(* Guestfs Browser. * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Red Hat Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. *) open ExtList open ExtString open Utils open Slave_types open Slave_utils open Printf module C = Libvirt.Connect module Cond = Condition module D = Libvirt.Domain module G = Guestfs module M = Mutex module Q = Queue module UTF8 = CamomileLibraryDefault.Camomile.UTF8 type 'a callback = 'a -> unit (* The commands. *) type command = | Exit_thread | Checksum_file of source * string * string * string callback | Connect of string option * domain list callback | Disk_usage of source * string * int64 callback | Download_dir_find0 of source * string * string * unit callback | Download_dir_tarball of source * string * download_dir_tarball_format * string * unit callback | Download_file of source * string * string * bool * unit callback | File_information of source * string * string callback | File_xattrs of source * string * G.xattr array callback | List_applications of inspection_os * G.application array callback | Open_domain of string * inspection_data callback | Open_images of (string * string option) list * inspection_data callback | Read_directory of source * string * direntry list callback | Reopen of inspection_data callback | Run_command of string * unit callback let rec string_of_command = function | Exit_thread -> "Exit_thread" | Checksum_file (src, pathname, csumtype, _) -> sprintf "Checksum_file (%s, %s, %s)" (string_of_source src) pathname csumtype | Connect (Some name, _) -> sprintf "Connect %s" name | Connect (None, _) -> "Connect NULL" | Disk_usage (src, remotedir, _) -> sprintf "Disk_usage (%s, %s)" (string_of_source src) remotedir | Download_dir_find0 (src, remotedir, localfile, _) -> sprintf "Download_dir_find0 (%s, %s, %s)" (string_of_source src) remotedir localfile | Download_dir_tarball (src, remotedir, format, localfile, _) -> sprintf "Download_dir_tarball (%s, %s, %s, %s)" (string_of_source src) remotedir (string_of_download_dir_tarball_format format) localfile | Download_file (src, remotefile, localfile, check, _) -> sprintf "Download_file (%s, %s, %s, %b)" (string_of_source src) remotefile localfile check | File_information (src, pathname, _) -> sprintf "File_information (%s, %s)" (string_of_source src) pathname | File_xattrs (src, pathname, _) -> sprintf "File_xattrs (%s, %s)" (string_of_source src) pathname | List_applications (os, _) -> sprintf "List_applications %s" os.insp_root | Open_domain (name, _) -> sprintf "Open_domain %s" name | Open_images (images, _) -> sprintf "Open_images %s" (string_of_images images) | Read_directory (src, dir, _) -> sprintf "Read_directory (%s, %s)" (string_of_source src) dir | Reopen _ -> "Reopen" | Run_command (cmd, _) -> sprintf "Run_command %s" cmd and string_of_images images = "[" ^ String.concat "; " (List.map (function | fn, None -> fn | fn, Some format -> sprintf "%s (%s)" fn format) images) ^ "]" and string_of_source = function | OS { insp_root = root } -> sprintf "OS %s" root | Volume dev -> sprintf "Volume %s" dev and string_of_download_dir_tarball_format = function | Tar -> "Tar" | TGZ -> "TGZ" | TXZ -> "TXZ" let no_callback _ = () let failure_hook = ref (fun _ -> ()) let busy_hook = ref (fun _ -> ()) let idle_hook = ref (fun _ -> ()) let status_hook = ref (fun _ -> ()) let progress_hook = ref (fun _ -> ()) let set_failure_hook cb = failure_hook := cb let set_busy_hook cb = busy_hook := cb let set_idle_hook cb = idle_hook := cb let set_status_hook cb = status_hook := cb let set_progress_hook cb = progress_hook := cb (* Execute a function, while holding a mutex. If the function * fails, ensure we release the mutex before rethrowing the * exception. *) let with_lock m f = M.lock m; let r = try Left (f ()) with exn -> Right exn in M.unlock m; match r with | Left r -> r | Right exn -> raise exn (* The queue of commands, and a lock and condition to protect it. *) let q = Q.create () let q_discard = ref false let q_lock = M.create () let q_cond = Cond.create () (* Send a command message to the slave thread. *) let send_to_slave ?fail cmd = debug "sending message %s to slave thread ..." (string_of_command cmd); with_lock q_lock ( fun () -> Q.push (fail, cmd) q; Cond.signal q_cond ) let discard_command_queue () = with_lock q_lock ( fun () -> Q.clear q; (* Discard the currently running command. *) q_discard := true ) let checksum_file ?fail src pathname csumtype cb = send_to_slave ?fail (Checksum_file (src, pathname, csumtype, cb)) let connect ?fail uri cb = send_to_slave ?fail (Connect (uri, cb)) let disk_usage ?fail src remotedir cb = send_to_slave ?fail (Disk_usage (src, remotedir, cb)) let download_dir_find0 ?fail src remotedir localfile cb = send_to_slave ?fail (Download_dir_find0 (src, remotedir, localfile, cb)) let download_dir_tarball ?fail src remotedir format localfile cb = send_to_slave ?fail (Download_dir_tarball (src, remotedir, format, localfile, cb)) let download_file ?fail src remotefile localfile cb = send_to_slave ?fail (Download_file (src, remotefile, localfile, false, cb)) let download_file_if_not_exist ?fail src remotefile localfile cb = send_to_slave ?fail (Download_file (src, remotefile, localfile, true, cb)) let file_information ?fail src pathname cb = send_to_slave ?fail (File_information (src, pathname, cb)) let file_xattrs ?fail src pathname cb = send_to_slave ?fail (File_xattrs (src, pathname, cb)) let list_applications ?fail os cb = send_to_slave ?fail (List_applications (os, cb)) let open_domain ?fail name cb = send_to_slave ?fail (Open_domain (name, cb)) let open_images ?fail images cb = send_to_slave ?fail (Open_images (images, cb)) let read_directory ?fail src path cb = send_to_slave ?fail (Read_directory (src, path, cb)) let reopen ?fail cb = send_to_slave ?fail (Reopen cb) let run_command ?fail cmd cb = send_to_slave ?fail (Run_command (cmd, cb)) (*----- Slave thread starts here -----*) (* Set this to true to exit the thread. *) let quit = ref false (* Handles. These are not protected by locks because only the slave * thread has access to them. *) let conn = ref None let g = ref None (* Last Open_domain or Open_images command. This is so we can implement * the Reopen command. *) let last_open = ref None (* Run the callback unless someone set the q_discard flag while * we were running the command. *) let callback_if_not_discarded (cb : 'a callback) (arg : 'a) = let discard = with_lock q_lock (fun () -> !q_discard) in if not discard then GtkThread.async cb arg (* Update the status bar. *) let status fs = let f str = GtkThread.async !status_hook str in ksprintf f fs let rec loop () = debug "top of slave loop"; (* Get the next command. *) let fail, cmd = with_lock q_lock ( fun () -> while Q.is_empty q do Cond.wait q_cond q_lock done; q_discard := false; Q.pop q ) in debug "slave processing command %s ..." (string_of_command cmd); (try GtkThread.async !busy_hook (); execute_command cmd with exn -> (* If the user provided an override ?fail parameter to the * original call, call that, else call the global hook. *) match fail with | Some cb -> GtkThread.async cb exn | None -> GtkThread.async !failure_hook exn ); (* If there are no more commands in the queue, run the idle hook. *) let empty = with_lock q_lock (fun () -> Q.is_empty q) in if empty then GtkThread.async !idle_hook (); if !quit then Thread.exit (); loop () and execute_command = function | Exit_thread -> quit := true; close_all () | Checksum_file (src, pathname, csumtype, cb) -> status "Calculating %s checksum of %s ..." csumtype pathname; let g = get_g () in let r = with_mount_ro g src ( fun () -> g#checksum csumtype pathname ) in status "Finished calculating %s checksum of %s" csumtype pathname; callback_if_not_discarded cb r | Connect (name, cb) -> let printable_name = match name with None -> "default hypervisor" | Some uri -> uri in status "Connecting to %s ..." printable_name; close_all (); conn := Some (C.connect_readonly ?name ()); let conn = get_conn () in let doms = D.get_domains conn [D.ListAll] in let doms = List.map ( fun d -> { dom_id = D.get_id d; dom_name = D.get_name d; dom_state = (D.get_info d).D.state } ) doms in let cmp { dom_name = n1 } { dom_name = n2 } = UTF8.compare n1 n2 in let doms = List.sort ~cmp doms in status "Connected to %s" printable_name; callback_if_not_discarded cb doms | Disk_usage (src, remotedir, cb) -> status "Calculating disk usage of %s ..." remotedir; let g = get_g () in let r = with_mount_ro g src ( fun () -> g#du remotedir ) in status "Finished calculating disk usage of %s" remotedir; callback_if_not_discarded cb r | Download_dir_find0 (src, remotedir, localfile, cb) -> status "Downloading %s filenames to %s ..." remotedir localfile; let g = get_g () in with_mount_ro g src ( fun () -> g#find0 remotedir localfile ); status "Finished downloading %s" localfile; callback_if_not_discarded cb () | Download_dir_tarball (src, remotedir, format, localfile, cb) -> status "Downloading %s to %s ..." remotedir localfile; let g = get_g () in let f = match format with | Tar -> fun a b -> g#tar_out a b | TGZ -> g#tgz_out | TXZ -> g#txz_out in with_mount_ro