(* Guestfs Browser. * Copyright (C) 2010 Red Hat Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. *) open ExtString open Printf let (+^) = Int64.add let (-^) = Int64.sub let ( *^ ) = Int64.mul let (/^) = Int64.div type ('a, 'b) either = Left of 'a | Right of 'b let (//) = Filename.concat let verbose = ref false let set_verbose_flag () = verbose := true let verbose () = !verbose let debug fs = let f str = if verbose () then ( prerr_string Config.package; prerr_string ": tid "; prerr_string (string_of_int (Thread.id (Thread.self ()))); prerr_string ": "; prerr_string str; prerr_newline () ) in ksprintf f fs let failwith fs = let f str = if verbose () then (prerr_string str; prerr_newline ()); raise (Failure str) in ksprintf f fs let trace = ref false let set_trace_flag () = trace := true let trace () = !trace let connect_uri = ref None let set_connect_uri conn = connect_uri := conn let connect_uri () = !connect_uri let utf8_rarrow = "\xe2\x86\x92" let human_size i = if i < 1024L then sprintf "%Ld" i else if i < 1024L *^ 1024L then sprintf "%.1f KB" (Int64.to_float i /. 1024.) else if i < 1024L *^ 1024L *^ 1024L then sprintf "%.1f MB" (Int64.to_float i /. 1024. /. 1024.) else if i < 1024L *^ 1024L *^ 1024L *^ 1024L then sprintf "%.1f GB" (Int64.to_float i /. 1024. /. 1024. /. 1024.) else sprintf "%.1f TB" (Int64.to_float i /. 1024. /. 1024. /. 1024. /. 1024.) let human_size_1k i = if i < 1024L then sprintf "%Ld KB" i else if i < 1024L *^ 1024L then sprintf "%.1f MB" (Int64.to_float i /. 1024.) else sprintf "%.1f GB" (Int64.to_float i /. 1024. /. 1024.) let unique = let i = ref 0 in fun () -> incr i; !i let mklabel text = (GMisc.label ~text () :> GObj.widget) (* g_markup_escape is not bound by lablgtk2, but we want to provide * extra protection for \0 characters appearing in the string * anyway. *) let markup_escape name = let f = function | '&' -> "&" | '<' -> "<" | '>' -> ">" | '\000' -> "\\0" | c -> String.make 1 c in String.replace_chars f name let libguestfs_version_string () = let g = new Guestfs.guestfs () in let v = g#version () in let s = sprintf "%Ld.%Ld.%Ld%s" v.Guestfs.major v.Guestfs.minor v.Guestfs.release v.Guestfs.extra in g#close (); s let libvirt_version_string () = let v = fst (Libvirt.get_version ()) in sprintf "%d.%d.%d" (v / 1_000_000) ((v / 1_000) mod 1_000) (v mod 1_000) (* File type tests. * * Note these have to be on Linux ABI modes. We cannot use the * OCaml (ie. host) equivalents here. *) let rec file_type mask mode = Int64.logand mode 0o170000L = mask and is_socket mode = file_type 0o140000L mode and is_symlink mode = file_type 0o120000L mode and is_regular_file mode = file_type 0o100000L mode and is_block mode = file_type 0o060000L mode and is_directory mode = file_type 0o040000L mode and is_char mode = file_type 0o020000L mode and is_fifo mode = file_type 0o010000L mode and is_suid mode = test_bit 0o4000L mode and is_sgid mode = test_bit 0o2000L mode and is_svtx mode = test_bit 0o1000L mode and is_ru mode = test_bit 0o400L mode and is_wu mode = test_bit 0o200L mode and is_xu mode = test_bit 0o100L mode and is_rg mode = test_bit 0o040L mode and is_wg mode = test_bit 0o020L mode and is_xg mode = test_bit 0o010L mode and is_ro mode = test_bit 0o004L mode and is_wo mode = test_bit 0o002L mode and is_xo mode = test_bit 0o001L mode and test_bit mask mode = Int64.logand mode mask = mask let tmpdir () = let chan = open_in "/dev/urandom" in let data = String.create 16 in really_input chan data 0 (String.length data); close_in chan; let data = Digest.to_hex (Digest.string data) in (* Note this is secure, because if the name already exists, even as a * symlink, mkdir(2) will fail. *) let tmpdir = Filename.temp_dir_name // sprintf "febootstrap%s.tmp" data in Unix.mkdir tmpdir 0o700; at_exit (fun () -> let cmd = sprintf "rm -rf %s" (Filename.quote tmpdir) in ignore (Sys.command cmd)); tmpdir (* This would be so much simpler with ChriS's delimited * overloading macro XXX *) let i32_of_string_le v = let b0 = int_of_char (String.unsafe_get v 0) in let b1 = int_of_char (String.unsafe_get v 1) in let b2 = int_of_char (String.unsafe_get v 2) in let b3 = Int32.of_int (int_of_char (String.unsafe_get v 3)) in Int32.logor (Int32.of_int (b0 lor (b1 lsl 8) lor (b2 lsl 16))) (Int32.shift_left b3 24) let i32_of_string_be v = let b0 = Int32.of_int (int_of_char (String.unsafe_get v 0)) in let b1 = int_of_char (String.unsafe_get v 1) in let b2 = int_of_char (String.unsafe_get v 2) in let b3 = int_of_char (String.unsafe_get v 3) in Int32.logor (Int32.of_int (b3 lor (b2 lsl 8) lor (b1 lsl 16))) (Int32.shift_left b0 24) let i64_of_string_le v = let b0 = int_of_char (String.unsafe_get v 0) in let b1 = int_of_char (String.unsafe_get v 1) in let b2 = int_of_char (String.unsafe_get v 2) in let b3 = Int64.of_int (int_of_char (String.unsafe_get v 3)) in let b4 = Int64.of_int (int_of_char (String.unsafe_get v 4)) in let b5 = Int64.of_int (int_of_char (String.unsafe_get v 5)) in let b6 = Int64.of_int (int_of_char (String.unsafe_get v 6)) in let b7 = Int64.of_int (int_of_char (String.unsafe_get v 7)) in Int64.logor (Int64.logor (Int64.logor (Int64.logor (Int64.logor (Int64.of_int (b0 lor (b1 lsl 8) lor (b2 lsl 16))) (Int64.shift_left b3 24)) (Int64.shift_left b4 32)) (Int64.shift_left b5 40)) (Int64.shift_left b6 48)) (Int64.shift_left b7 56)