(* Library of functions useful for people implementing a Wiki. * Written by Richard W.M. Jones . * Copyright (C) 2004 Merjis Ltd. * $Id: wikilib.ml,v 1.1 2004/09/07 10:14:09 rich Exp $ *) open Apache open Registry open Cgi open Cgi_escape open Printf open ExtString open Merjisforwiki (* Generate a URL for a new page with the given title. This code checks * if the URL already exists in the database and can return one of several * errors. *) type genurl_error_t = GenURL_OK of string | GenURL_TooShort | GenURL_BadURL | GenURL_Duplicate of string let nontrivial_re = Pcre.regexp ~flags:[`CASELESS] "[a-z0-9]" let generate_url_of_title (dbh : Dbi.connection) hostid title = (* Create a suitable URL from this title. *) let url = String.map (function '\000' .. ' ' | '<' | '>' | '&' | '"' -> '_' | c -> Char.lowercase c) title in (* Check URL is not too trivial. *) if not (Pcre.pmatch ~rex:nontrivial_re url) then GenURL_TooShort (* URL cannot begin with '_'. *) else if url.[0] = '_' then GenURL_BadURL else ( (* Check that the URL doesn't already exist in the database. If it does * then it probably means that another page exists with similar enough * content, so we should redirect to there instead. *) let sth = dbh#prepare_cached "select 1 from pages where hostid = ? and url = ?" in sth#execute [`Int hostid; `String url]; try sth#fetch1int (); GenURL_Duplicate url with Not_found -> GenURL_OK url ) (* Obscure a mailto: URL against spammers. *) let obscure_mailto url = if String.length url > 8 then ( let c7 = Char.code url.[7] in let c8 = Char.code url.[8] in let start = String.sub url 0 7 in let rest = escape_html_tag (String.sub url 9 (String.length url - 9)) in sprintf "%s&#x%02x;&#x%02x;%s" start c7 c8 rest ) else url (* Convert Wiki markup to XHTML 1.0. * * Shortcomings: * Doesn't support multi-level bullet points. (XXX) * Intra-page links. (XXX) *) (* This matches any markup. *) let markup_re = let link = "\\[\\[\\s*(?:.+?)\\s*(?:\\|.+?\\s*)?\\]\\]" in let tag = "" in Pcre.regexp ("(.*?)((?:" ^ link ^ ")|(?:" ^ tag ^ "))(.*)") (* This matches links only, and should be compatible with the link contained * in the above regexp. *) let link_re = Pcre.regexp "\\[\\[\\s*(.+?)\\s*(?:\\|(.+?)\\s*)?\\]\\]" let image_re = Pcre.regexp "^(image|thumb(?:nail)?):\\s*([a-z0-9][_a-z0-9]*\\.(?:jpg|jpeg|gif|ico|png))$" let file_re = Pcre.regexp "^file:\\s*([a-z0-9][-._a-z0-9]*)$" let url_re = Pcre.regexp "^[a-z]+://" let mailto_re = Pcre.regexp "^mailto:" (* Links. *) let markup_link dbh hostid link = let subs = Pcre.exec ~rex:link_re link in let url = Pcre.get_substring subs 1 in let tag name = function `Null -> "" | `String v -> " " ^ name ^ "=\"" ^ escape_html_tag v ^ "\"" in if Pcre.pmatch ~rex:image_re url then ( (* It may be an image. *) let subs = Pcre.exec ~rex:image_re url in let is_thumb = (Pcre.get_substring subs 1).[0] = 't' in let name = Pcre.get_substring subs 2 in let sql = "select id, " ^ (if is_thumb then "tn_width, tn_height" else "width, height") ^ ", alt, title, longdesc, class from images where hostid = ? and name = ?" in let sth = dbh#prepare_cached sql in sth#execute [`Int hostid; `String name]; try let imageid, width, height, alt, title, longdesc, clasz = match sth#fetch1 () with [`Int imageid; `Int width; `Int height; `String alt; (`Null | `String _) as title; (`Null | `String _) as longdesc; (`Null | `String _) as clasz] -> imageid, width, height, alt, title, longdesc, clasz | _ -> assert false in let link = "/_image/" ^ escape_url name in (if is_thumb then "" else "") ^ "\""" ^ (if is_thumb then "" else "") with Not_found -> (* Image not found. *) "" ^ escape_html name ^ "" ) else if Pcre.pmatch ~rex:file_re url then ( (* It may be a file. *) let subs = Pcre.exec ~rex:file_re url in let name = Pcre.get_substring subs 1 in let sth = dbh#prepare_cached "select title from files where hostid = ? and name = ?" in sth#execute [`Int hostid; `String name]; try let title = match sth#fetch1 () with [(`Null | `String _) as title] -> title | _ -> assert false in "" ^ escape_html name ^ "" with Not_found -> (* File not found. *) "" ^ escape_html name ^ "" ) else ( (* Pcre changed behaviour between versions. Previously