*** BEFORE THE TALK *** ./cleanup ./run *** 1000 guests installed on my laptop for testing *** virsh list .. showing guests virsh dumpxml ... showing individual guests XML vs the world? *** 2000 create an overlay disk *** Because I don't want to change my test guests ... Create overlay disk diagram qemu-img create -f qcow2 -b /dev/fedora/f18x64 /tmp/f18.qcow2 qemu-img info /tmp/f18.qcow2 virt-install --import --disk path=/tmp/f18.qcow2,bus=virtio,format=qcow2 -n temp -r 2048 virt-viewer --connect qemu:///session temp virsh list virsh dumpxml temp Run 'shutdown' inside the guest. qemu-img info /tmp/f18.qcow2 # virsh undefine temp *** 2200 differences between backing and overlay disk *** differences between guests *** 2300 sysprep overlay disk *** sysprep it *** 2400 set root password *** set root password using some perl *** 6000 Mention some other things we can do with libvirt ... *** *** 7000 with libguestfs ... *** *** 8000 with Open Stack ... *** mostly equivalent in features to Amazon EC2 *** 9000 with oVirt ... *** comparable to Virtual Center *** 9900 Q&A *** --- If there are no immediate questions, then: * How many people are using virtualization at all? * How many people have virtualized some of their servers? * How many people are using Amazon EC2 or another public cloud? * How many people are running a public VPS or public cloud? * How many people are running a private cloud or cloud-like service within their company? * How many people are running VMware? * How many people are running Xen? * How many people are running KVM? * What would stop you from moving away from VMware? * What would stop you from moving to libvirt? * What would stop you from moving to Open Stack or oVirt?