(* COCANWIKI - a wiki written in Objective CAML. * Written by Richard W.M. Jones . * Copyright (C) 2004 Merjis Ltd. * $Id: cocanwiki_template.ml,v 1.11 2006/08/16 15:27:02 rich Exp $ * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * This module wraps around the Template library. It provides caching * of templates and fills in standard fields on a host-specific basis. * *) open Unix open Cocanwiki_files open Cocanwiki_strings (* This is used to generate the id fields from URLs on the site menu. *) let id_of_url str = let buf = UTF8.Buf.create (String.length str) in UTF8.iter ( fun c -> if iswebsafe c then UTF8.Buf.add_char buf c else UTF8.Buf.add_char buf (UChar.of_char '_') ) str; UTF8.Buf.contents buf let base = let base = try Sys.getenv "COCANWIKI_TEMPLATES" with Not_found -> "/usr/share/cocanwiki/templates" in let is_dir path = try (Unix.stat path).Unix.st_kind = Unix.S_DIR with Unix.Unix_error _ -> false in if not (is_dir base) then failwith ("environment variable $COCANWIKI_TEMPLATES " ^ "must be set to point to my 'templates' directory " ^ "(see README file for more details)"); base (* The webserver gets restarted regularly enough that this is reasonable. *) let { tm_year = year } = gmtime (time ()) let year = year + 1900 (* Cache of precompiled templates, arranged by full path. *) let cache = Hashtbl.create 32 let _get_template filename = let path = base // filename in let stat = Unix.stat path in let mtime = stat.st_mtime in try let template, old_mtime = Hashtbl.find cache path in if old_mtime < mtime then ( (* The template has changed on disk since it was compiled. Reload. *) let template = Template.template path in Hashtbl.replace cache path (template, mtime); template ) else template with Not_found -> (* Template not seen before, so load it. *) let template = Template.template path in Hashtbl.replace cache path (template, mtime); template let get_template ?page dbh hostid filename = let template = _get_template filename in if hostid > 0l then ( (* Get standard fields concerning this host from the database. *) let rows = PGSQL(dbh) "nullable-results" "select h.theme_css, h.css is not null, p.name, p.url, h.search_box, h.brand, h.brand_tagline, h.brand_description, h.pagebug, h.ie_imagetoolbar_no, h.global_noodp from hosts h left outer join powered_by p on h.powered_by = p.id where h.id = $hostid" in let theme_css, has_host_css, powered_by_name, powered_by_url, search_box, brand, brand_tagline, brand_description, pagebug, ie_imagetoolbar_no, global_noodp = match rows with | [ row ] -> row | _ -> assert false in let theme_css = match theme_css with | None -> "/_css/standard.css" | Some file -> file in let has_host_css = match has_host_css with | Some true -> true | _ -> false in let powered_by_name, powered_by_url = match powered_by_name, powered_by_url with | None, None -> let url = "http://sandbox.merjis.com/" in let name = Cocanwiki_version.package ^ " " ^ Cocanwiki_version.version in name, url | Some name, Some url -> name, url | _ -> assert false in let branding, brand, has_brand_tagline, brand_tagline, has_brand_description, brand_description = match brand with | None -> false, "", false, "", false, "" | Some brand -> let has_brand_tagline, brand_tagline = match brand_tagline with | None -> false, "" | Some s -> true, s in let has_brand_description, brand_description = match brand_description with | None -> false, "" | Some s -> true, s in true, brand, has_brand_tagline, brand_tagline, has_brand_description, brand_description in let has_pagebug, pagebug = match pagebug with | None -> false, "" | Some pagebug -> true, pagebug in let search_box = match search_box with Some b -> b | _ -> assert false in let ie_imagetoolbar_no = match ie_imagetoolbar_no with Some b -> b | _ -> assert false in let global_noodp = match global_noodp with Some b -> b | _ -> assert false in template#set "theme_css" theme_css; template#conditional "has_host_css" has_host_css; template#set "powered_by_name" powered_by_name; template#set "powered_by_url" powered_by_url; template#conditional "search_box" search_box; template#conditional "branding" branding; template#set "brand" brand; template#conditional "has_brand_tagline" has_brand_tagline; template#set "brand_tagline" brand_tagline; template#conditional "has_brand_description" has_brand_description; template#set "brand_description" brand_description; template#conditional "has_pagebug" has_pagebug; template#set "pagebug" pagebug; template#conditional "ie_imagetoolbar_no" ie_imagetoolbar_no; template#conditional "noodp" global_noodp; (* Site menu. *) let rows = PGSQL(dbh) "select url, label, ordering from sitemenu where hostid = $hostid order by ordering" in let is_homepage = match page with | None -> false | Some "index" -> true | _ -> false in template#conditional "is_homepage" is_homepage; let table = List.map (fun (url, label, _) -> let is_linked = match page with | None -> true | Some page when page = url -> false | _ -> true in let id = id_of_url url in [ "url", Template.VarString url; "label", Template.VarString label; "is_linked", Template.VarConditional is_linked; "id", Template.VarString id ] ) rows in template#table "sitemenu" table; ) else (* if we have no hostid *) ( template#set "theme_css" "/_css/standard.css"; template#conditional "has_host_css" false; template#set "powered_by_name" (Cocanwiki_version.package ^ " " ^ Cocanwiki_version.version); template#set "powered_by_url" "http://sandbox.merjis.com/"; template#conditional "search_box" false; template#conditional "branding" false; template#set "brand" ""; template#conditional "has_brand_tagline" false; template#set "brand_tagline" ""; template#conditional "has_brand_description" false; template#set "brand_description" ""; template#conditional "has_pagebug" false; template#set "pagebug" ""; template#conditional "ie_imagetoolbar_no" false; template#conditional "noodp" false; template#conditional "is_homepage" false; template#table "sitemenu" []; ); (* Copyright year. *) template#set "year" (string_of_int year); template