(* Load in large weblogs and see if they can still be used. * $Id: test_ancient_weblogs.ml,v 1.2 2006-09-27 18:39:44 rich Exp $ *) open Printf open ExtList let gc_stats = true (* If true, print GC stats before processing each day. *) let (//) = Filename.concat let rec range a b = if a > b then [] else a :: range (succ a) b (* Cartesian join of two lists. *) let cartesian xs ys = List.flatten ( List.map ( fun x -> List.map ( fun y -> x, y ) ys ) xs ) let file_readable filename = try Unix.access filename [Unix.R_OK]; true with Unix.Unix_error _ -> false (* Suppress warning messages. *) let () = Weblogs.quiet := true let gc_compact () = eprintf "compacting ... %!"; Gc.compact (); if gc_stats then ( let stat = Gc.stat () in let live_words = stat.Gc.live_words in eprintf "live words = %d (%d MB)\n%!" live_words (live_words * 8 / 1024 / 1024) ) (* Find the list of files. Some which should exist don't, so * warnings about those so we can chase up. *) let files = let dir = "/home/rich/oversized-logfiles/perrys" in let drivers = [ "burns"; "gronholm"; "rohrl"; "sainz"; "solberg"; "vatanen" ] in let dates = range 1 31 in let dates = List.map (fun day -> sprintf "200608%02d" day) dates in let files = cartesian drivers dates in let files = List.map (fun (driver, date) -> sprintf "%s-perrys-access.log.%s.gz" driver date) files in let files = List.filter_map ( fun filename -> let path = dir // filename in if not (file_readable path) then ( prerr_endline ("warning: " ^ filename ^ " not found - ignored"); None ) else ( Some path ) ) files in eprintf "number of files = %d\n%!" (List.length files); files let md = let fd = Unix.openfile "test_ancient_weblogs.data" [Unix.O_RDWR; Unix.O_CREAT; Unix.O_TRUNC] 0o644 in Ancient.attach fd (* Load each file into memory and make it ancient. *) let () = List.iteri ( fun key filename -> let () = let basename = Filename.basename filename in eprintf "Importing logfile %s\n%!" basename; let rows = Weblogs.import_file filename in ignore (Ancient.share md key rows) in gc_compact () ) files; Ancient.detach md