(* Guestfs Browser. * Copyright (C) 2010 Red Hat Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. *) open Printf open Utils module G = Guestfs let (//) = Filename.concat (* Display state. *) type display_state = { window : GWindow.window; throbber_busy : unit -> unit; throbber_idle : unit -> unit; set_statusbar : string -> unit; clear_statusbar : unit -> unit; set_vmlist : string list -> unit; clear_vmlist : unit -> unit; clear_notebook : unit -> unit; filesystem : GPack.box; notebook : GPack.notebook; } let rec open_main_window () = let title = "Guest Filesystem Browser" in let window = GWindow.window ~width:700 ~height:700 ~title () in let vbox = GPack.vbox ~packing:window#add () in (* Do the menus. *) let menubar = GMenu.menu_bar ~packing:vbox#pack () in let factory = new GMenu.factory menubar in let accel_group = factory#accel_group in let connect_menu = factory#add_submenu "_Connect" in let factory = new GMenu.factory connect_menu ~accel_group in let connect_item = factory#add_item "_Connect to libvirt ..." in let open_item = factory#add_item "_Open disk image ..." ~key:GdkKeysyms._O in ignore (factory#add_separator ()); let quit_item = factory#add_item "E_xit" ~key:GdkKeysyms._Q in (* Quit. *) let quit _ = GMain.quit (); false in ignore (window#connect#destroy ~callback:GMain.quit); ignore (window#event#connect#delete ~callback:quit); ignore (quit_item#connect#activate ~callback:(fun () -> ignore (quit ()); ())); (* Top status area. *) let hbox = GPack.hbox ~border_width:4 ~packing:vbox#pack () in hbox#pack (mklabel "Guest: "); (* List of VMs. *) let vmcombo = GEdit.combo_box_text ~packing:hbox#pack () in let set_vmlist names = let combo, (model, column) = vmcombo in model#clear (); List.iter ( fun name -> let row = model#append () in model#set ~row ~column name ) names in let clear_vmlist () = set_vmlist [] in (* Throbber, http://faq.pygtk.org/index.py?req=show&file=faq23.037.htp *) let static = Throbber.static () in (*let animation = Throbber.animation () in*) let throbber = GMisc.image ~pixbuf:static ~packing:(hbox#pack ~from:`END) () in let throbber_busy () = (*throbber#set_pixbuf animation*) (* Workaround because no binding for GdkPixbufAnimation: *) let file = Filename.dirname Sys.argv.(0) // "Throbber.gif" in throbber#set_file file and throbber_idle () = throbber#set_pixbuf static in (* Tabbed pane ("notebook") filling the main window. *) let nb = GPack.notebook ~scrollable:true ~packing:(vbox#pack ~expand:true ~fill:true) () in let filesystem = GPack.vbox () in filesystem#add (intro_label () :> GObj.widget); ignore (nb#append_page ~tab_label:(mklabel "Filesystem") (filesystem :> GObj.widget)); let clear_notebook () = nb#goto_page 0; (* Remove all tabs except the first ("Filesystem") tab ... *) List.iter nb#remove (List.tl nb#all_children); (* ... and clear out the filesystem tab. *) List.iter filesystem#remove filesystem#all_children in (* Status bar at the bottom of the screen. *) let set_statusbar = let statusbar = GMisc.statusbar ~packing:vbox#pack () in let context = statusbar#new_context ~name:"Standard" in ignore (context#push title); fun msg -> context#pop (); ignore (context#push msg) in let clear_statusbar () = set_statusbar "" in window#show (); window#add_accel_group accel_group; (* display_state which is threaded through all the other callbacks, * allowing callbacks to update the window. *) let ds = { window = window; throbber_busy = throbber_busy; throbber_idle = throbber_idle; set_statusbar = set_statusbar; clear_statusbar = clear_statusbar; set_vmlist = set_vmlist; clear_vmlist = clear_vmlist; clear_notebook = clear_notebook; filesystem = filesystem; notebook = nb; } in (* Set up some callbacks which require access to the display_state. *) ignore ( let combo, (model, column) = vmcombo in combo#connect#changed ~callback:( fun () -> match combo#active_iter with | None -> () | Some row -> let name = model#get ~row ~column in ds.set_statusbar (sprintf "Opening %s ..." name); ds.clear_notebook (); Slave.open_domain name (opened_domain ds)) ); ignore (connect_item#connect#activate ~callback:(connect_dialog ds)); ignore (open_item#connect#activate ~callback:(open_dialog ds)); (* Return the display state. *) ds (* Convenience function to make a label containing some text. It is * returned as a generic widget. *) and mklabel text = (GMisc.label ~text () :> GObj.widget) (* This is called in the main thread whenever a command fails in the * slave thread. The command queue has been cleared before this is * called, so our job here is to reset the main window, and if * necessary to turn the exception into an error message. *) and failure ds exn = let title = "Error" in let msg = Printexc.to_string exn in debug "thread id %d: failure hook: %s" (Thread.id (Thread.self ())) msg; let icon = GMisc.image () in icon#set_stock `DIALOG_ERROR; icon#set_icon_size `DIALOG; GToolbox.message_box ~title ~icon msg (* This is called in the main thread when we've connected to libvirt. *) and connected ds uri () = debug "thread id %d: connected callback" (Thread.id (Thread.self ())); let msg = match uri with | None -> "Connected to libvirt" | Some uri -> sprintf "Connected to %s" uri in ds.set_statusbar msg; Slave.get_domains (got_domains ds) (* This is called in the main thread when we've got the list of domains. *) and got_domains ds doms = let doms = List.map (fun { Slave.dom_name = name } -> name) doms in debug "thread id %d: got_domains callback: (%s)" (Thread.id (Thread.self ())) (String.concat " " doms); ds.set_vmlist doms (* This callback indicates that the domain was opened successfully. *) and opened_domain ds rw = debug "thread id %d: opened_domain callback" (Thread.id (Thread.self ())); opened ds rw (* This callback indicates that local disk image(s) were opened successfully.*) and opened_images ds rw = debug "thread id %d: opened_images callback" (Thread.id (Thread.self ())); opened ds rw and opened ds rw = ds.clear_statusbar (); ds.clear_notebook (); (* Get the list of mountable filesystems. *) Slave.get_volumes (got_volume ds rw) (* This callback is called once for each mountable filesystem that is * found in a guest. *) and got_volume ds rw vol = let dev = vol.Slave.vol_device in debug "thread id %d: got_volume callback: %s" (Thread.id (Thread.self ())) dev; (* What's on the tab. *) let tab = match vol.Slave.vol_label with | "" -> sprintf "%s" dev | label -> sprintf "%s (%s)" dev label in (* What's on the notebook page. *) let page = let vbox = GPack.vbox () in (* VFS stats table. *) (* For calculations, see libguestfs/tools/virt-df. *) let st = vol.Slave.vol_statvfs in let factor = st.G.bsize /^ 1024L in (* Right-aligned label with width, for stats table. *) let mklabelh text = let markup = "" ^ text ^ "" in let label = GMisc.label ~markup ~xalign:1. () in label#set_width_chars 12; (label :> GObj.widget) and mklabelr text = let label = GMisc.label ~text ~selectable:true ~xalign:1. () in label#set_width_chars 12; (label :> GObj.widget) in