g src ( fun () -> f remotedir localfile ); status "Finished downloading %s" localfile; callback_if_not_discarded cb () | Download_file (src, remotefile, localfile, check, cb) -> if not check || not (local_file_exists localfile) then ( status "Downloading %s to %s ..." remotefile localfile; let g = get_g () in with_mount_ro g src ( fun () -> g#download remotefile localfile ); status "Finished downloading %s" localfile ); callback_if_not_discarded cb () | File_information (src, pathname, cb) -> status "Calculating file information for %s ..." pathname; let g = get_g () in let r = with_mount_ro g src ( fun () -> g#file pathname ) in status "Finished calculating file information for %s" pathname; callback_if_not_discarded cb r | File_xattrs (src, pathname, cb) -> status "Getting file xattrs for %s ..." pathname; let g = get_g () in let r = with_mount_ro g src ( fun () -> g#getxattrs pathname ) in status "Finished calculating file information for %s" pathname; callback_if_not_discarded cb r | List_applications (os, cb) -> status "Listing applications ..."; let g = get_g () in let r = with_mount_ro g (OS os) ( fun () -> g#inspect_list_applications os.insp_root ) in status "Finished listing applications"; callback_if_not_discarded cb r | Open_domain (name, cb) as cmd -> status "Opening %s ..." name; let conn = get_conn () in let dom = D.lookup_by_name conn name in let xml = D.get_xml_desc dom in let images = get_disk_images_from_xml xml in open_disk_images images cb cmd | Open_images (images, cb) as cmd -> status "Opening disk images ..."; open_disk_images images cb cmd | Read_directory (src, dir, cb) -> status "Reading directory %s ..." dir; let g = get_g () in let names, stats, links = with_mount_ro g src ( fun () -> let names = g#ls dir in (* sorted and without . and .. *) let stats = lstatlist g dir names in let links = readlinks g dir names (Array.of_list stats) in Array.to_list names, stats, links ) in assert ( let n = List.length names in n = List.length stats && n = List.length links ); let entries = List.combine (List.combine names stats) links in let entries = List.map ( fun ((name, stat), link) -> { dent_name = name; dent_stat = stat; dent_link = link } ) entries in status "Finished reading directory %s" dir; callback_if_not_discarded cb entries | Reopen cb -> (* Execute the last_open command, if there was one. But note * that we have to replace the callback in the saved command with * the new callback passed by the main thread to reopen. *) (match !last_open with | Some (Open_domain (name, _)) -> execute_command (Open_domain (name, cb)) | Some (Open_images (images, _)) -> execute_command (Open_images (images, cb)) | None -> () (* invalid_arg? *) | _ -> assert false (* should never happen *) ) | Run_command (cmd, cb) -> status "Running %s ..." cmd; if Sys.command cmd <> 0 then failwith "External command failed: %s" cmd; status "Finished %s ..." cmd; callback_if_not_discarded cb () (* Expect to be connected, and return the current libvirt connection. *) and get_conn () = match !conn with | Some conn -> conn | None -> failwith "not connected to libvirt" and get_g () = match !g with | Some g -> g | None -> failwith "no domain or disk image is open" (* Close all libvirt and libguestfs handles. *) and close_all () = (match !conn with Some conn -> C.close conn | None -> ()); conn := None; last_open := None; close_g () and close_g () = (match !g with Some g -> g#close () | None -> ()); g := None and get_disk_images_from_xml xml = let xml = Xml.parse_string xml in (* Return the device nodes. *) let devices = match xml with | Xml.Element ("domain", _, children) -> let devices = List.filter_map ( function | Xml.Element ("devices", _, devices) -> Some devices | _ -> None ) children in List.concat devices | _ -> failwith "get_xml_desc didn't return " in (* Look for and return attr_val. *) let rec source_of attr_name = function | [] -> None | Xml.Element ("source", attrs, _) :: rest -> (try Some (List.assoc attr_name attrs) with Not_found -> source_of attr_name rest) | _ :: rest -> source_of attr_name rest in (* Look for and return attr_val. *) let rec format_of = function | [] -> None | Xml.Element ("driver", attrs, _) :: rest -> (try Some (List.assoc "type" attrs) with Not_found -> format_of rest) | _ :: rest -> format_of rest in (* Look for nodes and return the sources (block devices) of those. *) let blkdevs = List.filter_map ( function | Xml.Element ("disk", attrs, disks) -> let filename = try let typ = List.assoc "type" attrs in if typ = "file" then source_of "file" disks else