(** Wrapper around Perl [Template] class (Template Toolkit). * * Author: Dave Benjamin . *) open Perl let _ = eval "use Template" exception Not_implemented exception Error of string module Variant = struct type variant = | Null | String of string | Int of int | Float of float | Bool of bool | Array of variant list | Hash of (string * variant) list;; end let rec sv_of_variant = function | Variant.Null -> sv_undef () | Variant.String s -> sv_of_string s | Variant.Int i -> sv_of_int i | Variant.Float f -> sv_of_float f | Variant.Bool b -> sv_of_bool b | Variant.Array xs -> arrayref (av_of_sv_list (List.map sv_of_variant xs)) | Variant.Hash xs -> hashref (let hv = hv_empty () in List.iter (fun (k, v) -> hv_set hv k (sv_of_variant v)) xs; hv );; let hv_of_string_pair_list pairs = let hv = hv_empty () in List.iter (fun (k, v) -> hv_set hv k (sv_of_string v)) pairs; hv class template sv = object (self) method process file vars = let output = sv_of_string "" in let args = [sv_of_string file; sv_of_variant vars; scalarref output] in let result = call_method sv "process" args in if not (sv_is_true result) then raise (Error self#error) else string_of_sv output method error = string_of_sv (call_method sv "error" []) end let may f = function None -> () | Some v -> f v let new_ ?start_tag ?end_tag ?tag_style ?pre_chomp ?post_chomp ?trim ?interpolate ?anycase ?include_path ?delimiter ?absolute ?relative ?default ?blocks ?auto_reset ?recursion ?variables ?constants ?constant_namespace ?namespace ?pre_process ?post_process ?process ?wrapper ?error ?errors ?eval_perl ?output ?output_path ?debug ?debug_format ?cache_size ?compile_ext ?compile_dir ?plugins ?plugin_base ?load_perl ?filters ?v1dollar ?load_templates ?load_plugins ?load_filters ?tolerant ?service ?context ?stash ?parser ?grammar () = let args = ref [] in may (fun v -> args := sv_of_string "START_TAG" :: sv_of_string v :: !args) start_tag; may (fun v -> args := sv_of_string "END_TAG" :: sv_of_string v :: !args) end_tag; may (fun v -> args := sv_of_string "TAG_STYLE" :: sv_of_string v :: !args) end_tag; may (fun v -> args := sv_of_string "PRE_CHOMP" :: sv_of_bool v :: !args) pre_chomp; may (fun v -> args := sv_of_string "POST_CHOMP" :: sv_of_bool v :: !args) post_chomp; may (fun v -> args := sv_of_string "TRIM" :: sv_of_bool v :: !args) trim; may (fun v -> args := sv_of_string "INTERPOLATE" :: sv_of_bool v :: !args) interpolate; may (fun v -> args := sv_of_string "ANYCASE" :: sv_of_bool v :: !args) anycase; may (fun v -> args := sv_of_string "INCLUDE_PATH" :: arrayref (av_of_string_list v) :: !args) include_path; may (fun v -> args := sv_of_string "DELIMITER" :: sv_of_string v :: !args) delimiter; may (fun v -> args := sv_of_string "ABSOLUTE" :: sv_of_bool v :: !args) absolute; may (fun v -> args := sv_of_string "RELATIVE" :: sv_of_bool v :: !args) relative; may (fun v -> args := sv_of_string "DEFAULT" :: sv_of_string v :: !args) default; may (fun v -> args := sv_of_string "BLOCKS" :: hashref (hv_of_string_pair_list v) :: !args) blocks; may (fun v -> args := sv_of_string "AUTO_RESET" :: sv_of_bool v :: !args) auto_reset; may (fun v -> args := sv_of_string "RECURSION" :: sv_of_bool v :: !args) recursion; may (fun v -> args := sv_of_string "VARIABLES" :: sv_of_variant v :: !args) variables; may (fun v -> args := sv_of_string "CONSTANTS" :: sv_of_variant v :: !args) constants; may (fun v -> args := sv_of_string "CONSTANT_NAMESPACE" :: sv_of_string v :: !args) constant_namespace; may (fun v -> args := sv_of_string "NAMESPACE" :: sv_of_variant v :: !args) namespace; may (fun v -> args := sv_of_string "PRE_PROCESS" :: arrayref (av_of_string_list v) :: !args) pre_process; may (fun v -> args := sv_of_string "POST_PROCESS" :: arrayref (av_of_string_list v) :: !args) post_process; may (fun v -> args := sv_of_string "PROCESS" :: arrayref (av_of_string_list v) :: !args) process; may (fun v -> args := sv_of_string "WRAPPER" :: arrayref (av_of_string_list v) :: !args) wrapper; may (fun v -> args := sv_of_string "ERROR" :: sv_of_string v :: !args) error; may (fun v -> args := sv_of_string "ERRORS" :: hashref (hv_of_string_pair_list v) :: !args) errors; may (fun v -> args := sv_of_string "EVAL_PERL" :: sv_of_bool v :: !args) eval_perl; may (fun v -> raise Not_implemented) output; may (fun v -> raise Not_implemented) output_path; may (fun v -> args := sv_of_string "DEBUG" :: sv_of_string v :: !args) debug; may (fun v -> args := sv_of_string "DEBUG_FORMAT" :: sv_of_string v :: !args) debug_format; may (fun v -> args := sv_of_string "CACHE_SIZE" :: sv_of_int v :: !args) cache_size; may (fun v -> args := sv_of_string "COMPILE_EXT" :: sv_of_string v :: !args) compile_ext; may (fun v -> args := sv_of_string "COMPILE_DIR" :: sv_of_string v :: !args) compile_dir; may (fun v -> args := sv_of_string "PLUGINS" :: hashref (hv_of_string_pair_list v) :: !args) plugins; may (fun v -> args := sv_of_string "PLUGIN_BASE" :: arrayref (av_of_string_list v) :: !args) plugin_base; may (fun v -> args := sv_of_string "LOAD_PERL" :: sv_of_bool v :: !args) load_perl; may (fun v -> raise Not_implemented) filters; may (fun v -> args := sv_of_string "V1DOLLAR" :: sv_of_bool v :: !args) v1dollar; may (fun v -> raise Not_implemented) load_templates; may (fun v -> raise Not_implemented) load_plugins; may (fun v -> raise Not_implemented) load_filters; may (fun v -> args := sv_of_string "TOLERANT" :: sv_of_bool v :: !args) tolerant; may (fun v -> raise Not_implemented) service; may (fun v -> raise Not_implemented) context; may (fun v -> raise Not_implemented) stash; may (fun v -> raise Not_implemented) parser; may (fun v -> raise Not_implemented) grammar; let sv = call_class_method "Template" "new" !args in new template sv