(* virt-resize * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Red Hat Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. *) open Printf module G = Guestfs open Utils (* Minimum surplus before we create an extra partition. *) let min_extra_partition = 10L *^ 1024L *^ 1024L (* Command line argument parsing. *) let prog = Filename.basename Sys.executable_name let infile, outfile, copy_boot_loader, debug, deletes, dryrun, expand, expand_content, extra_partition, format, ignores, lv_expands, output_format, quiet, resizes, resizes_force, shrink = let display_version () = let g = new G.guestfs () in let version = g#version () in printf "virt-resize %Ld.%Ld.%Ld%s" version.G.major version.G.minor version.G.release version.G.extra; exit 0 in let add xs s = xs := s :: !xs in let copy_boot_loader = ref true in let debug = ref false in let deletes = ref [] in let dryrun = ref false in let expand = ref "" in let set_expand s = if s = "" then error "%s: empty --expand option" prog else if !expand <> "" then error "--expand option given twice" else expand := s in let expand_content = ref true in let extra_partition = ref true in let format = ref "" in let ignores = ref [] in let lv_expands = ref [] in let output_format = ref "" in let quiet = ref false in let resizes = ref [] in let resizes_force = ref [] in let shrink = ref "" in let set_shrink s = if s = "" then error "empty --shrink option" else if !shrink <> "" then error "--shrink option given twice" else shrink := s in let argspec = Arg.align [ "--no-copy-boot-loader", Arg.Clear copy_boot_loader, " Don't copy boot loader"; "-d", Arg.Set debug, " Enable debugging messages"; "--debug", Arg.Set debug, " -\"-"; "--delete", Arg.String (add deletes), "dev Delete partition"; "--expand", Arg.String set_expand, "dev Expand partition"; "--no-expand-content", Arg.Clear expand_content, " Don't expand content"; "--no-extra-partition", Arg.Clear extra_partition, " Don't create extra partition"; "--format", Arg.Set_string format, "format Format of input disk"; "--ignore", Arg.String (add ignores), "dev Ignore partition"; "--lv-expand", Arg.String (add lv_expands), "lv Expand logical volume"; "--LV-expand", Arg.String (add lv_expands), "lv -\"-"; "--lvexpand", Arg.String (add lv_expands), "lv -\"-"; "--LVexpand", Arg.String (add lv_expands), "lv -\"-"; "-n", Arg.Set dryrun, " Don't perform changes"; "--dryrun", Arg.Set dryrun, " -\"-"; "--dry-run", Arg.Set dryrun, " -\"-"; "--output-format", Arg.Set_string format, "format Format of output disk"; "-q", Arg.Set quiet, " Don't print the summary"; "--quiet", Arg.Set quiet, " -\"-"; "--resize", Arg.String (add resizes), "part=size Resize partition"; "--resize-force", Arg.String (add resizes_force), "part=size Forcefully resize partition"; "--shrink", Arg.String set_shrink, "dev Shrink partition"; "-V", Arg.Unit display_version, " Display version and exit"; "--version", Arg.Unit display_version, " -\"-"; ] in let disks = ref [] in let anon_fun s = disks := s :: !disks in let usage_msg = sprintf "\ %s: resize a virtual machine disk A short summary of the options is given below. For detailed help please read the man page virt-resize(1). " prog in Arg.parse argspec anon_fun usage_msg; let debug = !debug in if debug then ( eprintf "command line:"; List.iter (eprintf " %s") (Array.to_list Sys.argv); prerr_newline () ); (* Dereference the rest of the args. *) let copy_boot_loader = !copy_boot_loader in let deletes = List.rev !deletes in let dryrun = !dryrun in let expand = match !expand with "" -> None | str -> Some str in let expand_content = !expand_content in let extra_partition = !extra_partition in let format = match !format with "" -> None | str -> Some str in let ignores = List.rev !ignores in let lv_expands = List.rev !lv_expands in let output_format = match !output_format with "" -> None | str -> Some str in let quiet = !quiet in let resizes = List.rev !resizes in let resizes_force = List.rev !resizes_force in let shrink = match !shrink with "" -> None | str -> Some str in (* Verify we got exactly 2 disks. *) let infile, outfile = match List.rev !disks with | [infile; outfile] -> infile, outfile | _ -> error "usage is: %s [--options] indisk outdisk" prog in infile, outfile, copy_boot_loader, debug, deletes, dryrun, expand, expand_content, extra_partition, format, ignores, lv_expands, output_format, quiet, resizes, resizes_force, shrink (* Default to true, since NTFS support is usually available. *) let ntfs_available = ref true (* Add in and out disks to the handle and launch. *) let connect_both_disks () = let g = new G.guestfs () in if debug then g#set_trace true; g#add_drive_opts ?format ~readonly:true infile; g#add_drive_opts ?format:output_format ~readonly:false outfile; if not quiet then Progress.set_up_progress_bar g; g#launch (); (* Set the filter to /dev/sda, in case there are any rogue * PVs lying around on the target disk. *) g#lvm_set_filter [|"/dev/sda"|]; (* Update features available in the daemon. *) ntfs_available := feature_available g [|"ntfsprogs"; "ntfs3g"|]; g let g = if not quiet then printf "Examining %s ...\n%!" infile; let g = connect_both_disks () in g (* Get the size in bytes of each disk. * * Originally we computed this by looking at the same of the host file, * but of course this failed for qcow2 images (RHBZ#633096). The right * way to do it is with g#blockdev_getsize64. *) let sectsize, insize, outsize = let sectsize = g#blockdev_getss "/dev/sdb" in let insize = g#blockdev_getsize64 "/dev/sda" in let outsize = g#blockdev_getsize64 "/dev/sdb" in if debug then ( eprintf "%s size %Ld bytes\n" infile insize; eprintf "%s size %Ld bytes\n" outfile outsize ); sectsize, insize, outsize let max_bootloader = (* In reality the number of sectors containing boot loader data will be * less than this (although Windows 7 defaults to putting the first * partition on sector 2048, and has quite a large boot loader). * * However make this large enough to be sure that we have copied over * the boot loader. We could also do this by looking for the sector * offset of the first partition. * * It doesn't matter if we copy too much. *) 4096 * 512 (* Check the disks are at least as big as the bootloader. *) let () = if insize < Int64.of_int max_bootloader then error "%s: file is too small to be a disk image (%Ld bytes)" infile insize; if outsize < Int64.of_int max_bootloader then error "%s: file is too small to be a disk image (%Ld bytes)" outfile outsize (* Build a data structure describing the source disk's partition layout. *) type partition = { p_name : string; (* Device name, like /dev/sda1. *) p_size : int64; (* Current size of this partition. *) p_part : G.partition; (* Partition data from libguestfs. *) p_bootable : bool; (* Is it bootable? *) p_mbr_id : int option; (* MBR ID, if it has one. *) p_type : partition_content; (* Content type and content size. *) mutable p_operation : partition_operation; (* What we're going to do. *) mutable p_target_partnum : int; (* Partition number on target. *) } and partition_content = | ContentUnknown (* undetermined *) | ContentPV of int64 (* physical volume (size of PV) *) | ContentFS of string * int64 (* mountable filesystem (FS type, FS size) *) and partition_operation = | OpCopy (* copy it as-is, no resizing *) | OpIgnore (* ignore it (create on target, but don't copy any content) *) | OpDelete (* delete it *) | OpResize of int64 (* resize it to the new size *) let rec debug_partition p = eprintf "%s:\n" p.p_name; eprintf "\tpartition data: %ld %Ld-%Ld (%Ld bytes)\n" p.p_part.G.part_num p.p_part.G.part_start p.p_part.G.part_end p.p_part.G.part_size; eprintf "\tbootable: %b\n" p.p_bootable; eprintf "\tpartition ID: %s\n" (match p.p_mbr_id with None -> "(none)" | Some i -> sprintf "0x%x" i); eprintf "\tcontent: %s\n" (string_of_partition_content p.p_type) and string_of_partition_content = function | ContentUnknown -> "unknown data" | ContentPV sz -> sprintf "LVM PV (%Ld bytes)" sz | ContentFS (fs, sz) -> sprintf "filesystem %s (%Ld bytes)" fs sz and string_of_partition_content_no_size = function | ContentUnknown -> "unknown data" | ContentPV _ -> sprintf "LVM PV" | ContentFS (fs, _) -> sprintf "filesystem %s" fs let get_partition_content = let pvs_full = Array.to_list (g#pvs_full ()) in fun dev -> try let fs = g#vfs_type dev in if fs = "unknown" then ContentUnknown else if fs = "LVM2_member" then ( let rec loop = function | [] -> error "%s: physical volume not returned by pvs_full" dev | pv :: _ when canonicalize pv.G.pv_name = dev -> ContentPV pv.G.pv_size | _ :: pvs -> loop pvs in loop pvs_full ) else ( g#mount_ro dev "/"; let stat = g#statvfs "/" in let size = stat.G.bsize *^ stat.G.blocks in ContentFS (fs, size) ) with G.Error _ -> ContentUnknown let partitions : partition list = let parts = Array.to_list (g#part_list "/dev/sda") in if List.length parts = 0 then error "the source disk has no partitions"; let partitions = List.map ( fun ({ G.part_num = part_num } as part) -> let part_num = Int32.to_int part_num in let name = sprintf "/dev/sda%d" part_num in let bootable = g#part_get_bootable "/dev/sda" part_num in let mbr_id = try Some (g#part_get_mbr_id "/dev/sda" part_num) with G.Error _ -> None in let typ = get_partition_content name in { p_name = name; p_size = part.G.part_size; p_part = part; p_bootable = bootable; p_mbr_id = mbr_id; p_type = typ; p_operation = OpCopy; p_target_partnum = 0 } ) parts in if debug then ( eprintf "%d partitions found\n" (List.length partitions); List.iter debug_partition partitions ); (* Check content isn't larger than partitions. If it is then * something has gone wrong and we shouldn't continue. Old * virt-resize didn't do these checks. *) List.iter ( function | { p_name = name; p_size = size; p_type = ContentPV pv_size } when size < pv_size -> error "%s: partition size %Ld < physical volume size %Ld" name size pv_size | { p_name = name; p_size = size; p_type = ContentFS (_, fs_size) } when size < fs_size -> error "%s: partition size %Ld < filesystem size %Ld" name size fs_size | _ -> () ) partitions; (* Check partitions don't overlap. *) let rec loop end_of_prev = function | [] -> () | { p_name = name; p_part = { G.part_start = part_start } } :: _ when end_of_prev > part_start -> error "%s: this partition overlaps the previous one" name | { p_part = { G.part_end = part_end } } :: parts -> loop part_end parts in loop 0L partitions; partitions (* Build a data structure describing LVs on the source disk. * This is only used if the user gave the --lv-expand option. *) type logvol = { lv_name : string; lv_type : logvol_content; mutable lv_operation : logvol_operation } and logvol_content = partition_content (* except ContentPV cannot occur *) and logvol_operation = | LVOpNone (* nothing *) | LVOpExpand (* expand it *) let debug_logvol lv = eprintf "%s:\n" lv.lv_name; eprintf "\tcontent: %s\n" (string_of_partition_content lv.lv_type) let lvs = let lvs = Array.to_list (g#lvs ()) in let lvs = List.map ( fun name -> let typ = get_partition_content name in assert (match typ with ContentPV _ -> false | _ -> true); { lv_name = name; lv_type = typ; lv_operation = LVOpNone } ) lvs in if debug then ( eprintf "%d logical volumes found\n" (List.length lvs); List.iter debug_logvol lvs ); lvs (* These functions tell us if we know how to expand the content of * a particular partition or LV, and what method to use. *) type expand_content_method = PVResize | Resize2fs | NTFSResize let string_of_expand_content_method = function | PVResize -> "pvresize" | Resize2fs -> "resize2fs" | NTFSResize -> "ntfsresize" let can_expand_content = if expand_content then function | ContentUnknown -> false | ContentPV _ -> true | ContentFS (("ext2"|"ext3"|"ext4"), _) -> true | ContentFS (("ntfs"), _) when !ntfs_available -> true | ContentFS (_, _) -> false else fun _ -> false let expand_content_method = if expand_content then function | ContentUnknown -> assert false | ContentPV _ -> PVResize | ContentFS (("ext2"|"ext3"|"ext4"), _) -> Resize2fs | ContentFS (("ntfs"), _) when !ntfs_available -> NTFSResize | ContentFS (_, _) -> assert false else fun _ -> assert false (* Helper function to locate a partition given what the user might * type on the command line. It also gives errors for partitions * that the user has asked to be ignored or deleted. *) let find_partition = let hash = Hashtbl.create 13 in List.iter (fun ({ p_name = name } as p) -> Hashtbl.add