(* Construct and match against random variable sized strings. * $Id: 20_varsize.ml,v 1.1 2008-04-01 17:05:37 rjones Exp $ *) open Printf let nr_passes = 10000 let max_size = 8 (* max field size in bits *) (* let () = Bitmatch.debug := true *) (* Return a full 64 bits of randomness. *) let rand64 () = let r0 = Int64.shift_left (Int64.of_int (Random.bits ())) 34 in (* 30 bits *) let r1 = Int64.shift_left (Int64.of_int (Random.bits ())) 4 in (* 30 bits *) let r2 = Int64.of_int (Random.int 16) in (* 4 bits *) Int64.logor (Int64.logor r0 r1) r2 (* Return unsigned mask of length bits, bits <= 64. *) let mask64 bits = if bits < 63 then Int64.pred (Int64.shift_left 1L bits) else if bits = 63 then Int64.max_int else if bits = 64 then -1L else invalid_arg "mask64" (* Return a random number between 0 and 2^bits-1 where bits <= 64. *) let rand bits = let r = rand64 () in let m = mask64 bits in Int64.logand r m (* Dump the state in case there is an error. *) let dump n0 n0sz n1 n1sz n2 n2sz n3 n3sz bits r0 r1 r2 r3 = eprintf "dumping state:\n"; eprintf " 0: %3d - %016Lx - %016Lx\n" n0sz n0 r0; eprintf " 1: %3d - %016Lx - %016Lx\n" n1sz n1 r1; eprintf " 2: %3d - %016Lx - %016Lx\n" n2sz n2 r2; eprintf " 3: %3d - %016Lx - %016Lx\n" n3sz n3 r3; eprintf "bits (length = %d):\n" (Bitmatch.bitstring_length bits); Bitmatch.hexdump_bitstring stderr bits; eprintf "%!" let () = Random.self_init (); for pass = 0 to nr_passes-1 do let n0sz = 1 + Random.int (max_size-1) in let n0 = rand n0sz in let n1sz = 1 + Random.int (max_size-1) in let n1 = rand n1sz in let n2sz = 1 + Random.int (max_size-1) in let n2 = rand n2sz in let n3sz = 1 + Random.int (max_size-1) in let n3 = rand n3sz in (* Construct the bitstring. *) let bits = try (BITSTRING n0 : n0sz; n1 : n1sz; n2 : n2sz; n3 : n3sz) with Bitmatch.Construct_failure (msg, _, _, _) -> eprintf "FAILED: Construct_failure %s\n%!" msg; dump n0 n0sz n1 n1sz n2 n2sz n3 n3sz (Bitmatch.empty_bitstring) 0L 0L 0L 0L; exit 2 in let r0, r1, r2, r3 = bitmatch bits with | r0 : n0sz; r1 : n1sz; r2 : n2sz; r3 : n3sz; rest : -1 : bitstring -> let rest_len = Bitmatch.bitstring_length rest in if rest_len <> 0 then ( eprintf "FAILED: rest is not zero length (length = %d)\n%!" rest_len; dump n0 n0sz n1 n1sz n2 n2sz n3 n3sz bits 0L 0L 0L 0L; exit 2 ); r0, r1, r2, r3 | _ -> eprintf "FAILED: bitmatch operator did not match\n%!"; dump n0 n0sz n1 n1sz n2 n2sz n3 n3sz bits 0L 0L 0L 0L; exit 2 in (*dump n0 n0sz n1 n1sz n2 n2sz n3 n3sz bits r0 r1 r2 r3;*) if n0 <> r0 || n1 <> r1 || n2 <> r2 || n3 <> r3 then ( eprintf "FAILED: numbers returned from match are different\n%!"; dump n0 n0sz n1 n1sz n2 n2sz n3 n3sz bits r0 r1 r2 r3; exit 2 ) done