#!/usr/bin/env ocaml (* libguestfs * Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * This script generates a large amount of code and documentation for * all the daemon actions. To add a new action there are only two * files you need to change, this one to describe the interface, and * daemon/.c to write the implementation. *) #load "unix.cma";; open Printf type style = ret * args and ret = (* "Err" as a return value means an int used as a simple error * indication, ie. 0 or -1. *) | Err (* "RBool" is a bool return value which can be true/false or * -1 for error. *) | RBool of string (* "RConstString" is a string that refers to a constant value. * Try to avoid using this. *) | RConstString of string (* "RString" and "RStringList" are caller-frees. *) | RString of string | RStringList of string (* LVM PVs, VGs and LVs. *) | RPVList of string | RVGList of string | RLVList of string and args = (* 0 arguments, 1 argument, etc. The guestfs_h param is implicit. *) | P0 | P1 of argt | P2 of argt * argt and argt = | String of string (* const char *name, cannot be NULL *) | OptString of string (* const char *name, may be NULL *) | Bool of string (* boolean *) type flags = | ProtocolLimitWarning (* display warning about protocol size limits *) | FishAlias of string (* provide an alias for this cmd in guestfish *) | FishAction of string (* call this function in guestfish *) | NotInFish (* do not export via guestfish *) (* Note about long descriptions: When referring to another * action, use the format C (ie. the full name of * the C function). This will be replaced as appropriate in other * language bindings. * * Apart from that, long descriptions are just perldoc paragraphs. *) let non_daemon_functions = [ ("launch", (Err, P0), -1, [FishAlias "run"; FishAction "launch"], "launch the qemu subprocess", "\ Internally libguestfs is implemented by running a virtual machine using L. You should call this after configuring the handle (eg. adding drives) but before performing any actions."); ("wait_ready", (Err, P0), -1, [NotInFish], "wait until the qemu subprocess launches", "\ Internally libguestfs is implemented by running a virtual machine using L. You should call this after C to wait for the launch to complete."); ("kill_subprocess", (Err, P0), -1, [], "kill the qemu subprocess", "\ This kills the qemu subprocess. You should never need to call this."); ("add_drive", (Err, P1 (String "filename")), -1, [FishAlias "add"], "add an image to examine or modify", "\ This function adds a virtual machine disk image C to the guest. The first time you call this function, the disk appears as IDE disk 0 (C) in the guest, the second time as C, and so on. You don't necessarily need to be root when using libguestfs. However you obviously do need sufficient permissions to access the filename for whatever operations you want to perform (ie. read access if you just want to read the image or write access if you want to modify the image). This is equivalent to the qemu parameter C<-drive file=filename>."); ("add_cdrom", (Err, P1 (String "filename")), -1, [FishAlias "cdrom"], "add a CD-ROM disk image to examine", "\ This function adds a virtual CD-ROM disk image to the guest. This is equivalent to the qemu parameter C<-cdrom filename>."); ("config", (Err, P2 (String "qemuparam", OptString "qemuvalue")), -1, [], "add qemu parameters", "\ This can be used to add arbitrary qemu command line parameters of the form C<-param value>. Actually it's not quite arbitrary - we prevent you from setting some parameters which would interfere with parameters that we use. The first character of C string must be a C<-> (dash). C can be NULL."); ("set_path", (Err, P1 (String "path")), -1, [FishAlias "path"], "set the search path", "\ Set the path that libguestfs searches for kernel and initrd.img. The default is C<$libdir/guestfs> unless overridden by setting C environment variable. The string C is stashed in the libguestfs handle, so the caller must make sure it remains valid for the lifetime of the handle. Setting C to C restores the default path."); ("get_path", (RConstString "path", P0), -1, [], "get the search path", "\ Return the current search path. This is always non-NULL. If it wasn't set already, then this will return the default path."); ("set_autosync", (Err, P1 (Bool "autosync")), -1, [FishAlias "autosync"], "set autosync mode", "\ If C is true, this enables autosync. Libguestfs will make a best effort attempt to run C when the handle is closed (also if the program exits without closing handles)."); ("get_autosync", (RBool "autosync", P0), -1, [], "get autosync mode", "\ Get the autosync flag."); ("set_verbose", (Err, P1 (Bool "verbose")), -1, [FishAlias "verbose"], "set verbose mode", "\ If C is true, this turns on verbose messages (to C). Verbose messages are disabled unless the environment variable C is defined and set to C<1>."); ("get_verbose", (RBool "verbose", P0), -1, [], "get verbose mode", "\ This returns the verbose messages flag.") ] let daemon_functions = [ ("mount", (Err, P2 (String "device", String "mountpoint")), 1, [], "mount a guest disk at a position in the filesystem", "\ Mount a guest disk at a position in the filesystem. Block devices are named C, C and so on, as they were added to the guest. If those block devices contain partitions, they will have the usual names (eg. C). Also LVM C-style names can be used. The rules are the same as for L: A filesystem must first be mounted on C before others can be mounted. Other filesystems can only be mounted on directories which already exist. The mounted filesystem is writable, if we have sufficient permissions on the underlying device. The filesystem options C and C are set with this call, in order to improve reliability."); ("sync", (Err, P0), 2, [], "sync disks, writes are flushed through to the disk image", "\ This syncs the disk, so that any writes are flushed through to the underlying disk image. You should always call this if you have modified a disk image, before closing the handle."); ("touch", (Err, P1 (String "path")), 3, [], "update file timestamps or create a new file", "\ Touch acts like the L command. It can be used to update the timestamps on a file, or, if the file does not exist, to create a new zero-length file."); ("cat", (RString "content", P1 (String "path")), 4, [ProtocolLimitWarning], "list the contents of a file", "\ Return the contents of the file named C. Note that this function cannot correctly handle binary files (specifically, files containing C<\\0> character which is treated as end of string). For those you need to use the C function which has a more complex interface."); ("ll", (RString "listing", P1 (String "directory")), 5, [], "list the files in a directory (long format)", "\ List the files in C (relative to the root directory, there is no cwd) in the format of 'ls -la'. This command is mostly useful for interactive sessions. It is I intended that you try to parse the output string."); ("ls", (RStringList "listing", P1 (String "directory")), 6, [], "list the files in a directory", "\ List the files in C (relative to the root directory, there