a non-capture * would return "". Now it throws 'Not_found'. *) let text = try Pcre.get_substring subs 2 with Not_found -> "" in let text = if text = "" then url else text in (* XXX Escaping here is very hairy indeed. (See also the obscure_mailto * function which performs some escaping ...) *) let url, clasz, title = if Pcre.pmatch ~rex:url_re url then escape_html_tag url, "external", url (* http://.... *) else if Pcre.pmatch ~rex:mailto_re url then ( obscure_mailto url, "mailto", url ) else ( let title = url in (* Look up the 'URL' against the titles in the database and * obtain the real URL. If none is found then it's a link to * create a new page. *) let sth = dbh#prepare_cached "select url from pages where hostid = ? and url is not null and lower (title) = lower (?)" in sth#execute [`Int hostid; `String url]; try let url = sth#fetch1string () in "/" ^ url, "internal", title with Not_found -> "/_bin/create_form.cmo?title=" ^ escape_url url, "newpage", title ) in "" ^ escape_html text ^ "" ) type find_t = FoundNothing | FoundOpen of string * string * string | FoundClose of string * string * string * string | FoundLink of string * string * string let _markup_paragraph dbh hostid text = let find_earliest_markup text = let convert_b_and_i elem = if elem = "b" then "strong" else if elem = "i" then "em" else elem in try let subs = Pcre.exec ~rex:markup_re text in let first = Pcre.get_substring subs 1 in let markup = Pcre.get_substring subs 2 in let rest = Pcre.get_substring subs 3 in if String.length markup > 2 && markup.[0] = '[' && markup.[1] = '[' then ( let link = markup_link dbh hostid markup in FoundLink (first, link, rest) ) else if String.length markup > 2 && markup.[0] = '<' && markup.[1] = '/' then ( let elem = String.sub markup 2 (String.length markup - 3) in let elem = convert_b_and_i elem in FoundClose (first, elem, rest, markup ^ rest) ) else if String.length markup > 1 && markup.[0] = '<' then ( let elem = String.sub markup 1 (String.length markup - 2) in let elem = convert_b_and_i elem in FoundOpen (first, elem, rest) ) else failwith ("bad regexp: markup is '" ^ markup ^ "'"); with Not_found -> FoundNothing in (* This code performs markup for a "paragraph" unit. The strategy * is to look for the next matching markup or link, process that, and * then continue recursively with the remainder of the string. We also * maintain a stack which is our current level of nesting of -like * operators. *) let rec loop = function | "", [] -> [""] (* base case *) | text, ("nowiki" :: stack) -> (*prerr_endline ("nowiki case: text = " ^ text);*) (* If the top of the stack is then we're just looking for * the closing , and nothing else matters. *) (match Pcre.split ~pat:"" ~max:2 text with | [] -> loop ("", stack) | [x] -> escape_html x :: loop ("", stack) | [x;y] -> escape_html x :: loop (y, stack) | _ -> assert false) | "", (x :: xs) -> (* base case, popping the stack *) "" :: loop ("", xs) | text, [] -> (*prerr_endline ("text = " ^ text ^ ", stack empty");*) (* Look for the earliest possible matching markup. Because the * stack is empty, we're not looking for closing tags. *) (match find_earliest_markup text with | FoundNothing -> escape_html text :: [] | FoundClose (first, elem, rest, _) -> (* close tags ignored *) escape_html first :: "</" :: escape_html elem :: ">" :: loop (rest, []) | FoundOpen (first, elem, rest) when elem = "nowiki" -> (* handle specially ... *) escape_html first :: loop (rest, elem :: []) | FoundOpen (first, elem, rest) -> (* open tag - push it onto the stack *) escape_html first :: "<" :: elem :: ">" :: loop (rest, [elem]) | FoundLink (first, link, rest) -> escape_html first :: link :: loop (rest, []) ) | text, ((x :: xs) as stack) -> (*prerr_endline ("text = " ^ text ^ ", top of stack = " ^ x ^ ", stack size = " ^ string_of_int (List.length stack));*) (* Look for the earliest possible matching markup. *) (match find_earliest_markup text with | FoundNothing -> escape_html text :: loop ("", stack) | FoundClose (first, elem, rest, _) when x = elem -> (* matching close tag *) escape_html first :: "" :: loop (rest, xs) | FoundClose (first, elem, rest, elem_rest) -> (* non-matching