hash name p) partitions; fun ~option name -> let name = if String.length name < 5 || String.sub name 0 5 <> "/dev/" then "/dev/" ^ name else name in let name = canonicalize name in let partition = try Hashtbl.find hash name with Not_found -> error "%s: partition not found in the source disk image (this error came from '%s' option on the command line). Try running this command: virt-filesystems --partitions --long -a %s" name option infile in if partition.p_operation = OpIgnore then error "%s: partition already ignored, you cannot use it in '%s' option" name option; if partition.p_operation = OpDelete then error "%s: partition already deleted, you cannot use it in '%s' option" name option; partition (* Handle --ignore option. *) let () = List.iter ( fun dev -> let p = find_partition ~option:"--ignore" dev in p.p_operation <- OpIgnore ) ignores (* Handle --delete option. *) let () = List.iter ( fun dev -> let p = find_partition ~option:"--delete" dev in p.p_operation <- OpDelete ) deletes (* Helper function to mark a partition for resizing. It prevents the * user from trying to mark the same partition twice. If the force * flag is given, then we will allow the user to shrink the partition * even if we think that would destroy the content. *) let mark_partition_for_resize ~option ?(force = false) p newsize = let name = p.p_name in let oldsize = p.p_size in (match p.p_operation with | OpResize _ -> error "%s: this partition has already been marked for resizing" name | OpIgnore | OpDelete -> (* This error should have been caught already by find_partition ... *) error "%s: this partition has already been ignored or deleted" name | OpCopy -> () ); (* Only do something if the size will change. *) if oldsize <> newsize then ( let bigger = newsize > oldsize in if not bigger && not force then ( (* Check if this contains filesystem content, and how big that is * and whether we will destroy any content by shrinking this. *) match p.p_type with | ContentUnknown -> error "%s: This partition has unknown content which might be damaged by shrinking it. If you want to shrink this partition, you need to use the '--resize-force' option, but that could destroy any data on this partition. (This error came from '%s' option on the command line.)" name option | ContentPV size when size > newsize -> error "%s: This partition has contains an LVM physical volume which will be damaged by shrinking it below %Ld bytes (user asked to shrink it to %Ld bytes). If you want to shrink this partition, you need to use the '--resize-force' option, but that could destroy any data on this partition. (This error came from '%s' option on the command line.)" name size newsize option | ContentPV _ -> () | ContentFS (fstype, size) when size > newsize -> error "%s: This partition has contains a %s filesystem which will be damaged by shrinking it below %Ld bytes (user asked to shrink it to %Ld bytes). If you want to shrink this partition, you need to use the '--resize-force' option, but that could destroy any data on this partition. (This error came from '%s' option on the command line.)" name fstype size newsize option | ContentFS _ -> () ); p.p_operation <- OpResize newsize ) (* Handle --resize and --resize-force options. *) let () = let do_resize ~option ?(force = false) arg = (* Argument is "dev=size". *) let dev, sizefield = try let i = String.index arg '=' in let n = String.length arg - (i+1) in if n == 0 then raise Not_found; String.sub arg 0 i, String.sub arg (i+1) n with Not_found -> error "%s: missing size field in '%s' option" arg option in let p = find_partition ~option dev in (* Parse the size field. *) let oldsize = p.p_size in let newsize = parse_size oldsize sizefield in if newsize <= 0L then error "%s: new partition size is zero or negative" dev; mark_partition_for_resize ~option ~force p newsize in List.iter (do_resize ~option:"--resize") resizes; List.iter (do_resize ~option:"--resize-force" ~force:true) resizes_force (* Helper function calculates the surplus space, given the total * required so far for the current partition layout, compared to * the size of the target disk. If the return value >= 0 then it's * a surplus, if it is < 0 then it's a deficit. *) let calculate_surplus () = (* We need some overhead for partitioning. Worst case would be for * EFI partitioning + massive per-partition alignment. *) let nr_partitions = List.length partitions in let overhead = (Int64.of_int sectsize) *^ ( 2L *^ 64L +^ (* GPT start and end *) (64L *^ (Int64.of_int (nr_partitions + 1))) (* Maximum alignment *) ) +^ (Int64.of_int (max_bootloader - 64 * 512)) in (* Bootloader *) let required = List.fold_left ( fun total p -> let newsize = match p.p_operation with | OpCopy | OpIgnore -> p.p_size | OpDelete -> 0L | OpResize newsize -> newsize in total +^ newsize ) 0L partitions in outsize -^ (required +^ overhead) (* Handle --expand and --shrink options. *) let () = if expand <> None && shrink <> None then error "you cannot use options --expand and --shrink together"; if expand <> None || shrink <> None then ( let surplus = calculate_surplus () in if debug then eprintf "surplus before --expand or --shrink: %Ld\n" surplus; (match expand with | None -> () | Some dev -> if surplus < 0L then error "You cannot use --expand when there is no surplus space to expand into. You need to make the target disk larger by at least %s." (human_size (Int64.neg surplus)); let option = "--expand" in let p = find_partition ~option dev in let oldsize = p.p_size in mark_partition_for_resize ~option p (oldsize +^ surplus) ); (match shrink with | None -> () | Some dev -> if surplus > 0L then error "You cannot use --shrink when there is no deficit (see 'deficit' in the virt-resize(1) man page)."; let option = "--shrink" in let p = find_partition ~option dev in let oldsize = p.p_size in mark_partition_for_resize ~option p (oldsize +^ surplus) ) ) (* Calculate the final surplus. * At this point, this number must be >= 0. *) let surplus = let surplus = calculate_surplus () in if surplus < 0L then ( let deficit = Int64.neg surplus in error "There is a deficit of %Ld bytes (%s). You need to make the target disk larger by at least this amount or adjust your resizing requests." deficit (human_size deficit) ); surplus (* Mark the --lv-expand LVs. *) let () = let hash = Hashtbl.create 13 in List.iter (fun ({ lv_name = name } as lv) -> Hashtbl.add hash name lv) lvs; List.iter ( fun name -> let lv = try Hashtbl.find hash name with Not_found -> error "%s: logical volume not found in the source disk image (this error came from '--lv-expand' option on the command line). Try running this command: virt-filesystems --logical-volumes --long -a %s" name infile in lv.lv_operation <- LVOpExpand ) lv_expands (* Print a summary of what we will do. *) let () = flush stderr; if not quiet then ( printf "**********\n\n"; printf "Summary of changes:\n\n"; List.iter ( fun ({ p_name = name; p_size = oldsize } as p) -> let text = match p.p_operation with | OpCopy -> sprintf "%s: This partition will be left alone." name | OpIgnore -> sprintf "%s: This partition will be created, but the contents will be ignored (ie. not copied to the target)." name | OpDelete -> sprintf "%s: This partition will be deleted." name | OpResize newsize -> sprintf "%s: This partition will be resized from %s to %s." name (human_size oldsize) (human_size newsize) ^ if can_expand_content p.p_type then ( sprintf " The %s on %s will be expanded using the '%s' method." (string_of_partition_content_no_size p.p_type) name (string_of_expand_content_method (expand_content_method p.p_type)) ) else "" in wrap ~hanging:4 (text ^ "\n\n") ) partitions; List.iter ( fun ({ lv_name = name } as lv) -> match lv.lv_operation with | LVOpNone -> () | LVOpExpand -> let text = sprintf "%s: This logical volume will be expanded to maximum size." name ^ if can_expand_content lv.lv_type then ( sprintf " The %s on %s will be expanded using the '%s' method." (string_of_partition_content_no_size lv.lv_type) name (string_of_expand_content_method (expand_content_method lv.lv_type)) ) else "" in wrap ~hanging:4 (text ^ "\n\n") ) lvs; if surplus > 0L then ( let text = sprintf "There is a surplus of %s." (human_size surplus) ^ if extra_partition then ( if surplus >= min_extra_partition