is no cwd). The '.' and '..' entries are not returned, but hidden files are shown. This command is mostly useful for interactive sessions. Programs should probably use C instead."); ("list_devices", (RStringList "devices", P0), 7, [], "list the block devices", "\ List all the block devices. The full block device names are returned, eg. C"); ("list_partitions", (RStringList "partitions", P0), 8, [], "list the partitions", "\ List all the partitions detected on all block devices. The full partition device names are returned, eg. C This does not return logical volumes. For that you will need to call C."); ("pvs", (RStringList "physvols", P0), 9, [], "list the LVM physical volumes (PVs)", "\ List all the physical volumes detected. This is the equivalent of the L command. This returns a list of just the device names that contain PVs (eg. C). See also C."); ("vgs", (RStringList "volgroups", P0), 10, [], "list the LVM volume groups (VGs)", "\ List all the volumes groups detected. This is the equivalent of the L command. This returns a list of just the volume group names that were detected (eg. C). See also C."); ("lvs", (RStringList "logvols", P0), 11, [], "list the LVM logical volumes (LVs)", "\ List all the logical volumes detected. This is the equivalent of the L command. This returns a list of the logical volume device names (eg. C). See also C."); ("pvs_full", (RPVList "physvols", P0), 12, [], "list the LVM physical volumes (PVs)", "\ List all the physical volumes detected. This is the equivalent of the L command. The \"full\" version includes all fields."); ("vgs_full", (RVGList "volgroups", P0), 13, [], "list the LVM volume groups (VGs)", "\ List all the volumes groups detected. This is the equivalent of the L command. The \"full\" version includes all fields."); ("lvs_full", (RLVList "logvols", P0), 14, [], "list the LVM logical volumes (LVs)", "\ List all the logical volumes detected. This is the equivalent of the L command. The \"full\" version includes all fields."); ] let all_functions = non_daemon_functions @ daemon_functions (* In some places we want the functions to be displayed sorted * alphabetically, so this is useful: *) let all_functions_sorted = List.sort (fun (n1,_,_,_,_,_) (n2,_,_,_,_,_) -> compare n1 n2) all_functions (* Column names and types from LVM PVs/VGs/LVs. *) let pv_cols = [ "pv_name", `String; "pv_uuid", `UUID; "pv_fmt", `String; "pv_size", `Bytes; "dev_size", `Bytes; "pv_free", `Bytes; "pv_used", `Bytes; "pv_attr", `String (* XXX *); "pv_pe_count", `Int; "pv_pe_alloc_count", `Int; "pv_tags", `String; "pe_start", `Bytes; "pv_mda_count", `Int; "pv_mda_free", `Bytes; (* Not in Fedora 10: "pv_mda_size", `Bytes; *) ] let vg_cols = [ "vg_name", `String; "vg_uuid", `UUID; "vg_fmt", `String; "vg_attr", `String (* XXX *); "vg_size", `Bytes; "vg_free", `Bytes; "vg_sysid", `String; "vg_extent_size", `Bytes; "vg_extent_count", `Int; "vg_free_count", `Int; "max_lv", `Int; "max_pv", `Int; "pv_count", `Int; "lv_count", `Int; "snap_count", `Int; "vg_seqno", `Int; "vg_tags", `String; "vg_mda_count", `Int; "vg_mda_free", `Bytes; (* Not in Fedora 10: "vg_mda_size", `Bytes; *) ] let lv_cols = [ "lv_name", `String; "lv_uuid", `UUID; "lv_attr", `String (* XXX *); "lv_major", `Int; "lv_minor", `Int; "lv_kernel_major", `Int; "lv_kernel_minor", `Int; "lv_size", `Bytes; "seg_count", `Int; "origin", `String; "snap_percent", `OptPercent; "copy_percent", `OptPercent; "move_pv", `String; "lv_tags", `String; "mirror_log", `String; "modules", `String; ] (* Useful functions. * Note we don't want to use any external OCaml libraries which * makes this a bit harder than it should be. *) let failwithf fs = ksprintf failwith fs let replace_char s c1 c2 = let s2 = String.copy s in let r = ref false in for i = 0 to String.length s2 - 1 do if String.unsafe_get s2 i = c1 then ( String.unsafe_set s2 i c2; r := true ) done; if not !r then s else s2 let rec find s sub = let len = String.length s in let sublen = String.length sub in let rec loop i = if i <= len-sublen then ( let rec loop2 j = if j < sublen then ( if s.[i+j] = sub.[j] then loop2 (j+1) else -1 ) else i (* found *) in let r = loop2 0 in if r = -1 then loop (i+1) else r ) else -1 (* not found *) in loop 0 let rec replace_str s s1 s2 = let len = String.length s in let sublen = String.length s1 in let i = find s s1 in if i = -1 then s else ( let s' = String.sub s 0 i in let s'' = String.sub s (i+sublen) (len-i-sublen) in s' ^ s2 ^ replace_str s'' s1 s2 ) let rec find_map f = function | [] -> raise Not_found | x :: xs -> match f x with | Some y -> y | None -> find_map f xs (* 'pr' prints to the current output file. *) let chan = ref stdout let pr fs = ksprintf (output_string !chan) fs let iter_args f = function | P0 -> () | P1 arg1 -> f arg1 | P2 (arg1, arg2) -> f arg1; f arg2 let iteri_args f = function | P0 -> () | P1 arg1 -> f 0 arg1 | P2 (arg1, arg2) -> f 0 arg1; f 1 arg2 let map_args f = function | P0 -> [] | P1 arg1 -> [f arg1] | P2 (arg1, arg2) -> [f arg1; f arg2] let nr_args = function | P0 -> 0 | P1 _ -> 1 | P2 _ -> 2 (* Check function names etc. for consistency. *) let check_functions () = List.iter ( fun (name, _, _, _, _, longdesc) -> if String.contains name '-' then failwithf "function name '%s' should not contain '-', use '_' instead." name; if longdesc.[String.length longdesc-1] = '\n' then failwithf "long description of %s should not end with \\n." name ) all_functions; List.iter ( fun (name, _, proc_nr, _, _, _) -> if proc_nr <= 0 then failwithf "daemon function %s should have proc_nr > 0" name ) daemon_functions; List.iter ( fun (name, _, proc_nr, _, _, _) -> if proc_nr <> -1 then failwithf "non-daemon function %s should have proc_nr -1" name ) non_daemon_functions; let proc_nrs = List.map (fun (name, _, proc_nr, _, _, _) -> name, proc_nr) daemon_functions in let proc_nrs = List.sort (fun (_,nr1) (_,nr2) -> compare nr1 nr2) proc_nrs in let rec loop = function | [] -> () | [_] -> () | (name1,nr1) :: ((name2,nr2) :: _ as rest) when nr1 < nr2 -> loop rest | (name1,nr1) :: (name2,nr2) :: _ -> failwithf "'%s' and '%s' have conflicting procedure numbers (%d, %d)" name1 name2 nr1 nr2 in loop proc_nrs type comment_style = CStyle | HashStyle | OCamlStyle type license = GPLv2 | LGPLv2 (* Generate a header block in a number of standard styles. *) let rec generate_header comment license = let c = match comment with | CStyle -> pr "/* "; " *" | HashStyle -> pr "# "; "#" | OCamlStyle -> pr "(* "; " *" in pr "libguestfs generated file\n"; pr "%s WARNING: THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY 'src/generator.ml'.\n" c; pr "%s ANY CHANGES YOU MAKE TO THIS FILE WILL BE LOST.\n" c; pr "%s\n" c; pr "%s Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat Inc.\n" c; pr "%s\n" c; (match license with | GPLv2 -> pr "%s This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n" c; pr "%s it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n" c; pr "%s the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or\n" c; pr "%s (at your option) any later version.