if typ = "block" then source_of "dev" disks else None with Not_found -> None in (match filename with | None -> None | Some filename -> let format = format_of disks in Some (filename, format) ); | _ -> None ) devices in blkdevs (* The common code for Open_domain and Open_images which opens the * libguestfs handle, adds the disks, and launches the appliance. *) and open_disk_images images cb cmd = debug "opening disk image %s" (string_of_images images); close_g (); let g' = new G.guestfs () in g := Some g'; let g = g' in g#set_trace (trace ()); (* Uncomment the next line to pass the verbose flag from the command * line through to libguestfs. This is not generally necessary since * we are not so interested in debugging libguestfs problems at this * level, and the user can always set LIBGUESTFS_DEBUG=1 if they need * to. *) (* g#set_verbose (verbose ());*) (* Attach progress bar callback. *) ignore ( g#set_event_callback ( fun g event handle buf array -> if event == G.EVENT_PROGRESS && Array.length array >= 4 then ( let proc_nr = array.(0) and serial = array.(1) and position = array.(2) and total = array.(3) in debug "progress callback proc_nr=%Ld serial=%Ld posn=%Ld total=%Ld" proc_nr serial position total; GtkThread.async !progress_hook (position, total) ) ) [ G.EVENT_PROGRESS ] ); List.iter ( function | filename, None -> g#add_drive_opts ~readonly:true filename | filename, Some format -> g#add_drive_opts ~readonly:true ~format filename ) images; g#launch (); status "Listing filesystems ..."; (* Get list of filesystems. *) let fses = g#list_filesystems () in status "Looking for operating systems ..."; (* Perform inspection. This can fail, ignore errors. *) let roots = try Array.to_list (g#inspect_os ()) with G.Error msg -> debug "inspection failed (error ignored): %s" msg; [] in let oses = List.map ( fun root -> let typ = g#inspect_get_type root in let windows_current_control_set = if typ <> "windows" then None else ( try Some (g#inspect_get_windows_current_control_set root) with G.Error _ -> None ) in let windows_systemroot = if typ <> "windows" then None else ( try Some (g#inspect_get_windows_systemroot root) with G.Error _ -> None ) in (* Create most of the OS object that we're going to return. We * have to pass this to with_mount_ro below which is why we need * to partially create it here. *) let os = { insp_root = root; insp_arch = g#inspect_get_arch root; insp_distro = g#inspect_get_distro root; insp_drive_mappings = g#inspect_get_drive_mappings root; insp_filesystems = g#inspect_get_filesystems root; insp_hostname = g#inspect_get_hostname root; insp_major_version = g#inspect_get_major_version root; insp_minor_version = g#inspect_get_minor_version root; insp_mountpoints = g#inspect_get_mountpoints root; insp_package_format = g#inspect_get_package_format root; insp_package_management = g#inspect_get_package_management root; insp_product_name = g#inspect_get_product_name root; insp_product_variant = g#inspect_get_product_variant root; insp_type = typ; insp_windows_current_control_set = windows_current_control_set; insp_windows_systemroot = windows_systemroot; insp_winreg_DEFAULT = None; (* incomplete, see below *) insp_winreg_SAM = None; insp_winreg_SECURITY = None; insp_winreg_SOFTWARE = None; insp_winreg_SYSTEM = None; } in (* We need to mount the root in order to look for Registry hives. *) let winreg_DEFAULT, winreg_SAM, winreg_SECURITY, winreg_SOFTWARE, winreg_SYSTEM = match windows_systemroot with | None -> None, None, None, None, None | Some sysroot -> with_mount_ro g (OS os) ( fun () -> let check_for_hive filename = let path = sprintf "%s/system32/config/%s" sysroot filename in try Some (g#case_sensitive_path path) with G.Error _ -> None in check_for_hive "default", check_for_hive "sam", check_for_hive "security", check_for_hive "software", check_for_hive "system" ) in (* Fill in the remaining struct fields. *) let os = { os with insp_winreg_DEFAULT = winreg_DEFAULT; insp_winreg_SAM = winreg_SAM; insp_winreg_SECURITY = winreg_SECURITY; insp_winreg_SOFTWARE = winreg_SOFTWARE; insp_winreg_SYSTEM = winreg_SYSTEM } in os ) roots in let data = { insp_all_filesystems = fses; insp_oses = oses; } in status "Finished opening disk"; (* Save the command, in case user does Reopen. *) last_open := Some cmd; callback_if_not_discarded cb data (* Start up one slave thread. *) let slave_thread = Thread.create loop () (* Note the following function is called from the main thread. *) let exit_thread () = discard_command_queue (); ignore (send_to_slave Exit_thread); Thread.join slave_thread