(* virt-dmesg * (C) Copyright 2008-2011 Red Hat Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *) module C = Libvirt.Connect module D = Libvirt.Domain open Printf open Utils (* Set the program name. *) let () = let str = Sys.executable_name in let str = try let i = String.rindex str '/' + 1 in String.sub str i (String.length str - i) with Not_found -> str in if str <> "" then set_program_name str type mode = DMesg | Dump | UName (* Handle command line arguments. *) let guest_name, mode, uri = let mode = ref ( match get_program_name () with | "virt-uname" | "uname" -> UName | _ -> DMesg ) in let set_mode_dump () = mode := Dump in let set_mode_uname () = mode := UName in let uri = ref None in let set_uri = function "" -> uri := None | u -> uri := Some u in let display_version () = printf "%s %s ocaml-libvirt %s\n" Config.package Config.version Libvirt_version.version; exit 0 in let argspec = Arg.align [ "-c", Arg.String set_uri, "uri Connect to libvirt URI"; "--connect", Arg.String set_uri, "uri Connect to libvirt URI"; "--dump-kernel", Arg.Unit set_mode_dump, " Dump kernel memory to stdout"; "--uname", Arg.Unit set_mode_uname, " Display utsname"; "-v", Arg.Unit set_debug, " Verbose messages (for debugging)"; "-V", Arg.Unit display_version, " Display version number and exit"; "--version", Arg.Unit display_version, " Display version number and exit"; ] in let anon_fun, get_args = let args = ref [] in let anon_fun str = args := str :: !args in let get_args () = List.rev !args in anon_fun, get_args in let usage_msg = "\ virt-dmesg: a 'dmesg'-like utility for virtual machines Usage: virt-dmesg [--options] Guest where 'Guest' is the name of a running virtual machine. For documentation see the virt-dmesg(1) man page. Options: " in Arg.parse argspec anon_fun usage_msg; let guest_name = match get_args () with | [n] -> n | [] -> error "no guest name given on command line"; exit 1 | _ -> error "too many command line arguments"; exit 1 in guest_name, !mode, !uri (* Connect to libvirt. *) let conn = let name = uri in try C.connect ?name () with Libvirt.Virterror err -> prerr_endline (Libvirt.Virterror.to_string err); exit 1 let dom = (* Try in order: UUID, name, ID. *) let dom = try (*D.lookup_by_uuid_string conn guest_name*)raise Exit(*XXX*) with _ -> try D.lookup_by_name conn guest_name with _ -> try D.lookup_by_id conn (int_of_string guest_name) with _ -> error "%s: unknown domain, not UUID, name or ID of any running guest." guest_name; exit 1 in let is_active = try D.get_id dom >= 0 with _ -> false in if not is_active then ( error "%s: domain is not running" guest_name; exit 1 ); dom (* Search for kernel. *) let () = let k, symbols = match mode with | DMesg | UName -> (try Search.search dom with Not_found -> error "cannot find kernel If this is a Linux virtual machine, try: virt-dmesg --dump-kernel %s | strings | less See virt-dmesg(1) man page for more suggestions." guest_name; exit 1 ) | Dump -> (* --dump-kernel *) (try Search.search ~dump:true dom with Not_found -> error "cannot find kernel"; exit 1 ) in debug "%s %s kernel found at address %Lx" (Kernel.string_of_endian k.Kernel.endian) (Kernel.string_of_wordsize k.Kernel.wordsize) k.Kernel.base_addr; match mode with | Dump -> exit 0 | DMesg -> (try (* I don't know why but this symbol doesn't exist in 2.6.9 * even in kallsyms. Hence this won't work with that kernel. * It's possible we can fall back to memory scanning. XXX *) let log_buf = StringMap.find "log_buf" symbols in let log_buf = Kernel.follow_pointer k log_buf in debug "log_buf = %Ld" log_buf; let log_buf_len = StringMap.find "log_buf_len" symbols in let log_buf_len = Kernel.get_int32 k log_buf_len in debug "log_buf_len = %Ld" log_buf_len; (* let log_start = StringMap.find "log_start" symbols in let log_start = Kernel.get_int64 k log_start in *) let log_end = StringMap.find "log_end" symbols in let log_end = Kernel.get_int64 k log_end in debug "log_end = %Ld" log_end; (* let con_start = StringMap.find "con_start" symbols in let con_start = Kernel.get_int64 k con_start in *) let logged_chars = StringMap.find "logged_chars" symbols in let logged_chars = Kernel.get_int64 k logged_chars in debug "logged_chars = %Ld" logged_chars; (* This is basically the same algorithm from * printk.c:do_syslog type=3, translated into OCaml. Unlike * the kernel version however we don't copy the buffer * backwards. *) let get_log_buf idx = let addr = log_buf +^ (idx &^ (log_buf_len -^ 1L)) in Char.chr (Kernel.get_byte k addr) in let count = log_buf_len in let count = if count > logged_chars then logged_chars else count in let limit = log_end in let rec loop i = if i >= 0L then ( let j = limit-^1L-^i in if j +^ log_buf_len >= log_end then ( let c = get_log_buf j in printf "%c" c; loop (i-^1L) ) ) in loop (count-^1L) with Not_found -> error "could not find kernel log buffer in kernel image"; error "try: %s --dump-kernel %s | strings | less" (get_program_name ()) guest_name; exit 1 ) | UName -> let addr = (* In Linux 2.6.25, the symbol is init_uts_ns. * http://lxr.linux.no/linux/init/version.c *) try Some (StringMap.find "init_uts_ns" symbols) with Not_found -> (* In Linux 2.6.9, the symbol is system_utsname. * http://lxr.linux.no/linux-bk+v2.6.9/include/linux/utsname.h#L24 *) try Some (StringMap.find "system_utsname" symbols) with Not_found -> None in match addr with | None -> error "init_uts_ns nor system_utsname symbols not found in this kernel"; error "try: %s --dump-kernel %s | strings | less" (get_program_name ()) guest_name; exit 1 | Some addr -> (* In versions with init_uts_ns, the table is prefixed by a * kref (atomic_t, always 4 bytes). Since we know that the * first interesting string is "Linux\000" we can just search * for that and discard anything before that. *) let addr = if Kernel.get_string k (addr+^4L) = "Linux" then addr +^ 4L else addr in let system = Kernel.get_string k addr in (* Sanity check. *) if system <> "Linux" then ( error "utsname symbols found in kernel, but points to unknown structure"; error "try: %s --dump-kernel %s | strings | less" (get_program_name ()) guest_name; exit 1 ); let nodename = Kernel.get_string k (addr +^ 65L ) in let release = Kernel.get_string k (addr +^ 65L *^ 2L) in let version = Kernel.get_string k (addr +^ 65L *^ 3L) in let machine = Kernel.get_string k (addr +^ 65L *^ 4L) in let domainname = Kernel.get_string k (addr +^ 65L *^ 5L) in printf "%s %s %s %s %s %s\n" system nodename release version machine domainname