\n" c; pr "%s\n" c; pr "%s This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n" c; pr "%s but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n" c; pr "%s MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n" c; pr "%s GNU General Public License for more details.\n" c; pr "%s\n" c; pr "%s You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along\n" c; pr "%s with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,\n" c; pr "%s 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.\n" c; | LGPLv2 -> pr "%s This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or\n" c; pr "%s modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public\n" c; pr "%s License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either\n" c; pr "%s version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n" c; pr "%s\n" c; pr "%s This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n" c; pr "%s but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n" c; pr "%s MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU\n" c; pr "%s Lesser General Public License for more details.\n" c; pr "%s\n" c; pr "%s You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public\n" c; pr "%s License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software\n" c; pr "%s Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA\n" c; ); (match comment with | CStyle -> pr " */\n" | HashStyle -> () | OCamlStyle -> pr " *)\n" ); pr "\n" (* Generate the pod documentation for the C API. *) and generate_actions_pod () = List.iter ( fun (shortname, style, _, flags, _, longdesc) -> let name = "guestfs_" ^ shortname in pr "=head2 %s\n\n" name; pr " "; generate_prototype ~extern:false ~handle:"handle" name style; pr "\n\n"; pr "%s\n\n" longdesc; (match fst style with | Err -> pr "This function returns 0 on success or -1 on error.\n\n" | RBool _ -> pr "This function returns a C truth value on success or -1 on error.\n\n" | RConstString _ -> pr "This function returns a string or NULL on error. The string is owned by the guest handle and must I be freed.\n\n" | RString _ -> pr "This function returns a string or NULL on error. I.\n\n" | RStringList _ -> pr "This function returns a NULL-terminated array of strings (like L), or NULL if there was an error. I.\n\n" | RPVList _ -> pr "This function returns a C. I after use.>.\n\n" | RVGList _ -> pr "This function returns a C. I after use.>.\n\n" | RLVList _ -> pr "This function returns a C. I after use.>.\n\n" ); if List.mem ProtocolLimitWarning flags then pr "Because of the message protocol, there is a transfer limit of somewhere between 2MB and 4MB. To transfer large files you should use FTP.\n\n"; ) all_functions_sorted and generate_structs_pod () = (* LVM structs documentation. *) List.iter ( fun (typ, cols) -> pr "=head2 guestfs_lvm_%s\n" typ; pr "\n"; pr " struct guestfs_lvm_%s {\n" typ; List.iter ( function | name, `String -> pr " char *%s;\n" name | name, `UUID -> pr " /* The next field is NOT nul-terminated, be careful when printing it: */\n"; pr " char %s[32];\n" name | name, `Bytes -> pr " uint64_t %s;\n" name | name, `Int -> pr " int64_t %s;\n" name | name, `OptPercent -> pr " /* The next field is [0..100] or -1 meaning 'not present': */\n"; pr " float %s;\n" name ) cols; pr " \n"; pr " struct guestfs_lvm_%s_list {\n" typ; pr " uint32_t len; /* Number of elements in list. */\n"; pr " struct guestfs_lvm_%s *val; /* Elements. */\n" typ; pr " };\n"; pr " \n"; pr " void guestfs_free_lvm_%s_list (struct guestfs_free_lvm_%s_list *);\n" typ typ; pr "\n" ) ["pv", pv_cols; "vg", vg_cols; "lv", lv_cols] (* Generate the protocol (XDR) file, 'guestfs_protocol.x' and * indirectly 'guestfs_protocol.h' and 'guestfs_protocol.c'. We * have to use an underscore instead of a dash because otherwise * rpcgen generates incorrect code. * * This header is NOT exported to clients, but see also generate_structs_h. *) and generate_xdr () = generate_header CStyle LGPLv2; (* This has to be defined to get around a limitation in Sun's rpcgen. *) pr "typedef string str<>;\n"; pr "\n"; (* LVM internal structures. *) List.iter ( function | typ, cols -> pr "struct guestfs_lvm_int_%s {\n" typ; List.iter (function | name, `String -> pr " string %s<>;\n" name | name, `UUID -> pr " opaque %s[32];\n" name | name, `Bytes -> pr " hyper %s;\n" name | name, `Int -> pr " hyper %s;\n" name | name, `OptPercent -> pr " float %s;\n" name ) cols; pr "};\n"; pr "\n"; pr "typedef struct guestfs_lvm_int_%s guestfs_lvm_int_%s_list<>;\n" typ typ; pr "\n"; ) ["pv", pv_cols; "vg", vg_cols; "lv", lv_cols]; List.iter ( fun(shortname, style, _, _, _, _) -> let name = "guestfs_" ^ shortname in pr "/* %s */\n\n" name; (match snd style with | P0 -> () | args -> pr "struct %s_args {\n" name; iter_args ( function | String name -> pr " string %s<>;\n" name | OptString name -> pr " string *%s<>;\n" name | Bool name -> pr " bool %s;\n" name ) args; pr "};\n\n" ); (match fst style with | Err -> () | RBool n -> pr "struct %s_ret {\n" name; pr " bool %s;\n" n; pr "};\n\n" | RConstString _ -> failwithf "RConstString cannot be returned from a daemon function" | RString n -> pr "struct %s_ret {\n" name; pr " string %s<>;\n" n; pr "};\n\n" | RStringList n -> pr "struct %s_ret {\n" name; pr " str %s<>;\n" n; pr "};\n\n" | RPVList n -> pr "struct %s_ret {\n" name; pr " guestfs_lvm_int_pv_list %s;\n" n; pr "};\n\n" | RVGList n -> pr "struct %s_ret {\n" name; pr " guestfs_lvm_int_vg_list %s;\n" n; pr "};\n\n" | RLVList n -> pr "struct %s_ret {\n" name; pr " guestfs_lvm_int_lv_list %s;\n" n; pr "};\n\n" ); ) daemon_functions; (* Table of procedure numbers. *) pr "enum guestfs_procedure {\n"; List.iter ( fun (shortname, _, proc_nr, _, _, _) -> pr " GUESTFS_PROC_%s = %d,\n" (String.uppercase shortname) proc_nr ) daemon_functions; pr " GUESTFS_PROC_dummy\n"; (* so we don't have a "hanging comma" *) pr "};\n"; pr "\n"; (* Having to choose a maximum message size is annoying for several * reasons (it limits what we can do in the API), but it (a) makes * the protocol a lot simpler, and (b) provides a bound on the size * of the daemon which operates in limited memory space. For large * file transfers you should use FTP. *) pr "const GUESTFS_MESSAGE_MAX = %d;\n" (4 * 1024 * 1024); pr "\n"; (* Message header, etc. *) pr "\ const GUESTFS_PROGRAM = 0x2000F5F5; const GUESTFS_PROTOCOL_VERSION = 1; enum guestfs_message_direction { GUESTFS_DIRECTION_CALL = 0, /* client -> daemon */ GUESTFS_DIRECTION_REPLY = 1 /* daemon -> client */ }; enum guestfs_message_status { GUESTFS_STATUS_OK = 0, GUESTFS_STATUS_ERROR = 1 }; const GUESTFS_ERROR_LEN = 256; struct guestfs_message_error { string error; /* error message */ }; struct guestfs_message_header { unsigned prog; /* GUESTFS_PROGRAM */ unsigned vers; /* GUESTFS_PROTOCOL_VERSION */ guestfs_procedure proc; /* GUESTFS_PROC_x */ guestfs_message_direction direction; unsigned serial; /* message serial number */ guestfs_message_status status; }; " (* Generate the guestfs-structs.h file. *) and generate_structs_h () = generate_header CStyle LGPLv2; (* This is a public exported header file containing various * structures. The structures are carefully written to have * exactly the same in-memory format as the XDR