then sprintf " An extra partition will be created for the surplus." else sprintf " The surplus space is not large enough for an extra partition to be created and so it will just be ignored." ) else sprintf " The surplus space will be ignored. Run a partitioning program in the guest to partition this extra space if you want." in wrap (text ^ "\n\n") ); printf "**********\n"; flush stdout ); if dryrun then exit 0 (* Create a partition table. * * We *must* do this before copying the bootloader across, and copying * the bootloader must be careful not to disturb this partition table * (RHBZ#633766). There are two reasons for this: * * (1) The 'parted' library is stupid and broken. In many ways. In * this particular instance the stupid and broken bit is that it * overwrites the whole boot sector when initializating a partition * table. (Upstream don't consider this obvious problem to be a bug). * * (2) GPT has a backup partition table located at the end of the disk. * It's non-movable, because the primary GPT contains fixed references * to both the size of the disk and the backup partition table at the * end. This would be a problem for any resize that didn't either * carefully move the backup GPT (and rewrite those references) or * recreate the whole partition table from scratch. *) let g, parttype = let parttype = g#part_get_parttype "/dev/sda" in if debug then eprintf "partition table type: %s\n%!" parttype; (* Try hard to initialize the partition table. This might involve * relaunching another handle. *) if not quiet then printf "Setting up initial partition table on %s ...\n%!" outfile; let last_error = ref "" in let rec initialize_partition_table g attempts = let ok = try g#part_init "/dev/sdb" parttype; true with G.Error error -> last_error := error; false in if ok then g, true else if attempts > 0 then ( g#zero "/dev/sdb"; g#sync (); g#close (); let g = connect_both_disks () in initialize_partition_table g (attempts-1) ) else g, false in let g, ok = initialize_partition_table g 5 in if not ok then error "Failed to initialize the partition table on the target disk. You need to wipe or recreate the target disk and then run virt-resize again.\n\nThe underlying error was: %s" !last_error; g, parttype (* Copy the bootloader across. * Don't disturb the partition table that we just wrote. * https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Master_Boot_Record * https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/GUID_Partition_Table *) let () = if copy_boot_loader then ( let bootsect = g#pread_device "/dev/sda" 446 0L in if String.length bootsect < 446 then error "pread-device: short read"; ignore (g#pwrite_device "/dev/sdb" bootsect 0L); let start = if parttype <> "gpt" then 512L else (* XXX With 4K sectors does GPT just fit more entries in a * sector, or does it always use 34 sectors? *) 17408L in let loader = g#pread_device "/dev/sda" max_bootloader start in if String.length loader < max_bootloader then error "pread-device: short read"; ignore (g#pwrite_device "/dev/sdb" loader start) ) (* Repartition the target disk. *) let () = (* The first partition must start at the same position as the old * first partition. Old virt-resize used to align this to 64 * sectors, but I suspect this is the cause of boot failures, so * let's not do this. *) let sectsize = Int64.of_int sectsize in let start = ref ((List.hd partitions).p_part.G.part_start /^ sectsize) in (* This counts the partition numbers on the target disk. *) let nextpart = ref 1 in let rec repartition = function | [] -> () | p :: ps -> let target_partnum = match p.p_operation with | OpDelete -> None (* do nothing *) | OpIgnore | OpCopy -> (* new partition, same size *) (* Size in sectors. *) let size = (p.p_size +^ sectsize -^ 1L) /^ sectsize in Some (add_partition size) | OpResize newsize -> (* new partition, resized *) (* Size in sectors. *) let size = (newsize +^ sectsize -^ 1L) /^ sectsize in Some (add_partition size) in (match target_partnum with | None -> (* OpDelete *) () | Some target_partnum -> (* not OpDelete *) p.p_target_partnum <- target_partnum; (* Set bootable and MBR IDs *) if p.p_bootable