(* Wrapper around Perl HTTP::Request class. * Copyright (C) 2003 Merjis Ltd. * $Id: pl_HTTP_Request.ml,v 1.1 2003-10-12 17:33:15 rich Exp $ *) open Perl open Pl_HTTP_Message open Pl_URI class http_request sv = object (self) inherit http_message sv method sv = sv method method_ = string_of_sv (call_method sv "method" []) method set_method meth = call_method_void sv "method" [sv_of_string meth] method as_string = string_of_sv (call_method sv "as_string" []) end let new_ meth ?uri_obj ?uri (* ?header ?content *) () = let sv = match uri_obj, uri with None, None -> failwith ("Pl_HTTP_Request.new_ must be called with either a "^ "~uri_obj (URI object) or ~uri (string) parameter.") | Some (uri_obj : uri), None -> call_class_method "HTTP::Request" "new" [sv_of_string meth; uri_obj#sv] | _, Some uri -> call_class_method "HTTP::Request" "new" [sv_of_string meth; sv_of_string uri] in new http_request sv