let stats = GPack.table ~columns:4 ~rows:5 ~homogeneous:true ~col_spacings:4 ~row_spacings:4 ~packing:vbox#pack () in stats#attach ~top:0 ~left:0 (mklabelh "1K-blocks"); stats#attach ~top:0 ~left:1 (mklabelh "Used"); stats#attach ~top:0 ~left:2 (mklabelh "Available"); stats#attach ~top:0 ~left:3 (mklabelh "Use%"); let blocks = st.G.blocks *^ factor in stats#attach ~top:1 ~left:0 (mklabelr (sprintf "%Ld" blocks)); let used = (st.G.blocks -^ st.G.bfree) *^ factor in stats#attach ~top:1 ~left:1 (mklabelr (sprintf "%Ld" used)); let available = st.G.bavail *^ factor in stats#attach ~top:1 ~left:2 (mklabelr (sprintf "%Ld" available)); stats#attach ~top:1 ~left:3 (mklabelr (sprintf "%Ld%%" (100L -^ 100L *^ st.G.bfree /^ st.G.blocks))); stats#attach ~top:2 ~left:0 (mklabelr ("= " ^ human_size_1k blocks)); stats#attach ~top:2 ~left:1 (mklabelr ("= " ^ human_size_1k used)); stats#attach ~top:2 ~left:2 (mklabelr ("= " ^ human_size_1k available)); stats#attach ~top:3 ~left:0 (mklabelh "Inodes"); stats#attach ~top:3 ~left:1 (mklabelh "IUsed"); stats#attach ~top:3 ~left:2 (mklabelh "IFree"); stats#attach ~top:3 ~left:3 (mklabelh "IUse%"); stats#attach ~top:4 ~left:0 (mklabelr (sprintf "%Ld" st.G.files)); stats#attach ~top:4 ~left:1 (mklabelr (sprintf "%Ld" (st.G.files -^ st.G.ffree))); stats#attach ~top:4 ~left:2 (mklabelr (sprintf "%Ld" st.G.ffree)); stats#attach ~top:4 ~left:3 (mklabelr (sprintf "%Ld%%" (100L -^ 100L *^ st.G.ffree /^ st.G.files))); (* Info table. *) (* Left- and right-aligned labels, for info table. *) let mklabelr text = let label = GMisc.label ~text ~xalign:1. () in label#set_width_chars 9; (label :> GObj.widget) and mklabell text = let label = GMisc.label ~text ~selectable:true ~xalign:0. () in (label :> GObj.widget) in let info = GPack.table ~columns:4 ~rows:2 ~col_spacings:4 ~row_spacings:4 ~packing:vbox#pack () in info#attach ~top:0 ~left:0 (mklabelr "FS label:"); info#attach ~top:0 ~left:1 (mklabell vol.Slave.vol_label); info#attach ~top:1 ~left:0 (mklabelr "FS type:"); info#attach ~top:1 ~left:1 (mklabell vol.Slave.vol_type); info#attach ~top:0 ~left:2 (mklabelr "FS UUID:"); info#attach ~top:0 ~left:3 (mklabell vol.Slave.vol_uuid); info#attach ~top:1 ~left:2 (mklabelr "Device:"); info#attach ~top:1 ~left:3 (mklabell dev); (* Files display. *) let sw = GBin.scrolled_window ~packing:(vbox#pack ~expand:true ~fill:true) ~hpolicy:`AUTOMATIC ~vpolicy:`AUTOMATIC () in let view = Filetree.filetree dev rw in sw#add (view :> GObj.widget); vbox in ignore ( ds.notebook#append_page ~tab_label:(mklabel tab) (page :> GObj.widget) ) (* Open the connect to libvirt dialog. *) and connect_dialog ds () = debug "connect menu"; (*ds.clear_notebook ();*) failwith "XXX CONNECT DLG NOT IMPL" (* Open the disk images dialog. *) and open_dialog ds () = debug "open menu"; (*ds.clear_notebook ();*) failwith "XXX OPEN DLG NOT IMPL" (* The introductory text which appears in the tabbed notebook to * tell the user how to start. XXX We should add images. *) and intro_label () = let text = sprintf "Open a disk image (Connect %s Open disk image), connect to libvirt (Connect %s Connect to libvirt), or choose a guest from the \"Guest\" menu above." utf8_rarrow utf8_rarrow in let label = GMisc.label ~text () in label#set_line_wrap true; label let run_cli_request ds = function | Cmdline.Empty_window -> () | Cmdline.Connect_to_libvirt uri -> Slave.connect uri (connected ds uri) | Cmdline.Open_disk_image images -> Slave.open_images images (opened_images ds)