close tag *) escape_html first :: "" :: loop (elem_rest, xs) | FoundOpen (first, elem, rest) when elem = "nowiki" -> (* handle specially ... *) escape_html first :: loop (rest, elem :: stack) | FoundOpen (first, elem, rest) -> (* open tag - push it onto the stack *) escape_html first :: "<" :: elem :: ">" :: loop (rest, elem :: stack) | FoundLink (first, link, rest) -> (* pop everything off the stack first *) escape_html first :: loop ("", stack) @ link :: loop (rest, []) ) in (*prerr_endline ("original markup = " ^ text);*) let text = loop (text, []) in let text = String.concat "" text in (*prerr_endline ("after loop = " ^ text);*) text let markup_paragraph dbh hostid text = "

" ^ _markup_paragraph dbh hostid text ^ "

" let markup_heading dbh hostid level text = let text = _markup_paragraph dbh hostid text in sprintf "%s" level text level let markup_ul dbh hostid lines = "
  • " ^ String.concat "
  • \n
  • " (List.map (fun t -> _markup_paragraph dbh hostid t) lines) ^ "
" let markup_ol dbh hostid lines = "
  1. " ^ String.concat "
  2. \n
  3. " (List.map (fun t -> _markup_paragraph dbh hostid t) lines) ^ "
" let markup_pre lines = "
\n" ^
  String.concat "\n" (List.map Cgi_escape.escape_html lines) ^
\n" type line_t = STBlank | STHeading of int * string (*


, ... *) | STUnnumbered of string list (*
    *) | STNumbered of string list (*
      *) | STPreformatted of string list (*
      	    | STParagraph of string	(* Ordinary 

      *) let split_lines_re = Pcre.regexp "\\r?\\n" let blank_re = Pcre.regexp "^\\s*$" let heading_re = Pcre.regexp "^(=+)\\s+(.*)" let unnumbered_re = Pcre.regexp "^(\\*)\\s+(.*)" let numbered_re = Pcre.regexp "^(\\#)\\s+(.*)" let preformatted_re = Pcre.regexp "^ (.*)" let xhtml_of_content (dbh : Dbi.connection) hostid text = (* Split the text into lines. *) let lines = Pcre.split ~rex:split_lines_re text in (* Iterate over the lines to isolate headers and paragraphs. *) let lines = List.map (fun line -> if Pcre.pmatch ~rex:preformatted_re line then ( let subs = Pcre.exec ~rex:preformatted_re line in let line = Pcre.get_substring subs 1 in STPreformatted [line] ) else if Pcre.pmatch ~rex:blank_re line then STBlank else if Pcre.pmatch ~rex:heading_re line then ( let subs = Pcre.exec ~rex:heading_re line in let count = String.length (Pcre.get_substring subs 1) + 2 in let line = Pcre.get_substring subs 2 in STHeading (count, line) ) else if Pcre.pmatch ~rex:unnumbered_re line then ( let subs = Pcre.exec ~rex:unnumbered_re line in let line = Pcre.get_substring subs 2 in STUnnumbered [line] ) else if Pcre.pmatch ~rex:numbered_re line then ( let subs = Pcre.exec ~rex:numbered_re line in let line = Pcre.get_substring subs 2 in STNumbered [line] ) else STParagraph line) lines in (* Aggregate paragraphs and lists. *) let rec loop = function [] -> [] | STHeading (_, _) as h :: xs -> h :: loop xs | STUnnumbered lines1 :: STUnnumbered lines2 :: xs -> loop (STUnnumbered (lines1 @ lines2) :: xs) | STUnnumbered lines :: xs -> STUnnumbered lines :: loop xs | STNumbered lines1 :: STNumbered lines2 :: xs -> loop (STNumbered (lines1 @ lines2) :: xs) | STNumbered lines :: xs -> STNumbered lines :: loop xs | STPreformatted lines1 :: STPreformatted lines2 :: xs -> loop (STPreformatted (lines1 @ lines2) :: xs) | STPreformatted lines :: xs -> STPreformatted lines :: loop xs | STParagraph line1 :: STParagraph line2 :: xs -> loop (STParagraph (line1 ^ " " ^ line2) :: xs) | STParagraph line :: xs -> STParagraph line :: loop xs | STBlank :: xs -> loop xs in let lines = loop lines in (* Convert lines to XHTML. *) let lines = List.map (function STBlank -> assert false (* Should never happen. *) | STParagraph para -> markup_paragraph dbh hostid para | STHeading (level, text) -> markup_heading dbh hostid level text | STUnnumbered lines -> markup_ul dbh hostid lines | STNumbered lines -> markup_ol dbh hostid lines | STPreformatted lines -> markup_pre lines ) lines in (* Return the lines. *) String.concat "\n" lines (* Convert valid XHTML to plain text. *) let text_re = Pcre.regexp "<[^>]+>" let text_itempl = Pcre.subst " " let text_of_xhtml xhtml = Pcre.replace ~rex:text_re ~itempl:text_itempl xhtml