structures that * we use on the wire to the daemon. The reason for creating * copies of these structures here is just so we don't have to * export the whole of guestfs_protocol.h (which includes much * unrelated and XDR-dependent stuff that we don't want to be * public, or required by clients). * * To reiterate, we will pass these structures to and from the * client with a simple assignment or memcpy, so the format * must be identical to what rpcgen / the RFC defines. *) (* LVM public structures. *) List.iter ( function | typ, cols -> pr "struct guestfs_lvm_%s {\n" typ; List.iter ( function | name, `String -> pr " char *%s;\n" name | name, `UUID -> pr " char %s[32]; /* this is NOT nul-terminated, be careful when printing */\n" name | name, `Bytes -> pr " uint64_t %s;\n" name | name, `Int -> pr " int64_t %s;\n" name | name, `OptPercent -> pr " float %s; /* [0..100] or -1 */\n" name ) cols; pr "};\n"; pr "\n"; pr "struct guestfs_lvm_%s_list {\n" typ; pr " uint32_t len;\n"; pr " struct guestfs_lvm_%s *val;\n" typ; pr "};\n"; pr "\n" ) ["pv", pv_cols; "vg", vg_cols; "lv", lv_cols] (* Generate the guestfs-actions.h file. *) and generate_actions_h () = generate_header CStyle LGPLv2; List.iter ( fun (shortname, style, _, _, _, _) -> let name = "guestfs_" ^ shortname in generate_prototype ~single_line:true ~newline:true ~handle:"handle" name style ) all_functions (* Generate the client-side dispatch stubs. *) and generate_client_actions () = generate_header CStyle LGPLv2; (* Client-side stubs for each function. *) List.iter ( fun (shortname, style, _, _, _, _) -> let name = "guestfs_" ^ shortname in (* Generate the return value struct. *) pr "struct %s_rv {\n" shortname; pr " int cb_done; /* flag to indicate callback was called */\n"; pr " struct guestfs_message_header hdr;\n"; pr " struct guestfs_message_error err;\n"; (match fst style with | Err -> () | RConstString _ -> failwithf "RConstString cannot be returned from a daemon function" | RBool _ | RString _ | RStringList _ | RPVList _ | RVGList _ | RLVList _ -> pr " struct %s_ret ret;\n" name ); pr "};\n\n"; (* Generate the callback function. *) pr "static void %s_cb (guestfs_h *g, void *data, XDR *xdr)\n" shortname; pr "{\n"; pr " struct %s_rv *rv = (struct %s_rv *) data;\n" shortname shortname; pr "\n"; pr " if (!xdr_guestfs_message_header (xdr, &rv->hdr)) {\n"; pr " error (g, \"%s: failed to parse reply header\");\n" name; pr " return;\n"; pr " }\n"; pr " if (rv->hdr.status == GUESTFS_STATUS_ERROR) {\n"; pr " if (!xdr_guestfs_message_error (xdr, &rv->err)) {\n"; pr " error (g, \"%s: failed to parse reply error\");\n" name; pr " return;\n"; pr " }\n"; pr " goto done;\n"; pr " }\n"; (match fst style with | Err -> () | RConstString _ -> failwithf "RConstString cannot be returned from a daemon function" | RBool _ | RString _ | RStringList _ | RPVList _ | RVGList _ | RLVList _ -> pr " if (!xdr_%s_ret (xdr, &rv->ret)) {\n" name; pr " error (g, \"%s: failed to parse reply\");\n" name; pr " return;\n"; pr " }\n"; ); pr " done:\n"; pr " rv->cb_done = 1;\n"; pr " main_loop.main_loop_quit (g);\n"; pr "}\n\n"; (* Generate the action stub. *) generate_prototype ~extern:false ~semicolon:false ~newline:true ~handle:"g" name style; let error_code = match fst style with | Err | RBool _ -> "-1" | RConstString _ -> failwithf "RConstString cannot be returned from a daemon function" | RString _ | RStringList _ | RPVList _ | RVGList _ | RLVList _ -> "NULL" in pr "{\n"; (match snd style with | P0 -> () | _ -> pr " struct %s_args args;\n" name ); pr " struct %s_rv rv;\n" shortname; pr " int serial;\n"; pr "\n"; pr " if (g->state != READY) {\n"; pr " error (g, \"%s called from the wrong state, %%d != READY\",\n" name; pr " g->state);\n"; pr " return %s;\n" error_code; pr " }\n"; pr "\n"; pr " memset (&rv, 0, sizeof rv);\n"; pr "\n"; (match snd style with | P0 -> pr " serial = dispatch (g, GUESTFS_PROC_%s, NULL, NULL);\n" (String.uppercase shortname) | args -> iter_args ( function | String name -> pr " args.%s = (char *) %s;\n" name name | OptString name -> pr " args.%s = %s ? *%s : NULL;\n" name name name | Bool name -> pr " args.%s = %s;\n" name name ) args; pr " serial = dispatch (g, GUESTFS_PROC_%s,\n" (String.uppercase shortname); pr " (xdrproc_t) xdr_%s_args, (char *) &args);\n" name; ); pr " if (serial == -1)\n"; pr " return %s;\n" error_code; pr "\n"; pr " rv.cb_done = 0;\n"; pr " g->reply_cb_internal = %s_cb;\n" shortname; pr " g->reply_cb_internal_data = &rv;\n"; pr " main_loop.main_loop_run (g);\n"; pr " g->reply_cb_internal = NULL;\n"; pr " g->reply_cb_internal_data = NULL;\n"; pr " if (!rv.cb_done) {\n"; pr " error (g, \"%s failed, see earlier error messages\");\n" name; pr " return %s;\n" error_code; pr " }\n"; pr "\n"; pr " if (check_reply_header (g, &rv.hdr, GUESTFS_PROC_%s, serial) == -1)\n" (String.uppercase shortname); pr " return %s;\n" error_code; pr "\n"; pr " if (rv.hdr.status == GUESTFS_STATUS_ERROR) {\n"; pr " error (g, \"%%s\", rv.err.error);\n"; pr " return %s;\n" error_code; pr " }\n"; pr "\n"; (match fst style with | Err -> pr " return 0;\n" | RBool n -> pr " return rv.ret.%s;\n" n | RConstString _ -> failwithf "RConstString cannot be returned from a daemon function" | RString n -> pr " return rv.ret.%s; /* caller will free */\n" n | RStringList n -> pr " /* caller will free this, but we need to add a NULL entry */\n"; pr " rv.ret.%s.%s_val =" n n; pr " safe_realloc (g, rv.ret.%s.%s_val,\n" n n; pr " sizeof (char *) * (rv.ret.%s.%s_len + 1));\n" n n; pr " rv.ret.%s.%s_val[rv.ret.%s.%s_len] = NULL;\n" n n n n; pr " return rv.ret.%s.%s_val;\n" n n | RPVList n -> pr " /* caller will free this */\n"; pr " return safe_memdup (g, &rv.ret.%s, sizeof (rv.ret.%s));\n" n n | RVGList n -> pr " /* caller will free this */\n"; pr " return safe_memdup (g, &rv.ret.%s, sizeof (rv.ret.%s));\n" n n | RLVList n -> pr " /* caller will free this */\n"; pr " return safe_memdup (g, &rv.ret.%s, sizeof (rv.ret.%s));\n" n n ); pr "}\n\n" ) daemon_functions (* Generate daemon/actions.h. *) and generate_daemon_actions_h () = generate_header CStyle GPLv2; pr "#include \"../src/guestfs_protocol.h\"\n"; pr "\n"; List.iter ( fun (name, style, _, _, _, _) -> generate_prototype ~single_line:true ~newline:true ~in_daemon:true ("do_" ^ name) style; ) daemon_functions (* Generate the server-side stubs. *) and generate_daemon_actions () = generate_header CStyle GPLv2; pr "#define _GNU_SOURCE // for strchrnul\n"; pr "\n"; pr "#include \n"; pr "#include \n"; pr "#include \n"; pr "#include \n"; pr "#include \n"; pr "#include \n"; pr "#include \n"; pr "\n"; pr "#include \"daemon.h\"\n"; pr "#include \"../src/guestfs_protocol.h\"\n"; pr "#include \"actions.h\"\n"; pr "\n"; List.iter ( fun (name, style, _, _, _, _) -> (* Generate server-side stubs. *) pr "static void %s_stub (XDR *xdr_in)\n" name; pr "{\n"; let error_code = match fst style with | Err -> pr " int r;\n"; "-1" | RBool _ -> pr " int r;\n"; "-1" | RConstString _ -> failwithf "RConstString cannot be returned from a daemon function" | RString _ -> pr " char *r;\n"; "NULL" | RStringList _ -> pr " char **r;\n"; "NULL" | RPVList _ -> pr " guestfs_lvm_int_pv_list *r;\n"; "NULL" | RVGList _ -> pr " guestfs_lvm_int_vg_list *r;\n"; "NULL" | RLVList _ -> pr " guestfs_lvm_int_lv_list *r;\n"; "NULL" in (match snd style with | P0 -> () | args -> pr " struct guestfs_%s_args args;\n" name; iter_args ( function | String name | OptString name -> pr " const char *%s;\n" name | Bool name -> pr " int %s;\n" name ) args ); pr "\n"; (match snd style with | P0 -> () | args -> pr " memset (&args, 0, sizeof args);\n"; pr "\n"; pr " if (!xdr_guestfs_%s_args (xdr_in, &args)) {\n" name; pr " reply_with_error (\"%s: daemon failed to decode procedure arguments\");\n" name; pr " return;\n"; pr " }\n"; iter_args ( function | String name -> pr " %s = args.