(* 'df' command for virtual domains. (C) Copyright 2007 Richard W.M. Jones, Red Hat Inc. http://libvirt.org/ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. Support for LVM2 PVs. *) open Printf open Virt_df_gettext.Gettext open Virt_df let plugin_name = "LVM2" let sector_size = 512 let sector_size64 = 512L (* Probe to see if it's an LVM2 PV. *) let rec probe_pv lvm_plugin_id dev = try let uuid, _ = read_pv_label dev in if debug then eprintf "LVM2 detected PV UUID %s\n%!" uuid; { lvm_plugin_id = lvm_plugin_id; pv_uuid = uuid } with exn -> if debug then prerr_endline (Printexc.to_string exn); raise Not_found and read_pv_label dev = (* Load the first 8 sectors. I found by experimentation that * the second sector contains the header ("LABELONE" etc) and * the nineth sector contains some additional information about * the location of the current metadata. *) let bits = dev#read_bitstring 0L (9 * sector_size) in (*Bitmatch.hexdump_bitstring stdout bits;*) bitmatch bits with | sector0 : sector_size*8 : bitstring; (* sector 0 *) labelone : 8*8 : bitstring; (* "LABELONE" *) padding : 16*8 : bitstring; (* Seems to contain something. *) lvm2_ver : 8*8 : bitstring; (* "LVM2 001" *) uuid : 32*8 : bitstring; (* UUID *) padding2 : (sector_size-64)*8 : bitstring; (* to end of second sector *) sector234567 : sector_size*8 * 6 : bitstring; (* sectors 2-6 *) padding3 : 0x28*8 : bitstring; (* start of sector 8 *) metadata_offset : 32 : littleendian;(* metadata offset *) padding4 : 4*8 : bitstring; metadata_length : 32 : littleendian (* length of metadata (bytes) *) when Bitmatch.string_of_bitstring labelone = "LABELONE" && Bitmatch.string_of_bitstring lvm2_ver = "LVM2 001" -> let metadata_offset = metadata_offset +* 0x1000_l in let metadata = read_metadata dev metadata_offset metadata_length in (*prerr_endline metadata;*) let uuid = Bitmatch.string_of_bitstring uuid in uuid, metadata | _ -> invalid_arg (sprintf "LVM2: read_pv_label: %s: not an LVM2 physical volume" dev#name) and read_metadata dev offset32 len32 = if debug then eprintf "metadata: offset 0x%lx len %ld bytes\n%!" offset32 len32; (* Check the offset and length are sensible. *) let offset64 = if offset32 <= Int32.max_int then Int64.of_int32 offset32 else invalid_arg "LVM2: read_metadata: metadata offset too large" in let len64 = if len32 <= 2_147_483_647_l then Int64.of_int32 len32 else invalid_arg "LVM2: read_metadata: metadata length too large" in if offset64 <= 0x1200L || offset64 >= dev#size || len64 <= 0L || offset64 +^ len64 >= dev#size then invalid_arg "LVM2: read_metadata: bad metadata offset or length"; (* If it is outside the disk boundaries, this will throw an exception, * otherwise it will read and return the metadata string. *) dev#read offset64 (Int64.to_int len64) (* We are passed a list of devices which we previously identified * as PVs belonging to us. From these produce a list of all LVs * (as devices) and return them. Note that we don't try to detect * what is on these LVs - that will be done in the main code. *) let list_lvs devs = (* Read the UUID and metadata (again) from each device. *) let uuidmetas = List.map read_pv_label devs in [] (* Register with main code. *) let () = lvm_type_register plugin_name probe_pv list_lvs