(* COCANWIKI scripts. * Written by Richard W.M. Jones . * Copyright (C) 2004 Merjis Ltd. * $Id: edit_host_css.ml,v 1.2 2004/09/07 13:40:10 rich Exp $ *) open Apache open Registry open Cgi open Printf open Merjisforwiki open Cocanwiki open Cocanwiki_ok let run r (q : cgi) (dbh : Dbi.connection) (hostid, _, _) _ = let hostid = int_of_string (q#param "hostid") in let css = q#param "css" in let css = if string_is_whitespace css then `Null else `String css in (* XXX We should version the global stylesheet. However this requires * some fairly non-trivial coding. *) let sth = dbh#prepare_cached "update hosts set css = ? where id = ?" in sth#execute [css; `Int hostid]; dbh#commit (); let buttons = [ { StdPages.label = "OK"; StdPages.link = "/_bin/admin/host.cmo"; StdPages.method_ = None; StdPages.params = [ "hostid", string_of_int hostid ] }; { StdPages.label = "Edit stylesheet again"; StdPages.link = "/_bin/admin/edit_host_css_form.cmo"; StdPages.method_ = None; StdPages.params = [ "hostid", string_of_int hostid ] } ] in ok ~title:"Stylesheet changed" ~buttons q ("The stylesheet was changed successfully. " ^ "Note: You must RELOAD the page to see changes to stylesheets.") let () = register_script run