(* Goalfile evaluation * Copyright (C) 2019 Richard W.M. Jones * Copyright (C) 2019 Red Hat Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. *) open Printf open Utils let rec evaluate_targets env exprs = List.iter (evaluate_target env) exprs and evaluate_target env = function | Ast.EGoal _ -> assert false (* Call a goal. *) | Ast.ECall (loc, name, args) -> let goal = Ast.getgoal env loc name in run_goal env loc name args goal | Ast.ETactic (loc, name, args) -> (* All parameters of tactics must be simple constant expressions * (strings, in future booleans, numbers, etc). *) let args = List.map (Ast.to_constant env) args in run_tactic env loc name args (* Look up the variable and substitute it. *) | Ast.EVar (loc, name) -> let expr = Ast.getvar env loc name in evaluate_target env expr (* Lists are inlined when found as a target. *) | Ast.EList (loc, exprs) -> evaluate_targets env exprs (* A string (with or without substitutions) implies *file(filename). *) | Ast.ESubsts (loc, str) -> let str = Ast.substitute env loc str in run_tactic env loc "file" [Ast.CString str] | Ast.EConstant (loc, c) -> run_tactic env loc "file" [c] (* Run a goal by name. *) and run_goal env loc name args (params, patterns, deps, code) = (* Create a new environment which maps the parameter names to * the args. *) let env = let params = try List.combine params args with Invalid_argument _ -> failwithf "%a: calling goal ‘%s’ with wrong number of arguments" Ast.string_loc loc name in List.fold_left (fun env (k, v) -> Ast.Env.add k v env) env params in (* Check all dependencies have been updated. *) evaluate_targets env deps; (* Check if any target (ie. pattern) needs to be rebuilt. *) let rebuild = List.exists (needs_rebuild env loc deps) patterns in if rebuild then ( (* Run the code (if any). *) (match code with | None -> () | Some code -> (* Add some standard variables to the environment. *) let expr_of_substs s = Ast.ESubsts (Ast.noloc, s) in let expr_of_pattern = function | Ast.PTactic (loc, tactic, targs) -> Ast.ETactic (loc, tactic, List.map expr_of_substs targs) | Ast.PVar (loc, name) -> Ast.EVar (loc, name) in let pexprs = List.map expr_of_pattern patterns in let env = Ast.Env.add "@" (Ast.EList (Ast.noloc, pexprs)) env in let env = Ast.Env.add "<" (Ast.EList (Ast.noloc, deps)) env in let env = match deps with | [] -> env | d :: _ -> Ast.Env.add "^" d env in let code = Ast.to_shell_script env loc code in printf "%s\n%!" (trim code); let r = Sys.command code in if r <> 0 then ( eprintf "*** goal ‘%s’ failed with exit code %d\n" name r; exit 1 ) ); (* Check all targets were updated (else it's an error). *) let pattern_still_needs_rebuild = try Some (List.find (needs_rebuild env loc deps) patterns) with Not_found -> None in match pattern_still_needs_rebuild with | None -> () | Some pattern -> failwithf "%a: goal ‘%s’ ran successfully but it did not rebuild %a" Ast.string_loc loc name Ast.string_pattern pattern ) (* Return whether the target (pattern) needs to be rebuilt. *) and needs_rebuild env loc deps pattern = match pattern with | Ast.PTactic (loc, tactic, targs) -> (* Resolve the targs down to constants. *) let targs = List.map ((* XXX Ast.to_shell_script *) Ast.substitute env loc) targs in (* XXX Look up the tactic. * We would do that, but for now hard code the *file tactic. XXX *) assert (tactic = "file"); assert (List.length targs = 1); let targ = List.hd targs in not (Sys.file_exists targ) | Ast.PVar _ -> assert false (* XXX not implemented *) (* Find the goal which matches the given tactic and run it. * cargs is a list of parameters (all constants). *) and run_tactic env loc tactic cargs = (* Find all goals in the environment. Returns a list of (name, goal). *) let goals = let env = Ast.Env.bindings env in filter_map (function | name, Ast.EGoal (loc, goal) -> Some (name, goal) | _ -> None) env in (* Find all patterns. Returns a list of (pattern, name, goal). *) let patterns : (Ast.pattern * Ast.id * Ast.goal) list = List.flatten (List.map (fun (name, ((_, patterns, _, _) as goal)) -> List.map (fun pattern -> (pattern, name, goal)) patterns) goals) in (* Find any patterns (ie. tactics) which match the one we * are searching for. This returns a binding for the goal args, * so we end up with a list of (pattern, name, goal, args). *) let