Sitewide settings

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Site settings

Canonical hostname: ::canonical_hostname_html::
Global stylesheet: ::if(has_global_css)::View global stylesheet::else::No global stylesheet for this site.::end::
::if(has_ie6_fixes_css)::View IE6 fixes stylesheet::else::No IE6 fixes stylesheet for this site.::end::
::if(has_ie7_fixes_css)::View IE7 fixes stylesheet::else::No IE7 fixes stylesheet for this site.::end::
::if(can_edit_global_css):: Edit global stylesheet ...
Edit IE6 fixes stylesheet ...
Edit IE7 fixes stylesheet ... ::end::
Allow anyone to see the site: ::if(view_anon)::Yes::else::No (private / intranet site)::end::
Allow anonymous edits: ::if(edit_anon)::Yes::else::No::end::
Allow anyone to create accounts: ::if(create_account_anon)::Yes::else::No::end::
Managed mailing list: ::if(mailing_list):: Yes
::else:: No ::end::
Search box: ::if(search_box)::Yes::else::No::end::
Navigation box: ::if(navigation)::Yes::else::No::end::
Disable image toolbar: ::if(ie_imagetoolbar_no)::Yes::else::No::end::
Global NOODP: ::if(global_noodp)::Yes::else::No::end::
Theme: ::if(has_theme_css)::::theme_name_html::
::theme_description_html:: ::else:: Standard wiki theme ::end::
Feedback email address: ::if(has_feedback_email):: ::feedback_email_html:: ::else:: None set up yet. ::end::
Branding: ::if(has_brand):: ::brand_html::
Tagline: ::brand_tagline_html::
Description: ::brand_description_html:: ::else:: None set up yet. ::end::
Page bug: ::if(has_pagebug)::

Edit these settings ...

Site maintenance

::end:: ::include(footer.html)::