%s;\n" name name | OptString name -> pr " %s = args.%s;\n" name name (* XXX? *) | Bool name -> pr " %s = args.%s;\n" name name ) args; pr "\n" ); pr " r = do_%s " name; generate_call_args style; pr ";\n"; pr " if (r == %s)\n" error_code; pr " /* do_%s has already called reply_with_error, so just return */\n" name; pr " return;\n"; pr "\n"; (match fst style with | Err -> pr " reply (NULL, NULL);\n" | RBool n -> pr " struct guestfs_%s_ret ret;\n" name; pr " ret.%s = r;\n" n; pr " reply ((xdrproc_t) &xdr_guestfs_%s_ret, (char *) &ret);\n" name | RConstString _ -> failwithf "RConstString cannot be returned from a daemon function" | RString n -> pr " struct guestfs_%s_ret ret;\n" name; pr " ret.%s = r;\n" n; pr " reply ((xdrproc_t) &xdr_guestfs_%s_ret, (char *) &ret);\n" name; pr " free (r);\n" | RStringList n -> pr " struct guestfs_%s_ret ret;\n" name; pr " ret.%s.%s_len = count_strings (r);\n" n n; pr " ret.%s.%s_val = r;\n" n n; pr " reply ((xdrproc_t) &xdr_guestfs_%s_ret, (char *) &ret);\n" name; pr " free_strings (r);\n" | RPVList n -> pr " struct guestfs_%s_ret ret;\n" name; pr " ret.%s = *r;\n" n; pr " reply ((xdrproc_t) &xdr_guestfs_%s_ret, (char *) &ret);\n" name; pr " xdr_free ((xdrproc_t) xdr_guestfs_%s_ret, (char *) &ret);\n" name | RVGList n -> pr " struct guestfs_%s_ret ret;\n" name; pr " ret.%s = *r;\n" n; pr " reply ((xdrproc_t) &xdr_guestfs_%s_ret, (char *) &ret);\n" name; pr " xdr_free ((xdrproc_t) xdr_guestfs_%s_ret, (char *) &ret);\n" name | RLVList n -> pr " struct guestfs_%s_ret ret;\n" name; pr " ret.%s = *r;\n" n; pr " reply ((xdrproc_t) &xdr_guestfs_%s_ret, (char *) &ret);\n" name; pr " xdr_free ((xdrproc_t) xdr_guestfs_%s_ret, (char *) &ret);\n" name ); pr "}\n\n"; ) daemon_functions; (* Dispatch function. *) pr "void dispatch_incoming_message (XDR *xdr_in)\n"; pr "{\n"; pr " switch (proc_nr) {\n"; List.iter ( fun (name, style, _, _, _, _) -> pr " case GUESTFS_PROC_%s:\n" (String.uppercase name); pr " %s_stub (xdr_in);\n" name; pr " break;\n" ) daemon_functions; pr " default:\n"; pr " reply_with_error (\"dispatch_incoming_message: unknown procedure number %%d\", proc_nr);\n"; pr " }\n"; pr "}\n"; pr "\n"; (* LVM columns and tokenization functions. *) (* XXX This generates crap code. We should rethink how we * do this parsing. *) List.iter ( function | typ, cols -> pr "static const char *lvm_%s_cols = \"%s\";\n" typ (String.concat "," (List.map fst cols)); pr "\n"; pr "static int lvm_tokenize_%s (char *str, struct guestfs_lvm_int_%s *r)\n" typ typ; pr "{\n"; pr " char *tok, *p, *next;\n"; pr " int i, j;\n"; pr "\n"; (* pr " fprintf (stderr, \"%%s: <<%%s>>\\n\", __func__, str);\n"; pr "\n"; *) pr " if (!str) {\n"; pr " fprintf (stderr, \"%%s: failed: passed a NULL string\\n\", __func__);\n"; pr " return -1;\n"; pr " }\n"; pr " if (!*str || isspace (*str)) {\n"; pr " fprintf (stderr, \"%%s: failed: passed a empty string or one beginning with whitespace\\n\", __func__);\n"; pr " return -1;\n"; pr " }\n"; pr " tok = str;\n"; List.iter ( fun (name, coltype) -> pr " if (!tok) {\n"; pr " fprintf (stderr, \"%%s: failed: string finished early, around token %%s\\n\", __func__, \"%s\");\n" name; pr " return -1;\n"; pr " }\n"; pr " p = strchrnul (tok, ',');\n"; pr " if (*p) next = p+1; else next = NULL;\n"; pr " *p = '\\0';\n"; (match coltype with | `String -> pr " r->%s = strdup (tok);\n" name; pr " if (r->%s == NULL) {\n" name; pr " perror (\"strdup\");\n"; pr " return -1;\n"; pr " }\n" | `UUID -> pr " for (i = j = 0; i < 32; ++j) {\n"; pr " if (tok[j] == '\\0') {\n"; pr " fprintf (stderr, \"%%s: failed to parse UUID from '%%s'\\n\", __func__, tok);\n"; pr " return -1;\n"; pr " } else if (tok[j] != '-')\n"; pr " r->%s[i++] = tok[j];\n" name; pr " }\n"; | `Bytes -> pr " if (sscanf (tok, \"%%\"SCNu64, &r->%s) != 1) {\n" name; pr " fprintf (stderr, \"%%s: failed to parse size '%%s' from token %%s\\n\", __func__, tok, \"%s\");\n" name; pr " return -1;\n"; pr " }\n"; | `Int -> pr " if (sscanf (tok, \"%%\"SCNi64, &r->%s) != 1) {\n" name; pr " fprintf (stderr, \"%%s: failed to parse int '%%s' from token %%s\\n\", __func__, tok, \"%s\");\n" name; pr " return -1;\n"; pr " }\n"; | `OptPercent -> pr " if (tok[0] == '\\0')\n"; pr " r->%s = -1;\n" name; pr " else if (sscanf (tok, \"%%f\", &r->%s) != 1) {\n" name; pr " fprintf (stderr, \"%%s: failed to parse float '%%s' from token %%s\\n\", __func__, tok, \"%s\");\n" name; pr " return -1;\n"; pr " }\n"; ); pr " tok = next;\n"; ) cols; pr " if (tok != NULL) {\n"; pr " fprintf (stderr, \"%%s: failed: extra tokens at end of string\\n\", __func__);\n"; pr " return -1;\n"; pr " }\n"; pr " return 0;\n"; pr "}\n"; pr "\n"; pr "guestfs_lvm_int_%s_list *\n" typ; pr "parse_command_line_%ss (void)\n" typ; pr "{\n"; pr " char *out, *err;\n"; pr " char *p, *pend;\n"; pr " int r, i;\n"; pr " guestfs_lvm_int_%s_list *ret;\n" typ; pr " void *newp;\n"; pr "\n"; pr " ret = malloc (sizeof *ret);\n"; pr " if (!ret) {\n"; pr " reply_with_perror (\"malloc\");\n"; pr " return NULL;\n"; pr " }\n"; pr "\n"; pr " ret->guestfs_lvm_int_%s_list_len = 0;\n" typ; pr " ret->guestfs_lvm_int_%s_list_val = NULL;\n" typ; pr "\n"; pr " r = command (&out, &err,\n"; pr " \"/sbin/lvm\", \"%ss\",\n" typ; pr " \"-o\", lvm_%s_cols, \"--unbuffered\", \"--noheadings\",\n" typ; pr " \"--nosuffix\", \"--separator\", \",\", \"--units\", \"b\", NULL);\n"; pr " if (r == -1) {\n"; pr " reply_with_error (\"%%s\", err);\n"; pr " free (out);\n"; pr " free (err);\n"; pr " return NULL;\n"; pr " }\n"; pr "\n"; pr " free (err);\n"; pr "\n"; pr " /* Tokenize each line of the output. */\n"; pr " p = out;\n"; pr " i = 0;\n"; pr " while (p) {\n"; pr " pend = strchr (p, '\\n'); /* Get the next line of output. */\n"; pr " if (pend) {\n"; pr " *pend = '\\0';\n"; pr " pend++;\n"; pr " }\n"; pr "\n"; pr " while (*p && isspace (*p)) /* Skip any leading whitespace. */\n"; pr " p++;\n"; pr "\n"; pr " if (!