ) -> pr " struct guestfs_%s *r;\n" typ; "NULL" | RStructList (_, typ) -> pr " struct guestfs_%s_list *r;\n" typ; "NULL" | RHashtable _ -> pr " size_t i;\n"; pr " char **r;\n"; "NULL" | RBufferOut _ -> pr " char *r;\n"; pr " size_t size;\n"; "NULL" in pr "\n"; pr " caml_enter_blocking_section ();\n"; pr " r = guestfs_%s " name; generate_c_call_args ~handle:"g" style; pr ";\n"; pr " caml_leave_blocking_section ();\n"; (* Free strings if we copied them above. *) List.iter ( function | Pathname n | Device n | Dev_or_Path n | String n | OptString n | FileIn n | FileOut n | BufferIn n | Key n -> pr " free (%s);\n" n | StringList n | DeviceList n -> pr " ocaml_guestfs_free_strings (%s);\n" n; | Bool _ | Int _ | Int64 _ -> () ) (snd style); pr " if (r == %s)\n" error_code; pr " ocaml_guestfs_raise_error (g, \"%s\");\n" name; pr "\n"; (match fst style with | RErr -> pr " rv = Val_unit;\n" | RInt _ -> pr " rv = Val_int (r);\n" | RInt64 _ -> pr " rv = caml_copy_int64 (r);\n" | RBool _ -> pr " rv = Val_bool (r);\n" | RConstString _ -> pr " rv = caml_copy_string (r);\n" | RConstOptString _ -> pr " if (r) { /* Some string */\n"; pr " v = caml_alloc (1, 0);\n"; pr " v2 = caml_copy_string (r);\n"; pr " Store_field (v, 0, v2);\n"; pr " } else /* None */\n"; pr " v = Val_int (0);\n"; | RString _ -> pr " rv = caml_copy_string (r);\n"; pr " free (r);\n" | RStringList _ -> pr " rv = caml_copy_string_array ((const char **) r);\n"; pr " for (i = 0; r[i] != NULL; ++i) free (r[i]);\n"; pr " free (r);\n" | RStruct (_, typ) -> pr " rv = copy_%s (r);\n" typ; pr " guestfs_free_%s (r);\n" typ; | RStructList (_, typ) -> pr " rv = copy_%s_list (r);\n" typ; pr " guestfs_free_%s_list (r);\n" typ; | RHashtable _ -> pr " rv = copy_table (r);\n"; pr " for (i = 0; r[i] != NULL; ++i) free (r[i]);\n"; pr " free (r);\n"; | RBufferOut _ -> pr " rv = caml_alloc_string (size);\n"; pr " memcpy (String_val (rv), r, size);\n"; ); pr " CAMLreturn (rv);\n"; pr "}\n"; pr "\n"; if List.length params > 5 then ( pr "/* Emit prototype to appease gcc's -Wmissing-prototypes. */\n"; pr "CAMLprim value "; pr "ocaml_guestfs_%s_byte (value *argv, int argn);\n" name; pr "CAMLprim value\n"; pr "ocaml_guestfs_%s_byte (value *argv, int argn)\n" name; pr "{\n"; pr " return ocaml_guestfs_%s (argv[0]" name; iteri (fun i _ -> pr ", argv[%d]" i) (List.tl params); pr ");\n"; pr "}\n"; pr "\n" ) ) all_functions_sorted and generate_ocaml_structure_decls () = List.iter ( fun (typ, cols) -> pr "type %s = {\n" typ; List.iter ( function | name, FString -> pr " %s : string;\n" name | name, FBuffer -> pr " %s : string;\n" name | name, FUUID -> pr " %s : string;\n" name | name, (FBytes|FInt64|FUInt64) -> pr " %s : int64;\n" name | name, (FInt32|FUInt32) -> pr " %s : int32;\n" name | name, FChar -> pr " %s : char;\n" name | name, FOptPercent -> pr " %s : float option;\n" name ) cols; pr "}\n"; pr "\n" ) structs and generate_ocaml_prototype ?(is_external = false) name style = if is_external then pr "external " else pr "val "; pr "%s : t -> " name; generate_ocaml_function_type style; if is_external then ( pr " = "; if List.length (snd style) + 1 > 5 then pr "\"ocaml_guestfs_%s_byte\" " name; pr "\"ocaml_guestfs_%s\"" name ); pr "\n" and generate_ocaml_function_type style = List.iter ( function | Pathname _ | Device _ | Dev_or_Path _ | String _ | FileIn _ | FileOut _ | BufferIn _ | Key _ -> pr "string -> " | OptString _ -> pr "string option -> " | StringList _ | DeviceList _ -> pr "string array -> " | Bool _ -> pr "bool -> " | Int _ -> pr "int -> " | Int64 _ -> pr "int64 -> " ) (snd style); (match fst style with | RErr -> pr "unit" (* all errors are turned into exceptions *) | RInt _ -> pr "int" | RInt64 _ -> pr "int64" | RBool _ -> pr "bool" | RConstString _ -> pr "string" | RConstOptString _ -> pr "string option" | RString _ | RBufferOut _ -> pr "string" | RStringList _ -> pr "string array" | RStruct (_, typ) -> pr "%s" typ | RStructList (_, typ) -> pr "%s array" typ | RHashtable _ -> pr "(string * string) list" )