/* libguestfs generated file * WARNING: THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY 'src/generator.ml'. * ANY CHANGES YOU MAKE TO THIS FILE WILL BE LOST. * * Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ typedef string str<>; struct guestfs_lvm_int_pv { string pv_name<>; opaque pv_uuid[32]; string pv_fmt<>; hyper pv_size; hyper dev_size; hyper pv_free; hyper pv_used; string pv_attr<>; hyper pv_pe_count; hyper pv_pe_alloc_count; string pv_tags<>; hyper pe_start; hyper pv_mda_count; hyper pv_mda_free; }; typedef struct guestfs_lvm_int_pv guestfs_lvm_int_pv_list<>; struct guestfs_lvm_int_vg { string vg_name<>; opaque vg_uuid[32]; string vg_fmt<>; string vg_attr<>; hyper vg_size; hyper vg_free; string vg_sysid<>; hyper vg_extent_size; hyper vg_extent_count; hyper vg_free_count; hyper max_lv; hyper max_pv; hyper pv_count; hyper lv_count; hyper snap_count; hyper vg_seqno; string vg_tags<>; hyper vg_mda_count; hyper vg_mda_free; }; typedef struct guestfs_lvm_int_vg guestfs_lvm_int_vg_list<>; struct guestfs_lvm_int_lv { string lv_name<>; opaque lv_uuid[32]; string lv_attr<>; hyper lv_major; hyper lv_minor; hyper lv_kernel_major; hyper lv_kernel_minor; hyper lv_size; hyper seg_count; string origin<>; float snap_percent; float copy_percent; string move_pv<>; string lv_tags<>; string mirror_log<>; string modules<>; }; typedef struct guestfs_lvm_int_lv guestfs_lvm_int_lv_list<>; /* guestfs_mount */ struct guestfs_mount_args { string device<>; string mountpoint<>; }; /* guestfs_sync */ /* guestfs_touch */ struct guestfs_touch_args { string path<>; }; /* guestfs_cat */ struct guestfs_cat_args { string path<>; }; struct guestfs_cat_ret { string content<>; }; /* guestfs_ll */ struct guestfs_ll_args { string directory<>; }; struct guestfs_ll_ret { string listing<>; }; /* guestfs_ls */ struct guestfs_ls_args { string directory<>; }; struct guestfs_ls_ret { str listing<>; }; /* guestfs_list_devices */ struct guestfs_list_devices_ret { str devices<>; }; /* guestfs_list_partitions */ struct guestfs_list_partitions_ret { str partitions<>; }; /* guestfs_pvs */ struct guestfs_pvs_ret { str physvols<>; }; /* guestfs_vgs */ struct guestfs_vgs_ret { str volgroups<>; }; /* guestfs_lvs */ struct guestfs_lvs_ret { str logvols<>; }; /* guestfs_pvs_full */ struct guestfs_pvs_full_ret { guestfs_lvm_int_pv_list physvols; }; /* guestfs_vgs_full */ struct guestfs_vgs_full_ret { guestfs_lvm_int_vg_list volgroups; }; /* guestfs_lvs_full */ struct guestfs_lvs_full_ret { guestfs_lvm_int_lv_list logvols; }; /* guestfs_read_lines */ struct guestfs_read_lines_args { string path<>; }; struct guestfs_read_lines_ret { str lines<>; }; enum guestfs_procedure { GUESTFS_PROC_MOUNT = 1, GUESTFS_PROC_SYNC = 2, GUESTFS_PROC_TOUCH = 3, GUESTFS_PROC_CAT = 4, GUESTFS_PROC_LL = 5, GUESTFS_PROC_LS = 6, GUESTFS_PROC_LIST_DEVICES = 7, GUESTFS_PROC_LIST_PARTITIONS = 8, GUESTFS_PROC_PVS = 9, GUESTFS_PROC_VGS = 10, GUESTFS_PROC_LVS = 11, GUESTFS_PROC_PVS_FULL = 12, GUESTFS_PROC_VGS_FULL = 13, GUESTFS_PROC_LVS_FULL = 14, GUESTFS_PROC_READ_LINES = 15, GUESTFS_PROC_dummy }; const GUESTFS_MESSAGE_MAX = 4194304; const GUESTFS_PROGRAM = 0x2000F5F5; const GUESTFS_PROTOCOL_VERSION = 1; enum guestfs_message_direction { GUESTFS_DIRECTION_CALL = 0, /* client -> daemon */ GUESTFS_DIRECTION_REPLY = 1 /* daemon -> client */ }; enum guestfs_message_status { GUESTFS_STATUS_OK = 0, GUESTFS_STATUS_ERROR = 1 }; const GUESTFS_ERROR_LEN = 256; struct guestfs_message_error { string error; /* error message */ }; struct guestfs_message_header { unsigned prog; /* GUESTFS_PROGRAM */ unsigned vers; /* GUESTFS_PROTOCOL_VERSION */ guestfs_procedure proc; /* GUESTFS_PROC_x */ guestfs_message_direction direction; unsigned serial; /* message serial number */ guestfs_message_status status; };