(* COCANWIKI - a wiki written in Objective CAML. * Written by Richard W.M. Jones . * Copyright (C) 2004 Merjis Ltd. * $Id: upload_image.ml,v 1.13 2006/03/27 18:09:47 rich Exp $ * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *) open Apache open Registry open Cgi open Printf open ExtString open Cocanwiki open Cocanwiki_ok open Cocanwiki_emailnotify open Cocanwiki_images open Cocanwiki_strings (* Valid image names. *) let image_ok_re = Pcre.regexp "^[a-z0-9][-._a-z0-9]*\\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|ico|png)$" let run r (q : cgi) dbh hostid { hostname = hostname } user= let name = q#param "name" in let alt = q#param "alt" in let title = q#param "title" in let longdesc = q#param "longdesc" in let clazz = q#param "class" in (* See if there was an upload. *) let image = try let upload = q#upload "file" in upload.upload_value with Not_found -> error ~title:"No image" ~back_button:true dbh hostid q "No image was uploaded."; return () in (* Check the name is valid. *) if not (Pcre.pmatch ~rex:image_ok_re name) then ( error ~title:"Bad Image Name" ~back_button:true dbh hostid q ("The Image Name must contain only lowercase English letters, " ^ "numbers, dots, dashes and underscore. " ^ "It must end with .jpg, .gif or .png " ^ "depending on the image format."); return () ); (* Check the image is an image, and get the size. *) let mime_type, width, height = try image_identify image with Invalid_argument _ -> error ~title:"Bad image" ~back_button:true dbh hostid q ("Unknown image type. Is the file you uploaded really an " ^ "image?"); return () in (* Check the image filename extension matches the MIME type. *) let ext_ok = match mime_type with "image/jpeg" -> String.ends_with name ".jpg" || String.ends_with name ".jpeg" | "image/gif" -> String.ends_with name ".gif" | "image/png" -> String.ends_with name ".png" | _ -> assert false in if not ext_ok then ( error ~title:"Bad Image Name" ~back_button:true dbh hostid q ("The Image Name extension has to match the image format. " ^ "For example if the image is in JPEG format, the name must " ^ "be 'something.jpg'. I detected the following image type " ^ "in the file you uploaded: " ^ mime_type); return () ); (* Check some ALT text was supplied. *) if string_is_whitespace alt then ( error ~title:"Missing Alt text" ~back_button:true dbh hostid q ("You must supply Alt text describing the image. This is required " ^ "by accessibility laws and to allow search engines to discover the " ^ "content of images."); return () ); let title = if string_is_whitespace title then None else Some title in let longdesc = if string_is_whitespace longdesc then None else Some longdesc in let clazz = if string_is_whitespace clazz then None else Some clazz in (* Make a thumbnail of this image. *) let thumbnail, tn_mime_type, tn_width, tn_height = image_thumbnail image 120 120 in (* Check if something with the same name already exists. If replace=1 * then we can replace it, otherwise we must present an error message. *) let replace = q#param_true "replace" in let sth = dbh#prepare_cached "select 1 from images where hostid = ? and name = ?" in sth#execute [Some hostid; Some name]; let exists = try sth#fetch1int () = 1 with Not_found -> false in if exists then ( if not replace then ( error ~title:"Image already exists" ~back_button:true dbh hostid q "An image with the same name already exists."; return () ) else ( let sth = dbh#prepare_cached "update images set name_deleted = name, name = null where hostid = ? and name = ?" in sth#execute [Some hostid; Some name]; ) ); (* Put the image into the database. *) let sth = dbh#prepare_cached "insert into images (hostid, name, image, width, height, alt, title, longdesc, class, thumbnail, tn_width, tn_height, mime_type, tn_mime_type) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" in sth#execute [Some hostid; Some name; `Binary image; Some width; Some height; Some alt; title; longdesc; clazz; `Binary thumbnail; Some tn_width; Some tn_height; Some mime_type; Some tn_mime_type]; PGOCaml.commit dbh; (* Email notify. *) let subject = "Image " ^ name ^ " has been uploaded." in let body = fun () -> "Page: http://" ^ hostname ^ "/_images" in email_notify ~body ~subject ~user dbh hostid; let buttons = [ ok_button "/_images" ] in ok ~title:"Image uploaded" ~buttons dbh hostid q "Image was uploaded successfully." let () = register_script ~restrict:[CanEdit] run