PLEASE LOOK AT THE TOP OF EACH FILE BEFORE EDITING TO SEE WHETHER IT IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED OR NOT. Adding a new action ---------------------------------------------------------------------- All action functions are generated automatically, so there are only two files you need to edit: (1) generator/ Add your new action, parameters, description, etc. to the big list at the top of this file. (2) Edit/create a C file in daemon/ subdirectory which implements your 'do_action' function. Take a look at one of the numerous examples there. Formatting ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Try to use GNU / Emacs default formatting, following the convention used elsewhere in the source. Please make sure that the code compiles without warnings. Please test any changes. Useful targets: make syntax-check Checks the syntax of the C code. make check Runs the test suite. Enable warnings, and fix any you find: ./configure --enable-gcc-warnings Code indentation ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Our C source code generally adheres to some basic code-formatting conventions. The existing code base is not totally consistent on this front, but we do prefer that contributed code be formatted similarly. In short, use spaces-not-TABs for indentation, use 2 spaces for each indentation level, and other than that, follow the K&R style. If you use Emacs, add the following to one of one of your start-up files (e.g., ~/.emacs), to help ensure that you get indentation right: ;;; In libguestfs, indent with spaces everywhere (not TABs). ;;; Exceptions: Makefile and ChangeLog modes. (add-hook 'find-file-hook '(lambda () (if (and buffer-file-name (string-match "/libguestfs\\>" (buffer-file-name)) (not (string-equal mode-name "Change Log")) (not (string-equal mode-name "Makefile"))) (setq indent-tabs-mode nil)))) ;;; When editing C sources in libguestfs, use this style. (defun libguestfs-c-mode () "C mode with adjusted defaults for use with libguestfs." (interactive) (c-set-style "K&R") (setq c-indent-level 2) (setq c-basic-offset 2)) (add-hook 'c-mode-hook '(lambda () (if (string-match "/libguestfs\\>" (buffer-file-name)) (libguestfs-c-mode)))) Directories ---------------------------------------------------------------------- appliance/ The qemu appliance, build scripts and so on. capitests/ Automated tests of the C API. See "Tests" below. cat/ The 'virt-cat', 'virt-filesystems' and 'virt-ls' commands and documentation. contrib/ Outside contributions, experimental parts. csharp/ Experimental C# bindings. daemon/ The daemon that runs inside the guest and carries out actions. df/ 'virt-df' command and documentation. examples/ The examples. fish/ Guestfish (the command-line program / shell) fuse/ FUSE (userspace filesystem) built on top of libguestfs. generator/ The crucially important generator, used to automatically generate large amounts of boilerplate C code for things like RPC and bindings. haskell/ Haskell bindings. hivex/ [removed in 1.0.85] This used to contain the hivex library for reading and writing Windows Registry binary hive files. This is now available as a separate upstream project. images/ Some guest images to test against. These are gzipped to save space. You have to unzip them before use. Also contains some files used by the test suite. inspector/ Virtual machine image inspector (virt-inspector). java/ Java bindings. m4/ M4 macros used by autoconf. ocaml/ OCaml bindings. php/ PHP bindings. po/ Translations of simple gettext strings. For translations of longer documents, see po-docs/. po-docs/ The build infrastructure and PO files for translations of manpages and POD files. Eventually this will be combined with the po/ directory, but that is rather complicated. perl/ Perl bindings. python/ Python bindings. regressions/ Regression tests. rescue/ 'virt-rescue' command and documentation. ruby/ Ruby bindings. tools/ Command line tools written in Perl (virt-resize and more). src/ Source code to the C library. test-tool/ Interactive qemu/kernel test tool. Tests ---------------------------------------------------------------------- You can supply zero or as many tests as you want per API call. The test environment has 4 block devices: /dev/sda 500MB General block device for testing. /dev/sdb 50MB /dev/sdb1 is an ext2 filesystem used for testing filesystem write operations. /dev/sdc 10MB Used in a few tests where 2 block devices are needed. /dev/sdd - ISO with fixed content (see images/test.iso). To be able to run the tests in a reasonable amount of time, the virtual machine and block devices are reused between tests. So don't try testing kill_subprocess :-x Between each test we blockdev-setrw, umount-all, lvm-remove-all. Each test starts with an initial scenario, selected using one of the 'Init*' expressions, described in generator/ These initialize the disks in a particular way as described. You should not assume anything about the previous contents of other disks that are not initialized. You can add a prerequisite clause to any individual test. This is a run-time check, which, if it fails, causes the test to be skipped. Useful if testing a command which might not work on all variations of libguestfs builds. A test that has prerequisite of 'Always' is run unconditionally. In addition, packagers can skip individual tests by setting the environment variables: eg: SKIP_TEST__=1 SKIP_TEST_COMMAND_3=1 (skips test #3 of command) SKIP_TEST_=1 SKIP_TEST_ZEROFREE=1 (skips all zerofree tests) and packagers can run only certain tests by setting eg: TEST_ONLY="vfs_type zerofree" See capitests/tests.c for more details of how these environment variables work. Debugging ---------------------------------------------------------------------- It's a good idea to use guestfish to try out new commands. Debugging the daemon is a problem because it runs inside a minimal qemu environment. However you can print messages from the daemon, and they will show up if you use 'guestfish -v'. Patches ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Submit patches to the mailing list: and CC to I18N ---------------------------------------------------------------------- We support i18n (gettext anyhow) in the library. However many messages come from the daemon, and we don't translate those at the moment. One reason is that the appliance generally has all locale files removed from it, because they take up a lot of space. So we'd have to readd some of those, as well as copying our PO files into the appliance. Debugging messages are never translated, since they are intended for the programmers. Extended printf ---------------------------------------------------------------------- In the daemon code we have created custom printf formatters %Q and %R, which are used to do shell quoting. %Q => Simple shell quoted string. Any spaces or other shell characters are escaped for you. %R => Same as %Q except the string is treated as a path which is prefixed by the sysroot. eg. asprintf (&cmd, "cat %R", path); ==> "cat /sysroot/some\ path\ with\ spaces" Note: Do NOT use these when you are passing parameters to the command{,r,v,rv}() functions. These parameters do NOT need to be quoted because they are not passed via the shell (instead, straight to exec). You probably want to use the sysroot_path() function however.