(* COCANWIKI scripts. * Written by Richard W.M. Jones . * Copyright (C) 2004 Merjis Ltd. * $Id: images.ml,v 1.5 2004/09/08 15:46:53 rich Exp $ *) open Apache open Registry open Cgi open Printf open Cocanwiki open Cocanwiki_template let run r (q : cgi) (dbh : Dbi.connection) (hostid, _, _) _ = let template = get_template dbh hostid "images.html" in let deleted = q#param_true "deleted" in template#conditional "deleted" deleted; let sql = "select id, name, name_deleted, width, height, alt, octet_length (image), tn_width, tn_height from images where hostid = ? and " ^ (if not deleted then "name is not null" else "name_deleted is not null") ^ " order by 2, 3" in let sth = dbh#prepare_cached sql in sth#execute [`Int hostid]; let table = sth#map (fun row -> let id, name, width, height, alt, size, tn_width, tn_height, is_deleted, has_thumbnail = match row with | [`Int id; `String name; `Null; `Int width; `Int height; `String alt; `Int size; `Int tn_width; `Int tn_height] -> id, name, width, height, alt, size, tn_width, tn_height, false, true | [`Int id; `Null; `String name; `Int width; `Int height; `String alt; `Int size; `Int tn_width; `Int tn_height] -> id, name, width, height, alt, size, tn_width, tn_height, true, true | [`Int id; `String name; `Null; `Int width; `Int height; `String alt; `Int size; `Null; `Null] -> id, name, width, height, alt, size, 0, 0, false, false | [`Int id; `Null; `String name; `Int width; `Int height; `String alt; `Int size; `Null; `Null] -> id, name, width, height, alt, size, 0, 0, true, false | _ -> assert false in [ "id", Template.VarString (string_of_int id); "name", Template.VarString name; "width", Template.VarString (string_of_int width); "height", Template.VarString (string_of_int height); "alt", Template.VarString alt; "ksize", Template.VarString (string_of_int (size / 1024)); "tn_width", Template.VarString (string_of_int tn_width); "tn_height", Template.VarString (string_of_int tn_height); "is_deleted", Template.VarConditional is_deleted; "has_thumbnail", Template.VarConditional has_thumbnail ]) in template#table "images" table; q#template template let () = register_script ~restrict:[CanEdit] run