patterns : (Ast.pattern * Ast.id * Ast.goal * Ast.expr list) list = filter_map ( fun (pattern, name, ((params, _, _, _) as goal)) -> match matching_pattern env loc tactic cargs pattern params with | None -> None | Some args -> Some (pattern, name, goal, args) ) patterns in match patterns with | [_, name, goal, args] -> run_goal env loc name args goal | [] -> (* There's no matching goal, but we don't need one if * the tactic doesn't need to be rebuilt. *) let targs = List.map (function Ast.CString s -> [Ast.SString s]) cargs in let p = Ast.PTactic (loc, tactic, targs) in if needs_rebuild env loc [] p then ( let t = Ast.ETactic (loc, tactic, List.map (fun c -> Ast.EConstant (loc, c)) cargs) in failwithf "%a: don't know how to build %a" Ast.string_loc loc Ast.string_expr t ) | _ -> (* If there are multiple matching goals, then assuming the goals * are different we must pick the one which was defined last in * the file. However we don't do that right now. XXX *) assert false (* TODO! *) (* Test if pattern matches *tactic(cargs). If it does * then we return Some args where args is the arguments that must * be passed to the matching goal. The params parameter is * the names of the parameters of that goal. *) and matching_pattern env loc tactic cargs pattern params = match pattern with | Ast.PVar (loc, name) -> assert false (* TODO! *) | Ast.PTactic (loc, ttactic, targs) when tactic <> ttactic || List.length cargs <> List.length targs -> None (* Can't possibly match if tactic name or #args is different. *) | Ast.PTactic (loc, ttactic, targs) -> (* Do the args match with a possible params binding? *) try Some (matching_params env loc params targs cargs) with Not_found -> None (* Return a possible binding. For example the goal is: * goal compile (name) = "%name.o": "%name.c" {} * which means that params = ["name"] and targs = ["%name.o"]. * * If we are called with cargs = ["file1.o"], we would * return ["file1"]. * * On non-matching this raises Not_found. *) and matching_params env loc params targs cargs = (* This is going to record the resulting binding. *) let res = ref Ast.Env.empty in List.iter2 (matching_param env loc params res) targs cargs; (* Rearrange the result into goal parameter order. Also this * checks that every parameter got a binding. *) let res = !res in List.map ( (* Allow the Not_found exception to escape if no binding for this param. *) fun param -> Ast.Env.find param res ) params (* If targ = "%name.o" and carg = "file.o" then this would set * name => "file" in !res. If they don't match, raises Not_found. *) and matching_param env loc params res targ carg = match carg with | Ast.CString carg -> (* Substitute any non parameters in targ from the environment. *) let targ = List.map ( function | Ast.SString _ as s -> s | Ast.SVar name -> if not (List.mem name params) then ( try let expr = Ast.getvar env loc name in match Ast.to_constant env expr with | Ast.CString s -> Ast.SString s with Failure _ -> raise Not_found ) else Ast.SVar name ) targ in (* Do the actual pattern matching. Any remaining SVar elements * must refer to goal parameters. *) let carg = ref carg in let rec loop = function | [] -> (* End of targ, we must have matched all of carg. *) if !carg <> "" then raise Not_found | Ast.SString s :: rest -> (* Does this match the first part of !carg? *) let clen = String.length !carg in let slen = String.length s in if slen > clen || s <> String.sub !carg 0 slen then raise Not_found; (* Yes, so continue after the matching prefix. *) carg := String.sub !carg slen (clen-slen); loop rest | Ast.SVar name :: Ast.SString s :: rest -> (* This is a goal parameter. Find s later in !carg. *) let i = string_find !carg s in if i = -1 then raise Not_found; (* Set the binding in !res. *) let r = Ast.EConstant (Ast.noloc, Ast.CString (String.sub !carg 0 i)) in res := Ast.Env.add name r !res; (* Continue after the match. *) let skip = i + String.length s in carg := String.sub !carg skip (String.length !carg - skip); loop rest | Ast.SVar name :: [] -> (* Matches the whole remainder of the string. *) let r = Ast.EConstant (Ast.noloc, Ast.CString !carg) in res := Ast.Env.add name r !res | Ast.SVar x :: Ast.SVar y :: _ -> (* TODO! We cannot match a target like "%x%y". *) assert false in loop targ