The act of linking to any C++ file causes libbeecrypt to be linked to libstdc++ etc. We don't need any of that so kill it. --- 2009-07-08 19:56:18.000000000 +0100 +++ 2016-08-09 15:31:40.039891644 +0100 @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ lib_LTLIBRARIES = -libbeecrypt_la_SOURCES = aes.c base64.c beecrypt.c blockmode.c blockpad.c blowfish.c dhies.c dldp.c dlkp.c dlpk.c dlsvdp-dh.c dsa.c elgamal.c endianness.c entropy.c fips186.c hmac.c hmacmd5.c hmacsha1.c hmacsha224.c hmacsha256.c md4.c md5.c hmacsha384.c hmacsha512.c memchunk.c mp.c mpbarrett.c mpnumber.c mpprime.c mtprng.c pkcs1.c pkcs12.c ripemd128.c ripemd160.c ripemd256.c ripemd320.c rsa.c rsakp.c rsapk.c sha1.c sha224.c sha256.c sha384.c sha512.c sha2k32.c sha2k64.c timestamp.c cppglue.cxx +libbeecrypt_la_SOURCES = aes.c base64.c beecrypt.c blockmode.c blockpad.c blowfish.c dhies.c dldp.c dlkp.c dlpk.c dlsvdp-dh.c dsa.c elgamal.c endianness.c entropy.c fips186.c hmac.c hmacmd5.c hmacsha1.c hmacsha224.c hmacsha256.c md4.c md5.c hmacsha384.c hmacsha512.c memchunk.c mp.c mpbarrett.c mpnumber.c mpprime.c mtprng.c pkcs1.c pkcs12.c ripemd128.c ripemd160.c ripemd256.c ripemd320.c rsa.c rsakp.c rsapk.c sha1.c sha224.c sha256.c sha384.c sha512.c sha2k32.c sha2k64.c timestamp.c libbeecrypt_la_DEPENDENCIES = $(BEECRYPT_OBJECTS) libbeecrypt_la_LIBADD = blowfishopt.lo mpopt.lo sha1opt.lo $(OPENMP_LIBS) libbeecrypt_la_LDFLAGS = -no-undefined -version-info $(LIBBEECRYPT_LT_CURRENT):$(LIBBEECRYPT_LT_REVISION):$(LIBBEECRYPT_LT_AGE)