*p) { /* Empty line? Skip it. */\n"; pr " p = pend;\n"; pr " continue;\n"; pr " }\n"; pr "\n"; pr " /* Allocate some space to store this next entry. */\n"; pr " newp = realloc (ret->guestfs_lvm_int_%s_list_val,\n" typ; pr " sizeof (guestfs_lvm_int_%s) * (i+1));\n" typ; pr " if (newp == NULL) {\n"; pr " reply_with_perror (\"realloc\");\n"; pr " free (ret->guestfs_lvm_int_%s_list_val);\n" typ; pr " free (ret);\n"; pr " free (out);\n"; pr " return NULL;\n"; pr " }\n"; pr " ret->guestfs_lvm_int_%s_list_val = newp;\n" typ; pr "\n"; pr " /* Tokenize the next entry. */\n"; pr " r = lvm_tokenize_%s (p, &ret->guestfs_lvm_int_%s_list_val[i]);\n" typ typ; pr " if (r == -1) {\n"; pr " reply_with_error (\"failed to parse output of '%ss' command\");\n" typ; pr " free (ret->guestfs_lvm_int_%s_list_val);\n" typ; pr " free (ret);\n"; pr " free (out);\n"; pr " return NULL;\n"; pr " }\n"; pr "\n"; pr " ++i;\n"; pr " p = pend;\n"; pr " }\n"; pr "\n"; pr " ret->guestfs_lvm_int_%s_list_len = i;\n" typ; pr "\n"; pr " free (out);\n"; pr " return ret;\n"; pr "}\n" ) ["pv", pv_cols; "vg", vg_cols; "lv", lv_cols] (* Generate a lot of different functions for guestfish. *) and generate_fish_cmds () = generate_header CStyle GPLv2; let all_functions = List.filter ( fun (_, _, _, flags, _, _) -> not (List.mem NotInFish flags) ) all_functions in let all_functions_sorted = List.filter ( fun (_, _, _, flags, _, _) -> not (List.mem NotInFish flags) ) all_functions_sorted in pr "#include \n"; pr "#include \n"; pr "#include \n"; pr "#include \n"; pr "\n"; pr "#include \n"; pr "#include \"fish.h\"\n"; pr "\n"; (* list_commands function, which implements guestfish -h *) pr "void list_commands (void)\n"; pr "{\n"; pr " printf (\" %%-16s %%s\\n\", \"Command\", \"Description\");\n"; pr " list_builtin_commands ();\n"; List.iter ( fun (name, _, _, flags, shortdesc, _) -> let name = replace_char name '_' '-' in pr " printf (\"%%-20s %%s\\n\", \"%s\", \"%s\");\n" name shortdesc ) all_functions_sorted; pr " printf (\" Use -h / help to show detailed help for a command.\\n\");\n"; pr "}\n"; pr "\n"; (* display_command function, which implements guestfish -h cmd *) pr "void display_command (const char *cmd)\n"; pr "{\n"; List.iter ( fun (name, style, _, flags, shortdesc, longdesc) -> let name2 = replace_char name '_' '-' in let alias = try find_map (function FishAlias n -> Some n | _ -> None) flags with Not_found -> name in let longdesc = replace_str longdesc "C name2 | args -> sprintf "%s <%s>" name2 ( String.concat "> <" ( map_args (function | String n | OptString n | Bool n -> n) args ) ) in let warnings = if List.mem ProtocolLimitWarning flags then "\n\nBecause of the message protocol, there is a transfer limit of somewhere between 2MB and 4MB. To transfer large files you should use FTP." else "" in let describe_alias = if name <> alias then sprintf "\n\nYou can use '%s' as an alias for this command." alias else "" in pr " if ("; pr "strcasecmp (cmd, \"%s\") == 0" name; if name <> name2 then pr " || strcasecmp (cmd, \"%s\") == 0" name2; if name <> alias then pr " || strcasecmp (cmd, \"%s\") == 0" alias; pr ")\n"; pr " pod2text (\"%s - %s\", %S);\n" name2 shortdesc (" " ^ synopsis ^ "\n\n" ^ longdesc ^ warnings ^ describe_alias); pr " else\n" ) all_functions; pr " display_builtin_command (cmd);\n"; pr "}\n"; pr "\n"; (* print_{pv,vg,lv}_list functions *) List.iter ( function | typ, cols -> pr "static void print_%s (struct guestfs_lvm_%s *%s)\n" typ typ typ; pr "{\n"; pr " int i;\n"; pr "\n"; List.iter ( function | name, `String -> pr " printf (\"%s: %%s\\n\", %s->%s);\n" name typ name | name, `UUID -> pr " printf (\"%s: \");\n" name; pr " for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i)\n"; pr " printf (\"%%c\", %s->%s[i]);\n" typ name; pr " printf (\"\\n\");\n" | name, `Bytes -> pr " printf (\"%s: %%\" PRIu64 \"\\n\", %s->%s);\n" name typ name | name, `Int -> pr " printf (\"%s: %%\" PRIi64 \"\\n\", %s->%s);\n" name typ name | name, `OptPercent -> pr " if (%s->%s >= 0) printf (\"%s: %%g %%%%\\n\", %s->%s);\n" typ name name typ name; pr " else printf (\"%s: \\n\");\n" name ) cols; pr "}\n"; pr "\n"; pr "static void print_%s_list (struct guestfs_lvm_%s_list *%ss)\n" typ typ typ; pr "{\n"; pr " int i;\n"; pr "\n"; pr " for (i = 0; i < %ss->len; ++i)\n" typ; pr " print_%s (&%ss->val[i]);\n" typ typ; pr "}\n"; pr "\n"; ) ["pv", pv_cols; "vg", vg_cols; "lv", lv_cols]; (* run_ actions *) List.iter ( fun (name, style, _, flags, _, _) -> pr "static int run_%s (const char *cmd, int argc, char *argv[])\n" name; pr "{\n"; (match fst style with | Err | RBool _ -> pr " int r;\n" | RConstString _ -> pr " const char *r;\n" | RString _ -> pr " char *r;\n" | RStringList _ -> pr " char **r;\n" | RPVList _ -> pr " struct guestfs_lvm_pv_list *r;\n" | RVGList _ -> pr " struct guestfs_lvm_vg_list *r;\n" | RLVList _ -> pr " struct guestfs_lvm_lv_list *r;\n" ); iter_args ( function | String name -> pr " const char *%s;\n" name | OptString name -> pr " const char *%s;\n" name | Bool name -> pr " int %s;\n" name ) (snd style); (* Check and convert parameters. *) let argc_expected = nr_args (snd style) in pr " if (argc != %d) {\n" argc_expected; pr " fprintf (stderr, \"%%s should have %d parameter(s)\\n\", cmd);\n" argc_expected; pr " fprintf (stderr, \"type 'help %%s' for help on %%s\\n\", cmd, cmd);\n"; pr " return -1;\n"; pr " }\n"; iteri_args ( fun i -> function | String name -> pr " %s = argv[%d];\n" name i | OptString name -> pr " %s = strcmp (argv[%d], \"\") != 0 ? argv[%d] : NULL;\n" name i i | Bool name -> pr " %s = is_true (argv[%d]) ? 1 : 0;\n" name i ) (snd style); (* Call C API function. *) let fn = try find_map (function FishAction n -> Some n | _ -> None) flags with Not_found -> sprintf "guestfs_%s" name in pr " r = %s " fn; generate_call_args ~handle:"g" style; pr ";\n"; (* Check return value for errors and display command results. *) (match fst style with | Err -> pr " return r;\n" | RBool _ -> pr " if (r == -1) return -1;\n"; pr " if (r) printf (\"true\\n\"); else printf (\"false\\n\");\n"; pr " return 0;\n" | RConstString _ -> pr " if (r == NULL) return -1;\n"; pr " printf (\"%%s\\n\", r);\n"; pr " return 0;\n" | RString _ -> pr " if (r == NULL) return -1;\n"; pr " printf (\"%%s\\n\", r);\n"; pr " free (r);\n"; pr " return 0;\n" | RStringList _ -> pr " if (r == NULL) return -1;\n"; pr " print_strings (r);\n"; pr " free_strings (r);\n"; pr " return 0;\n" | RPVList _ -> pr " if (r == NULL) return -1;\n"; pr " print_pv_list (r);\n"; pr " guestfs_free_lvm_pv_list (r);\n"; pr " return 0;\n" | RVGList _ -> pr " if (r == NULL) return -1;\n"; pr " print_vg_list (r);\n"; pr " guestfs_free_lvm_vg_list (r);\n"; pr " return 0;\n" | RLVList _ -> pr " if (r == NULL) return -1;\n"; pr " print_lv_list (r);\n"; pr " guestfs_free_lvm_lv_list (r);\n"; pr " return 0;\n" ); pr "}\n"; pr "\n" ) all_functions; (* run_action function *) pr "int run_action (const char *cmd, int argc, char *argv[])\n"; pr "{\n"; List.iter ( fun (name, _, _, flags, _, _) -> let name2 = replace_char name '_' '-' in let alias = try find_map (function FishAlias n -> Some n | _ -> None) flags with Not_found -> name in pr " if ("; pr "strcasecmp (cmd, \"%s\") == 0" name; if name <> name2 then pr " || strcasecmp (cmd, \"%s\") == 0" name2; if name <> alias then pr " || strcasecmp (cmd, \"%s\") == 0" alias; pr ")\n"; pr " return run_%s (cmd, argc, argv);\n" name; pr " else\n"; ) all_functions; pr " {\n"; pr " fprintf (stderr, \"%%s: unknown command\\n\", cmd);\n"; pr " return -1;\n"; pr " }\n"; pr " return 0;\n"; pr "}\n"; pr "\n" (* Generate the POD documentation for guestfish. *) and generate_fish_actions_pod () = let all_functions_sorted = List.filter ( fun (_, _, _, flags, _, _) -> not (List.mem NotInFish flags) ) all_functions_sorted in List.iter ( fun (name, style, _, flags, _, longdesc) -> let longdesc = replace_str longdesc "C Some n | _ -> None) flags with Not_found -> name in pr "=head2 %s" name; if name <> alias then pr " | %s" alias; pr "\n"; pr "\n"; pr " %s" name; iter_args ( function | String n -> pr " %s" n | OptString n -> pr " %s" n | Bool _ -> pr " true|false" ) (snd style); pr "\n"; pr "\n"; pr "%s\n\n" longdesc ) all_functions_sorted (* Generate a C function prototype. *) and generate_prototype ?