then g#part_set_bootable "/dev/sdb" target_partnum true; (match p.p_mbr_id with | None -> () | Some mbr_id -> g#part_set_mbr_id "/dev/sdb" target_partnum mbr_id ); ); repartition ps (* Add a partition, returns the partition number on the target. *) and add_partition size (* in SECTORS *) = let target_partnum, end_ = if !nextpart <= 3 || parttype <> "msdos" then ( let target_partnum = !nextpart in let end_ = !start +^ size -^ 1L in g#part_add "/dev/sdb" "primary" !start end_; incr nextpart; target_partnum, end_ ) else ( if !nextpart = 4 then ( g#part_add "/dev/sdb" "extended" !start (-1L); incr nextpart; start := !start +^ 64L ); let target_partnum = !nextpart in let end_ = !start +^ size -^ 1L in g#part_add "/dev/sdb" "logical" !start end_; incr nextpart; target_partnum, end_ ) in (* Start of next partition + alignment to 64 sectors. *) start := ((end_ +^ 1L) +^ 63L) &^ (~^ 63L); target_partnum in repartition partitions; (* Create the surplus partition. *) if extra_partition && surplus >= min_extra_partition then ( let size = outsize /^ sectsize -^ 64L -^ !start in ignore (add_partition size) ) (* Copy over the data. *) let () = let rec copy_data = function | [] -> () | ({ p_name = source; p_target_partnum = target_partnum; p_operation = (OpCopy | OpResize _) } as p) :: ps when target_partnum > 0 -> let oldsize = p.p_size in let newsize = match p.p_operation with OpResize s -> s | _ -> oldsize in let copysize = if newsize < oldsize then newsize else oldsize in let target = sprintf "/dev/sdb%d" target_partnum in if not quiet then printf "Copying %s ...\n%!" source; g#copy_size source target copysize; copy_data ps | _ :: ps -> copy_data ps in copy_data partitions (* After copying the data over we must shut down and restart the * appliance in order to expand the content. The reason for this may * not be obvious, but it's because otherwise we'll have duplicate VGs * (the old VG(s) and the new VG(s)) which breaks LVM. * * The restart is only required if we're going to expand something. *) let to_be_expanded = List.exists ( function | ({ p_operation = OpResize _ } as p) -> can_expand_content p.p_type | _ -> false ) partitions || List.exists ( function | ({ lv_operation = LVOpExpand } as lv) -> can_expand_content lv.lv_type | _ -> false ) lvs let g = if to_be_expanded then ( g#umount_all (); g#sync (); g#close (); let g = new G.guestfs () in if debug then g#set_trace true; g#add_drive_opts ?format:output_format ~readonly:false outfile; if not quiet then Progress.set_up_progress_bar g; g#launch (); g (* Return new handle. *) ) else g (* Return existing handle. *) let () = if to_be_expanded then ( (* Helper function to expand partition or LV content. *) let do_expand_content target = function | PVResize -> g#pvresize target | Resize2fs -> g#e2fsck_f target; g#resize2fs target | NTFSResize -> g#ntfsresize target in (* Expand partition content as required. *) List.iter ( function | ({ p_operation = OpResize _ } as p) when can_expand_content p.p_type -> let source = p.p_name in let target = sprintf "/dev/sda%d" p.p_target_partnum in let meth = expand_content_method p.p_type in if not quiet then printf "Expanding %s%s using the '%s' method ...\n%!" source (if source <> target then sprintf " (now %s)" target else "") (string_of_expand_content_method meth); do_expand_content target meth | _ -> () ) partitions; (* Expand logical volume content as required. *) List.iter ( function | ({ lv_operation = LVOpExpand } as lv) when can_expand_content lv.lv_type -> let name = lv.lv_name in let meth = expand_content_method lv.lv_type in if not quiet then printf "Expanding %s using the '%s' method ...\n%!" name (string_of_expand_content_method meth); (* First expand the LV itself to maximum size. *) g#lvresize_free name 100; (* Then expand the content in the LV. *) do_expand_content name meth | _ -> () ) lvs ) (* Finished. Unmount disks and exit. *) let () = g#umount_all (); g#sync (); g#close (); if not quiet then ( print_newline (); wrap "Resize operation completed with no errors. Before deleting the old disk, carefully check that the resized disk boots and works correctly.\n"; ); exit 0