(extern = true) ?(static = false) ?(semicolon = true) ?(single_line = false) ?(newline = false) ?(in_daemon = false) ?handle name style = if extern then pr "extern "; if static then pr "static "; (match fst style with | Err -> pr "int " | RBool _ -> pr "int " | RConstString _ -> pr "const char *" | RString _ -> pr "char *" | RStringList _ -> pr "char **" | RPVList _ -> if not in_daemon then pr "struct guestfs_lvm_pv_list *" else pr "guestfs_lvm_int_pv_list *" | RVGList _ -> if not in_daemon then pr "struct guestfs_lvm_vg_list *" else pr "guestfs_lvm_int_vg_list *" | RLVList _ -> if not in_daemon then pr "struct guestfs_lvm_lv_list *" else pr "guestfs_lvm_int_lv_list *" ); pr "%s (" name; let comma = ref false in (match handle with | None -> () | Some handle -> pr "guestfs_h *%s" handle; comma := true ); let next () = if !comma then ( if single_line then pr ", " else pr ",\n\t\t" ); comma := true in iter_args ( function | String name -> next (); pr "const char *%s" name | OptString name -> next (); pr "const char *%s" name | Bool name -> next (); pr "int %s" name ) (snd style); pr ")"; if semicolon then pr ";"; if newline then pr "\n" (* Generate C call arguments, eg "(handle, foo, bar)" *) and generate_call_args ?handle style = pr "("; let comma = ref false in (match handle with | None -> () | Some handle -> pr "%s" handle; comma := true ); iter_args ( fun arg -> if !comma then pr ", "; comma := true; match arg with | String name -> pr "%s" name | OptString name -> pr "%s" name | Bool name -> pr "%s" name ) (snd style); pr ")" (* Generate the OCaml bindings interface. *) and generate_ocaml_mli () = generate_header OCamlStyle LGPLv2; pr "\ (** For API documentation you should refer to the C API in the guestfs(3) manual page. The OCaml API uses almost exactly the same calls. *) type t (** A [guestfs_h] handle. *) exception Error of string (** This exception is raised when there is an error. *) val create : unit -> t val close : t -> unit (** Handles are closed by the garbage collector when they become unreferenced, but callers can also call this in order to provide predictable cleanup. *) "; generate_ocaml_lvm_structure_decls (); (* The actions. *) List.iter ( fun (name, style, _, _, shortdesc, _) -> generate_ocaml_prototype name style; pr "(** %s *)\n" shortdesc; pr "\n" ) all_functions (* Generate the OCaml bindings implementation. *) and generate_ocaml_ml () = generate_header OCamlStyle LGPLv2; pr "\ type t exception Error of string external create : unit -> t = \"ocaml_guestfs_create\" external close : t -> unit = \"ocaml_guestfs_create\" "; generate_ocaml_lvm_structure_decls (); (* The actions. *) List.iter ( fun (name, style, _, _, shortdesc, _) -> generate_ocaml_prototype ~is_external:true name style; ) all_functions (* Generate the OCaml bindings C implementation. *) and generate_ocaml_c () = generate_header CStyle LGPLv2; pr "#include \n"; pr "#include \n"; pr "\n"; pr "#include \n"; pr "\n"; pr "#include \n"; pr "#include \n"; pr "#include \n"; pr "#include \n"; pr "#include \n"; pr "#include \n"; pr "\n"; pr "#include \"guestfs_c.h\"\n"; pr "\n"; List.iter ( fun (name, style, _, _, _, _) -> pr "CAMLprim value\n"; pr "ocaml_guestfs_%s (value hv /* XXX */)\n" name; pr "{\n"; pr " CAMLparam1 (hv); /* XXX */\n"; pr "/* XXX write something here */\n"; pr " CAMLreturn (Val_unit); /* XXX */\n"; pr "}\n"; pr "\n" ) all_functions and generate_ocaml_lvm_structure_decls () = List.iter ( fun (typ, cols) -> pr "type lvm_%s = {\n" typ; List.iter ( function | name, `String -> pr " %s : string;\n" name | name, `UUID -> pr " %s : string;\n" name | name, `Bytes -> pr " %s : int64;\n" name | name, `Int -> pr " %s : int64;\n" name | name, `OptPercent -> pr " %s : float option;\n" name ) cols; pr "}\n"; pr "\n" ) ["pv", pv_cols; "vg", vg_cols; "lv", lv_cols] and generate_ocaml_prototype ?(is_external = false) name style = if is_external then pr "external " else pr "val "; pr "%s : t -> " name; iter_args ( function | String _ -> pr "string -> " | OptString _ -> pr "string option -> " | Bool _ -> pr "bool -> " ) (snd style); (match fst style with | Err -> pr "unit" (* all errors are turned into exceptions *) | RBool _ -> pr "bool" | RConstString _ -> pr "string" | RString _ -> pr "string" | RStringList _ -> pr "string list" | RPVList _ -> pr "lvm_pv list" | RVGList _ -> pr "lvm_vg list" | RLVList _ -> pr "lvm_lv list" ); if is_external then pr " = \"ocaml_guestfs_%s\"" name; pr "\n" (* Generate Perl xs code, a sort of crazy variation of C with macros. *) and generate_perl_xs () = generate_header CStyle LGPLv2; pr "\ #include \"EXTERN.h\" #include \"perl.h\" #include \"XSUB.h\" #include #ifndef PRId64 #define PRId64 \"lld\" #endif static SV * my_newSVll(long long val) { #ifdef USE_64_BIT_ALL return newSViv(val); #else char buf[100]; int len; len = snprintf(buf, 100, \"%%\" PRId64, val); return newSVpv(buf, len); #endif } #ifndef PRIu64 #define PRIu64 \"llu\" #endif static SV * my_newSVull(unsigned long long val) { #ifdef USE_64_BIT_ALL return newSVuv(val); #else char buf[100]; int len; len = snprintf(buf, 100, \"%%\" PRIu64, val); return newSVpv(buf, len); #endif } /* XXX Not thread-safe, and in general not safe if the caller is * issuing multiple requests in parallel (on different guestfs * handles). We should use the guestfs_h handle passed to the * error handle to distinguish these cases. */ static char *last_error = NULL; static void error_handler (guestfs_h *g, void *data, const char *msg) { if (last_error != NULL) free (last_error); last_error = strdup (msg); } MODULE = Sys::Guestfs PACKAGE = Sys::Guestfs guestfs_h * _create () CODE: RETVAL = guestfs_create (); if (!RETVAL) croak (\"could not create guestfs handle\"); guestfs_set_error_handler (RETVAL, error_handler, NULL); OUTPUT: RETVAL void DESTROY (g) guestfs_h *g; PPCODE: guestfs_close (g); "; List.iter ( fun (name, style, _, _, _, _) -> (match fst style with | Err -> pr "void\n" | RBool _ -> pr "SV *\n" | RConstString _ -> pr "SV *\n" | RString _ -> pr "SV *\n" | RStringList _ | RPVList _ | RVGList _ | RLVList _ -> pr "void\n" (* all lists returned implictly on the stack *) ); (* Call and arguments. *) pr "%s " name; generate_call_args ~handle:"g" style; pr "\n"; pr " guestfs_h *g;\n"; iter_args ( function | String n -> pr " char *%s;\n" n | OptString n -> pr " char *%s;\n" n | Bool n -> pr " int %s;\n" n ) (snd style); (* Code. *) (match fst style with | Err -> pr " PPCODE:\n"; pr " if (guestfs_%s " name; generate_call_args ~handle:"g" style; pr " == -1)\n"; pr " croak (\"%s: %%s\", last_error);\n" name | RConstString n -> pr "PREINIT:\n"; pr " const char *%s;\n" n; pr " CODE:\n"; pr " %s = guestfs_%s " n name; generate_call_args ~handle:"g" style; pr ";\n"; pr " if (%s == NULL)\n" n; pr " croak (\"%s: %%s\", last_error);\n" name; pr " RETVAL = newSVpv (%s, 0);\n" n; pr " OUTPUT:\n"; pr " RETVAL\n" | RString n -> pr "PREINIT:\n"; pr " char *%s;\n" n; pr " CODE:\n"; pr " %s = guestfs_%s " n name; generate_call_args ~handle:"g" style; pr ";\n"; pr " if (%s == NULL)\n" n; pr " croak (\"%s: %%s\", last_error);\n" name; pr " RETVAL = newSVpv (%s, 0);\n" n; pr " free (%s);\n" n; pr " OUTPUT:\n"; pr " RETVAL\n" | RBool n -> pr "PREINIT:\n"; pr " int %s;\n" n; pr " CODE:\n"; pr " %s = guestfs_%s " n name; generate_call_args ~handle:"g" style; pr ";\n"; pr " if (%s == -1)\n" n; pr " croak (\"%s: %%s\", last_error);\n" name; pr " RETVAL = newSViv (%s);\n" n; pr " OUTPUT:\n"; pr " RETVAL\n" | RStringList n -> pr "PREINIT:\n"; pr " char **%s;\n" n; pr " int i, n;\n"; pr " PPCODE:\n"; pr " %s = guestfs_%s " n name; generate_call_args ~handle:"g" style; pr ";\n"; pr " if (%s == NULL)\n" n; pr " croak (\"%s: %%s\", last_error);\n" name; pr " for (n = 0; %s[n] != NULL; ++n) /**/;\n" n; pr " EXTEND (SP, n);\n"; pr " for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {\n"; pr " PUSHs (sv_2mortal (newSVpv (%s[i], 0)));\n" n; pr " free (%s[i]);\n" n; pr " }\n"; pr " free (%s);\n" n; | RPVList n -> generate_perl_lvm_code "pv" pv_cols name style n; | RVGList n -> generate_perl_lvm_code "vg" vg_cols name style n; | RLVList n -> generate_perl_lvm_code "lv" lv_cols name style n; ); pr "\n" ) all_functions and generate_perl_lvm_code typ cols name style n = pr "PREINIT:\n"; pr " struct guestfs_lvm_%s_list *%s;\n" typ n; pr " int i;\n"; pr " HV *hv;\n"; pr " PPCODE:\n"; pr " %s = guestfs_%s " n name; generate_call_args ~handle:"g" style; pr ";\n"; pr " if (%s == NULL)\n" n; pr " croak (\"%s: %%s\", last_error);\n" name; pr " EXTEND (SP, %s->len);\n" n; pr " for (i = 0; i < %s->len; ++i) {\n" n; pr " hv = newHV ();\n"; List.iter ( function | name, `String -> pr " (void) hv_store (hv, \"%s\", %d, newSVpv (%s->val[i].%s, 0), 0);\n" name (String.length name) n name | name, `UUID -> pr " (void) hv_store (hv, \"%s\", %d, newSVpv (%s->val[i].%s, 32), 0);\n" name (String.length name) n name | name, `Bytes -> pr " (void) hv_store (hv, \"%s\", %d, my_newSVull (%s->val[i].%s), 0);\n" name (String.length name) n name | name, `Int -> pr " (void) hv_store (hv, \"%s\", %d, my_newSVll (%s->val[i].%s), 0);\n" name (String.length name) n name | name, `OptPercent -> pr " (void) hv_store (hv, \"%s\", %d, newSVnv (%s->val[i].%s), 0);\n" name (String.length name) n name ) cols; pr " PUSHs (sv_2mortal ((SV *) hv));\n"; pr " }\n"; pr " guestfs_free_lvm_%s_list (%s);\n" typ n (* Generate Sys/Guestfs.pm. *) and generate_perl_pm () = generate_header HashStyle LGPLv2; pr "\ =pod =head1 NAME Sys::Guestfs - Perl bindings for libguestfs =head1 SYNOPSIS use Sys::Guestfs; my $h = Sys::Guestfs->new (); $h->add_drive ('guest.img'); $h->launch (); $h->wait_ready (); $h->mount ('/dev/sda1', '/'); $h->touch ('/hello'); $h->sync (); =head1 DESCRIPTION The C module provides a Perl XS binding to the libguestfs API for examining and modifying virtual machine disk images. Amongst the things this is good for: making batch configuration changes to guests, getting disk used/free statistics (see also: virt-df), migrating between virtualization systems (see also: virt-p2v), performing partial backups, performing partial guest clones, cloning guests and changing registry/UUID/hostname info, and much else besides. Libguestfs uses Linux kernel and qemu code, and can access any type of guest filesystem that Linux and qemu can, including but not limited to: ext2/3/4, btrfs, FAT and NTFS, LVM, many different disk partition schemes, qcow, qcow2, vmdk. Libguestfs provides ways to enumerate guest storage (eg. partitions, LVs, what filesystem is in each LV, etc.). It can also run commands in the context of the guest. Also you can access filesystems over FTP. =head1 ERRORS All errors turn into calls to C (see L). =head1 METHODS =over 4 =cut package Sys::Guestfs; use strict; use warnings; require XSLoader; XSLoader::load ('Sys::Guestfs'); =item $h = Sys::Guestfs->new (); Create a new guestfs handle. =cut sub new { my $proto = shift; my $class = ref ($proto) || $proto; my $self = Sys::Guestfs::_create (); bless $self, $class; return $self; } "; (* Actions. We only need to print documentation for these as * they are pulled in from the XS code automatically. *) List.iter ( fun (name, style, _, flags, _, longdesc) -> let longdesc = replace_str longdesc "C" in pr "=item "; generate_perl_prototype name style; pr "\n\n"; pr "%s\n\n" longdesc; if List.mem ProtocolLimitWarning flags then pr "Because of the message protocol, there is a transfer limit of somewhere between 2MB and 4MB. To transfer large files you should use FTP.\n\n"; ) all_functions_sorted; (* End of file. *) pr "\ =cut 1; =back =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat Inc. =head1 LICENSE Please see the file COPYING.LIB for the full license. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L. =cut " and generate_perl_prototype name style = (match fst style with | Err -> () | RBool n | RConstString n | RString n -> pr "$%s = " n | RStringList n | RPVList n | RVGList n | RLVList n -> pr "@%s = " n ); pr "$h->%s (" name; let comma = ref false in iter_args ( fun arg -> if !comma then pr ", "; comma := true; match arg with | String n -> pr "%s" n | OptString n -> pr "%s" n | Bool n -> pr "%s" n ) (snd style); pr ");" let output_to filename = let filename_new = filename ^ ".new" in chan := open_out filename_new; let close () = close_out !chan; chan := stdout; Unix.rename filename_new filename; printf "written %s\n%!" filename; in close (* Main program. *) let () = check_functions (); let close = output_to "src/guestfs_protocol.x" in generate_xdr (); close (); let close = output_to "src/guestfs-structs.h" in generate_structs_h (); close (); let close = output_to "src/guestfs-actions.h" in generate_actions_h (); close (); let close = output_to "src/guestfs-actions.c" in generate_client_actions (); close (); let close = output_to "daemon/actions.h" in generate_daemon_actions_h (); close (); let close = output_to "daemon/stubs.c" in generate_daemon_actions (); close (); let close = output_to "fish/cmds.c" in generate_fish_cmds (); close (); let close = output_to "guestfs-structs.pod" in generate_structs_pod (); close (); let close = output_to "guestfs-actions.pod" in generate_actions_pod (); close (); let close = output_to "guestfish-actions.pod" in generate_fish_actions_pod (); close (); let close = output_to "ocaml/guestfs.mli" in generate_ocaml_mli (); close (); let close = output_to "ocaml/guestfs.ml" in generate_ocaml_ml (); close (); let close = output_to "ocaml/guestfs_c_actions.c" in generate_ocaml_c (); close (); let close = output_to "perl/Guestfs.xs" in generate_perl_xs (); close (); let close = output_to "perl/lib/Sys/Guestfs.pm" in generate_perl_pm (); close ();